ref: d916a4c3823f55227ffae35738c2497256e307b5
dir: /appl/lib/ecmascript/pprint.b/
PPrint: adt { ex: ref Exec; code: ref Code; stack: array of string; sp: int; }; mkpprint(ex: ref Exec, code: ref Code): ref PPrint { return ref PPrint(ex, code, array[4] of string, 0); } funcprint(ex: ref Exec, func: ref Ecmascript->Obj): string { params :=; (nil, name) := str->splitr(func.val.str, "."); s := "function " + name + "("; sep := ""; for(i := 0; i < len params; i++){ s += sep + params[i]; sep = ", "; } s += "){"; if( != nil) s += "[host code]"; else s += "\n" + pprint(ex,, " "); s += "}"; return s; } pprint(ex: ref Exec, code: ref Code, indent: string): string { pp := ref PPrint(ex, code, array[4] of string, 0); #for(i:=0; i < code.npc; i++) sys->print("%d: %d\n", i, int code.ops[i]); s := pstmt(pp, 0, code.npc, indent); if(pp.sp != 0) fatal(ex, "pprint stack not balanced"); return s; } pstmt(pp: ref PPrint, pc, epc: int, indent: string): string { e, e1, e2: string; c, apc: int; code := pp.code; s := ""; while(pc < epc){ op := int code.ops[pc++]; while(op == Llabel){ (pc, c) = getconst(code.ops, pc); s += code.strs[c] + ":\n"; op = int code.ops[pc++]; } s += indent; case op{ Lbreak or Lcontinue or Lreturn => s += tokname(op); if(op == Lreturn){ (pc, e) = pexp(pp, pc, code.npc); s += " " + e; } s += ";\n"; Lbreaklab or Lcontinuelab => s += tokname(op); (pc, c) = getconst(code.ops, pc); s += " " + code.strs[c] + ";\n"; '{' => (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); s += "{\n" + pstmt(pp, pc, apc, indent+" ") + indent + "}\n"; pc = apc; Lif or Lwith or Lwhile => (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); (pc, e) = pexp(pp, pc, apc); (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); s += tokname(op) + "(" + e + "){\n"; s += pstmt(pp, pc, apc, indent+" "); if(op == Lif){ (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, apc); if(pc != apc) s += indent + "}else{\n"; s += pstmt(pp, pc, apc, indent+" "); } s += indent + "}\n"; pc = apc; Ldo => (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); e = pstmt(pp, pc, apc, indent+" "); (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, apc); (pc, e1) = pexp(pp, pc, apc); s += "do{\n" + e + indent + "}(while(" + e1 + ");\n"; pc = apc; Lfor or Lforvar or Lforin or Lforvarin => (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); (pc, e) = pexp(pp, pc, apc); (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); (pc, e1) = pexp(pp, pc, apc); s += "for("; if(op == Lforvar || op == Lforvarin) s += "var "; s += e; if(op == Lfor || op == Lforvar){ (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); (pc, e2) = pexp(pp, pc, apc); s += "; " + e1 + "; " + e2; }else s += " in " + e1; s += "){\n"; (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); s += pstmt(pp, pc, apc, indent+" "); s += indent + "}\n"; pc = apc; ';' => s += ";\n"; Lvar => (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); (pc, e) = pexp(pp, pc, apc); s += "var " + e + ";\n"; Lswitch => (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); (pc, e) = pexp(pp, pc, apc); s += "switch (" + e + ") {\n"; (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); (pc, e) = pcaseblk(pp, pc, apc, indent); s += e + indent + "}\n"; pc = apc; Lthrow => (pc, e) = pexp(pp, pc, code.npc); s += "throw " + e + "\n"; Ltry => s += "try\n"; (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); s += pstmt(pp, pc, apc, indent+" "); (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, apc); if(pc != apc){ (pc, c) = getconst(code.ops, ++pc); s += "catch(" + code.strs[c] + ")\n"; s += pstmt(pp, pc, apc, indent+" "); } (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, apc); if(pc != apc){ s += "finally\n"; s += pstmt(pp, pc, apc, indent+" "); } pc = apc; * => (pc, e) = pexp(pp, pc-1, code.npc); s += e + ";\n"; } } return s; } pexp(pp: ref PPrint, pc, epc: int): (int, string) { c, apc: int; s, f, a, a1, a2: string; code := pp.code; savesp := pp.sp; out: while(pc < epc){ case op := int code.ops[pc++]{ Lthis => s = "this"; Lid or Lnum or Lstr or Lregexp => (pc, c) = getconst(code.ops, pc); if(op == Lnum) s = string code.nums[c]; else{ s = code.strs[c]; if(op == Lstr) s = "\""+escstr(code.strs[c])+"\""; } '*' or '/' or '%' or '+' or '-' or Llsh or Lrsh or Lrshu or '<' or '>' or Lleq or Lgeq or Lin or Linstanceof or Leq or Lneq or Lseq or Lsne or '&' or '^' or '|' or '=' or '.' or ',' or '[' => a2 = ppop(pp); a1 = ppop(pp); s = tokname(op); if(a1[0] == '='){ s += "="; a1 = a1[1:]; } if(op == '[') s = a1 + "[" + a2 + "]"; else{ if(op != '.'){ if(op != ',') s = " " + s; s = s + " "; } s = a1 + s + a2; } Ltypeof or Ldelete or Lvoid or Lnew or Linc or Ldec or Lpreadd or Lpresub or '~' or '!' or Lpostinc or Lpostdec => a = ppop(pp); s = tokname(op); if(op == Lpostinc || op == Lpostdec) s = a + s; else{ if(op == Ltypeof || op == Ldelete || op == Lvoid || op == Lnew) s += " "; s += a; } '(' => s = "("; ')' => s = ppop(pp); if(ppop(pp) != "(") fatal(pp.ex, "unbalanced () in pexp"); s = "(" + s + ")"; Lgetval or Las => continue; Lasop => s = "=" + ppop(pp); Lcall or Lnewcall => (pc, c) = getconst(code.ops, pc); a = ""; sep := ""; for(sp := pp.sp-c; sp < pp.sp; sp++){ a += sep + pp.stack[sp]; sep = ", "; } pp.sp -= c; f = ppop(pp); if(op == Lnewcall) f = "new " + f; s = f + "(" + a + ")"; ';' => break out; Landand or Loror or '?' => s = ppop(pp); (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); (pc, a1) = pexp(pp, pc, apc); s += " " + tokname(op) + " " + a1; if(op == '?'){ (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); (pc, a2) = pexp(pp, pc, apc); s += " : "+ a2; } * => fatal(pp.ex, "pexp: unknown op " + tokname(op)); } ppush(pp, s); } if(savesp == pp.sp) return (pc, ""); if(savesp != pp.sp-1) fatal(pp.ex, "unbalanced stack in pexp"); return (pc, ppop(pp)); } pcaseblk(pp: ref PPrint, pc, epc: int, indent: string): (int, string) { code := pp.code; defpc, clausepc, nextpc, apc: int; s, a: string; (pc, defpc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); clausepc = pc; (pc, nextpc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); for (; pc < epc; (clausepc, (pc, nextpc)) = (nextpc, getjmp(code.ops, nextpc))) { if (clausepc == defpc) { s += indent + "default:\n"; } else { (pc, apc) = getjmp(code.ops, pc); (pc, a) = pexp(pp, pc, apc); s += indent + "case " + a + ":\n"; } s += pstmt(pp, pc, nextpc, indent+"\t"); } return (epc, s); } ppush(pp: ref PPrint, s: string) { if(pp.sp >= len pp.stack){ st := array[2 * len pp.stack] of string; st[:] = pp.stack; pp.stack = st; } pp.stack[pp.sp++] = s; } ppop(pp: ref PPrint): string { if(pp.sp == 0) fatal(pp.ex, "popping too far off the pstack"); return pp.stack[--pp.sp]; } unescmap := array[128] of { '\'' => byte '\'', '"' => byte '"', '\\' => byte '\\', '\b' => byte 'b', '\u000c' => byte 'f', '\n' => byte 'n', '\r' => byte 'r', '\t' => byte 't', * => byte 0 }; escstr(s: string): string { n := len s; sb := ""; for(i := 0; i < n; i++){ c := s[i]; if(c < 128 && (e := int unescmap[c])){ sb[len sb] = '\\'; sb[len sb] = e; }else if(c > 128 || c < 32){ sb += "\\u0000"; for(j := 1; j <= 4; j++){ sb[len sb - j] = "0123456789abcdef"[c & 16rf]; c >>= 4; } }else sb[len sb] = c; } return sb; }