ref: e2e50a8e5a74452672f9418bcdfe4de10f600ed0
dir: /os/port/devbench.c/
#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include <interp.h> #include "io.h" #include "../port/error.h" #include <isa.h> #include "kernel.h" /* Builtin module support */ #include "bench.h" #include "benchmod.h" typedef enum { None, Calibrate, Base, Op, Intr, Dis, Gc, MS2T, xTest}; static struct { int inuse; /* reference count */ int test; void* scratch; char* buf; int bufsz; char* wpos; void (*op)(void); vlong tickstart; } bench; static void log(char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); bench.wpos = vseprint(bench.wpos, bench.buf+bench.bufsz, msg, ap); va_end(ap); } void elog(char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; if(bench.buf == 0) return; va_start(ap, msg); bench.wpos = vseprint(bench.wpos, bench.buf+bench.bufsz, msg, ap); va_end(ap); } static void clear(void) { bench.wpos = bench.buf; } static long rep(void *to, long n, ulong offset) { long left = bench.wpos - bench.buf - offset; if(left < 0) left = 0; if(n > left) n = left; memmove(to, bench.buf+offset, n); return n; } static long notest(int report, void *va, long n, ulong offset) { USED(report, va, n, offset); if(report) return rep(va, n, offset); return 0; } // Calibration static long MS2TS = 0; // time stamps per millisec static long US2TS = 0; // time stamps per microsecond static long cal(int report, void *va, long n, ulong offset) { int tot, i, lim, low, max, pl, mdelay; ulong t; if(report) return rep(va, n, offset); clear(); setpri(PriRealtime); lim = 1000; low = 64000000; max = 0; tot = 0; mdelay = 1000; for(i=0; i<lim; i++){ do{ pl = splhi(); t = archrdtsc32(); microdelay(mdelay); t = archrdtsc32() - t; splx(pl); } while(t < 0); if(t < low) low = t; if(t > max) max = t; tot += t; } MS2TS = tot/lim; US2TS = MS2TS/1000; if(va) log("mdelay=%lud lim=%lud tot=%lud low=%lud max=%lud\n", mdelay, lim, tot, low, max); setpri(PriNormal); return n; } /* * ticks to format string */ /*static*/ char * ts2str(vlong ticks) { #define Nbuf 5 static char b[Nbuf][40]; static int n=Nbuf-1; char *fmt, *unit; double d; if(0){ print("ticks=%lld MS2TS=%ld\n", ticks, MS2TS); d = (double)ticks; print("1:%f\n", d); d = (double)ticks*1000; //print("2:%f\n", d); d = ((double)ticks)/MS2TS; //print("3:%f\n", d); } n = (n+1)%Nbuf; if(ticks > MS2TS*1000) { fmt = "%.2f %s"; unit = "s"; d = ((double)ticks/MS2TS) * 1000.0; } else if(ticks > MS2TS) { fmt = "%.2f %s"; unit = "ms"; d = (double)ticks/MS2TS; } else if(ticks > MS2TS/1000) { fmt = "%.2f %s"; unit = "us"; d = ((double)ticks*1000)/MS2TS; } else { fmt = "%.2f %s"; unit = "ns"; d = ((double)ticks*1000*1000)/MS2TS; } sprint(b[n], fmt, d, unit); return b[n]; } /* * ticks to microseconds */ static double ts2us(vlong ticks) { return ((double)ticks*1000)/MS2TS; } /* * microseconds timestamp */ static vlong bus(int reset) { vlong now; if(US2TS == 0) return 0; if(reset) { bench.tickstart = archrdtsc(); return 0; } now = archrdtsc(); return ((now-bench.tickstart))/US2TS; } // Base static long base(int report, void *va, long n, ulong offset) { int tot, i, lim, low, max, pl; ulong t; char *bm; if(report) return rep(va, n, offset); clear(); setpri(PriRealtime); lim = 1000; low = 64000000; max = 0; tot = 0; for(i=0; i<lim; i++){ do { pl = splhi(); t = archrdtsc32(); // do nothing t = archrdtsc32() - t; splx(pl); } while(t < 0); if(t < low) low = t; if(t > max) max = t; tot += t; } bm = ts2str(tot/lim); log("%d %lud %lud %lud %lud (%s)\n", up->pid, lim, tot, low, max, bm); setpri(PriNormal); return n; } // Timeop typedef struct Psync Psync; enum { Maxprocs=3, }; struct Psync { Rendez r; int flag; int id; int awaken; }; static Psync timesync[Maxprocs]; static Ref nactive; static Ref nbusy; static RWlock sync; static void nilop(void) { } static int timev(void *a) { return *(int*)a; } static void timeop0(void *ap) { int tot, i, lim, low, max; ulong t; Psync *ps; char *bm; ps = ap; setpri(PriRealtime); incref(&nactive); sleep(&ps->r, timev, &ps->flag); rlock(&sync); lim = 1000; low = 64000000; max = 0; tot = 0; for(i=0; i<lim; i++){ do{ t = archrdtsc32(); (*bench.op)(); t = archrdtsc32() - t; }while(t < 0); if(t < low) low = t; if(t > max) max = t; tot += t; } bm = ts2str(tot/lim); log("%d %lud %lud %lud %lud (%s)\n", up->pid, lim, tot, low, max, bm); runlock(&sync); pexit("", 0); } static long timeop(int report, void *va, long n, ulong offset) { int i, np, pl; if(report) return rep(va, n, offset); clear(); bench.op = 0; if(strncmp(va, "nil", 3) == 0) bench.op = nilop; else if(strncmp(va, "sched", 5) == 0) bench.op = sched; else return 0; for(np=1; np<=Maxprocs; np++) { nactive.ref = 0; wlock(&sync); log("%d procs\n", np); setpri(PriRealtime); for(i=0; i<np; i++) { timesync[i].id = i; kproc("timeop", timeop0, ×ync[i], 0); } while(nactive.ref < np) tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, 20); for(i=0; i<np; i++){ timesync[i].flag = 1; wakeup(×ync[i].r); } sched(); pl = splhi(); setpri(PriNormal); wunlock(&sync); // now they run wlock(&sync); // wait for last reader wunlock(&sync); splx(pl); } return n; } typedef struct Ictr Ictr; struct Ictr { ulong base; ulong sleep; ulong spllo; ulong intr; ulong isave; ulong arrive; ulong wakeup; ulong awake; }; static Ictr counters[5/*100*/], *curct; static int intrwant; static Rendez vous; int spltbl; /* set by spllo */ int intrtbl; /* set by intrvec() */ int isavetbl; /* set by intrvec() */ static int ienable; static void intrwake(void) { if(ienable == 0) return; ienable = 0; if(spltbl == 0) // not used here curct->spllo = curct->intr = curct->isave = archrdtsc32(); else { curct->spllo = spltbl; curct->intr = intrtbl; curct->isave = isavetbl; } curct->arrive = archrdtsc32(); intrwant = 0; wakeup(&vous); curct->wakeup = archrdtsc32(); } /* * sleep calls intrtest with splhi (under lock): * provoke the interrupt now, so that it is guaranteed * not to happen until sleep has queued the process, * forcing wakeup to do something. */ static int intrtest(void*) { ienable = 1; /* enable recording on interrupt */ curct->sleep = archrdtsc32(); return intrwant==0; } static long intrtime(int report, void *va, long n, ulong offset) { Ictr *ic; long t; int i; char *bm; if(report) return rep(va, n, offset); clear(); setpri(PriRealtime); sched(); curct = counters; ienable = 0; addclock0link(intrwake, MS2HZ); for(i=0; i<nelem(counters); i++){ curct = &counters[i]; intrwant = 1; curct->base = archrdtsc32(); sleep(&vous, intrtest, nil); curct->awake = archrdtsc32(); sched(); /* just to slow it down between trials */ } log("interrupt\n"); for(i=0; i<nelem(counters); i++){ ic = &counters[i]; t = ic->awake - ic->base; bm = ts2str(ic->awake - ic->arrive); ic->awake -= ic->wakeup; ic->wakeup -= ic->arrive; ic->arrive -= ic->isave; ic->isave -= ic->intr; ic->intr -= ic->spllo; ic->spllo -= ic->sleep; ic->sleep -= ic->base; log("%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld (%s)\n", ic->sleep, ic->spllo, ic->intr, ic->isave, ic->arrive, ic->wakeup, ic->awake, t, bm); } setpri(PriNormal); return n; } /* DIS operation timing */ typedef struct { vlong n; /* count */ vlong min; vlong max; vlong sum; vlong sumsq; /* sum of squares */ } Stat; static void stat(enum { Reset, Inc } op, Stat *c, vlong val) { switch(op) { case Reset: c->n = 0; c->sum = 0; c->sumsq = 0; c->min = 0; c->max = 0; break; case Inc: c->n++; c->sum += val; c->sumsq += val*val; break; } if(val < c->min || c->n == 1) c->min = val; if(val > c->max || c->n == 1) c->max = val; } static void statinc(Stat *d, Stat *s) { d->n += s->n; d->sum += s->sum; d->sumsq += s->sumsq; if(s->min < d->min || d->n == s->n) d->min = s->min; if(s->max > d->max || d->n == s->n) d->max = s->max; } enum { HSIZE = 31, MAXCOUNT = 100000000L, }; typedef struct { int op; int pc; long count; Stat t; /* combined dec and execution time */ } Istat; typedef struct Mstat Mstat; struct Mstat { char* name; char* path; int ninst; Istat* inst; Inst* base; Mstat* hash; Mstat* link; }; struct { Mstat* hash[HSIZE]; Mstat* list; } vmstat; extern struct /* see ../../interp/tab.h:/keywds/ */ { char* name; int op; int terminal; }keywds[]; static char * opname(int op) { char *name; if(op < 0 || op >= MAXDIS) return "Unknown"; return keywds[op].name; if(name == 0) name = "<Noname>"; return name; } static void mreset(void) { Mstat *mp, *link; for(mp=vmstat.list; mp; mp=link) { link = mp->link; free(mp->inst); free(mp); } vmstat.list = 0; memset(vmstat.hash, 0, HSIZE*sizeof(Mstat*)); } static ulong hash(void *s) { ulong sum = 0; uchar *a = s; while(*a) sum = (sum << 1) + *a++; return sum%HSIZE; } static Mstat * mlookup(Module *mod) { Mstat *m; ulong h; for(m=vmstat.hash[hash(mod->name)]; m; m=m->hash) if(strcmp(m->name, mod->name) == 0 && strcmp(m->path, mod->path) == 0) { return m; } m = malloc(sizeof(Mstat)); if(m == 0) return 0; kstrdup(&m->name, mod->name); kstrdup(&m->path, mod->path); m->ninst = mod->nprog; m->inst = malloc(m->ninst*sizeof(Istat)); if(m->path == 0 || m->inst == 0) return 0; m->base = mod->prog; m->link = vmstat.list; vmstat.list = m; h = hash(m->name); m->hash = vmstat.hash[h]; vmstat.hash[h] = m; return m; } /* interpreted code Dis timing */ void bxec(Prog *p) { int op, pc; vlong t0, t; Mstat* ms; Istat* is; Module *om; R = p->R; R.MP = R.M->MP; R.IC = p->quanta; if(p->kill != nil) { char *m; m = p->kill; p->kill = nil; error(m); } if(R.M->compiled) comvec(); else { om = 0; ms = mlookup(R.M->m); do { op = R.PC->op; pc = R.PC-R.M->prog; if(om != R.M->m) { om = R.M->m; ms = mlookup(R.M->m); } t0 = archrdtsc(); dec[R.PC->add](); R.PC++; optab[op](); t = archrdtsc(); if(ms) { is = &ms->inst[pc]; if(is->count < MAXCOUNT) { if(is->count++ == 0) { is->op = op; is->pc = pc; } stat(Inc, &is->t, t-t0); } } if(op==ISPAWN || op==IMSPAWN) { Prog *new = delruntail(Pdebug); new->xec = bxec; addrun(new); } } while(--R.IC != 0); } p->R = R; } /* compiled code Dis timing */ static struct { /* compiled code timing */ int set; int op, pc; /* Dis opcode and program counter */ vlong t0, t; /* time-in and time-out */ vlong base; /* cost of doing the timing */ Mstat *ms; Module *om; int timing; /* between "dis timer start" and stop */ } C; enum { Nop = 0 }; /* opcode value for Dis NOP instruction */ void dopostcomp(vlong t) { Istat* is; C.t = t; C.set = 0; if( != 0) { is = &>inst[C.pc]; if(C.op == Nop) { /* NOP calibration */ vlong newbase = C.t - C.t0; if(C.base == 0 || newbase < C.base) C.base = newbase; } if(is->count < MAXCOUNT) { if(is->count++ == 0) { is->op = C.op; is->pc = C.pc; } stat(Inc, &is->t, C.t-C.t0/*-C.base*/); } } } void postcomp(void) { vlong t; t = archrdtsc(); if(C.timing == 0 || C.set == 0) return; dopostcomp(t); } void precomp(void) { vlong t; t = archrdtsc(); if(C.timing == 0) return; if(C.set) dopostcomp(t); C.pc = *(ulong *)R.m; C.op = *(ulong *)R.s; if( != R.M->m) { = R.M->m; = mlookup(R.M->m); } C.set = 1; C.t0 = archrdtsc(); } /* standard deviation */ static vlong sdev(Stat *s) { extern double sqrt(double); vlong var; var = s->sum; var *= var/s->n; var = (s->sumsq - var)/s->n; return (vlong)sqrt(var); } /* * Use the sequence: * 1. "timer startclr" or "timer start", then, * 2. Any DIS operations, and, * 3. "timer stop", to stop timing. * 4. Read the results from the data file after: * a) "timer report" to get module/pc level results, or * b) "timer summary" to get opcode level results */ static long distime(int report, void *va, long n, ulong offset) { Prog *p; Mstat *mp; Istat *ip, *ep; if(report) return rep(va, n, offset); clear(); acquire(); p = currun(); if(strncmp(va, "timer startclr", 14) == 0) { mreset(); memset(&C, 0, sizeof(C)); C.timing = 1; p->xec = bxec; } else if(strncmp(va, "timer start", 11) == 0) { p->xec = bxec; C.timing = 1; } else if(strncmp(va, "timer stop", 10) == 0) { p->xec = xec; /* bug: stop all xec threads */ C.timing = 0; } else if(strncmp(va, "timer nilop", 11) == 0) { } else if(strncmp(va, "timer report", 12) == 0) /* by address */ for(mp=vmstat.list; mp; mp=mp->link) { ep = mp->inst + mp->ninst; for(ip=mp->inst; ip<ep; ip++) if(ip->count > 0) { char *mean = ts2str(ip->t.sum/ip->count); char *min = ts2str(ip->t.min); char *max = ts2str(ip->t.max); char *std = ts2str(sdev(&ip->t)); log("%s %d %s %ld %s %s %s %s\n", mp->path, ip->pc, opname(ip->op), ip->count, mean, min, max, std); } } else if(strncmp(va, "timer summary", 13) == 0) { /* by opcode */ static Stat T[MAXDIS]; int i; for(i=0; i<MAXDIS; i++) stat(Reset, &T[i], 0); for(mp=vmstat.list; mp; mp=mp->link) { ep = mp->inst + mp->ninst; for(ip=mp->inst; ip<ep; ip++) if(ip->count > 0) statinc(&T[ip->op], &ip->t); } for(i=0; i<MAXDIS; i++) { Stat *t = &T[i]; char *mean = "0.00 ms"; char *min = "0.00 ms"; char *max = "0.00 ms"; char *std = "0.00 ms"; if(t->n > 0) { mean = ts2str(t->sum/t->n); min = ts2str(t->min); max = ts2str(t->max); std = ts2str(sdev(t)); } log("%d %s %lld %s %s %s %s\n", i, opname(i), t->n, mean, min, max, std); } } else n = 0; R.IC = 1; release(); return n; } /* * Garbage collection */ static int nidle; int idlegc(void *p) { int done; Prog *head; vlong t0, t1, tot; USED(p); head = progn(0); /* isched.head */ done = gccolor + 3; tot = 0; while(gccolor < done && gcruns()) { if(tready(nil)) break; t0 = archrdtsc(); rungc(head); t1 = archrdtsc(); t1 -= t0; tot += t1; // log(" %.2f", ts2us(t1)); } log(" %.2f", ts2us(tot)); nidle--; if(nidle == 0) { log("\n"); return 1; } return 0; } static long gctime(int report, void *va, long n, ulong offset) { int i; vlong t0, t1; Prog *head; if(report) return rep(va, n, offset); clear(); acquire(); head = progn(0); /* isched.head */ /* if(strncmp(va, "idle", 4) == 0) { nidle = 100; log("GCIDLE:1l:Observation:n:Time:us"); atidle(idlegc, 0); } else if(strncmp(va, "stop", 4) == 0) { atidledont(idlegc, 0); } else */ if(strncmp(va, "sched", 5) == 0) { log("GCSCHED:1l:Observation:n:Time:us"); for(i=0; i<1000; i++) { t0 = archrdtsc(); rungc(head); t1 = archrdtsc(); log(" %.2f", ts2us(t1-t0)); release(); acquire(); } log("\n"); } else if(strncmp(va, "acquire", 7) == 0) { log("GCACQUIRE:1l:Observation:n:Time:us"); for(i=0; i<1000; i++) { t0 = archrdtsc(); release(); acquire(); head = progn(0); /* isched.head */ rungc(head); release(); acquire(); t1 = archrdtsc(); log(" %.2f", ts2us(t1-t0)); } log("\n"); } release(); return n; } /* * Request the number of time stamp ticks per millisecond */ static long ms2ts(int report, void *va, long n, ulong offset) { if(report) return rep(va, n, offset); log("%.ld\n", MS2TS); return n; } /* * test */ static long test(int report, void *va, long n, ulong offset) { // vlong v; double d; if(report) return rep(va, n, offset); // v = 5; // print("vlong %lld\n", v); // print("before cast\n"); // d = (double)v; // print("after cast\n"); // print("before assign\n"); d=100.0; print("after assign\n"); print("double %f\n", d); // log("%lld %f\n", v, d); return n; } /* * $Bench builtin support */ void Bench_reset(void *) { bus(1); } void Bench_microsec(void *fp) { F_Bench_microsec *f; f = fp; *f->ret = bus(0); } void Bench_disablegc(void *) { gclock(); } void Bench_enablegc(void *) { gcunlock(); } #define fdchk(x) ((x) == (Bench_FD*)H ? -1 : (x)->fd) void Bench_read(void *fp) { int n; F_Bench_read *f; vlong usrelease, uskread, usacquire, ussched; f = fp; n = f->n; if(f->buf == (Array*)H) { *f->ret = 0; return; } if(n > f->buf->len) n = f->buf->len; bus(1); release(); usrelease = bus(0); *f->ret = kread(fdchk(f->fd), f->buf->data, n); uskread = bus(0); acquire(); usacquire = bus(0); sched(); ussched = bus(0); log("%lld %lld %lld %lud %lld\n", usrelease, uskread, usacquire, m->ticks, ussched); } /* * driver support */ long (*Test[])(int report, void *va, long n, ulong offset) = { [None] notest, [Calibrate] cal, [Base] base, [Op] timeop, [Intr] intrtime, [Dis] distime, [Gc] gctime, [MS2T] ms2ts, [xTest] test, }; enum { Benchdirqid, Benchdataqid, Benchctlqid, Benchusqid, }; #define Data 0 static Dirtab benchtab[]={ ".", {Benchdirqid,0,QTDIR}, 0, 0555, "bdata", {Benchdataqid}, 0, 0444, "bctl", {Benchctlqid}, 0, 0660, "busec", {Benchusqid}, 0, 0660, }; static void benchreset(void) { builtinmod("$Bench", Benchmodtab); } static Chan* benchattach(char *spec) { bench.inuse++; if(bench.inuse == 1) { bench.bufsz = 100*READSTR; bench.buf = xalloc(bench.bufsz); bench.wpos = bench.buf; if(bench.buf == 0) error(Enomem); bench.test = None; cal(0, 0, 0, 0); } return devattach('x', spec); } void benchshutdown(void) { bench.inuse--; if(bench.inuse == 0) xfree(bench.buf); } static Walkqid* benchwalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname) { return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, benchtab, nelem(benchtab), devgen); } static Chan* benchopen(Chan *c, int omode) { if(c->qid.path == Benchdirqid){ if(omode != OREAD) error(Eperm); } c->mode = openmode(omode); c->flag |= COPEN; c->offset = 0; return c; } static int benchstat(Chan *c, uchar *dp, int n) { switch((ulong)c->qid.path){ case Benchdataqid: benchtab[Data].length = bench.wpos - bench.buf; } return devstat(c, dp, n, benchtab, nelem(benchtab), devgen); } static void benchclose(Chan*) { } static long benchread(Chan *c, void *buf, long n, vlong offset) { vlong us; char tmp[64]; switch((ulong)c->qid.path){ case Benchdirqid: return devdirread(c, buf, n, benchtab, nelem(benchtab), devgen); case Benchdataqid: return Test[bench.test](1, buf, n, offset); case Benchusqid: us = archrdtsc(); us /= US2TS; snprint(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.lld", us); return readstr(0, buf, n, tmp); default: n = 0; break; } return n; } static long benchwrite(Chan *c, void *buf, long n, vlong offset) { int argn = n; switch((ulong)c->qid.path){ case Benchctlqid: bench.test = None; memset((char *)bench.buf, 0, bench.bufsz); bench.wpos = bench.buf; if(strncmp(buf, "test", 4) == 0) bench.test = xTest; else if(strncmp(buf, "calibrate", 9) == 0) bench.test = Calibrate; else if(strncmp(buf, "base", 4) == 0) bench.test = Base; else if(strncmp(buf, "intr", 4) == 0) bench.test = Intr; else if(strncmp(buf, "op ", 3) == 0) { bench.test = Op; buf = (char *)buf + 3; argn -= 3; } else if(strncmp(buf, "dis ", 4) == 0) { bench.test = Dis; buf = (char *)buf + 4; argn -= 4; } else if(strncmp(buf, "gc ", 3) == 0) { bench.test = Gc; buf = (char *)buf + 3; argn -= 3; } else if(strncmp(buf, "ms2ts", 5) == 0) bench.test = MS2T; else error(Ebadctl); Test[bench.test](0, buf, argn, offset); break; case Benchusqid: bench.tickstart = archrdtsc(); break; default: error(Ebadusefd); } return n; } Dev benchdevtab = { 'x', "bench", benchreset, devinit, benchshutdown, benchattach, benchwalk, benchstat, benchopen, devcreate, benchclose, benchread, devbread, benchwrite, devbwrite, devremove, devwstat, };