ref: d21de87db1e6068d35f66da7411a98231c361a70
dir: /libtk/panel.c/
#include "lib9.h" #include "draw.h" #include "tk.h" #define O(t, e) ((long)(&((t*)0)->e)) typedef struct TkPanel TkPanel; struct TkPanel { Image* image; Image* matte; Point view; /* vector from image origin to widget origin */ Rectangle r; /* drawn rectangle (in image coords) */ int anchor; int hasalpha; /* does the image include an alpha channel? */ }; static TkOption tkpanelopts[] = { "anchor", OPTflag, O(TkPanel, anchor), tkanchor, nil }; static int tkdrawnrect(Image *image, Image *matte, Rectangle *r) { *r = image->clipr; if (matte != nil) { if (!rectclip(r, matte->clipr)) return 0; if (!matte->repl && !rectclip(r, matte->r)) return 0; } if (!image->repl && !rectclip(r, image->r)) return 0; return 1; } char* tkpanel(TkTop *t, char *arg, char **ret) { TkOptab tko[3]; Tk *tk; TkPanel *tkp; TkName *names; char *e; tk = tknewobj(t, TKpanel, sizeof(Tk)+sizeof(TkPanel)); if(tk == nil) return TkNomem; tkp = TKobj(TkPanel, tk); tkp->anchor = Tkcenter; tko[0].ptr = tk; tko[0].optab = tkgeneric; tko[1].ptr = tkp; tko[1].optab = tkpanelopts; tko[2].ptr = nil; names = nil; e = tkparse(t, arg, tko, &names); if(e != nil) { tkfreeobj(tk); return e; } tksettransparent(tk, tkhasalpha(tk->env, TkCbackgnd)); e = tkaddchild(t, tk, &names); tkfreename(names); if (e != nil) { tkfreeobj(tk); return e; } tk->name->link = nil; return tkvalue(ret, "%s", tk->name->name); } void tkgetpanelimage(Tk *tk, Image **i, Image **m) { TkPanel *tkp = TKobj(TkPanel, tk); *i = tkp->image; *m = tkp->matte; } void tksetpanelimage(Tk *tk, Image *image, Image *matte) { TkPanel *tkp = TKobj(TkPanel, tk); int ishuge; TkGeom g; g = tk->req; tkp->image = image; tkp->matte = matte; if (!tkdrawnrect(image, matte, &tkp->r)) { tkp->r.min = image->r.min; tkp->r.max = image->r.min; } tkp->view = tkp->r.min; /* XXX do we actually want to keep the old one? */ /* * if both image and matte are replicated, then we've got no idea what * the rectangle should be, so request zero size, and set origin to (0, 0). */ ishuge = (Dx(tkp->r) >= 10000000); if((tk->flag & Tksetwidth) == 0){ if(ishuge) tk->req.width = 0; else tk->req.width = Dx(tkp->r); } if(ishuge) tkp->view.x = 0; ishuge = (Dy(tkp->r) >= 10000000); if((tk->flag & Tksetheight) == 0){ if(ishuge) tk->req.height = 0; else tk->req.height = Dy(tkp->r); } if(ishuge) tkp->view.y = 0; tkp->hasalpha = tkchanhastype(image->chan, CAlpha); tkgeomchg(tk, &g, tk->borderwidth); tksettransparent(tk, tkp->hasalpha || tkhasalpha(tk->env, TkCbackgnd)); tk->dirty = tkrect(tk, 0); } static void tkfreepanel(Tk *tk) { TkPanel *tkp = TKobj(TkPanel, tk); tkdelpanelimage(tk->env->top, tkp->image); tkdelpanelimage(tk->env->top, tkp->matte); } static Point tkpanelview(Tk *tk) { int dx, dy; Point view; TkPanel *tkp = TKobj(TkPanel, tk); dx = tk->act.width - Dx(tkp->r); dy = tk->act.height - Dy(tkp->r); view = tkp->view; if (dx > 0) { if((tkp->anchor & (Tkeast|Tkwest)) == 0) view.x -= dx/2; else if(tkp->anchor & Tkeast) view.x -= dx; } if (dy > 0) { if((tkp->anchor & (Tknorth|Tksouth)) == 0) view.y -= dy/2; else if(tkp->anchor & Tksouth) view.y -= dy; } return view; } static char* tkdrawpanel(Tk *tk, Point orig) { Rectangle r, pr; TkPanel *tkp = TKobj(TkPanel, tk); Image *i; int any; Point view, p; i = tkimageof(tk); if (i == nil) return nil; p.x = orig.x + tk->act.x + tk->borderwidth; p.y = orig.y + tk->act.y + tk->borderwidth; view = tkpanelview(tk); /* * if the image doesn't fully cover the dirty rectangle, then * paint some background in there */ r = rectsubpt(tkp->r, view); /* convert to widget coords */ pr = tkrect(tk, 0); any = rectclip(&r, pr); /* clip to inside widget borders */ if (!any || tkp->hasalpha || !rectinrect(tk->dirty, r)) draw(i, rectaddpt(tk->dirty, p), tkgc(tk->env, TkCbackgnd), nil, ZP); if (any && rectclip(&r, tk->dirty)) draw(i, rectaddpt(r, p), tkp->image, tkp->matte, addpt(r.min, view)); if (!rectinrect(tk->dirty, pr)) { p.x -= tk->borderwidth; p.y -= tk->borderwidth; tkdrawrelief(i, tk, p, TkCbackgnd, tk->relief); } return nil; } static char* tkpanelcget(Tk *tk, char *arg, char **val) { TkOptab tko[3]; TkPanel *tkp = TKobj(TkPanel, tk); tko[0].ptr = tk; tko[0].optab = tkgeneric; tko[1].ptr = tkp; tko[1].optab = tkpanelopts; tko[2].ptr = nil; return tkgencget(tko, arg, val, tk->env->top); } static char* tkpanelcvt(Tk *tk, char *arg, int rel, int *p) { char buf[Tkmaxitem]; tkword(tk->env->top, arg, buf, buf+sizeof(buf), nil); if(buf[0] == '\0') return TkBadvl; *p = atoi(buf) + rel; return nil; } /* * screen to image */ static char* tkpanelpanelx(Tk *tk, char *arg, char **val) { Point p; char *e; USED(val); p = subpt(tkposn(tk), tkpanelview(tk)); e = tkpanelcvt(tk, arg, -p.x, &p.x); if (e != nil) return e; return tkvalue(val, "%d", p.x); } static char* tkpanelpanely(Tk *tk, char *arg, char **val) { Point p; char *e; USED(val); p = subpt(tkposn(tk), tkpanelview(tk)); e = tkpanelcvt(tk, arg, -p.y, &p.y); if (e != nil) return e; return tkvalue(val, "%d", p.y); } /* * image to screen */ static char* tkpanelscreenx(Tk *tk, char *arg, char **val) { Point p; char *e; USED(val); p = subpt(tkposn(tk), tkpanelview(tk)); e = tkpanelcvt(tk, arg, p.x, &p.x); if (e != nil) return e; return tkvalue(val, "%d", p.x); } static char* tkpanelscreeny(Tk *tk, char *arg, char **val) { Point p; char *e; USED(val); p = subpt(tkposn(tk), tkpanelview(tk)); e = tkpanelcvt(tk, arg, p.y, &p.y); if (e != nil) return e; return tkvalue(val, "%d", p.y); } static char* tkpanelconf(Tk *tk, char *arg, char **val) { char *e; TkGeom g; int bd; TkOptab tko[3]; TkPanel *tkp = TKobj(TkPanel, tk); tko[0].ptr = tk; tko[0].optab = tkgeneric; tko[1].ptr = tkp; tko[1].optab = tkpanelopts; tko[2].ptr = nil; if(*arg == '\0') return tkconflist(tko, val); g = tk->req; bd = tk->borderwidth; e = tkparse(tk->env->top, arg, tko, nil); tkgeomchg(tk, &g, bd); tksettransparent(tk, tkp->hasalpha || tkhasalpha(tk->env, TkCbackgnd)); tk->dirty = tkrect(tk, 1); return e; } static char* tkpaneldirty(Tk *tk, char *arg, char **val) { char buf[Tkmaxitem]; int n, coords[4]; Rectangle r; char *e, *p; TkPanel *tkp = TKobj(TkPanel, tk); USED(val); n = 0; while (n < 4) { arg = tkword(tk->env->top, arg, buf, buf+sizeof(buf), nil); if (buf[0] == 0) break; p = buf; e = tkfrac(&p, &coords[n++], nil); if (e != nil) return TkBadvl; } if (n == 0) r = tkp->r; else { if (n != 4) return TkBadvl; r.min.x = TKF2I(coords[0]); r.min.y = TKF2I(coords[1]); r.max.x = TKF2I(coords[2]); r.max.y = TKF2I(coords[3]); } if (rectclip(&r, tkp->r)) { r = rectsubpt(r, tkpanelview(tk)); /* convert to widget coords */ if (rectclip(&r, tkrect(tk, 0))) /* clip to visible area */ combinerect(&tk->dirty, r); } return nil; } static char* tkpanelorigin(Tk *tk, char *arg, char **val) { char *e; Point view; TkPanel *tkp = TKobj(TkPanel, tk); e = tkxyparse(tk, &arg, &view); if (e != nil) { if (e == TkOparg) return tkvalue(val, "%d %d", tkp->view.x, tkp->view.y); return e; } tkp->view = view; tk->dirty = tkrect(tk, 0); return nil; } static TkCmdtab tkpanelcmd[] = { "cget", tkpanelcget, "configure", tkpanelconf, "dirty", tkpaneldirty, "origin", tkpanelorigin, "panelx", tkpanelpanelx, "panely", tkpanelpanely, "screenx", tkpanelscreenx, "screeny", tkpanelscreeny, nil }; TkMethod panelmethod = { "panel", tkpanelcmd, tkfreepanel, tkdrawpanel };