ref: d1540c7f666e3c5d636b48c956b444205b50502d
dir: /appl/cmd/mash/mash.b/
implement Mash; # # mash - Inferno make/shell # # Bruce Ellis - 1Q 98 # include "mash.m"; include "mashparse.m"; # # mash consists of three modules plus library modules and loadable builtins. # # This module, Mash, loads the other two (Mashparse and Mashlib), loads # the builtin "builtins", initializes things and calls the parser. # # It has two entry points. One is the traditional init() function and the other, # tkinit, is an interface to WmMash that allows the "tk" builtin to cooperate # with the command window. # Mash: module { tkinit: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, top: ref Tk->Toplevel, args: list of string); init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string); }; Iobuf: import Bufio; sys: Sys; lib: Mashlib; parse: Mashparse; Env, Stab: import lib; cmd: string; # # Check for /dev/console. # isconsole(fd: ref Sys->FD): int { (ok1, d1) := sys->fstat(fd); (ok2, d2) := sys->stat(lib->CONSOLE); if (ok1 < 0 || ok2 < 0) return 0; return d1.dtype == d2.dtype && d1.qid.path == d2.qid.path; } usage(e: ref Env) { sys->fprint(e.stderr, "usage: mash [-denx] [-c command] [src [args]]\n"); lib->exits("usage"); } flags(e: ref Env, l: list of string): list of string { while (l != nil && len hd l && (s := hd l)[0] == '-') { l = tl l; if (s == "--") break; n := len s; for (i := 1; i < n; i++) { case s[i] { 'c' => if (++i < n) { if (l != nil) usage(e); cmd = s[i:]; } else { if (len l != 1) usage(e); cmd = hd l; } return nil; 'd' => e.flags |= lib->EDumping; 'e' => e.flags |= lib->ERaise; 'n' => e.flags |= lib->ENoxeq; 'x' => e.flags |= lib->EEcho; * => usage(e); } } } return l; } tkinit(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, top: ref Tk->Toplevel, args: list of string) { fd: ref Sys->FD; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr := sys->fildes(2); lib = load Mashlib Mashlib->PATH; if (lib == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "could not load %s: %r\n", Mashlib->PATH); exit; } parse = load Mashparse Mashparse->PATH; if (parse == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "could not load %s: %r\n", Mashparse->PATH); exit; } e :=; e.stderr = stderr; stderr = nil; lib->initmash(ctxt, top, sys, e, lib, parse); parse->init(lib); boot := args == nil; if (!boot) args = flags(e, tl args); e.doload(lib->LIB + lib->BUILTINS); lib->prompt = "mash% "; lib->contin = "\t"; if (cmd == nil && args == nil && !boot) {>MASHINIT, "true" :: nil); fd = sys->open(lib->PROFILE, Sys->OREAD); if (fd != nil) { e.fopen(fd, lib->PROFILE); parse->parse(e); fd = nil; } }>MASHINIT, nil); if (cmd == nil) { if (args != nil) { s := hd args; args = tl args; fd = sys->open(s, Sys->OREAD); if (fd == nil) e.couldnot("open", s); e.fopen(fd, s);>ARGS, args); } if (fd == nil) { fd = sys->fildes(0); if (isconsole(fd)) e.interactive(fd); e.fopen(fd, "<stdin>"); fd = nil; } } else e.sopen(cmd); parse->parse(e); } init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { tkinit(ctxt, nil, args); }