ref: d916a4c3823f55227ffae35738c2497256e307b5
dir: /appl/lib/ecmascript/ecmascript.b/
implement Ecmascript; include "sys.m"; include "math.m"; include "string.m"; include "daytime.m"; include "ecmascript.m"; include "pprint.b"; include "obj.b"; include "exec.b"; include "date.b"; include "builtin.b"; include "regexp.b"; include "uri.b"; FF: con '\u000c'; LS: con '\u2028'; PS: con '\u2029'; islt(c: int): int { return c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == LS || c == PS; } me: ESHostobj; sys: Sys; print, sprint: import sys; stdout: ref Sys->FD; math: Math; isnan, floor, copysign, fabs, fmod, NaN, Infinity: import math; str: String; daytime: Daytime; Tm: import daytime; labrec: adt{ s: string; # name k: int; # kind }; HashSize: con 1024; Parser: adt { ex: ref Exec; code: ref Code; inloop: int; # parser state incase: int; infunc: int; lastnl: int; # parser state for inserting ; notin: int; # don't allow `in' in expression token: int; # lexical token token1: int; # lexical token id: int; # associated value lineno: int; src: string; # lexical input state esrc: int; srci: int; errors: int; labs: list of ref labrec; }; Keywd: adt { name: string; token: int; }; # # lexical tokens and ops # Lbase: con 128; Leos, Landas, Loras, Lxoras, Llshas, Lrshas, Lrshuas, Laddas, Lsubas, Lmulas, Ldivas, Lmodas, Loror, Landand, Leq, Lneq, Lleq, Lgeq, Llsh, Lrsh, Lrshu, Linc, Ldec, Lnum, Lid, Lstr, Lthis, Ltypeof, Ldelete, Lvoid, Lwhile, Lfor, Lbreak, Lcontinue, Lwith, Lreturn, Lfunction, Lvar, Lif, Lelse, Lin, Lnew, Lcase, Ldefault, Lswitch, Ldo, Linstanceof, Lcatch, Lfinally, Lthrow, Ltry, Lregexp, Lseq, Lsne, Lprint, Lpostinc, # ops that aren't lexical tokens Lpostdec, Lpresub, Lpreadd, Lcall, Lnewcall, Lgetval, Las, Lasop, Lforin, Lforvar, Lforvarin, Larrinit, Lobjinit, Lnoval, Llabel, Lbreaklab, Lcontinuelab, # # reserved words # Labstract, Lboolean, Lbyte, Lchar, Lclass, Lconst, Ldebugger, Ldouble, Lenum, Lexport, Lextends, Lfinal, Lfloat, Lgoto, Limplements, Limport, Lint, Linterface, Llong, Lnative, Lpackage, Lprivate, Lprotected, Lpublic, Lshort, Lstatic, Lsuper, Lsynchronized, Lthrows, Ltransient, Lvolatile: con Lbase + iota; # # internals # Mlower, Mupper, Munder, Mdigit, Msign, Mexp, Mhex, Moct: con byte 1 << iota; Malpha: con Mupper|Mlower|Munder; map := array[256] of { '_' or '$' => Munder, '-' or '+' => Msign, 'a' to 'd' or 'f' => Mlower | Mhex, 'e' => Mlower | Mhex | Mexp, 'g' to 'z' => Mlower, 'A' to 'D' or 'F' => Mupper | Mhex, 'E' => Mupper | Mhex | Mexp, 'G' to 'Z' => Mupper, '0' to '7' => Mdigit | Mhex | Moct, '8' to '9' => Mdigit | Mhex, * => byte 0 }; maxerr: int; toterrors: int; fabort: int; escmap := array[] of { '\'' => byte '\'', '"' => byte '"', '\\' => byte '\\', 'b' => byte '\b', 'f' => byte FF, 'n' => byte '\n', 'r' => byte '\r', 't' => byte '\t', 'v' => byte FF, * => byte 255 }; # # must be sorted # keywords := array [] of { Keywd("abstract", Labstract), Keywd("boolean", Lboolean), Keywd("byte", Lbyte), Keywd("break", Lbreak), Keywd("case", Lcase), Keywd("catch", Lcatch), Keywd("char", Lchar), Keywd("class", Lclass), Keywd("const", Lconst), Keywd("continue", Lcontinue), Keywd("debugger", Ldebugger), Keywd("default", Ldefault), Keywd("delete", Ldelete), Keywd("do", Ldo), Keywd("double", Ldouble), Keywd("else", Lelse), Keywd("enum", Lenum), Keywd("export", Lexport), Keywd("extends ", Lextends), Keywd("final", Lfinal), Keywd("finally", Lfinally), Keywd("float", Lfloat), Keywd("for", Lfor), Keywd("function", Lfunction), Keywd("goto", Lgoto), Keywd("if", Lif), Keywd("implements", Limplements), Keywd("import", Limport), Keywd("in", Lin), Keywd("instanceof", Linstanceof), Keywd("int", Lint), Keywd("interface", Linterface), Keywd("long", Llong), Keywd("native", Lnative), Keywd("new", Lnew), Keywd("package", Lpackage), # Keywd("print", Lprint), Keywd("private", Lprivate), Keywd("protected", Lprotected), Keywd("public", Lpublic), Keywd("return", Lreturn), Keywd("short", Lshort), Keywd("static", Lstatic), Keywd("super", Lsuper), Keywd("switch", Lswitch), Keywd("synchronized", Lsynchronized), Keywd("this", Lthis), Keywd("throw", Lthrow), Keywd("throws", Lthrows), Keywd("transient", Ltransient), Keywd("try", Ltry), Keywd("typeof", Ltypeof), Keywd("var", Lvar), Keywd("void", Lvoid), Keywd("volatile", Lvolatile), Keywd("while", Lwhile), Keywd("with", Lwith), }; debug = array[256] of {* => 0}; glbuiltins := array[] of { Builtin("eval", "eval", array[] of {"src"}, 1), Builtin("parseInt", "parseInt", array[] of {"string", "radix"}, 2), Builtin("parseFloat", "parseFloat", array[] of {"string"}, 1), Builtin("escape", "escape", array[] of {"string"}, 1), Builtin("unescape", "unescape", array[] of {"string"}, 1), Builtin("isNaN", "isNaN", array[] of {"number"}, 1), Builtin("isFinite", "isFinite", array[] of {"number"}, 1), Builtin("decodeURI", "decodeURI", array[] of {"string"}, 1), Builtin("decodeURIComponent", "decodeURIComponent", array[] of {"string"}, 1), Builtin("encodeURI", "encodeURI", array[] of {"string"}, 1), Builtin("encodeURIComponent", "encodeURIComponent", array[] of {"string"}, 1), }; biobj := Builtin("Object", "Object", array[] of {"value"}, 1); biobjproto := array[] of { Builtin("toString", "Object.prototype.toString", nil, 0), Builtin("toLocaleString", "Object.prototype.toLocaleString", nil, 0), Builtin("valueOf", "Object.prototype.valueOf", nil, 0), Builtin("hasOwnProperty", "Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty", array[] of {"V"}, 1), Builtin("isPrototypeOf", "Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf", array[] of {"V"}, 1), Builtin("propertyisEnumerable", "Object.prototype.propertyisEnumerable", array[] of {"V"}, 1), }; bifunc := Builtin("Function", "Function", array[] of {"body"}, 1); bifuncproto := array[] of { Builtin("toString", "Function.prototype.toString", nil, 0), Builtin("apply", "Function.prototype.apply", array[] of {"this", "array"}, 2), Builtin("call", "", array[] of {"this", "arg"}, 1), }; bierr := Builtin("Error", "Error", array[] of {"message"}, 1); bierrproto := array[] of { Builtin("toString", "Error.prototype.toString", nil , 0), }; biarray := Builtin("Array", "Array", array[] of {"length"}, 1); biarrayproto := array[] of { Builtin("toString", "Array.prototype.toString", nil, 0), Builtin("toLocaleString", "Array.prototype.toLocaleString", nil, 0), Builtin("concat", "Array.prototype.concat", array[] of {"item"}, 1), Builtin("join", "Array.prototype.join", array[] of {"separator"}, 1), Builtin("pop", "Array.prototype.pop", nil, 0), Builtin("push", "Array.prototype.push", array[] of {"item"} , 1), Builtin("reverse", "Array.prototype.reverse", nil, 0), Builtin("shift", "Array.prototype.shift", nil, 0), Builtin("slice", "Array.prototype.slice", array[] of {"start", "end"}, 2), Builtin("splice", "Array.prototype.splice", array[] of {"start", "delcnt", "item"}, 2), Builtin("sort", "Array.prototype.sort", array[] of {"comparefunc"}, 1), Builtin("unshift", "Array.prototype.unshift", array[] of {"item"}, 1), }; bistr := Builtin("String", "String", array[] of {"value"}, 1); bistrproto := array[] of { Builtin("toString", "String.prototype.toString", nil, 0), Builtin("valueOf", "String.prototype.valueOf", nil, 0), Builtin("charAt", "String.prototype.charAt", array[] of {"pos"}, 1), Builtin("charCodeAt", "String.prototype.charCodeAt", array[] of {"pos"}, 1), Builtin("concat", "String.prototype.concat", array[] of {"string"}, 1), Builtin("indexOf", "String.prototype.indexOf", array[] of {"string", "pos"}, 2), Builtin("lastIndexOf", "String.prototype.lastIndexOf", array[] of {"string", "pos"}, 2), Builtin("localeCompare", "String.prototype.localeCompare", array[] of {"that"}, 1), Builtin("slice", "String.prototype.slice", array[] of {"start", "end"}, 2), Builtin("split", "String.prototype.split", array[] of {"separator"}, 2), Builtin("substr", "String.prototype.substr", array[] of {"start", "length"}, 2), Builtin("substring", "String.prototype.substring", array[] of {"start", "end"}, 2), Builtin("toLowerCase", "String.prototype.toLowerCase", nil, 0), Builtin("toUpperCase", "String.prototype.toUpperCase", nil, 0), Builtin("toLocaleLowerCase", "String.prototype.toLocaleLowerCase", nil, 0), Builtin("toLocaleUpperCase", "String.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase", nil, 0), # JavaScript 1.0 Builtin("anchor", "String.prototype.anchor", array[] of {"name"}, 1), Builtin("big", "String.prototype.big", nil, 0), Builtin("blink", "String.prototype.blink", nil, 0), Builtin("bold", "String.prototype.bold", nil, 0), Builtin("fixed", "String.prototype.fixed", nil, 0), Builtin("fontcolor", "String.prototype.fontcolor", array[] of {"color"}, 1), Builtin("fontsize", "String.prototype.fontsize", array[] of {"size"}, 1), Builtin("italics", "String.prototype.italics", nil, 0), Builtin("link", "", array[] of {"href"}, 1), Builtin("small", "String.prototype.small", nil, 0), Builtin("strike", "String.prototype.strike", nil, 0), Builtin("sub", "String.prototype.sub", nil, 0), Builtin("sup", "String.prototype.sup", nil, 0), Builtin("match", "String.prototype.match", array[] of {"regexp"}, 1), Builtin("replace", "String.prototype.replace", array[] of {"searchval", "replaceval"}, 2), Builtin("search", "", array[] of {"regexp"}, 1), }; bistrctor := Builtin("fromCharCode", "String.fromCharCode", array[] of {"characters"}, 1); bibool := Builtin("Boolean", "Boolean", array[] of {"value"}, 1); biboolproto := array[] of { Builtin("toString", "Boolean.prototype.toString", nil, 0), Builtin("valueOf", "Boolean.prototype.valueOf", nil, 0), }; binum := Builtin("Number", "Number", array[] of {"value"}, 1); binumproto := array[] of { Builtin("toString", "Number.prototype.toString", nil, 0), Builtin("toLocaleString", "Number.prototype.toLocaleString", nil, 0), Builtin("valueOf", "Number.prototype.valueOf", nil, 0), Builtin("toFixed", "Number.prototype.toFixed", array[] of {"digits"}, 1), Builtin("toExponential", "Number.prototype.toExponential", array[] of {"digits"}, 1), Builtin("toPrecision", "Number.prototype.toPrecision", array[] of {"digits"}, 1), }; biregexp := Builtin("RegExp", "RegExp", array[] of {"pattern", "flags"}, 2); biregexpproto := array[] of { Builtin("exec", "RegExp.prototype.exec", array[] of {"string"}, 1), Builtin("test", "RegExp.prototype.test", array[] of {"string"}, 1), Builtin("toString", "RegExp.prototype.toString", nil, 0), }; bidate := Builtin("Date", "Date", array[] of {"value"}, 1); bidateproto := array[] of { Builtin("toString", "Date.prototype.toString", nil, 0), Builtin("toDateString", "Date.prototype.toDateString", nil, 0), Builtin("toTimeString", "Date.prototype.toTimeString", nil, 0), Builtin("toLocaleString", "Date.prototype.toLocalString", nil, 0), Builtin("toLocaleDateString", "Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString", nil, 0), Builtin("toLocaleTimeString", "Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString", nil, 0), Builtin("valueOf", "Date.prototype.valueOf", nil, 0), Builtin("getTime", "Date.prototype.getTime", nil, 0), Builtin("getYear", "Date.prototype.getYear", nil, 0), Builtin("getFullYear", "Date.prototype.getFullYear", nil, 0), Builtin("getUTCFullYear", "Date.prototype.getUTCFullYear", nil, 0), Builtin("getMonth", "Date.prototype.getMonth", nil, 0), Builtin("getUTCMonth", "Date.prototype.getUTCMonth", nil, 0), Builtin("getDate", "Date.prototype.getDate", nil, 0), Builtin("getUTCDate", "Date.prototype.getUTCDate", nil, 0), Builtin("getDay", "Date.prototype.getDay", nil, 0), Builtin("getUTCDay", "Date.prototype.getUTCDay", nil, 0), Builtin("getHours", "Date.prototype.getHours", nil, 0), Builtin("getUTCHours", "Date.prototype.getUTCHours", nil, 0), Builtin("getMinutes", "Date.prototype.getMinutes", nil, 0), Builtin("getUTCMinutes", "Date.prototype.getUTCMinutes", nil, 0), Builtin("getSeconds", "Date.prototype.getSeconds", nil, 0), Builtin("getUTCSeconds", "Date.prototype.getUTCSeconds", nil, 0), Builtin("getMilliseconds", "Date.prototype.getMilliseconds", nil, 0), Builtin("getUTCMilliseconds", "Date.prototype.getUTCMilliseconds", nil, 0), Builtin("getTimezoneOffset", "Date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset", nil, 0), Builtin("setTime", "Date.prototype.setTime", array[] of {"time"}, 1), Builtin("setMilliseconds", "Date.prototype.setMilliseconds", array[] of {"ms"}, 1), Builtin("setUTCMilliseconds", "Date.prototype.setUTCMilliseconds", array[] of {"ms"}, 1), Builtin("setSeconds", "Date.prototype.setSeconds", array[] of {"sec", "ms"}, 2), Builtin("setUTCSeconds", "Date.prototype.setUTCSeconds", array[] of {"sec", "ms"}, 2), Builtin("setMinutes", "Date.prototype.setMinutes", array[] of {"min", "sec", "ms"}, 3), Builtin("setUTCMinutes", "Date.prototype.setUTCMinutes", array[] of {"min", "sec", "ms"}, 3), Builtin("setHours", "Date.prototype.setHours", array[] of {"hour", "min", "sec", "ms"}, 4), Builtin("setUTCHours", "Date.prototype.setUTCHours", array[] of {"hour", "min", "sec", "ms"}, 4), Builtin("setDate", "Date.prototype.setDate", array[] of {"date"}, 1), Builtin("setUTCDate", "Date.prototype.setUTCDate", array[] of {"date"}, 1), Builtin("setMonth", "Date.prototype.setMonth", array[] of {"mon", "date"}, 2), Builtin("setUTCMonth", "Date.prototype.setUTCMonth", array[] of {"mon", "date"}, 2), Builtin("setFullYear", "Date.prototype.setFullYear", array[] of {"year", "mon", "date"}, 3), Builtin("setUTCFullYear", "Date.prototype.setUTCFullYear", array[] of {"year", "mon", "date"}, 3), Builtin("setYear", "Date.prototype.setYear", array[] of {"year"}, 1), Builtin("toLocaleString", "Date.prototype.toLocaleString", nil, 0), Builtin("toUTCString", "Date.prototype.toUTCString", nil, 0), Builtin("toGMTString", "Date.prototype.toGMTString", nil, 0), }; bidatector := array[] of { Builtin("parse", "Date.parse", array[] of {"string"}, 1), Builtin("UTC", "Date.UTC", array[] of {"year", "month", "date", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "ms"}, 7), }; bimath := array[] of { Builtin("abs", "Math.abs", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("acos", "Math.acos", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("asin", "Math.asin", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("atan", "Math.atan", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("atan2", "Math.atan2", array[] of {"y", "x"}, 2), Builtin("ceil", "Math.ceil", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("cos", "Math.cos", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("exp", "Math.exp", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("floor", "Math.floor", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("log", "Math.log", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("max", "Math.max", array[] of {"x", "y"}, 2), Builtin("min", "Math.min", array[] of {"x", "y"}, 2), Builtin("pow", "Math.pow", array[] of {"x", "y"}, 2), Builtin("random", "Math.random", nil, 0), Builtin("round", "Math.round", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("sin", "Math.sin", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("sqrt", "Math.sqrt", array[] of {"x"}, 1), Builtin("tan", "Math.tan", array[] of {"x"}, 1), }; init(): string { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; math = load Math Math->PATH; if(math == nil) return sys->sprint("can't load module %s: %r", Math->PATH); str = load String String->PATH; if(str == nil) return sys->sprint("can't load module %s: %r", String->PATH); daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; if(daytime == nil) return sys->sprint("can't load module %s: %r", Daytime->PATH); me = load ESHostobj SELF; if(me == nil) return "can't load builtin functions"; randinit(big sys->millisec()); stdout = sys->fildes(1); # # maximum number of syntax errors reported # maxerr = 1; undefined = ref Val(TUndef, 0., nil, nil, nil); null = ref Val(TNull, 0., nil, nil, nil); true = ref Val(TBool, 1., nil, nil, nil); false = ref Val(TBool, 0., nil, nil, nil); return ""; } mkcall(ex : ref Exec, p: array of string): ref Call { return ref Call(p, nil, ex); } mkbiobj(ex: ref Exec, meth: Builtin, proto: ref Obj): ref Obj { o := biinst(, meth, ex.funcproto, me); o.construct =; valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "prototype", objval(proto)); valinstant(proto, DontEnum, "constructor", objval(o)); return o; } mkexec(go: ref Obj): ref Exec { o: ref Obj; if(go == nil) go = mkobj(nil, "global"); ex := ref Exec; ex.this = go; ex.scopechain = go :: nil; ex.stack = array[4] of ref Ref; ex.sp = 0; = go; # # builtin object prototypes # ex.objproto = mkobj(nil, "Object"); ex.funcproto = mkobj(ex.objproto, "Function"); ex.arrayproto = mkobj(ex.objproto, "Array"); ex.strproto = mkobj(ex.objproto, "String"); ex.numproto = mkobj(ex.objproto, "Number"); ex.boolproto = mkobj(ex.objproto, "Boolean"); ex.dateproto = mkobj(ex.objproto, "Date"); ex.regexpproto = mkobj(ex.objproto, "RegExp"); ex.errproto = mkobj(ex.objproto, "Error"); biminst(ex.objproto, biobjproto, ex.funcproto, me); biminst(ex.funcproto, bifuncproto, ex.funcproto, me); = mkcall(ex, nil); ex.funcproto.val = strval("Function.prototype"); valinstant(ex.funcproto, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "length", numval(real 0)); biminst(ex.arrayproto, biarrayproto, ex.funcproto, me); valinstant(ex.arrayproto, DontEnum|DontDelete, "length", numval(real 0)); biminst(ex.errproto, bierrproto, ex.funcproto, me); ex.errproto.val = strval(""); valinstant(ex.errproto, DontEnum|DontDelete, "length", numval(real 0)); valinstant(ex.errproto, DontEnum|DontDelete, "name", strval("")); valinstant(ex.errproto, DontEnum|DontDelete, "message", strval("Error")); biminst(ex.strproto, bistrproto, ex.funcproto, me); ex.strproto.val = strval(""); valinstant(ex.strproto, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "length", numval(real 0)); biminst(ex.boolproto, biboolproto, ex.funcproto, me); ex.boolproto.val = false; biminst(ex.numproto, binumproto, ex.funcproto, me); ex.numproto.val = numval(real +0); biminst(ex.regexpproto, biregexpproto, ex.funcproto, me); ex.regexpproto.val = strval(""); valinstant(ex.regexpproto, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "length", numval(real 2)); valinstant(ex.regexpproto, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "source", strval("")); valinstant(ex.regexpproto, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "global", false); valinstant(ex.regexpproto, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "ignoreCase", false); valinstant(ex.regexpproto, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "multiline", false); valinstant(ex.regexpproto, DontEnum|DontDelete, "lastIndex", numval(real 0)); biminst(ex.dateproto, bidateproto, ex.funcproto, me); ex.dateproto.val = numval(Math->NaN); valinstant(ex.dateproto, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "length", numval(real 7)); # # simple builtin functions and values # valinstant(go, DontEnum, "NaN", numval(Math->NaN)); valinstant(go, DontEnum, "Infinity", numval(Math->Infinity)); biminst(go, glbuiltins, ex.funcproto, me); # # builtin objects, and cross-link them to their prototypes # mkbiobj(ex, biobj, ex.objproto); mkbiobj(ex, bifunc, ex.funcproto); mkbiobj(ex, biarray, ex.arrayproto); o = mkbiobj(ex, bistr, ex.strproto); biinst(o, bistrctor, ex.funcproto, me); mkbiobj(ex, bibool, ex.boolproto); o = mkbiobj(ex, binum, ex.numproto); mkbiobj(ex, biregexp, ex.regexpproto); mkbiobj(ex, bierr, ex.errproto); math->FPcontrol(0, Math->INVAL|Math->ZDIV|Math->OVFL|Math->UNFL|Math->INEX); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "MAX_VALUE", numval(math->nextafter(Math->Infinity, 0.))); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "MIN_VALUE", numval(math->nextafter(0., 1.))); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "NaN", numval(Math->NaN)); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "NEGATIVE_INFINITY", numval(-Math->Infinity)); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "POSITIVE_INFINITY", numval(+Math->Infinity)); o = mkbiobj(ex, bidate, ex.dateproto); biminst(o, bidatector, ex.funcproto, me); # # the math object is a little different # o = mkobj(ex.objproto, "Object"); valinstant(go, DontEnum, "Math", objval(o)); biminst(o, bimath, ex.funcproto, me); # # these are computed so they are consistent with numbers ecma might calculate # mathe := math->exp(1.); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "E", numval(mathe)); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "LN10", numval(math->log(10.))); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "LN2", numval(math->log(2.))); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "LOG2E", numval(1./math->log(2.))); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "LOG10E", numval(1./math->log(10.))); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "PI", numval(Math->Pi)); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "SQRT1_2", numval(math->sqrt(1./2.))); valinstant(o, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly, "SQRT2", numval(math->sqrt(2.))); (EvalError, ex.evlerrproto) = mkerr(ex, "EvalError"); (RangeError, ex.ranerrproto) = mkerr(ex, "RangeError"); (ReferenceError, ex.referrproto) = mkerr(ex, "ReferenceError"); (SyntaxError, ex.synerrproto) = mkerr(ex, "SyntaxError"); (TypeError, ex.typerrproto) = mkerr(ex, "TypeError"); (URIError, ex.urierrproto) = mkerr(ex, "URIError"); (InternalError, ex.interrproto) = mkerr(ex, "InternalError"); return ex; } mkerr(ex: ref Exec, e: string): (ref Obj, ref Obj) { errproto := mkobj(ex.objproto, e); biminst(errproto, array[] of { Builtin("toString", e+".prototype.toString", nil, 0) }, ex.funcproto, me); errproto.val = strval(""); valinstant(errproto, DontEnum|DontDelete, "length", numval(real 0)); valinstant(errproto, DontEnum|DontDelete, "name", strval(e)); valinstant(errproto, DontEnum|DontDelete, "message", strval(e)); eo := mkbiobj(ex, Builtin(e, e, array[] of {"message"}, 1), errproto); # return (eo, errproto); return (nerr(ex, eo, array[] of {strval(e)}, errproto), errproto); } mkparser(ex: ref Exec, src: string): ref Parser { p := ref Parser; p.ex = ex; p.src = src; p.esrc = len src; p.srci = 0; p.errors = 0; p.lineno = 1; p.token = -1; p.token1 = -1; p.lastnl = 0; p.inloop = 0; p.incase = 0; p.infunc = 0; p.notin = 0; p.code = mkcode(); return p; } eval(ex: ref Exec, src: string): Completion { { p := mkparser(ex, src); if(debug['t']) parset := sys->millisec(); prog(ex, p); toterrors += p.errors; if(p.errors) runtime(ex, SyntaxError, ex.error); if(debug['p']){ s := array of byte pprint(ex, p.code, ""); if(len s) sys->write(stdout, s, len s); } if(debug['t']) xect := sys->millisec(); globalinstant(hd ex.scopechain, p.code.vars); c := exec(ex, p.code); if(debug['t']) print("parse time %d exec time %d\n", xect - parset, sys->millisec() - xect); return c; }exception{ "throw" => return (CThrow, ex.errval, nil); } } #prog : selems # ; # #selems : selem # | selems selem # ; #selem : stmt # | fundecl # ; prog(ex: ref Exec, p: ref Parser) { while(look(p) != Leos) if(look(p) == Lfunction) fundecl(ex, p, 0); else stmt(p); } #fundecl : Lfunction Lid '(' zplist ')' '{' stmts '}' # ; #zplist : # | plist # ; # #plist : Lid # | plist ',' Lid # ; fundecl(ex: ref Exec, p: ref Parser, expr: int): ref Obj { jp: ref Prop; c := p.code; labs := p.labs; p.labs = nil; mustbe(p, Lfunction); if(!expr || look(p) == Lid){ mustbe(p, Lid); jp = codevar(p, expr); } p.code = mkcode(); mustbe(p, '('); if(look(p) != ')'){ for(;;){ mustbe(p, Lid); codevar(p, 1); if(look(p) == ')') break; mustbe(p, ','); } } params := p.code.vars; p.code.vars = nil; mustbe(p, ')'); mustbe(p, '{'); p.infunc++; stmts(p); p.infunc--; mustbe(p, '}'); # # override any existing value, # as per sec. 10.1.3 Variable instantiation # sparams := array[len params] of string; for(i := 0; i < len sparams; i++) sparams[i] = params[i].name; # # construct a function object; # see section 15.3.21 o := mkobj(ex.funcproto, "Function"); = ref Call(sparams, p.code, ex); o.construct =; if(jp != nil) o.val = strval(; else o.val = strval(""); valinstant(o, DontDelete|DontEnum|ReadOnly, "length", numval(real len sparams)); po := nobj(ex, nil, nil); valinstant(o, DontEnum, "prototype", objval(po)); valinstant(po, DontEnum, "constructor", objval(o)); valinstant(o, DontDelete|DontEnum|ReadOnly, "arguments", null); if(jp != nil) jp.val.val = objval(o); if(debug['p']){ s := array of byte (funcprint(ex, o) + "\n"); sys->write(stdout, s, len s); } p.code = c; p.labs = labs; if(expr && jp != nil) popvar(p); return o; } # # install a variable for the id just lexed # codevar(p: ref Parser, forcenew: int): ref Prop { name := p.code.strs[]; vs := p.code.vars; i : int; if(!forcenew){ for(i = 0; i < len vs; i++) if(vs[i].name == name) return vs[i]; }else{ i = len vs; } vs = array[i+1] of ref Prop; vs[:] = p.code.vars; p.code.vars = vs; vs[i] = ref Prop(0, name, ref RefVal(undefined)); return vs[i]; } popvar(p: ref Parser) { vs := p.code.vars; p.code.vars = vs[0: len vs - 1]; } #stmts : # | stmts stmt # ; stmts(p: ref Parser) { while((op := look(p)) != '}' && op != Leos) stmt(p); } #stmt : '{' stmts '}' # | Lvar varlist ';' # | exp ';' # | ';' # | Lif '(' exp ')' stmt # | Lif '(' exp ')' stmt Lelse stmt # | Lwhile '(' exp ')' stmt # | Ldo stmt Lwhile '(' exp ')' # | Lfor '(' zexp-notin ';' zexp ';' zexp ')' stmt # | Lfor '(' Lvar varlist-notin ';' zexp ';' zexp ')' stmt # | Lfor '(' lhsexp Lin exp ')' stmt # | Lfor '(' Lvar Lid [init] Lin exp ')' stmt # | Lcontinue ';' # | Lbreak ';' # | Lreturn zexp ';' # no line term after return # | Lwith '(' exp ')' stmt # | Lswitch '(' exp ')' '{' caseblk '}' # | Lthrow exp ';' # | Ltry block Lcatch '(' Lid ')' block # | Ltry block finally block # | Ltry block Lcatch '(' Lid ')' block finally block # ; stmt(p: ref Parser) { pc: int; seenlabs := 0; while(look(p) == Lid && look2(p) == ':'){ pushlab(p, p.code.strs[]); emitconst(p, Llabel,; lex(p); lex(p); seenlabs++; } op := look(p); if(seenlabs) setkindlab(p, op, seenlabs); case op{ ';' => lexemit(p); '{' => if(seenlabs == 0){ lex(p); stmts(p); } else{ lexemit(p); pc = epatch(p); stmts(p); patch(p, pc); } mustbe(p, '}'); Lvar => lexemit(p); pc = epatch(p); varlist(p); semi(p); patch(p, pc); * => exp(p); semi(p); emit(p, ';'); Lif => lexemit(p); pc = epatch(p); mustbe(p, '('); exp(p); mustbe(p, ')'); patch(p, pc); pc = epatch(p); stmt(p); patch(p, pc); pc = epatch(p); if(look(p) == Lelse){ lex(p); stmt(p); } patch(p, pc); Lwhile or Lwith => lexemit(p); pc = epatch(p); mustbe(p, '('); exp(p); mustbe(p, ')'); patch(p, pc); if(op == Lwhile) p.inloop++; pc = epatch(p); stmt(p); patch(p, pc); if(op == Lwhile) p.inloop--; Ldo => p.inloop++; lexemit(p); pc = epatch(p); stmt(p); patch(p, pc); mustbe(p, Lwhile); mustbe(p, '('); pc = epatch(p); exp(p); patch(p, pc); mustbe(p, ')'); mustbe(p, ';'); p.inloop--; Lfor => fpc := p.code.npc; lexemit(p); mustbe(p, '('); p.notin++; if(look(p) == Lvar){ lex(p); pc = epatch(p); varlist(p); patch(p, pc); p.notin--; if(look(p) == Lin){ check1var(p); p.code.ops[fpc] = byte Lforvarin; lex(p); pc = epatch(p); exp(p); patch(p, pc); }else{ p.code.ops[fpc] = byte Lforvar; mustbe(p, ';'); pc = epatch(p); zexp(p); patch(p, pc); mustbe(p, ';'); pc = epatch(p); zexp(p); patch(p, pc); } }else{ pc = epatch(p); lhspc := p.code.npc; zexp(p); patch(p, pc); p.notin--; if(look(p) == Lin){ p.code.ops[fpc] = byte Lforin; checklhsexp(p, lhspc); lex(p); pc = epatch(p); exp(p); patch(p, pc); }else{ mustbe(p, ';'); pc = epatch(p); zexp(p); patch(p, pc); mustbe(p, ';'); pc = epatch(p); zexp(p); patch(p, pc); } } mustbe(p, ')'); p.inloop++; pc = epatch(p); stmt(p); patch(p, pc); p.inloop--; Lcontinue or Lbreak => lex(p); lab := 0; if(look(p) == Lid){ if((lr := findlab(p, p.code.strs[])) == nil) error(p, "missing label"); if(op == Lcontinue && !itstmt(lr.k)) error(p, "continue label not on iteration statement"); if(op == Lbreak) nop := Lbreaklab; else nop = Lcontinuelab; if(!inlocallabs(p, lr, seenlabs)) # otherwise noop emitconst(p, nop,; lex(p); lab = 1; } else emit(p, op); semi(p); if(op == Lbreak && !lab && !p.inloop && !p.incase) error(p, "break not in a do or for or while or case"); if(op == Lcontinue && !p.inloop) error(p, "continue not in a do or for or while"); Lreturn => lexemit(p); nextop := look(p); if(nextop != ';' && nextop != '}' && !p.lastnl) exp(p); semi(p); emit(p, ';'); if(!p.infunc) error(p, tokname(op)+" not in a function"); Lswitch => lexemit(p); mustbe(p, '('); pc = epatch(p); exp(p); patch(p, pc); mustbe(p, ')'); mustbe(p, '{'); pc = epatch(p); caseblk(p); patch(p, pc); mustbe(p, '}'); Lthrow => lexemit(p); nextop := look(p); if(!p.lastnl) exp(p); mustbe(p, ';'); emit(p, ';'); Lprint => lexemit(p); nextop := look(p); if(!p.lastnl) exp(p); mustbe(p, ';'); emit(p, ';'); Ltry => lexemit(p); pc = epatch(p); block(p); patch(p, pc); pc = epatch(p); if(look(p) == Lcatch){ lex(p); mustbe(p, '('); mustbe(p, Lid); emitconst(p, Lid,; mustbe(p, ')'); block(p); } patch(p, pc); pc = epatch(p); if(look(p) == Lfinally){ lex(p); block(p); } patch(p, pc); } while(--seenlabs >= 0) poplab(p); } block(p : ref Parser) { mustbe(p, '{'); stmts(p); mustbe(p, '}'); } caseblk(p : ref Parser) { pc, defaultpc, clausepc : int; gotdef := 0; p.incase++; defaultpc = epatch(p); while((op := look(p)) != '}' && op != Leos) { if (op != Lcase && op != Ldefault) { err := "expected " + tokname(Lcase) + " or " + tokname(Ldefault) + " found " + tokname(op); error(p, err); } if (op == Ldefault) { if (gotdef) error(p, "default case already defined"); gotdef = 1; patch(p, defaultpc); } lex(p); clausepc = epatch(p); if (op == Lcase) { pc = epatch(p); exp(p); patch(p, pc); } mustbe(p, ':'); casestmts(p); patch(p, clausepc); } clausepc = epatch(p); patch(p, clausepc); if (!gotdef) patch(p, defaultpc); p.incase--; } casestmts(p : ref Parser) { while((op := look(p)) != '}' && op != Lcase && op != Ldefault && op != Leos) stmt(p); } semi(p: ref Parser) { op := look(p); if(op == ';'){ lex(p); return; } if(op == '}' || op == Leos || p.lastnl) return; mustbe(p, ';'); } #varlist : vardecl # | varlist ',' vardecl # ; # #vardecl : Lid init # ; # #init : # | '=' asexp # ; varlist(p: ref Parser) { # # these declaration aren't supposed # to override current definitions # mustbe(p, Lid); codevar(p, 0); emitconst(p, Lid,; if(look(p) == '='){ lex(p); asexp(p); emit(p, '='); } if(look(p) != ',') return; emit(p, Lgetval); lex(p); varlist(p); emit(p, ','); } # # check that only 1 id is declared in the var list # check1var(p: ref Parser) { if(p.code.ops[p.code.npc-1] == byte ',') error(p, "only one identifier allowed"); } #zexp : # | exp # ; zexp(p: ref Parser) { op := look(p); if(op == ';' || op == ')') return; exp(p); } #exp : asexp # | exp ',' asexp # ; exp(p: ref Parser) { asexp(p); while(look(p) == ','){ lex(p); emit(p, Lgetval); asexp(p); emit(p, ','); } } #asexp : condexp # | lhsexp asop asexp # ; # #asop : '=' | Lmulas | Ldivas | Lmodas | Laddas | Lsubas # | Llshas | Lrshas | Lrshuas | Landas | Lxoras | Loras # ; asops := array[] of { '=', Lmulas, Ldivas, Lmodas, Laddas, Lsubas, Llshas, Lrshas, Lrshuas, Landas, Lxoras, Loras }; asbaseops := array[] of { '=', '*', '/', '%', '+', '-', Llsh, Lrsh, Lrshu, '&', '^', '|' }; asexp(p: ref Parser) { lhspc := p.code.npc; condexp(p); i := inops(look(p), asops); if(i >= 0){ op := lex(p); checklhsexp(p, lhspc); if(op != '=') emit(p, Lasop); asexp(p); emit(p, asbaseops[i]); if(op != '=') emit(p, Las); } } #condexp : ororexp # | ororexp '?' asexp ':' asexp # ; condexp(p: ref Parser) { ororexp(p); if(look(p) == '?'){ lexemit(p); pc := epatch(p); asexp(p); mustbe(p, ':'); patch(p, pc); pc = epatch(p); asexp(p); patch(p, pc); } } #ororexp : andandexp # | ororexp op andandexp # ; ororexp(p: ref Parser) { andandexp(p); while(look(p) == Loror){ lexemit(p); pc := epatch(p); andandexp(p); patch(p, pc); } } #andandexp : laexp # | andandexp op laexp # ; andandexp(p: ref Parser) { laexp(p, 0); while(look(p) == Landand){ lexemit(p); pc := epatch(p); laexp(p, 0); patch(p, pc); } } #laexp : unexp # | laexp op laexp # ; prectab := array[] of { array[] of { '|' }, array[] of { '^' }, array[] of { '&' }, array[] of { Leq, Lneq, Lseq, Lsne }, array[] of { '<', '>', Lleq, Lgeq, Lin, Linstanceof }, array[] of { Llsh, Lrsh, Lrshu }, array[] of { '+', '-' }, array[] of { '*', '/', '%' }, }; laexp(p: ref Parser, prec: int) { unexp(p); for(pr := len prectab - 1; pr >= prec; pr--){ while(inops(look(p), prectab[pr]) >= 0){ emit(p, Lgetval); op := lex(p); laexp(p, pr + 1); emit(p, op); } } } #unexp : postexp # | Ldelete unexp # | Lvoid unexp # | Ltypeof unexp # | Linc unexp # | Ldec unexp # | '+' unexp # | '-' unexp # | '~' unexp # | '!' unexp # ; preops := array[] of { Ldelete, Lvoid, Ltypeof, Linc, Ldec, '+', '-', '~', '!' }; unexp(p: ref Parser) { if(inops(look(p), preops) >= 0){ op := lex(p); unexp(p); if(op == '-') op = Lpresub; else if(op == '+') op = Lpreadd; emit(p, op); return; } postexp(p); } #postexp : lhsexp # | lhsexp Linc # no line terminators before Linc or Ldec # | lhsexp Ldec # ; postexp(p: ref Parser) { lhsexp(p, 0); if(p.lastnl) return; op := look(p); if(op == Linc || op == Ldec){ if(op == Linc) op = Lpostinc; else op = Lpostdec; lex(p); emit(p, op); } } # # verify that the last expression is actually a lhsexp # checklhsexp(p: ref Parser, pc: int) { case int p.code.ops[p.code.npc-1]{ Lthis or ')' or '.' or '[' or Lcall or Lnew or Lnewcall => return; } case int p.code.ops[pc]{ Lid or Lnum or Lstr or Lregexp => npc := pc + 1; (npc, nil) = getconst(p.code.ops, npc); if(npc == p.code.npc) return; } (nil, e) := pexp(mkpprint(p.ex, p.code), pc, p.code.npc); error(p, "only left-hand-side expressions allowed: "+e); } #lhsexp : newexp # | callexp # ; #callexp: memexp args # | callexp args # | callexp '[' exp ']' # | callexp '.' Lid # ; #newexp : memexp # | Lnew newexp # ; #memexp : primexp # | Lfunction id(opt) '(' zplist ')' '{' stmts '}' # | memexp '[' exp ']' # | memexp '.' Lid # | Lnew memexp args # ; lhsexp(p: ref Parser, hasnew: int): int { a: int; if(look(p) == Lnew){ lex(p); hasnew = lhsexp(p, hasnew + 1); if(hasnew){ emit(p, Lnew); hasnew--; } return hasnew; } if(look(p) == Lfunction){ o := fundecl(p.ex, p, 1); emitconst(p, Lfunction, fexplook(p, o)); return 0; } primexp(p); for(;;){ op := look(p); if(op == '('){ op = Lcall; if(hasnew){ hasnew--; # # stupid different order of evaluation # emit(p, Lgetval); op = Lnewcall; } a = args(p); emitconst(p, op, a); }else if(op == '['){ emit(p, Lgetval); lex(p); exp(p); mustbe(p, ']'); emit(p, '['); }else if(op == '.'){ lex(p); mustbe(p, Lid); emitconst(p, Lid,; emit(p, '.'); }else return hasnew; } } #primexp : Lthis # | Lid # | Lnum # | Lstr # | Lregexp # | '(' exp ')' # | '[' array initializer ']' # | '{' propandval '}' # ; primexp(p: ref Parser) { case t := lex(p){ Lthis => emit(p, t); Lid or Lnum or Lstr => emitconst(p, t,; '/' => lexregexp(p); emitconst(p, Lregexp,; '(' => emit(p, '('); exp(p); mustbe(p, ')'); emit(p, ')'); '[' => a := 0; if(look(p) == ']') lex(p); else{ for(;;){ if(look(p) == ']'){ lex(p); break; } if(look(p) == ',') emit(p, Lnoval); else asexp(p); emit(p, Lgetval); a++; if(look(p) == ']'){ lex(p); break; } mustbe(p, ','); } } emitconst(p, Larrinit, a); '{' => a := 0; if(look(p) == '}') lex(p); else{ for(;;){ case(tt := lex(p)){ Lid => emitconst(p, Lstr,; Lnum or Lstr => emitconst(p, tt,; * => error(p, "expected identifier, number or string"); } mustbe(p, ':'); asexp(p); emit(p, Lgetval); a++; if(look(p) == '}'){ lex(p); break; } mustbe(p, ','); } } emitconst(p, Lobjinit, a); * => error(p, "expected an expression"); } } #args : '(' ')' # | '(' arglist ')' # ; # #arglist : asexp # | arglist ',' asexp # ; args(p: ref Parser): int { mustbe(p, '('); if(look(p) == ')'){ lex(p); return 0; } a := 0; for(;;){ asexp(p); emit(p, Lgetval); a++; if(look(p) == ')'){ lex(p); return a; } mustbe(p, ','); } } inops(tok: int, ops: array of int): int { for(i := 0; i < len ops; i++) if(tok == ops[i]) return i; return -1; } mustbe(p: ref Parser, t: int) { tt := lex(p); if(tt != t) error(p, "expected "+tokname(t)+" found "+tokname(tt)); } toknames := array[] of { Leos-Lbase => "end of input", Landas-Lbase => "&=", Loras-Lbase => "|=", Lxoras-Lbase => "^=", Llshas-Lbase => "<<=", Lrshas-Lbase => ">>=", Lrshuas-Lbase => ">>>=", Laddas-Lbase => "+=", Lsubas-Lbase => "-=", Lmulas-Lbase => "*=", Ldivas-Lbase => "/=", Lmodas-Lbase => "%=", Loror-Lbase => "||", Landand-Lbase => "&&", Leq-Lbase => "==", Lneq-Lbase => "!=", Lleq-Lbase => "<=", Lgeq-Lbase => ">=", Llsh-Lbase => "<<", Lrsh-Lbase => ">>", Lrshu-Lbase => ">>>", Linc-Lbase => "++", Ldec-Lbase => "--", Lnum-Lbase => "a number", Lid-Lbase => "an identifier", Lstr-Lbase => "a string", Lthis-Lbase => "this", Ltypeof-Lbase => "typeof", Ldelete-Lbase => "delete", Lvoid-Lbase => "void", Lwhile-Lbase => "while", Lfor-Lbase => "for", Lbreak-Lbase => "break", Lcontinue-Lbase => "continue", Lwith-Lbase => "with", Lreturn-Lbase => "return", Lfunction-Lbase => "function", Lvar-Lbase => "var", Lif-Lbase => "if", Lelse-Lbase => "else", Lin-Lbase => "in", Lnew-Lbase => "new", Lpreadd-Lbase => "+", Lpresub-Lbase => "-", Lpostinc-Lbase => "++", Lpostdec-Lbase => "--", Lcall-Lbase => "call", Lnewcall-Lbase => "newcall", Lgetval-Lbase => "[[GetValue]]", Las-Lbase => "[[as]]", Lasop-Lbase => "[[asop]]", Lforin-Lbase => "forin", Lforvar-Lbase => "forvar", Lforvarin-Lbase => "forvarin", Lcase-Lbase => "case", Labstract-Lbase => "abstract", Lboolean-Lbase => "boolean", Lbyte-Lbase => "byte", Lcatch-Lbase => "catch", Lchar-Lbase => "char", Lclass-Lbase => "class", Lconst-Lbase => "const", Ldebugger-Lbase => "debugger", Ldefault-Lbase => "default", Ldo-Lbase => "do", Ldouble-Lbase => "double", Lenum-Lbase => "enum", Lexport-Lbase => "export", Lextends-Lbase => "extends", Lfinal-Lbase => "final", Lfinally-Lbase => "finally", Lfloat-Lbase => "float", Lgoto-Lbase => "goto", Limplements-Lbase => "implements", Limport-Lbase => "import", Linstanceof-Lbase => "instanceof", Lint-Lbase => "int", Linterface-Lbase => "interface", Llong-Lbase => "long", Lnative-Lbase => "native", Lpackage-Lbase => "package", Lprint-Lbase => "print", Lprivate-Lbase => "private", Lprotected-Lbase => "protected", Lpublic-Lbase => "public", Lregexp-Lbase => "regexp", Lseq-Lbase => "===", Lsne-Lbase => "!==", Lshort-Lbase => "short", Lstatic-Lbase => "static", Lsuper-Lbase => "super", Lswitch-Lbase => "switch", Lsynchronized-Lbase => "synchronized", Lthrow-Lbase => "throw", Lthrows-Lbase => "throws", Ltransient-Lbase => "transient", Ltry-Lbase=> "try", Lvolatile-Lbase => "volatile", Larrinit-Lbase => "arrayinit", Lobjinit-Lbase => "objinit", Lnoval-Lbase => "novalue", Llabel-Lbase => "label", Lbreaklab-Lbase => "break", Lcontinuelab-Lbase => "continue", }; tokname(t: int): string { if(t < Lbase){ s := ""; s[0] = t; return s; } if(t-Lbase >= len toknames || toknames[t-Lbase] == "") return sprint("<%d>", t); return toknames[t-Lbase]; } lexemit(p: ref Parser) { emit(p, lex(p)); if(debug['s']) sys->print("%d: %s\n", p.code.npc-1, tokname(int p.code.ops[p.code.npc-1])); } emit(p: ref Parser, t: int) { if(t > 255) fatal(p.ex, sprint("emit too big: %d\n", t)); if(p.code.npc >= len p.code.ops){ ops := array[2 * len p.code.ops] of byte; ops[:] = p.code.ops; p.code.ops = ops; } p.code.ops[p.code.npc++] = byte t; } emitconst(p: ref Parser, op, c: int) { emit(p, op); if(c < 0) fatal(p.ex, "emit negative constant"); if(c >= 255){ if(c >= 65536) fatal(p.ex, "constant too large"); emit(p, 255); emit(p, c & 16rff); c >>= 8; } emit(p, c); } epatch(p: ref Parser): int { pc := p.code.npc; emit(p, 0); emit(p, 0); return pc; } patch(p: ref Parser, pc: int) { val := p.code.npc - pc; if(val >= 65536) fatal(p.ex, "patch constant too large"); p.code.ops[pc] = byte val; p.code.ops[pc+1] = byte(val >> 8); } getconst(ops: array of byte, pc: int): (int, int) { c := int ops[pc++]; if(c == 255){ c = int ops[pc] + (int ops[pc+1] << 8); pc += 2; } return (pc, c); } getjmp(ops: array of byte, pc: int): (int, int) { c := int ops[pc] + (int ops[pc+1] << 8) + pc; pc += 2; return (pc, c); } mkcode(): ref Code { return ref Code(array[16] of byte, 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); } look(p: ref Parser): int { if(p.token == -1) p.token = lex(p); if(p.notin && p.token == Lin) return ~Lin; return p.token; } look2(p: ref Parser): int { look(p); if(p.token1 == -1){ # fool lex() t := p.token; p.token = -1; p.token1 = lex(p); p.token = t; } return p.token1; } lex(p: ref Parser): int { t := lex0(p); if(0) sys->print("tok=%d %s\n", t, tokname(t)); return t; } lex0(p: ref Parser): int { t := p.token; if(t != -1){ p.token = p.token1; p.token1 = -1; return t; } p.lastnl = 0; while(p.srci < p.esrc){ c := p.src[p.srci++]; case c{ '\r' or LS or PS => p.lastnl = 1; '\n' => p.lineno++; p.lastnl = 1; ' ' or '\t' or '\v' or FF or # form feed '\u00a0' => # no-break space ; '"' or '\''=> return lexstring(p, c); '(' or ')' or '[' or ']' or '{' or '}' or ',' or ';' or '~' or '?' or ':' => return c; '.' => if(p.srci < p.esrc && (map[p.src[p.srci]] & Mdigit) != byte 0){ p.srci--; return lexnum(p); } return '.'; '^' => if(p.srci < p.esrc && p.src[p.srci] == '='){ p.srci++; return Lxoras; } return '^'; '*' => if(p.srci < p.esrc && p.src[p.srci] == '='){ p.srci++; return Lmulas; } return '*'; '%' => if(p.srci < p.esrc && p.src[p.srci] == '='){ p.srci++; return Lmodas; } return '%'; '=' => if(p.srci < p.esrc && p.src[p.srci] == '='){ p.srci++; if(p.srci < p.esrc && p.src[p.srci] == '='){ p.srci++; return Lseq; } return Leq; } return '='; '!' => if(p.srci < p.esrc && p.src[p.srci] == '='){ p.srci++; if(p.srci < p.esrc && p.src[p.srci] == '='){ p.srci++; return Lsne; } return Lneq; } return '!'; '+' => if(p.srci < p.esrc){ c = p.src[p.srci]; if(c == '='){ p.srci++; return Laddas; } if(c == '+'){ p.srci++; return Linc; } } return '+'; '-' => if(p.srci < p.esrc){ c = p.src[p.srci]; if(c == '='){ p.srci++; return Lsubas; } if(c == '-'){ p.srci++; return Ldec; } } return '-'; '|' => if(p.srci < p.esrc){ c = p.src[p.srci]; if(c == '='){ p.srci++; return Loras; } if(c == '|'){ p.srci++; return Loror; } } return '|'; '&' => if(p.srci < p.esrc){ c = p.src[p.srci]; if(c == '='){ p.srci++; return Landas; } if(c == '&'){ p.srci++; return Landand; } } return '&'; '/' => if(p.srci < p.esrc){ c = p.src[p.srci]; if(c == '='){ p.srci++; return Ldivas; } if(c == '/'){ p.srci++; if(lexcom(p) < 0) return Leos; break; } if(c == '*'){ p.srci++; if(lexmcom(p) < 0) return Leos; break; } } return '/'; '>' => if(p.srci < p.esrc){ c = p.src[p.srci]; if(c == '='){ p.srci++; return Lgeq; } if(c == '>'){ p.srci++; if (p.srci < p.esrc) { c = p.src[p.srci]; if(c == '='){ p.srci++; return Lrshas; } if(c == '>'){ p.srci++; c = p.src[p.srci]; if(c == '='){ p.srci++; return Lrshuas; } return Lrshu; } } return Lrsh; } } return '>'; '<' => if(p.srci < p.esrc){ c = p.src[p.srci]; case c { '=' => p.srci++; return Lleq; '<' => p.srci++; if (p.srci < p.esrc) { c = p.src[p.srci]; if(c == '='){ p.srci++; return Llshas; } } return Llsh; '!' => # HTML comment - consume to end of line or end of comment # No way of having the HTML parser do this if (p.srci+2 >= p.esrc) return Leos; if (p.src[p.srci+1] != '-' || p.src[p.srci+2] != '-') # don't treat as a comment, let the parser report syntax error return '<'; # consume "!--" p.srci += 3; if(lexhtmlcom(p) < 0) return Leos; continue; } } return '<'; '0' to '9' => p.srci--; return lexnum(p); '\\' => return lexid(p); * => if((map[c] & Malpha) != byte 0) return lexid(p); s := ""; s[0] = c; error(p, "unknown character '"+s+"'"); } } return Leos; } # # single line comment # lexcom(p: ref Parser): int { while(p.srci < p.esrc){ c := p.src[p.srci]; if(islt(c)) return 0; p.srci++; } return -1; } # # multi-line comment # lexmcom(p: ref Parser): int { star := 0; while(p.srci < p.esrc){ c := p.src[p.srci++]; if(c == '/' && star) return 0; star = c == '*'; } return -1; } # HTML comment # consume to end of line or end of comment (-->), whichever we see first. # [not strict HTML comment semantics because of # the way in which HTML comments are used in JavaScript] # lexhtmlcom(p: ref Parser): int { nmin := 0; for (;p.srci < p.esrc;) { c := p.src[p.srci++]; if (c == '-') { nmin++; continue; } if (c == '>' && nmin >= 2) return 0; if (islt(c)) return 0; nmin = 0; } return -1; } lexid(p: ref Parser): int { p.srci--; id := ""; ch := "Z"; while(p.srci < p.esrc){ c := p.src[p.srci]; if(c == '\\'){ p.srci++; c = uniescchar(p); if(c == -1) error(p, "malformed unicode escape sequence in identifier"); else ; } else{ if(c >= 0 && c < 256 && (map[c] & (Malpha|Mdigit)) == byte 0) # if(c >= 256 || (map[c] & (Malpha|Mdigit)) == byte 0) break; p.srci++; } ch[0] = c; id += ch; } # id := p.src[srci:p.srci]; t := keywdlook(id); if(t != -1) return t; = strlook(p, id); return Lid; } ParseReal, ParseHex, ParseOct, ParseTrim, ParseEmpty: con 1 << iota; # # parse a numeric identifier # format [0-9]+(r[0-9A-Za-z]+)? # or ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? # lexnum(p: ref Parser): int { v: real; (p.srci, v) = parsenum(p.ex, p.src, p.srci, ParseReal|ParseHex|ParseOct); = numlook(p, v); return Lnum; } parsenum(ex: ref Exec, s: string, si, how: int): (int, real) { Inf: con "Infinity"; osi := si; lens := len s; if (how & ParseTrim) { while(si < lens && iswhite(s[si])) si++; } if(si >= lens) { if (how & ParseEmpty) return (si, 0.); return (osi, Math->NaN); } c := s[si]; neg := 0; if(c == '+') si++; else if(c == '-'){ si++; neg = 1; } v := 0.; if((how & ParseReal) && si + len Inf <= lens && s[si:si+len Inf] == Inf){ si += len Inf; v = Math->Infinity; }else{ nsi := si; (si, v) = parsenumval(ex, s, si, how); if(si == nsi) return (osi, Math->NaN); } if(neg) v = -v; if (how & ParseTrim) { while(si < lens && iswhite(s[si])) si++; } return (si, v); } # # parse a bunch of difference subsets of numbers # parsenumval(ex: ref Exec, s: string, si, how: int): (int, real) { Int, Oct, Hex, FracSeen, Frac, ExpSeen, ExpSignSeen, Exp: con iota; lens := len s; if(si >= lens) return (si, Math->NaN); ssi := si; c := s[si]; state := Int; if(c == '.' && (how & ParseReal)){ state = FracSeen; si++; }else if(c == '0'){ if(si+1 >= lens) return (si+1, 0.); c = s[si+1]; if(c == '.' && (how & ParseReal)){ state = Frac; si += 2; }else if((c == 'x' || c == 'X') && (how & ParseHex)){ state = Hex; ssi += 2; si += 2; }else if(how & ParseOct) state = Oct; } done: while(si < lens){ c = s[si]; case state{ Int => if((map[c] & Mdigit) != byte 0) break; if((map[c] & Mexp) != byte 0 && (how & ParseReal)) state = ExpSeen; else if(c == '.' && (how & ParseReal)) state = Frac; else break done; Hex => if((map[c] & Mhex) == byte 0) break done; Oct => if((map[c] & Moct) == byte 0) break done; FracSeen or Frac => if((map[c] & Mdigit) != byte 0) state = Frac; else if((map[c] & Mexp) != byte 0) state = ExpSeen; else break done; ExpSeen => if((map[c] & Msign) != byte 0) state = ExpSignSeen; else if((map[c] & Mdigit) != byte 0) state = Exp; else break done; ExpSignSeen or Exp => if((map[c] & Mdigit) != byte 0) state = Exp; else break done; } si++; } esi := si; if(state == FracSeen) return (si - 1, Math->NaN); if(state == ExpSeen){ state = Frac; esi--; }else if(state == ExpSignSeen){ state = Frac; esi -= 2; } buf := s[ssi:esi]; v: real; case state{ * => # only if the above lexing code is wrong fatal(ex, "bad parse of numerical constant '"+buf+"'"); v = 0.; Oct => v = strtoi(ex, buf, 8); Hex => v = strtoi(ex, buf, 16); Int or Frac or Exp => v = real buf; } return (si, v); } # # called only from parsenumval # can never fatal error if that routine works correctly # strtoi(ex: ref Exec, t: string, base: int): real { if(len t == 0) return Math->NaN; v := 0.; for(i := 0; i < len t; i++){ c := t[i]; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') c -= '0'; else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') c -= 'a' - 10; else c -= 'A' - 10; if(c >= base){ fatal(ex, "digit '"+t[i:i+1]+"' is not radix "+string base); return Math->NaN; } v = v * real base + real c; } return v; } lexstring(p: ref Parser, end: int): int { s := ""; i := 0; for(;;){ if(p.srci >= p.esrc){ error(p, "end of file in string constant"); break; } c := p.src[p.srci]; if(islt(c)){ error(p, "newline in string constant"); break; } p.srci++; if(c == end) break; if(c == '\\'){ c = escchar(p); if(c == Leos) continue; } s[i++] = c; } = strlook(p, s); return Lstr; } lexregexp(p: ref Parser): int { c := esc := 0; s := ""; i := 0; s[i++] = '/'; for(;;){ if(p.srci >= p.esrc){ error(p, "end of file in regexp constant"); break; } c = p.src[p.srci]; if(islt(c)){ error(p, "newline in regexp constant"); break; } p.srci++; s[i++] = c; if(!esc && c == '/') break; esc = !esc && c == '\\'; } if(esc) error(p, "missing escaped character"); if(i == 2) error(p, "missing regexp"); while(p.srci < p.esrc){ c = p.src[p.srci]; if(c >= 256 || (map[c] & (Malpha|Mdigit)) == byte 0) break; p.srci++; s[i++] = c; } = strlook(p, s); return Lregexp; } uniescchar(p: ref Parser): int { if(p.srci >= p.esrc) return -1; c := p.src[p.srci++]; if(c != 'u') return -1; v := 0; for(i := 0; i < 4; i++){ if(p.srci >= p.esrc || (map[c = p.src[p.srci]] & (Mdigit|Mhex)) == byte 0) return -1; p.srci++; if((map[c] & Mdigit) != byte 0) c -= '0'; else if((map[c] & Mlower) != byte 0) c = c - 'a' + 10; else if((map[c] & Mupper) != byte 0) c = c - 'A' + 10; v = v * 16 + c; } return v; } escchar(p: ref Parser): int { v: int; if(p.srci >= p.esrc) return Leos; c := p.src[p.srci++]; if(c == 'u' || c == 'x'){ d := 2; if(c == 'u') d = 4; v = 0; for(i := 0; i < d; i++){ if(p.srci >= p.esrc || (map[c = p.src[p.srci]] & (Mdigit|Mhex)) == byte 0){ error(p, "malformed hex escape sequence"); break; } p.srci++; if((map[c] & Mdigit) != byte 0) c -= '0'; else if((map[c] & Mlower) != byte 0) c = c - 'a' + 10; else if((map[c] & Mupper) != byte 0) c = c - 'A' + 10; v = v * 16 + c; } return v; } if(c >= '0' && c <= '7'){ v = c - '0'; if(p.srci < p.esrc && (c = p.src[p.srci]) >= '0' && c <= '7'){ p.srci++; v = v * 8 + c - '0'; if(v <= 8r37 && p.srci < p.esrc && (c = p.src[p.srci]) >= '0' && c <= '7'){ p.srci++; v = v * 8 + c - '0'; } } return v; } if(c < len escmap && (v = int escmap[c]) < 255) return v; return c; } keywdlook(s: string): int { m: int; l := 1; r := len keywords - 1; while(l <= r){ m = (r + l) >> 1; if(keywords[m].name <= s) l = m + 1; else r = m - 1; } m = l - 1; if(keywords[m].name == s) return keywords[m].token; return -1; } strlook(p: ref Parser, s: string): int { for(i := 0; i < len p.code.strs; i++) if(p.code.strs[i] == s) return i; strs := array[i + 1] of string; strs[:] = p.code.strs; strs[i] = s; p.code.strs = strs; return i; } numlook(p: ref Parser, r: real): int { for(i := 0; i < len p.code.nums; i++) if(p.code.nums[i] == r) return i; nums := array[i + 1] of real; nums[:] = p.code.nums; nums[i] = r; p.code.nums = nums; return i; } fexplook(p: ref Parser, o: ref Obj): int { i := len p.code.fexps; fexps := array[i+1] of ref Obj; fexps[:] = p.code.fexps; fexps[i] = o; p.code.fexps = fexps; return i; } iswhite(c: int): int { if(islt(c)) return 1; case c { ' ' or '\t' or '\v' or FF or # form feed '\u00a0' => # no-break space return 1; } return 0; } error(p: ref Parser, s: string) { p.errors++; p.ex.error += sys->sprint("%d: syntax error: %s\n", p.lineno, s); if(p.errors >= maxerr) runtime(p.ex, SyntaxError, p.ex.error); } fatal(ex: ref Exec, msg: string) { if(debug['f']){ print("fatal ecmascript error: %s\n", msg); if(""[5] == -1); # abort } runtime(ex, InternalError, "unrecoverable internal ecmascript error: "+ msg); } # scanb(p: ref Parser, s: string): int # { # n := len s; # for(i := p.srci; i+n > p.esrc || p.src[i: i+n] != s; --i) # ; # return i; # } setkindlab(p: ref Parser, op: int, n: int) { l := p.labs; for(i := 0; i < n; i++){ (hd l).k = op; l = tl l; } } inlocallabs(p: ref Parser, lr: ref labrec, n: int): int { l := p.labs; for(i := 0; i < n; i++){ if(hd l == lr) return 1; l = tl l; } return 0; } findlab(p: ref Parser, s: string): ref labrec { for(l := p.labs; l != nil; l = tl l) if((hd l).s == s) return hd l; return nil; } pushlab(p: ref Parser, s: string) { if(findlab(p, s) != nil) error(p, "duplicate labels"); p.labs = ref labrec(s, 0) :: p.labs; } poplab(p: ref Parser) { p.labs = tl p.labs; } itstmt(k: int): int { return k == Lwhile || k == Ldo || k == Lfor; }