shithub: hugo

ref: 0091b1f893aba6a0060c392f58fcc0351ee0db66
dir: /deploy/deploy.go/

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// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package deploy

import (

	jww ""

	_ "" // import
	_ ""  // import
	_ ""   // import
	_ ""    // import

// Deployer supports deploying the site to target cloud providers.
type Deployer struct {
	localFs afero.Fs

	targetURL  string     // the Go Cloud blob URL to deploy to
	matchers   []*matcher // matchers to apply to uploaded files
	quiet      bool       // true reduces STDOUT
	confirm    bool       // true enables confirmation before making changes
	dryRun     bool       // true skips conformations and prints changes instead of applying them
	force      bool       // true forces upload of all files
	maxDeletes int        // caps the # of files to delete; -1 to disable

// New constructs a new *Deployer.
func New(cfg config.Provider, localFs afero.Fs) (*Deployer, error) {
	target := cfg.GetString("target")

	// Load the [deployment] section of the config.
	dcfg, err := decodeConfig(cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Find the target to deploy to.
	var targetURL string
	for _, t := range dcfg.Targets {
		if t.Name == target {
			targetURL = t.URL
	if targetURL == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("deployment target %q not found", target)
	return &Deployer{
		localFs:    localFs,
		targetURL:  targetURL,
		matchers:   dcfg.Matchers,
		quiet:      cfg.GetBool("quiet"),
		confirm:    cfg.GetBool("confirm"),
		dryRun:     cfg.GetBool("dryRun"),
		force:      cfg.GetBool("force"),
		maxDeletes: cfg.GetInt("maxDeletes"),
	}, nil

// Deploy deploys the site to a target.
func (d *Deployer) Deploy(ctx context.Context) error {
	// TODO: This opens the root path in the bucket/container.
	// Consider adding support for targeting a subdirectory.
	bucket, err := blob.OpenBucket(ctx, d.targetURL)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Load local files from the source directory.
	local, err := walkLocal(d.localFs, d.matchers)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	jww.INFO.Printf("Found %d local files.\n", len(local))

	// Load remote files from the target.
	remote, err := walkRemote(ctx, bucket)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	jww.INFO.Printf("Found %d remote files.\n", len(remote))

	// Diff local vs remote to see what changes need to be applied.
	uploads, deletes := findDiffs(local, remote, d.force)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(uploads)+len(deletes) == 0 {
		if !d.quiet {
			jww.FEEDBACK.Println("No changes required.")
		return nil
	if !d.quiet {
		jww.FEEDBACK.Println(summarizeChanges(uploads, deletes))

	// Ask for confirmation before proceeding.
	if d.confirm && !d.dryRun {
		fmt.Printf("Continue? (Y/n) ")
		var confirm string
		if _, err := fmt.Scanln(&confirm); err != nil {
			return err
		if confirm != "" && confirm[0] != 'y' && confirm[0] != 'Y' {
			return errors.New("aborted")

	// Apply the changes in parallel, using an inverted worker
	// pool (
	// sem prevents more than nParallel concurrent goroutines.
	const nParallel = 10
	sem := make(chan struct{}, nParallel)
	var errs []error
	var errMu sync.Mutex // protects errs

	for _, upload := range uploads {
		if d.dryRun {
			if !d.quiet {
				jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("[DRY RUN] Would upload: %v\n", upload)

		// TODO: Add a progress indicator, as this can take a while
		// depending on the number of files, upload speed, and size of the
		// site.

		sem <- struct{}{}
		go func(upload *fileToUpload) {
			if err := doSingleUpload(ctx, bucket, upload); err != nil {
				defer errMu.Unlock()
				errs = append(errs, err)

	if d.maxDeletes != -1 && len(deletes) > d.maxDeletes {
		jww.WARN.Printf("Skipping %d deletes because it is more than --maxDeletes (%d). If this is expected, set --maxDeletes to a larger number, or -1 to disable this check.\n", len(deletes), d.maxDeletes)
	} else {
		for _, del := range deletes {
			if d.dryRun {
				if !d.quiet {
					jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("[DRY RUN] Would delete %s\n", del)
			sem <- struct{}{}
			go func(del string) {
				jww.INFO.Printf("Deleting %s...\n", del)
				if err := bucket.Delete(ctx, del); err != nil {
					defer errMu.Unlock()
					errs = append(errs, err)
	// Wait for all uploads/deletes to finish.
	for n := nParallel; n > 0; n-- {
		sem <- struct{}{}
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		if !d.quiet {
			jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("Encountered %d errors.\n", len(errs))
		return errs[0]
	if !d.quiet {

	// TODO: Add support for CloudFront invalidation similar to s3deploy,
	// and possibly similar functionality for other providers.

	return nil

// summarizeChanges creates a text description of the proposed changes.
func summarizeChanges(uploads []*fileToUpload, deletes []string) string {
	uploadSize := int64(0)
	for _, u := range uploads {
		uploadSize += u.Local.UploadSize
	return fmt.Sprintf("Identified %d file(s) to upload, totaling %s, and %d file(s) to delete.", len(uploads), humanize.Bytes(uint64(uploadSize)), len(deletes))

// doSingleUpload executes a single file upload.
func doSingleUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket *blob.Bucket, upload *fileToUpload) error {
	jww.INFO.Printf("Uploading %v...\n", upload)
	opts := &blob.WriterOptions{
		CacheControl:    upload.Local.CacheControl(),
		ContentEncoding: upload.Local.ContentEncoding(),
		ContentType:     upload.Local.ContentType(),
	w, err := bucket.NewWriter(ctx, upload.Local.Path, opts)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = io.Copy(w, upload.Local.UploadContentReader)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// localFile represents a local file from the source. Use newLocalFile to
// construct one.
type localFile struct {
	// Path is the relative path to the file.
	Path string
	// UploadSize is the size of the content to be uploaded. It may not
	// be the same as the local file size if the content will be
	// gzipped before upload.
	UploadSize int64
	// UploadContentReader reads the content to be uploaded. Again,
	// it may not be the same as the local file content due to gzipping.
	UploadContentReader io.Reader

	fs      afero.Fs
	matcher *matcher
	md5     []byte // cache

// newLocalFile initializes a *localFile.
func newLocalFile(fs afero.Fs, path string, m *matcher) (*localFile, error) {
	r, size, err := contentToUpload(fs, path, m)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &localFile{
		Path:                path,
		UploadSize:          size,
		UploadContentReader: r,
		fs:                  fs,
		matcher:             m,
	}, nil

// contentToUpload returns an io.Reader and size for the content to be uploaded
// from path. It applies gzip encoding if needed.
func contentToUpload(fs afero.Fs, path string, m *matcher) (io.Reader, int64, error) {
	f, err := fs.Open(path)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, err
	info, err := f.Stat()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, err
	r := io.Reader(f)
	size := info.Size()
	if m != nil && m.Gzip {
		var b bytes.Buffer
		gz := gzip.NewWriter(&b)
		io.Copy(gz, f)
		r = &b
		size = int64(b.Len())
	return r, size, nil

// CacheControl returns the Cache-Control header to use for lf, based on the
// first matching matcher (if any).
func (lf *localFile) CacheControl() string {
	if lf.matcher == nil {
		return ""
	return lf.matcher.CacheControl

// ContentEncoding returns the Content-Encoding header to use for lf, based
// on the matcher's Content-Encoding and Gzip fields.
func (lf *localFile) ContentEncoding() string {
	if lf.matcher == nil {
		return ""
	if lf.matcher.Gzip {
		return "gzip"
	return lf.matcher.ContentEncoding

// ContentType returns the Content-Type header to use for lf.
// It first checks if there's a Content-Type header configured via a matching
// matcher; if not, it tries to generate one based on the filename extension.
// If this fails, the Content-Type will be the empty string. In this case, Go
// Cloud will automatically try to infer a Content-Type based on the file
// content.
func (lf *localFile) ContentType() string {
	if lf.matcher != nil && lf.matcher.ContentType != "" {
		return lf.matcher.ContentType
	// TODO: Hugo has a MediaType and a MediaTypes list and also a concept
	// of custom MIME types.
	// Use 1) The matcher 2) Hugo's MIME types 3) TypeByExtension.
	return mime.TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext(lf.Path))

// Force returns true if the file should be forced to re-upload based on the
// matching matcher.
func (lf *localFile) Force() bool {
	return lf.matcher != nil && lf.matcher.Force

// MD5 returns an MD5 hash of the content to be uploaded.
func (lf *localFile) MD5() []byte {
	if len(lf.md5) > 0 {
		return lf.md5
	// We can't use lf.UploadContentReader directly because if there's a
	// delta we'll want to read it again later, and we have no way of
	// resetting the reader. So, create a new one.
	r, _, err := contentToUpload(lf.fs, lf.Path, lf.matcher)
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	h := md5.New()
	if _, err := io.Copy(h, r); err != nil {
		return nil
	lf.md5 = h.Sum(nil)
	return lf.md5

// walkLocal walks the source directory and returns a flat list of files.
func walkLocal(fs afero.Fs, matchers []*matcher) (map[string]*localFile, error) {
	retval := map[string]*localFile{}
	err := afero.Walk(fs, "", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if info.IsDir() {
			// Skip hidden directories.
			if path != "" && strings.HasPrefix(info.Name(), ".") {
				return filepath.SkipDir
			return nil

		// .DS_Store is an internal MacOS attribute file; skip it.
		if info.Name() == ".DS_Store" {
			return nil

		// When a file system is HFS+, its filepath is in NFD form.
		if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
			path = norm.NFC.String(path)

		// Find the first matching matcher (if any).
		var m *matcher
		for _, cur := range matchers {
			if cur.Matches(path) {
				m = cur
		lf, err := newLocalFile(fs, path, m)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		retval[path] = lf
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return retval, nil

// walkRemote walks the target bucket and returns a flat list.
func walkRemote(ctx context.Context, bucket *blob.Bucket) (map[string]*blob.ListObject, error) {
	retval := map[string]*blob.ListObject{}
	iter := bucket.List(nil)
	for {
		obj, err := iter.Next(ctx)
		if err == io.EOF {
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		retval[obj.Key] = obj
	return retval, nil

// uploadReason is an enum of reasons why a file must be uploaded.
type uploadReason string

const (
	reasonUnknown    uploadReason = "unknown"
	reasonNotFound   uploadReason = "not found at target"
	reasonForce      uploadReason = "--force"
	reasonSize       uploadReason = "size differs"
	reasonMD5Differs uploadReason = "md5 differs"
	reasonMD5Missing uploadReason = "remote md5 missing"

// fileToUpload represents a single local file that should be uploaded to
// the target.
type fileToUpload struct {
	Local  *localFile
	Reason uploadReason

func (u *fileToUpload) String() string {
	details := []string{humanize.Bytes(uint64(u.Local.UploadSize))}
	if s := u.Local.CacheControl(); s != "" {
		details = append(details, fmt.Sprintf("Cache-Control: %q", s))
	if s := u.Local.ContentEncoding(); s != "" {
		details = append(details, fmt.Sprintf("Content-Encoding: %q", s))
	if s := u.Local.ContentType(); s != "" {
		details = append(details, fmt.Sprintf("Content-Type: %q", s))
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s): %v", u.Local.Path, strings.Join(details, ", "), u.Reason)

// findDiffs diffs localFiles vs remoteFiles to see what changes should be
// applied to the remote target. It returns a slice of *fileToUpload and a
// slice of paths for files to delete.
func findDiffs(localFiles map[string]*localFile, remoteFiles map[string]*blob.ListObject, force bool) ([]*fileToUpload, []string) {
	var uploads []*fileToUpload
	var deletes []string

	// TODO: Do we need to remap file delimiters, e.g. on Windows?

	found := map[string]bool{}
	for path, lf := range localFiles {
		upload := false
		reason := reasonUnknown

		if remoteFile, ok := remoteFiles[path]; ok {
			// The file exists in remote. Let's see if we need to upload it anyway.

			// TODO: We don't register a diff if the metadata (e.g., Content-Type
			// header) has changed. This would be difficult/expensive to detect; some
			// providers return metadata along with their "List" result, but others
			// (notably AWS S3) do not, so's blob.Bucket doesn't expose
			// it in the list result. It would require a separate request per blob
			// to fetch. At least for now, we work around this by documenting it and
			// providing a "force" flag (to re-upload everything) and a "force" bool
			// per matcher (to re-upload all files in a matcher whose headers may have
			// changed).
			// Idea: extract a sample set of 1 file per extension + 1 file per matcher
			// and check those files?
			if force {
				upload = true
				reason = reasonForce
			} else if lf.Force() {
				upload = true
				reason = reasonForce
			} else if lf.UploadSize != remoteFile.Size {
				upload = true
				reason = reasonSize
			} else if len(remoteFile.MD5) == 0 {
				// TODO: This can happen if the remote provider doesn't return an MD5
				// hash for the blob from their "list" command. This is common for
				// some providers (e.g., fileblob, which uses the local filesystem),
				// but not for the biggest Cloud providers (S3, GCS, Azure). Although,
				// it can happen for S3 if the blob was originally uploaded as a
				// multi-part upload (shouldn't happen when using "hugo deploy").
				// For now, we treat this as an MD5 mismatch and re-upload. An
				// alternative would be to read entire the remote blob and compute the
				// MD5 hash.
				upload = true
				reason = reasonMD5Missing
			} else if !bytes.Equal(lf.MD5(), remoteFile.MD5) {
				upload = true
				reason = reasonMD5Differs
			} else {
				// Nope! Leave uploaded = false.
			found[path] = true
		} else {
			// The file doesn't exist in remote.
			upload = true
			reason = reasonNotFound
		if upload {
			jww.DEBUG.Printf("%s needs to be uploaded: %v\n", path, reason)
			uploads = append(uploads, &fileToUpload{lf, reason})
		} else {
			jww.DEBUG.Printf("%s exists at target and does not need to be uploaded", path)

	// Remote files that weren't found locally should be deleted.
	for path := range remoteFiles {
		if !found[path] {
			deletes = append(deletes, path)
	return uploads, deletes