ref: fb7dd4b3a868cb8987049c95bb32e6425a73c8b9
dir: /appl/cmd/fs/chstat.b/
implement Fsmodule; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; include "fslib.m"; fsfilter: Fsfilter; fslib: Fslib; Report, Value, type2s, quit: import fslib; Fschan, Fsdata, Entrychan, Entry, Gatechan, Gatequery, Nilentry, Option, Next, Down, Skip, Quit: import Fslib; Query: adt { gate: Gatechan; stat: Sys->Dir; mask: int; cflag: int; reply: chan of int; query: fn(q: self ref Query, d: ref Sys->Dir, name: string, depth: int): int; }; types(): string { return "xx-pp-ms-us-gs-ts-as-c"; } badmod(p: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "fs: size: cannot load %s: %r\n", p); raise "fail:bad module"; } init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; fslib = load Fslib Fslib->PATH; if(fslib == nil) badmod(Fslib->PATH); fsfilter = load Fsfilter Fsfilter->PATH; if(fsfilter == nil) badmod(Fsfilter->PATH); } run(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: ref Report, opts: list of Option, args: list of ref Value): ref Value { ws := Sys->nulldir; mask := 0; gate: ref Value; cflag := 0; for(; opts != nil; opts = tl opts){ o := (hd opts).args; case (hd opts).opt { 'p' => gate.discard(); gate = hd o; 'm' => ok: int; m := (hd o).s().i; (ok, mask, ws.mode) = parsemode(m); mask &= ~Sys->DMDIR; if(ok == 0){ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "fs: chstat: bad mode %#q\n", m); gate.discard(); return nil; } 'u' => ws.uid = (hd o).s().i; 'g' => ws.gid = (hd o).s().i; 't' => ws.mtime = int (hd o).s().i; 'a' => ws.atime = int (hd o).s().i; 'c' => cflag++; } } dst := chan of (Fsdata, chan of int); p: Gatechan; if(gate != nil) p = gate.p().i; spawn chstatproc((hd args).x().i, dst, p, ws, mask, cflag); return ref Value.X(dst); } chstatproc(src, dst: Fschan, gate: Gatechan, stat: Sys->Dir, mask: int, cflag: int) { fsfilter->filter(ref Query(gate, stat, mask, cflag, chan of int), src, dst); if(gate != nil) gate <-= ((nil, nil, 0), nil); } Query.query(q: self ref Query, d: ref Sys->Dir, name: string, depth: int): int { c := 1; if(q.gate != nil){ q.gate <-= ((d, name, depth), q.reply); c = <-q.reply; } if(c){ if(q.cflag){ m := d.mode & 8r700; d.mode = (d.mode & ~8r77)|(m>>3)|(m>>6); } stat := q.stat; d.mode = (d.mode & ~q.mask) | (stat.mode & q.mask); if(stat.uid != nil) d.uid = stat.uid; if(stat.gid != nil) d.gid = stat.gid; if(stat.mtime != ~0) d.mtime = stat.mtime; if(stat.atime != ~0) d.atime = stat.atime; } return 1; } # stolen from /appl/cmd/chmod.b User: con 8r700; Group: con 8r070; Other: con 8r007; All: con User | Group | Other; Read: con 8r444; Write: con 8r222; Exec: con 8r111; parsemode(spec: string): (int, int, int) { mask := Sys->DMAPPEND | Sys->DMEXCL | Sys->DMDIR | Sys->DMAUTH; loop: for(i := 0; i < len spec; i++){ case spec[i] { 'u' => mask |= User; 'g' => mask |= Group; 'o' => mask |= Other; 'a' => mask |= All; * => break loop; } } if(i == len spec) return (0, 0, 0); if(i == 0) mask |= All; op := spec[i++]; if(op != '+' && op != '-' && op != '=') return (0, 0, 0); mode := 0; for(; i < len spec; i++){ case spec[i]{ 'r' => mode |= Read; 'w' => mode |= Write; 'x' => mode |= Exec; 'a' => mode |= Sys->DMAPPEND; 'l' => mode |= Sys->DMEXCL; 'd' => mode |= Sys->DMDIR; 'A' => mode |= Sys->DMAUTH; * => return (0, 0, 0); } } if(op == '+' || op == '-') mask &= mode; if(op == '-') mode = ~mode; return (1, mask, mode); }