ref: eb0e026c241bd3afc6a10a6e2c7417de1b91f7e8
dir: /man/2/asn1/
.TH ASN1 2 .SH NAME asn1: decode, encode \- ASN.1 (X.208), BER (X.209) encoding .SH SYNOPSIS .EX include "asn1.m"; asn1 := load ASN1 ASN1->PATH; asn1->init(); Elem: adt { tag: Tag; val: ref Value; is_seq: fn(e: self ref Elem): (int, list of ref Elem); is_set: fn(e: self ref Elem): (int, list of ref Elem); is_int: fn(e: self ref Elem): (int, int); is_bigint: fn(e: self ref Elem): (int, array of byte); is_bitstring: fn(e: self ref Elem): (int, int, array of byte); is_octetstring: fn(e: self ref Elem): (int, array of byte); is_oid: fn(e: self ref Elem): (int, ref Oid); is_string: fn(e: self ref Elem): (int, string); is_time: fn(e: self ref Elem): (int, string); tostring: fn(e: self ref Elem): string; }; Tag: adt { class: int; num: int; constr: int; tostring: fn(t: self Tag): string; }; Value: adt { pick { Bool or Int => v: int; Octets or BigInt or Real or Other => bytes: array of byte; BitString => unusedbits: int; bits: array of byte; Null or EOC => ; ObjId => id: ref Oid; String => s: string; Seq or Set => l: list of ref Elem; } tostring: fn(v: self ref Value): string; }; Oid: adt { nums: array of int; tostring: fn(o: self ref Oid): string; }; init: fn(); decode: fn(a: array of byte): (string, ref Elem); decode_seq: fn(a: array of byte): (string, list of ref Elem); decode_value: fn(a: array of byte, kind, constr: int): (string, ref Value); encode: fn(e: ref Elem): (string, array of byte); oid_lookup: fn(o: ref Oid, tab: array of Oid): int; print_elem: fn(e: ref Elem); .EE .SH DESCRIPTION .B ASN1 supports decoding and encoding of the ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules (BER, ITU-T Recommendation X.209). Despite its name, the module is not a parser for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1, ITU-T Recommendation X.208). .PP .B ASN1 handles the BER encodings of all types from the ASN.1 Universal class, and provides a simple OBJECT IDENTIFIER comparison facility. .PP For simplicity, .B ASN1 does not take a description of the ASN.1 module of the data being processed. Consequently, the (de)composition of tagged types must be performed by the application. .B ASN1 does not know the context of tagged values and so cannot determine the underlying Universal type to be able to encode or decode the value automatically. See the section on Tagging for details on how the application should handle both implicit and explicit tagging. .TP .B init() The module must be initialised by calling this function before any other module functions or associated adt member functions are called. .TP .BI decode( a ) Convert the BER encoding given by the byte array .I a into an .B Elem representing the ASN.1 value. The byte array must contain the entire BER encoding of the value and any component values. .IP Item values not tagged as a Universal type are converted to an .B Elem comprised of the decoded .B Tag and a value given by the .B Value.Octets variant, which contains the original encoding of the value stripped of the BER tag and length header. .IP The function returns a tuple composed of an error string and the decoded .BR Elem . If no errors are encountered the error string is nil. .TP .BI decode_seq( a ) Like .B decode except that the data in .I a is the encoding of an item of type SEQUENCE, SEQUENCE OF, SET or SET OF which has been stripped of its tag and length header. The function decodes all of the items in the SEQUENCE or SET. .IP The return value is a tuple composed of an error string and the list of .BR Elem s forming the SEQUENCE or SET. .HP .BI decode_value( a , .IB kind , .IB constr ) .br Convert the encoding of a single item value to a .B Value data structure. .IP The array .I a does not include the tag and length header. Instead, the value's Universal type is given by the .I kind argument and length is given by that of the array. The .B constr argument indicates if the encoding is in the BER constructed form or not. A value of 0 indicates that the primitive encoding is used, all other values indicate the constructed encoding. .IP The function returns a tuple composed of an error string and a .B Value reference. .TP .BI encode( e ) Convert the .B Elem .I e to a BER encoding of the element. If the element is of a structured type, such as SEQUENCE or SET, then all component values are also exhaustively encoded. .IP The encoding can fail if the .B Tag and .B Value of the element are not compatible. The .I constr field of the .B Tag is currently ignored. .IP The function returns a tuple comprising an error string and the BER encoding. If no errors are encountered the error string is nil and the second part of the returned tuple is a byte array of the BER encoding. .TP .BI oid_lookup( o ", " tab ) Lookup an OBJECT IDENTIFIER value in an array of such values. Returns the index of the first exact match of .I o in the .I tab array. Returns -1 if no match is found. .TP .BI print_elem( e ) Print a textual representation of the element to standard output. The output is that given by .BR Elem.tostring() , followed by a newline character. .SS "Elem adt" This is the principal data structure, representing the value of an ASN.1 item. The adt couples a data representation, the .BR Value , with its type specifier, the .BR Tag . .TP .B "Elem.tag" Specifies the ASN.1 type of the element value. See the description of the .B Tag adt for more details. .TP .B "Elem.val" The value of the element. See the description of the .B Value adt for more details. .PP All of the .IB e .is_ Type member functions test whether the specific .B Value pick variant of .B Elem.val and the ASN.1 Universal type, given by the tag, match and are of the requested form. A successful match yields the type specific data from the .B Value pick variant. The association of Universal types to .B Value pick variants is given in the section on the .B Value adt. .PP The function .IB e .is_int succeeds for BOOLEAN and INTEGER ASN.1 types. The function .IB e .is_string succeeds for all of the ASN.1 Universal string types. .PP Except for .BR is_bitstring , each function returns a tuple of two values. The first tuple item is an integer, 1 for success, 0 for failure. The second item is the type specific data from the .B Value pick variant. .PP .TP .IB e ".is_bitstring()" Like the .BI is_ Type functions described above. Tests that the element is a BIT STRING and returns its data. .IP The return value is a tuple comprised of two integers and an array of bytes. The byte array represents the bit string. The first integer is 1 for success, 0 for failure. The second integer is the number of unused bits in the last byte of the data array. See the description of the .B Value.BitString variant for more information. .TP .IB e ".tostring()" returns a textual representation of the element formed by joining the strings returned from .IB e ".tag.tostring()" and .IB e ".val.tostring()" . .PP .SS "Tag adt" The .B Tag adt denotes the ASN.1 type of a .B Value instance. .TP .B "Tag.class" Specifies the class of the type and can take one of the values: .BR ASN1->Universal , .BR ASN1->Application , .B ASN1->Context or .BR ASN1->Private . .TP .B "Tag.num" Identifies the particular type, or tag, within the specified class. Tag numbers for the Universal class are given in the .B asn1.m header file. The inconsistent use of upper-case and mixed-case identifiers comes straight from the ITU-T Recommendation. .TP .B "Tag.constr" This flag is set by the .B ASN1 decode functions to mark if the BER .I constructed encoding was used for the value. A zero value indicates the BER primitive encoding, non-zero indicates the constructed encoding. .TP .IB t ".tostring()" Returns a string representation of the .BR Tag . For Universal class tags the function returns the string .RB `` UNIVERSAL .IR "Name" '', where .I Name is the standard name of the specified Universal type. For other classes the function returns the class name, in upper-case, followed by the tag number. .SS "Value adt" This pick adt provides the representation for values of each of the various Universal class types. Values of all other classes are represented by the .B Value.Octets branch of the pick. .TP .IB v ".tostring()" Returns a string representation of the .BR Value . .PP The following table lists each variant of the pick, indicating the ASN.1 Universal type values it represents, followed by a brief description. For each variant of the pick, .I v is taken to be of that particular type. .TP .B Value.Bool BOOLEAN .IP .IB v .v equals zero for FALSE, non-zero values represent TRUE. .TP .B Value.Int INTEGER, ENUMERATED .IP The value is given by .IB v .v .TP .B Value.BigInt Used for INTEGER values too large to fit a Limbo int. .IP The array .IB v .bytes contains the encoding of the value. The array does not include the tag and length prefix. .TP .B Value.Octets OCTET_STRING, ObjectDescriptor .IP The octet string is given by the .IB v .bytes array. .TP .B Value.Null NULL .TP .B Value.ObjId OBJECT_ID .IP The OBJECT_ID value is represented by the .B Oid adt given by .IB v .id . .TP .B Value.Real REAL .IP .B ASN1 does not convert the value into the Limbo .B real data type. The encoding of the value is given by the .IB v .bytes array, which does not include the tag and length prefix. .TP .B Value.Other EXTERNAL, EMBEDDED_PDV and Unknown Universal types .IP The raw bytes of the value, excluding the tag nad length header, are given by the .IB v .bytes array. .TP .B Value.BitString BIT_STRING .IP The number of bits in the BIT_STRING value does not have to be a multiple of 8. Bits are packed into bytes MSB first. The bytes representing the BIT_STRING value, including the potentially incomplete last byte, are given by the .IB v .bits array. The number of unused bits in the last byte of the array is given by .IB v .unused , counting from the LSB. .IP The BER constructed encoding of values other than zero-length is not implemented. .TP .B Value.EOC End of Contents octets marker. .IP This value is not normally returned to the application; it is used privately by BER to support indefinite length value encodings. .TP .B Value.String NumericString, PrintableString, TeletexString, VideotexString, IA5String, UTCTime, GeneralizedTime, GraphicString, VisibleString, GeneralString, UniversalString or BMPString. .IP The text is given by the .IB v .s Limbo string. Currently no character-set conversion is performed between the ASN.1 string byte codes and the Unicode code-points of the Limbo string. .TP .B Value.Seq SEQUENCE, SEQUENCE OF .IP ASN.1 assigns both constructs the same type tag. The difference between them is that, within the ASN.1 notation, the elements of a SEQUENCE OF structure are constrained to be of the same type. BER and, consequently, .B ASN1 do not directly enforce the restriction. .IP The elements of the sequence are given by the .IB v .l list. .TP .B Value.Set SET, SET OF .IP ASN.1 assigns both constructs the same type tag. The difference between them is that, within the ASN.1 notation, SET items are formed from an unordered list of distinct types, whereas SET OF items are formed from an unordered list of the same type. BER and .B ASN1 do not enforce these constraints. .IP The elements of the set are given by the .IB v .l list. .SS "Oid adt" The .B Oid adt provides the value representation for OBJECT IDENTIFERs. Within the ASN.1 notation OBJECT IDENTIFIERs ultimately map to an ordered list of INTEGERs. .TP .B Oid.nums The value of the OBJECT IDENTIFIER, given as an .BR "array of int" . .TP .IB o .tostring() Returns a textual representation of the OBJECT IDENTIFIER in the form of a `.' separated list of numbers. .SS Tagging Tagging is an ASN.1 mechanism for disambiguating values. It is usually applied to component types, where several components of a structured type have the same underlying Universal class type. Tagging allows the client application to determine to which item of the structured type a value instance belongs. .PP There are two types of tagging, implicit and explicit, defining the manner in which the values are encoded. .PP Implicitly tagged values are encoded in the same way as the underlying type, but with the tag class and number replaced by that specified. .PP Explicitly tagged values are encoded in a nested fashion. The outermost item bears the specified tag and its contents is the full encoding of the original value using the tag of its underlying type. .PP The following examples of how to decode and encode simple tagged types should make the distinction clear. .SS "Decoding Tagged Values" Consider the following ASN.1 type definitions: .PP .EX Type1 ::= INTEGER Type2 ::= [Application 2] Type1 -- Explicitly tagged Type3 ::= [3] IMPLICIT Type1 -- Implicitly tagged .EE For each of the types the value 16r55 will be decoded as follows: .PP .EX (error, elem) := asn1->decode(data); .EE .TP .BR Type1 " (primitive type)" .EX elem.tag.class == Universal elem.tag.num == INTEGER tagof elem.val == tagof Value.Int elem.is_int() == (1, 16r55) .EE .TP .BR Type2 " (explicitly tagged)" .EX elem.tag.class == Application elem.tag.num == 2 tagof elem.val == tagof Value.Octets .EE The .B bytes array of the .B Value.Octets value contains the complete encoding of the .B Type1 value. The actual value can be obtained as follows: .IP .EX pick v := elem.val { Octets => (err2, e2) := asn1->decode(v.bytes); } .EE with .B e2 having exactly the same properties as .B elem in the .B Type1 case above. .TP .BR Type3 " (implicitly tagged)" .EX elem.tag.class == Context elem.tag.num == 3 tagof elem.val == tagof Value.Octets .EE In this case the .B bytes array of the .B Value.Octets value contains the encoding of just the value part of the Type1 value, not the complete encoding. The actual value can be obtained as follows: .IP .EX pick v := e.val { Octets => constr := e.tag.constr; (err, val) := asn1->decode_value(v.bytes, INTEGER, constr); } .EE Note that the application has to infer the type of the value from the context in which it occurs. The resultant .B val is of the type .B Value.Int with the value 16r55 stored in the .B v member variable. .SS "Encoding Tagged Values" To encode the value 16r55 in each of the above types, the following data structures are required. .TP .BR Type1 "(primitive type)" .EX tag := Tag(Universal, INTEGER, 0); val := Value.Int(16r55); elem := ref Elem(tag, val); (err, data) := asn1->encode(elem); .EE .TP .BR Type2 "(explicitly tagged)" .EX tag1 := Tag(Universal, INTEGER, 0); val1 := Value.Int(16r55); elem1 := ref Elem(tag1, val1); (err1, data1) := asn1->encode(elem1); tag2 := Tag(Application, 2, 0); val2 := Value.Octets(data1); elem2 := ref Elem(tag2, val2); (err, data) := asn1->encode(elem2); .EE .TP .BR Type3 "(implicitly tagged)" .EX tag := Tag(Context, 3, 0); val := Value.Int(16r55); elem := ref Elem(tag, val); (err, data) := asn1->encode(elem); .EE .SH SOURCE .B /appl/lib/asn1.b .SH BUGS It is irritating that REAL values are not converted by the module. This forces the application to do the conversion to and from the raw BER encoding. Fortunately they are rarely used. .PP String encodings are converted as UTF-8 byte sequences. This will result in strings comprising any character codes above 127 being incorrectly converted. .PP There is a particular form of BER encoding that the module will handle incorrectly, resulting in a decoding error. The error occurs when a tagged value is encoded using the indefinite length specifier and the constructed representation.