ref: d1540c7f666e3c5d636b48c956b444205b50502d
dir: /appl/wm/clock.b/
implement Clock; # # Subject to the Lucent Public License 1.02 # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Display, Image, Point, Rect: import draw; include "math.m"; math: Math; include "tk.m"; include "wmclient.m"; wmclient: Wmclient; Window: import wmclient; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; Tm: import daytime; Clock: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; hrhand: ref Image; minhand: ref Image; dots: ref Image; back: ref Image; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; math = load Math Math->PATH; daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; wmclient = load Wmclient Wmclient->PATH; sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); wmclient->init(); w := wmclient->window(ctxt, "clock", Wmclient->Appl); # Plain? display := w.display; back = display.colormix(Draw->Palebluegreen, Draw->White); hrhand = display.newimage(Rect((0,0),(1,1)), Draw->CMAP8, 1, Draw->Darkblue); minhand = display.newimage(Rect((0,0),(1,1)), Draw->CMAP8, 1, Draw->Paleblue); dots = display.newimage(Rect((0,0),(1,1)), Draw->CMAP8, 1, Draw->Blue); w.reshape(Rect((0, 0), (100, 100))); w.startinput("ptr" :: nil); now := daytime->now(); w.onscreen(nil); drawclock(w.image, now); ticks := chan of int; spawn timer(ticks, 30*1000); for(;;) alt{ ctl := <-w.ctl or ctl = <-w.ctxt.ctl => w.wmctl(ctl); if(ctl != nil && ctl[0] == '!') drawclock(w.image, now); p := <-w.ctxt.ptr => w.pointer(*p); <-ticks => t := daytime->now(); if(t != now){ now = t; drawclock(w.image, now); } } } ZP := Point(0, 0); drawclock(screen: ref Image, t: int) { if(screen == nil) return; tms := daytime->local(t); anghr := 90-(tms.hour*5 + tms.min/10)*6; angmin := 90-tms.min*6; r := screen.r; c := r.min.add(r.max).div(2); if(r.dx() < r.dy()) rad := r.dx(); else rad = r.dy(); rad /= 2; rad -= 8; screen.draw(screen.r, back, nil, ZP); for(i:=0; i<12; i++) screen.fillellipse(circlept(c, rad, i*(360/12)), 2, 2, dots, ZP); screen.line(c, circlept(c, (rad*3)/4, angmin), 0, 0, 1, minhand, ZP); screen.line(c, circlept(c, rad/2, anghr), 0, 0, 1, hrhand, ZP); screen.flush(Draw->Flushnow); } circlept(c: Point, r: int, degrees: int): Point { rad := real degrees * Math->Pi/180.0; c.x += int (math->cos(rad)*real r); c.y -= int (math->sin(rad)*real r); return c; } timer(c: chan of int, ms: int) { for(;;){ sys->sleep(ms); c <-= 1; } }