ref: ec35f468e0eba87c9f09cbbe5fa8af2591e6f914
dir: /utils/5coff/coff.c/
#include "auxi.h" /* * in some embedded coff files, edata and end have type 0 not 4, * and file value is pointer to next file sym (as here), but the last one * points to an external symbol, not 0 as here. */ #define C_NULL 0 #define C_AUTO 1 #define C_EXT 2 #define C_STAT 3 #define C_ARG 9 #define C_FCN 101 #define C_FILE 103 #define T_VOID 0 #define T_CHAR 2 #define T_SHORT 3 #define T_INT 4 #define T_LONG 5 #define DT_NON 0 #define DT_PTR 1 #define DT_FCN 2 #define DT_ARY 3 #define T(a, b) (((a)<<4)|b) #define DOTTEXT ".text" #define DOTDATA ".data" #define DOTBSS ".bss" #define DOTBF ".bf" #define DOTEF ".ef" #define SINDEX(s) (*((long*)(&s->become))) #define LINDEX(s) (*((long*)(&s->used))) typedef struct Hist Hist; struct Hist{ Auto *a; Hist *n; }; static int nsym, nlc, lines; static void cofflcsz(void); static Hist *freeh, *curh; static void dohist(Auto *a) { Hist *h, **ha; if(a->aoffset == 1){ /* new file */ for(ha = &curh; *ha != nil; ha = &((*ha)->n)) ; *ha = freeh; freeh = curh; curh = nil; } if(freeh != nil){ h = freeh; freeh = freeh->n; } else h = malloc(sizeof(Hist)); h->a = a; h->n = nil; for(ha = &curh; *ha != nil; ha = &((*ha)->n)) ; *ha = h; } static long lineno(long n) { long o, d; Hist *h; if(1) return n; /* now using fileline() not pc2line() */ if(curh == nil) return 0; o = curh->a->aoffset-1; d = 1; for(h = curh->n; d && h != nil; h = h->n){ if(h->a->asym->name[1] || h->a->asym->name[2]){ if(h->a->type == D_FILE1) { ; } else if(d == 1 && n < h->a->aoffset) break; else if(d++ == 1) o -= h->a->aoffset; } else if(--d == 1) o += h->a->aoffset; } return n-o; } static char * filelookup(int k) { int i; Symx *s; for(i = 0; i < NHASH; i++){ for(s = hash[i]; s != nil; s = s->link){ if(s->type == SFILE && k == s->value) return s->name+1; } } return ""; } static char* filename(char *s) { int j, k, l; static char buf[256]; buf[0] = '\0'; if(s[0] != 0) diag("bad filename"); for(j = 1; ; j += 2){ k = (s[j]<<8)|s[j+1]; if(k == 0) break; l = strlen(buf); if(l != 0 && buf[l-1] != '/') strcat(buf, "/"); strcat(buf, filelookup(k)); } return buf; } static void sput(char *s, int n) { int i; for(i = 0; i < n && s != nil && *s != '\0'; i++, s++) cput(*s); for( ; i < n; i++) cput(0); } static void coffsect(char *s, long a, long sz, long o, long lp, long nl, long f) { if(0) print("sect %s pa=%lux va=%lux sz=%lux\n", s, a, a, sz); sput(s, 8); /* name <= 8 chars in len */ lputl(a); /* pa */ lputl(a); /* va */ lputl(sz); /* size */ lputl(o); /* file offset */ lputl(0); /* reloc */ lputl(lp); /* line nos */ lputl(0); /* no reloc entries */ lputl(nl); /* no line no entries */ lputl(f); /* flags */ hputl(0); /* reserved */ hputl(0); /* mem page no */ } void coffhdr(void) { if(0){ print("H=%lux t=%lux d=%lux b=%lux\n", HEADR, textsize, datsize, bsssize); print("e=%lux ts=%lux ds=%lux\n", entryvalue(), INITTEXT, INITDAT); } /* * file header */ hputl(0xc2); /* version ID */ hputl(3); /* no section hdrs */ lputl(0); /* date stamp */ lputl(HEADR+textsize+datsize+6*nlc); /* sym table */ lputl(nsym); /* no sym table entries */ hputl(28); /* size optional hdr */ hputl(0x0103); /* flags */ hputl(0x97); /* target ID */ /* * optional file header */ hputl(0x108); /* magic */ hputl(0); /* version stamp */ lputl(textsize); /* text size */ lputl(datsize); /* data size */ lputl(bsssize); /* bss size */ lputl(entryvalue()); /* entry pt */ lputl(INITTEXT); /* text start */ lputl(INITDAT); /* data start */ /* * sections */ coffsect(DOTTEXT, INITTEXT, textsize, HEADR, HEADR+textsize+datsize, nlc, 0x20); coffsect(DOTDATA, INITDAT, datsize, HEADR+textsize, 0, 0, 0x40); coffsect(DOTBSS, INITDAT+datsize, bsssize, 0, 0, 0, 0x80); } static int private(char *s) { return strcmp(s, "safe") == 0 || strcmp(s, "ret") == 0 || strcmp(s, "string") == 0; } static long stoff = 4; static long stput(char *s) { long r; r = stoff; stoff += strlen(s)+1; return r; } static long strput(char *s) { int l; if((l = strlen(s)) > 8){ if(*s == '.' && private(s+1)) return 0; while(*s) cput(*s++); cput(*s); return l+1; } return 0; } static void stflush(void) { int i; long o; Prog *p; Auto *a, *f; Symx *s; char *fn, file[256]; lputl(stoff); o = 4; for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link){ if(p->as == ATEXT){ f = nil; fn = nil; for(a = p->to.autom; a != nil; a = a->link){ if(a->type == D_FILE){ f = a; break; } } if(f != nil) fn = filename(f->asym->name); if(fn != nil && *fn != '\0' && strcmp(fn, file) != 0){ strcpy(file, fn); o += strput(file); } o += strput(p->from.sym->name); for(a = p->to.autom; a != nil; a = a->link){ if(a->type == D_AUTO || a->type == D_PARAM) o += strput(a->asym->name); } } } for(i = 0; i < NHASH; i++){ for(s = hash[i]; s != nil; s = s->link){ if(s->version > 0 && (s->type == SDATA || s->type == SBSS)) o += strput(s->name); } } for(i = 0; i < NHASH; i++){ for(s = hash[i]; s != nil; s = s->link){ if(s->version == 0 && (s->type == SDATA || s->type == SBSS)) o += strput(s->name); } } if(o != stoff) diag("bad stflush offset"); } static int putsect(Symx *s) { int sz, ln; sz = ln = 0; // isn't this repetition ? if(strcmp(s->name, DOTTEXT) == 0){ sz = textsize; ln = nlc; } else if(strcmp(s->name, DOTDATA) == 0) sz = datsize; else if(strcmp(s->name, DOTBSS) == 0) sz = bsssize; else diag("bad putsect sym"); lputl(sz); hputl(0); hputl(ln); sput(nil, 10); return 1; } static int putfun(Symx *s) { /* lputl(SINDEX(s)+2); */ lputl(0); lputl(0); /* patched later */ lputl(HEADR+textsize+datsize+LINDEX(s)); lputl(0); /* patched later */ sput(nil, 2); return 1; } static int putbf(int lno) { lputl(0); hputl(lno); hputl(lines); lputl(autosize); lputl(0); /* patched later */ sput(nil, 2); return 1; } static int putef(int lno) { sput(nil, 4); hputl(lno); sput(nil, 12); return 1; } static int putsym(Symx *s, int sc, int t, int lno) { long v; if(s == nil || s->name == nil || s->name[0] == '\0' || (s->name[0] == '.' && private(s->name+1))) return 0; if(0) print("putsym %s %d %ld %d %d\n", s->name, s->type, s->value, sc, t); if(strlen(s->name) <= 8) sput(s->name, 8); else{ lputl(0); lputl(stput(s->name)); } /* value */ v = s->value; if(s->type == SDATA || s->type == SDATA1 || s->type == SBSS) lputl(INITDAT+v); else if(sc == C_AUTO) lputl(autosize+v); else if(sc == C_ARG) lputl(autosize+v+4); else lputl(v); switch(s->type){ /* section number */ case STEXT: case SLEAF: hputl(1); break; case SDATA: case SDATA1: hputl(2); break; case SBSS: hputl(3); break; case SFILE: hputl(-2); break; default: diag("type %d in putsym", s->type); break; } hputl(t); /* type */ cput(sc); /* storage class */ /* aux entries */ if(sc == C_STAT && t == T_VOID && s->name[0] == '.'){ /* section */ cput(1); return 1+putsect(s); } else if((t>>4) == DT_FCN){ /* function */ cput(1); return 1+putfun(s); } else if(sc == C_FCN && strcmp(s->name, DOTBF) == 0){ /* bf */ cput(1); return 1+putbf(lno); } else if(sc == C_FCN && strcmp(s->name, DOTEF) == 0){ /* ef */ cput(1); return 1+putef(lno); } cput(0); /* 0 aux entry */ return 1; } static Symx* defsym(char *p, int t, long v) { Symx *s; s = lookupsym(p, 0); if(s->type == SDATA || s->type == SBSS) return nil; /* already output */ if(s->type == 0 || s->type == SXREF){ s->type = t; s->value = v; } return s; } static int specsym(char *p, int t, long v, int c) { return putsym(defsym(p, t, v), c, T_VOID, 0); } static int cclass(Symx *s) { /* if(s->version > 0 && dclass == D_EXTERN) diag("%s: version %d dclass EXTERN", s->name, s->version); if(s->version == 0 && dclass == D_STATIC) diag("%s: version %d dclass STATIC", s->name, s->version); */ return s->version > 0 ? C_STAT : C_EXT; } static void patchsym(long i, long o, long v) { long oo; cflush(); oo = seek(cout, 0, 1); seek(cout, HEADR+textsize+datsize+6*nlc+18*i+o, 0); lputl(v); cflush(); seek(cout, oo, 0); } void coffsym(void) { int i; long ns, lno, lpc, v, vs, lastf; Prog *p; Auto *a, *f; Symx *s, *bf, *ef, ts; char *fn, file[256]; file[0] = '\0'; cofflcsz(); seek(cout, 6*nlc, 1); /* advance over line table */ ns = 0; lpc = -1; lno = -1; lastf = -1; bf = defsym(DOTBF, STEXT, 0); ef = defsym(DOTEF, STEXT, 0); for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link){ if(p->as != ATEXT){ if(p->line != 0) lno = lineno(p->line); } if(p->as == ATEXT){ curtext = p; autosize = p->to.offset+4; if(lpc >= 0){ ef->value = lpc; ns += putsym(ef, C_FCN, T_VOID, lno); } f = nil; fn = nil; for(a = p->to.autom; a != nil; a = a->link){ if(a->type == D_FILE || a->type == D_FILE1) dohist(a); if(f == nil && a->type == D_FILE) f = a; /* main filename */ } if(f != nil) fn = filename(f->asym->name); if(fn != nil && *fn != '\0' && strcmp(fn, file) != 0){ strcpy(file, fn); = file; ts.type = SFILE; ts.value = 0; if(lastf >= 0) patchsym(lastf, 8, ns); lastf = ns; ns += putsym(&ts, C_FILE, T_VOID, 0); } if(p->link != P && p->link->line != 0) lno = lineno(p->link->line); else if(p->line != 0) lno = lineno(p->line); s = p->from.sym; SINDEX(s) = ns; ns += putsym(s, cclass(s), T(DT_FCN, T_INT), 0); if(p->cond != P) lines = LINDEX(p->cond->from.sym)-LINDEX(s)-1; else lines = 0; bf->value = p->pc; ns += putsym(bf, C_FCN, T_VOID, lno); for(a = p->to.autom; a != nil; a = a->link){ if(a->type == D_AUTO || a->type == D_PARAM){ = a->asym->name; ts.type = STEXT; ts.value = a->aoffset; ns += putsym(&ts, a->type == D_AUTO ? C_AUTO : C_ARG, T_INT, 0); } } } lpc = p->pc; } if(lpc >= 0){ ef->value = lpc; ns += putsym(ef, C_FCN, T_VOID, lno); } /* patch up */ for(p = textp; p != P; p = p->cond){ s = p->from.sym; if(p->cond != P){ v = SINDEX(p->cond->from.sym); vs = p->cond->pc - p->pc; } else{ v = 0; vs = INITTEXT+textsize-p->pc; } patchsym(SINDEX(s)+1, 4, 8*vs); patchsym(SINDEX(s)+1, 12, v); patchsym(SINDEX(s)+3, 12, v); } for(i = 0; i < NHASH; i++){ for(s = hash[i]; s != nil; s = s->link){ if(s->version > 0 && (s->type == SDATA || s->type == SBSS)) ns += putsym(s, cclass(s), T_INT, 0); } } for(i = 0; i < NHASH; i++){ for(s = hash[i]; s != nil; s = s->link){ if(s->version == 0 && (s->type == SDATA || s->type == SBSS)) ns += putsym(s, cclass(s), T_INT, 0); } } ns += specsym(DOTTEXT, STEXT, INITTEXT, C_STAT); ns += specsym(DOTDATA, SDATA, 0, C_STAT); ns += specsym(DOTBSS, SBSS, datsize, C_STAT); ns += specsym("etext", STEXT, INITTEXT+textsize, C_EXT); ns += specsym("edata", SDATA, datsize, C_EXT); ns += specsym("end", SBSS, datsize+bsssize, C_EXT); nsym = ns; stflush(); } void cofflc(void) { long olc, nl; Symx *s; Prog *p; Auto *a; cflush(); seek(cout, HEADR+textsize+datsize, 0); nl = 0; /* opc = INITTEXT; */ olc = 0; for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link){ if(p->as == ATEXT){ curtext = p; s = p->from.sym; /* opc = p->pc; */ for(a = p->to.autom; a != nil; a = a->link){ if(a->type == D_FILE || a->type == D_FILE1) dohist(a); } lputl(SINDEX(s)); hputl(0); nl++; continue; } if(p->line == 0 || p->line == olc || p->as == ANOP) continue; lputl(p->pc); hputl(lineno(p->line)); nl++; olc = p->line; } if(nl != nlc) diag("bad line count in cofflc()"); nlc = nl; } static void cofflcsz(void) { long olc, nl; Prog *p; nl = 0; olc = 0; for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link){ if(p->as == ATEXT){ LINDEX(p->from.sym) = nl; nl++; continue; } if(p->line == 0 || p->line == olc || p->as == ANOP) continue; nl++; olc = p->line; } nlc = nl; }