ref: f0b565742993646ac2c7939e3a89f44c2515fbe6
dir: /man/lib/checkman.awk/
# Usage: awk -f checkman.awk man?/*.? # # Checks: # - .TH is first line, and has proper name section number # - sections are in order NAME, SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, EXAMPLES, # FILES, SOURCE, SEE ALSO, DIAGNOSTICS, BUGS # - there's a manual page for each cross-referenced page BEGIN { # .SH sections should come in the following order Weight["NAME"] = 1 Weight["SYNOPSIS"] = 2 Weight["DESCRIPTION"] = 4 Weight["EXAMPLE"] = 8 Weight["EXAMPLES"] = 16 Weight["FILES"] = 32 Weight["SOURCE"] = 64 Weight["SEE ALSO"] = 128 Weight["DIAGNOSTICS"] = 256 Weight["SYSTEM CALLS"] = 512 Weight["BUGS"] = 1024 } FNR==1 { n = length(FILENAME) seclen = 0 if (substr(FILENAME, 2, 1) == "/") seclen = 1 else if (substr(FILENAME, 3, 1) == "/") seclen = 2 if(seclen == 0) print "FILENAME", FILENAME, "not of form [0-9][0-9]?/*" else if(!(substr(FILENAME, seclen+2, n-seclen-1) ~ /^[A-Z]+$/)){ section = substr(FILENAME, 1, seclen) name = substr(FILENAME, seclen+2, n-seclen-1) if($1 != ".TH" || NF != 3) print "First line of", FILENAME, "not a proper .TH" else if($2 != toupper(name) || substr($3, 1, seclen) != section){ if($2!="INTRO" || name!="0intro") print ".TH of", FILENAME, "doesn't match filename" }else Pages[section "/" $2] = 1 } Sh = 0 } $1 == ".SH" { if(inex) print "Unterminated .EX in", FILENAME, ":", $0 inex = 0; if (substr($2, 1, 1) == "\"") { if (NF == 2) { print "Unneeded quote in", FILENAME, ":", $0 $2 = substr($2, 2, length($2)-2) } else if (NF == 3) { $2 = substr($2, 2) substr($3, 1, length($3)-1) NF = 2 } } w = Weight[$2] if (w) { if (w < Sh) print "Heading", $2, "out of order in", FILENAME Sh += w } } $1 == ".EX" { if(inex) print "Nested .EX in", FILENAME, ":", $0 inex = 1 } $1 == ".EE" { if(!inex) print "Bad .EE in", FILENAME, ":", $0 inex = 0; } $0 ~ /^\..*\([0-9]\)/ { if ($1 == ".IR" && $3 ~ /\([0-9]\)/) { name = $2 section = $3 }else if ($1 == ".RI" && $2 == "(" && $4 ~ /\([0-9]\)/) { name = $3 section = $4 }else if ($1 == ".IR" && $3 ~ /9.\([0-9]\)/) { name = $2 section = "9" }else if ($1 == ".RI" && $2 == "(" && $4 ~ /9.\([0-9]\)/) { name = $3 section = "9" } else { print "Possible bad cross-reference format in", FILENAME print $0 next } gsub(/[^0-9]/, "", section) Refs[section "/" toupper(name)]++ } END { print "Checking Cross-Referenced Pages" for (i in Refs) { if (!(i in Pages)) print "Need", tolower(i) } print "" print "Checking commands" getindex("/usr/inferno/doc/man/1") getindex("/usr/inferno/doc/man/8") Skipdirs["lib"] = 1 getbinlist("/usr/inferno/dis") for (i in List) { if (!(i in Index)) print "Need", i, "(in " List[i] ")" } clearindex() clearlist() print "" print "Checking libraries" getindex("/usr/inferno/doc/man/2") getbinlist("/usr/inferno/dis/lib") for (i in List) { if (!(i in Index)) print "Need", i, "(in " List[i] ")" } } func getindex(dir, fname) { fname = dir "/INDEX" while ((getline < fname) > 0) Index[$1] = dir close(fname) } func getindex9(dir, fname) { fname = dir "/INDEX" while ((getline < fname) > 0) if($2 ~ "(getflags|picopen|getcmap)") Index[$1] = dir close(fname) } func getbinlist(dir, cmd, subdirs, nsd) { cmd = "ls -p -l " dir nsd = 0 while (cmd | getline) { if ($1 ~ /^d/) { if (!($10 in Skipdirs)) subdirs[++nsd] = $10 } else { sub(".dis", "", $10) List[$10] = dir } } for ( ; nsd > 0 ; nsd--) getbinlist(dir "/" subdirs[nsd]) close(cmd) } func getnmlist(lib, cmd) { cmd = "nm -g -h " lib while (cmd | getline) { if (($1 == "T" || $1 == "L") && $2 !~ "^_") List[$2] = lib } close(cmd) } func clearindex( i) { for (i in Index) delete Index[i] } func clearlist( i) { for (i in List) delete List[i] }