ref: df03eca7e7cbfadf1cf8c8c5a94390eaa5013a8b
dir: /os/ks32/trap.c/
#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "io.h" #include "ureg.h" #include "../port/error.h" #define waslo(sr) (!((sr) & (PsrDirq|PsrDfiq))) typedef struct IrqEntry { void (*r)(Ureg*, void*); void *a; int v; } IrqEntry; enum { NumIRQbits = MaxIRQbit+1, }; static IrqEntry Irq[NumIRQbits]; Instr BREAK = 0xE6BAD010; int (*breakhandler)(Ureg*, Proc*); int (*catchdbg)(Ureg *, uint); void dumperrstk(void); /* * Interrupt sources not masked by splhi() -- these are special * interrupt handlers (e.g. profiler or watchdog), not allowed * to share regular kernel data structures. All interrupts are * masked by splfhi(), which should only be used herein. */ int splfhi(void); /* disable all */ int splflo(void); /* enable FIQ */ static int actIrq = -1; /* Active Irq handler, 0-31, or -1 if none */ static int wasIrq = -1; /* Interrupted Irq handler */ static Proc *iup; /* Interrupted kproc */ void intrmask(int v, int tbdf) { USED(tbdf); if(v < 0 || v > MaxIRQbit) panic("intrmask: irq source %d out of range\n", v); INTREG->msk |= (1 << v); } void intrunmask(int v, int tbdf) { USED(tbdf); if(v < 0 || v > MaxIRQbit) panic("intrunmask: irq source %d out of range\n", v); INTREG->msk &= ~(1 << v); } void intrclear(int v, int tbdf) { USED(tbdf); if(v < 0 || v > MaxIRQbit) panic("intrclear: irq source %d out of range\n", v); INTREG->pnd = (1 << v); } void intrenable(int v, void (*f)(Ureg*, void*), void* a, int tbdf) { int x; USED(tbdf); if(v < 0 || v > MaxIRQbit) panic("intrenable: irq source %d out of range\n", v); Irq[v].r = f; Irq[v].a = a; x = splfhi(); /* Enable the interrupt by clearing the mask bit */ INTREG->msk &= ~(1 << v); splx(x); } ulong fiqstack[4]; ulong irqstack[4]; ulong abtstack[4]; ulong undstack[4]; static void safeintr(Ureg *, void *a) { int v = (int)a; int x; /* No handler - clear the mask so we don't loop */ x = splfhi(); intrmask(v, 0); splx(x); iprint("SPURIOUS INTERRUPT %d\n", v); } static void trapv(int off, void (*f)(void)) { ulong *vloc; int offset; vloc = (ulong *)off; offset = (((ulong *) f) - vloc)-2; *vloc = (0xea << 24) | offset; } static void maskallints(void) { INTREG->msk = 0x3fffff; /* mask out all interrupts */ } void trapinit(void) { int v; IntReg *intr = INTREG; intr->mod = 0; /* all interrupts to be done in IRQ mode */ /* set up stacks for various exceptions */ setr13(PsrMfiq, fiqstack+nelem(fiqstack)); setr13(PsrMirq, irqstack+nelem(irqstack)); setr13(PsrMabt, abtstack+nelem(abtstack)); setr13(PsrMund, undstack+nelem(undstack)); for (v = 0; v < nelem(Irq); v++) { Irq[v].r = safeintr; Irq[v].a = (void *)v; Irq[v].v = v; } trapv(0x0, _vsvccall); trapv(0x4, _vundcall); trapv(0xc, _vpabcall); trapv(0x10, _vdabcall); trapv(0x18, _virqcall); trapv(0x1c, _vfiqcall); trapv(0x8, _vsvccall); serwrite = uartputs; } static char *_trap_str[PsrMask+1] = { [ PsrMfiq ] "Fiq interrupt", [ PsrMirq ] "Mirq interrupt", [ PsrMsvc ] "SVC/SWI Exception", [ PsrMabt ] "Prefetch Abort/Data Abort", [ PsrMabt+1 ] "Data Abort", [ PsrMund ] "Undefined instruction", [ PsrMsys ] "Sys trap" }; static char * trap_str(int psr) { char *str = _trap_str[psr & PsrMask]; if (!str) str = "Undefined trap"; return(str); } static void sys_trap_error(int type) { char errbuf[ERRMAX]; sprint(errbuf, "sys: trap: %s\n", trap_str(type)); error(errbuf); } void dflt(Ureg *ureg, ulong far) { char buf[ERRMAX]; dumpregs(ureg); sprint(buf, "trap: fault pc=%8.8lux addr=0x%lux", (ulong)ureg->pc, far); disfault(ureg, buf); } /* * All traps come here. It is slower to have all traps ca) * rather than directly vectoring the handler. * However, this avoids * a lot of code dup and possible bugs. * trap is called splfhi(). */ void trap(Ureg* ureg) { // // This is here to make sure that a clock interrupt doesn't // cause the process we just returned into to get scheduled // before it single stepped to the next instruction. // static struct {int callsched;} c = {1}; int itype; /* * All interrupts/exceptions should be resumed at ureg->pc-4, * except for Data Abort which resumes at ureg->pc-8. */ itype = ureg->type; if(itype == PsrMabt+1) ureg->pc -= 8; else ureg->pc -= 4; ureg->sp = (ulong)(ureg+1); if (itype == PsrMirq || itype == PsrMfiq) { /* Interrupt Request */ Proc *saveup; int t; SET(t); SET(saveup); if (itype == PsrMirq) { splflo(); /* Allow nonmasked interrupts */ if (saveup = up) { t = m->ticks; /* CPU time per proc */ saveup->pc = ureg->pc; /* debug info */ saveup->dbgreg = ureg; } } else { /* for profiler(wasbusy()): */ wasIrq = actIrq; /* Save ID of interrupted handler */ iup = up; /* Save ID of interrupted proc */ } while (1) { /* Use up all the active interrupts */ ulong hpip; IrqEntry *curIrq; IntReg *intr = INTREG; hpip = itype == PsrMirq ? intr->oset_irq : intr->oset_fiq; if (hpip == 0x54) break; curIrq = Irq + (hpip >> 2); actIrq = curIrq->v; /* show active interrupt handler */ up = 0; /* Make interrupted process invisible */ curIrq->r(ureg, curIrq->a); /* Call handler */ } if (itype == PsrMirq) { up = saveup; /* Make interrupted process visible */ actIrq = -1; /* No more interrupt handler running */ preemption(m->ticks - t); saveup->dbgreg = nil; } else { actIrq = wasIrq; up = iup; } return; } setled7ascii('E'); /* All other traps */ if (ureg->psr & PsrDfiq) goto faultpanic; if (up) up->dbgreg = ureg; // setled7ascii('0' + itype); switch(itype) { case PsrMund: /* Undefined instruction */ if(*(ulong*)ureg->pc == BREAK && breakhandler) { int s; Proc *p; p = up; /* if (!waslo(ureg->psr) || (ureg->pc >= (ulong)splhi && ureg->pc < (ulong)islo)) p = 0; */ s = breakhandler(ureg, p); if(s == BrkSched) { c.callsched = 1; sched(); } else if(s == BrkNoSched) { c.callsched = 0; if(up) up->dbgreg = 0; return; } break; } if (!up) goto faultpanic; spllo(); if (waserror()) { if(waslo(ureg->psr) && (up->type == Interp)) disfault(ureg, up->env->errstr); setpanic(); dumpregs(ureg); panic("%s", up->env->errstr); } if (!fpiarm(ureg)) { dumpregs(ureg); sys_trap_error(ureg->type); } poperror(); break; case PsrMsvc: /* Jump through 0 or SWI */ if (waslo(ureg->psr) && up && (up->type == Interp)) { spllo(); dumpregs(ureg); sys_trap_error(ureg->type); } goto faultpanic; case PsrMabt: /* Prefetch abort */ if (catchdbg && catchdbg(ureg, 0)) break; ureg->pc -= 4; case PsrMabt+1: { /* Data abort */ if (waslo(ureg->psr) && up && (up->type == Interp)) { spllo(); dflt(ureg, 0); } goto faultpanic; } default: /* ??? */ faultpanic: setpanic(); dumpregs(ureg); panic("exception %uX %s\n", ureg->type, trap_str(ureg->type)); break; } splhi(); if(up) up->dbgreg = 0; /* becomes invalid after return from trap */ } void setpanic(void) { extern void screenon(int); extern int consoleprint; if (breakhandler != 0) /* don't mess up debugger */ return; maskallints(); // spllo(); /* screenon(!consoleprint); */ consoleprint = 1; serwrite = uartputs; } int isvalid_wa(void *v) { return((ulong)v >= 0x8000 && (ulong)v < conf.topofmem && !((ulong)v & 3)); } int isvalid_va(void *v) { return((ulong)v >= 0x8000 && (ulong)v < conf.topofmem); } void dumplongs(char *msg, ulong *v, int n) { int ii; int ll; ll = print("%s at %ulx: ", msg, v); for (ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) { if (ll >= 60) { print("\n"); ll = print(" %ulx: ", v); } if (isvalid_va(v)) ll += print(" %ulx", *v++); else { ll += print(" invalid"); break; } } print("\n"); USED(ll); } void dumpregs(Ureg* ureg) { Proc *p; print("TRAP: %s", trap_str(ureg->type)); if ((ureg->psr & PsrMask) != PsrMsvc) print(" in %s", trap_str(ureg->psr)); /* if ((ureg->type == PsrMabt) || (ureg->type == PsrMabt + 1)) print(" FSR %8.8luX FAR %8.8luX\n", mmuregr(CpFSR), mmuregr(CpFAR)); */ print("\n"); print("PSR %8.8uX type %2.2uX PC %8.8uX LINK %8.8uX\n", ureg->psr, ureg->type, ureg->pc, ureg->link); print("R14 %8.8uX R13 %8.8uX R12 %8.8uX R11 %8.8uX R10 %8.8uX\n", ureg->r14, ureg->r13, ureg->r12, ureg->r11, ureg->r10); print("R9 %8.8uX R8 %8.8uX R7 %8.8uX R6 %8.8uX R5 %8.8uX\n", ureg->r9, ureg->r8, ureg->r7, ureg->r6, ureg->r5); print("R4 %8.8uX R3 %8.8uX R2 %8.8uX R1 %8.8uX R0 %8.8uX\n", ureg->r4, ureg->r3, ureg->r2, ureg->r1, ureg->r0); print("Stack is at: %8.8luX\n",ureg); print("CPSR %8.8uX SPSR %8.8uX ", cpsrr(), spsrr()); print("PC %8.8lux LINK %8.8lux\n", (ulong)ureg->pc, (ulong)ureg->link); p = (actIrq >= 0) ? iup : up; if (p != nil) print("Process stack: %lux-%lux\n", p->kstack, p->kstack+KSTACK-4); else print("System stack: %lux-%lux\n", (ulong)(m+1), (ulong)m+KSTACK-4); dumplongs("stk", (ulong *)(ureg + 1), 16); print("bl's: "); dumpstk((ulong *)(ureg + 1)); if (isvalid_wa((void *)ureg->pc)) dumplongs("code", (ulong *)ureg->pc - 5, 12); dumperrstk(); /* for(;;) ; */ } void dumpstack(void) { ulong l; if (breakhandler != 0) dumpstk(&l); } void dumpstk(ulong *l) { ulong *v, i; ulong inst; ulong *estk; uint len; len = KSTACK/sizeof *l; if (up == 0) len -= l - (ulong *)m; else len -= l - (ulong *)up->kstack; if (len > KSTACK/sizeof *l) len = KSTACK/sizeof *l; else if (len < 0) len = 50; i = 0; for(estk = l + len; l<estk; l++) { if (!isvalid_wa(l)) { i += print("invalid(%lux)", l); break; } v = (ulong *)*l; if (isvalid_wa(v)) { inst = *(v - 1); if ( ( ((inst & 0x0ff0f000) == 0x0280f000) && ((*(v-2) & 0x0ffff000) == 0x028fe000) ) || ((inst & 0x0f000000) == 0x0b000000) ) { i += print("%8.8lux ", v); } } if (i >= 60) { print("\n"); i = print(" "); } } if (i) print("\n"); } void dumperrstk(void) { int ii, ll; if (!up) return; ll = print("err stk: "); for (ii = 0; ii < NERR; ii++) { if (ii == up->nerrlab) ll += print("* "); if (up->errlab[ii].pc) { ll += print(" %lux/%8.8lux", up->errlab[ii].sp, up->errlab[ii].pc); if (ll >= 60) { print("\n"); ll = 0; } } } if (ll) print("\n"); } void trapspecial(int (*f)(Ureg *, uint)) { catchdbg = f; }