ref: d09cf07a82cf4ffb846a31d0384e774b4c4661e1
dir: /appl/wm/polyhedra.b/
implement WmPolyhedra; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Point, Rect, Pointer, Image, Screen, Display: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; Toplevel: import tk; include "tkclient.m"; tkclient: Tkclient; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "math.m"; math: Math; sin, cos, tan, sqrt: import math; include "rand.m"; rand: Rand; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; include "math/polyhedra.m"; polyhedra: Polyhedra; Polyhedron: import Polyhedra; scanpolyhedra, getpolyhedron: import polyhedra; include "math/polyfill.m"; polyfill: Polyfill; initzbuf, clearzbuf, fillpoly: import polyfill; include "smenu.m"; smenu: Smenu; Scrollmenu: import smenu; WmPolyhedra : module { init : fn(nil : ref Draw->Context, argv : list of string); }; WIDTH, HEIGHT: con 400; mainwin: ref Toplevel; Disp, black, white, opaque: ref Image; Dispr: Rect; pinit := 40; init(ctxt : ref Draw->Context, argv : list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; math = load Math Math->PATH; rand = load Rand Rand->PATH; daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; polyhedra = load Polyhedra Polyhedra->PATH; polyfill = load Polyfill Polyfill->PATH; smenu = load Smenu Smenu->PATH; rand->init(daytime->now()); daytime = nil; polyfill->init(); √2 = sqrt(2.0); √3 = sqrt(3.0); cursor := ""; tkclient->init(); if(ctxt == nil){ ctxt = tkclient->makedrawcontext(); # sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "wm not running\n"); # exit; } argv = tl argv; while(argv != nil){ case hd argv{ "-p" => argv = tl argv; if(argv != nil) pinit = int hd argv; "-r" => pinit = -1; "-c" => argv = tl argv; if(argv != nil) cursor = hd argv; } if(argv != nil) argv = tl argv; } (win, wmcmd) := tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, "", "Polyhedra", Tkclient->Resize | Tkclient->Hide); mainwin = win; sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); cmdch := chan of string; tk->namechan(win, cmdch, "cmd"); for(i := 0; i < len win_config; i++) cmd(win, win_config[i]); if(cursor != nil) cmd(win, "cursor -bitmap " + cursor); tkclient->onscreen(win, nil); tkclient->startinput(win, "kbd"::"ptr"::nil); fittoscreen(win); pid := -1; sync := chan of int; chanθ := chan of real; geo := newgeom(); setimage(win, geo); cmd(win, "update"); display := win.image.display; white = display.color(Draw->White); black = display.color(Draw->Black); opaque = display.opaque; shade = array[NSHADES] of ref Image; for(i = 0; i < NSHADES; i++){ # v := (255*i)/(NSHADES-1); # NSHADES=17 v := (192*i)/(NSHADES-1)+32; # NSHADES=13 # v := (128*i)/(NSHADES-1)+64; # NSHADES=9 shade[i] = display.rgb(v, v, v); # shade[i] = rgba(display, v, v, v, 16r7f); } (geo.npolyhedra, geo.polyhedra, geo.b) = scanpolyhedra("/lib/polyhedra.all"); if(geo.npolyhedra == 0){ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "cannot open polyhedra database\n"); exit; } yieldc := chan of int; # spawn yieldproc(yieldc); # ypid := <- yieldc; initgeom(geo); sm := array[2] of ref Scrollmenu; sm[0] = scrollmenu(win, "", geo.polyhedra, geo.npolyhedra, 0); sm[1] = scrollmenu(win, ".f.menud", geo.polyhedra, geo.npolyhedra, 1); # createmenu(win, geo.polyhedra); spawn drawpolyhedron(geo, sync, chanθ, yieldc); pid = <- sync; newproc := 0; for(;;){ alt{ c := <-win.ctxt.kbd => tk->keyboard(win, c); c := <-win.ctxt.ptr => tk->pointer(win, *c); c := <-win.ctxt.ctl or c = <-win.wreq => tkclient->wmctl(win, c); c := <- wmcmd => case c{ "exit" => exits(pid, sm); * => sync <-= 0; tkclient->wmctl(win, c); if(c[0] == '!'){ if(setimage(win, geo) <= 0) exits(pid, sm); } sync <-= 1; } c := <- cmdch => (nil, toks) := sys->tokenize(c, " "); case hd toks{ "prev" => geo.curpolyhedron = geo.curpolyhedron.prv; getpoly(geo, -1); newproc = 1; "next" => geo.curpolyhedron = geo.curpolyhedron.nxt; getpoly(geo, 1); newproc = 1; "dual" => geo.dual = !geo.dual; newproc = 1; "edges" => edges = !edges; "faces" => faces = !faces; "clear" => clear = !clear; "slow" => if(geo.θ > ε){ if(geo.θ < 2.) chanθ <-= geo.θ/2.; else chanθ <-= geo.θ-1.; } "fast" => if(geo.θ < 45.){ if(geo.θ < 1.) chanθ <-= 2.*geo.θ; else chanθ <-= geo.θ+1.; } "axis" => setaxis(geo); initmatrix(geo); newproc = 1; "menu" => x := int cmd(win, ".p cget actx"); y := int cmd(win, ".p cget acty"); w := int cmd(win, ".p cget -actwidth"); h := int cmd(win, ".p cget -actheight"); sm[geo.dual].post(x+w/8, y+h/8, cmdch, ""); # cmd(win, " post " + x + " " + y); * => i = int hd toks; fp := geo.polyhedra; for(p := fp; p != nil; p = p.nxt){ if(p.indx == i){ geo.curpolyhedron = p; getpoly(geo, 1); newproc = 1; break; } if(p.nxt == fp) break; } } } if(newproc){ sync <-= 0; # stop it first kill(pid); spawn drawpolyhedron(geo, sync, chanθ, yieldc); pid = <- sync; newproc = 0; } } } setimage(win: ref Toplevel, geo: ref Geom): int { panelw := int tk->cmd(win, ".p cget -actwidth"); panelh := int tk->cmd(win, ".p cget -actheight"); if(panelw < 3) panelw = 3; if(panelh < 3) panelh = 3; Dispr = Rect((0,0), (panelw, panelh)); Disp = win.image.display.newimage(Dispr, win.image.chans, 0, Draw->Black); if(Disp == nil){ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "not enough image memory\n"); return 0; } tk->putimage(win, ".p", Disp, nil); if(Dispr.dx() > Dispr.dy()) h := Dispr.dy(); else h = Dispr.dx(); rr: Rect = ((0, 0), (h, h)); corner := ((Dispr.min.x+Dispr.max.x-rr.max.x)/2, (Dispr.min.y+Dispr.max.y-rr.max.y)/2); geo.r = (rr.min.add(corner), rr.max.add(corner)); geo.h = h; = real ((3*h)/8); = - real ((3*h)/8); geo.tx = h/2+geo.r.min.x; geo.ty = h/2+geo.r.min.y; geo.zstate = initzbuf(geo.r); return 1; } # yieldcpu(c: chan of int) # { # c <-= 1; # <-c; # } # yieldproc(c: chan of int) # { # c <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); # for (;;) { # <-c; # c <-= 1; # } # } π: con Math->Pi; √2, √3: real; ∞: con 1<<30; ε: con 0.001; Axis: adt{ λ, μ, ν: int; }; Vector: adt{ x, y, z: real; }; Geom: adt{ h: int; # length, breadth of r below r: Rect; # area on screen to update sx, sy: real; # x, y scale tx, ty: int; # x, y translation θ: real; # angle of rotation TM: array of array of real; # rotation matrix axis: Axis; # direction cosines of rotation view: Vector; light: Vector; npolyhedra: int; polyhedra: ref Polyhedron; curpolyhedron: ref Polyhedron; b: ref Iobuf; # of polyhedra file dual: int; zstate: ref Polyfill->Zstate; }; NSHADES: con 13; # odd shade: array of ref Image; clear, faces: int = 1; edges: int = 0; setview(geo: ref Geom) { geo.view = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0); geo.light = (0.0, -1.0, 0.0); } map(v: Vector, geo: ref Geom): Point { return (int (*v.x)+geo.tx, int (*v.y)+geo.ty); } minus(v1: Vector): Vector { return (-v1.x, -v1.y, -v1.z); } add(v1, v2: Vector): Vector { return (v1.x+v2.x, v1.y+v2.y, v1.z+v2.z); } sub(v1, v2: Vector): Vector { return (v1.x-v2.x, v1.y-v2.y, v1.z-v2.z); } mul(v1: Vector, l: real): Vector { return (l*v1.x, l*v1.y, l*v1.z); } div(v1: Vector, l: real): Vector { return (v1.x/l, v1.y/l, v1.z/l); } normalize(v1: Vector): Vector { return div(v1, sqrt(dot(v1, v1))); } dot(v1, v2: Vector): real { return v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z; } cross(v1, v2: Vector): Vector { return (v1.y*v2.z-v2.y*v1.z, v1.z*v2.x-v2.z*v1.x, v1.x*v2.y-v2.x*v1.y); } drawpolyhedron(geo: ref Geom, sync: chan of int, chanθ: chan of real, yieldc: chan of int) { s: string; sync <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); p := geo.curpolyhedron; if(!geo.dual || p.anti){ s =; s += " (" + string p.indx + ")"; puts(s); drawpolyhedron0(p.V, p.F, p.concave, p.allf || p.anti, p.v, p.f, p.fv,, geo, sync, chanθ, yieldc); } else{ s = p.dname; s += " (" + string p.indx + ")"; puts(s); drawpolyhedron0(p.F, p.V, p.concave, p.anti, p.f, p.v, p.vf, 0.0, geo, sync, chanθ, yieldc); } } drawpolyhedron0(V, F, concave, allf: int, v, f: array of Vector, fv: array of array of int, inc: real, geo: ref Geom, sync: chan of int, chanθ: chan of real, yieldc: chan of int) { norm : array of array of Vector; newn, oldn : array of Vector; yieldc = nil; # not used now θ := geo.θ; totθ := 0.; if(θ != 0.) n := int ((360.+θ/2.)/θ); else n = ∞; p := n; t := 0; vec := array[2] of array of Vector; vec[0] = array[V] of Vector; vec[1] = array[V] of Vector; if(concave){ norm = array[2] of array of Vector; norm[0] = array[F] of Vector; norm[1] = array[F] of Vector; } Disp.draw(geo.r, black, opaque, (0, 0)); reveal(geo.r); for(i := 0; ; i = (i+1)%p){ alt{ <- sync => <- sync; θ = <- chanθ => geo.θ = θ; initmatrix(geo); if(θ != 0.){ n = int ((360.+θ/2.)/θ); p = int ((360.-totθ+θ/2.)/θ); } else n = p = ∞; if(p == 0) i = 0; else i = 1; * => # yieldcpu(yieldc); sys->sleep(0); } if(concave) clearzbuf(geo.zstate); new := vec[t]; old := vec[!t]; if(concave){ newn = norm[t]; oldn = norm[!t]; } t = !t; if(i == 0){ for(j := 0; j < V; j++) new[j] = v[j]; if(concave){ for(j = 0; j < F; j++) newn[j] = f[j]; } setview(geo); totθ = 0.; p = n; } else{ for(j := 0; j < V; j++) new[j] = mulm(geo.TM, old[j]); if(concave){ for(j = 0; j < F; j++) newn[j] = mulm(geo.TM, oldn[j]); } else{ geo.view = mulmi(geo.TM, geo.view); geo.light = mulmi(geo.TM, geo.light); } totθ += θ; } if(clear) Disp.draw(geo.r, black, opaque, (0, 0)); for(j := 0; j < F; j++){ if(concave){ if(allf || dot(geo.view, newn[j]) < 0.0) polyfilla(fv[j], new, newn[j], dot(geo.light, newn[j]), geo, concave, inc); } else{ if(dot(geo.view, f[j]) < 0.0) polyfilla(fv[j], new, f[j], dot(geo.light, f[j]), geo, concave, 0.0); } } reveal(geo.r); } } ZSCALE: con real (1<<20); LIMIT: con real (1<<11); polyfilla(fv: array of int, v: array of Vector, f: Vector, ill: real, geo: ref Geom, concave: int, inc: real) { dc, dx, dy: int; d := 0.0; n := fv[0]; ap := array[n+1] of Point; for(j := 0; j < n; j++){ vtx := v[fv[j+1]]; # vtx = add(vtx, mul(f, 0.1)); # interesting effects with -/larger factors ap[j] = map(vtx, geo); d += dot(f, vtx); } ap[n] = ap[0]; d /= real n; if(concave){ if(fv[n+1] != 1) d += inc; if(f.z > -ε && f.z < ε) return; α :=; β := real geo.tx; γ :=; δ := real geo.ty; c := f.z; a := -f.x/(c*α); if(a <= -LIMIT || a >= LIMIT) return; b := -f.y/(c*γ); if(b <= -LIMIT || b >= LIMIT) return; d = d/c-β*a-δ*b; if(d <= -LIMIT || d >= LIMIT) return; dx = int (a*ZSCALE); dy = int (b*ZSCALE); dc = int (d*ZSCALE); } edge := white; face := shade[int ((real ((NSHADES-1)/2))*(1.0-ill))]; if(concave){ if(!faces) face = black; if(!edges) edge = nil; fillpoly(Disp, ap, ~0, face, (0, 0), geo.zstate, dc, dx, dy); } else{ if(faces) Disp.fillpoly(ap, ~0, face, (0, 0)); if(edges) Disp.poly(ap, Draw->Endsquare, Draw->Endsquare, 0, edge, (0, 0)); } } getpoly(geo: ref Geom, dir: int) { p := geo.curpolyhedron; if(0){ while(p.anti){ if(dir > 0) p = p.nxt; else p = p.prv; } } geo.curpolyhedron = p; getpolyhedron(p, geo.b); } degtorad(α: real): real { return α*π/180.0; } initmatrix(geo: ref Geom) { TM := geo.TM; φ := degtorad(geo.θ); sinθ := sin(φ); cosθ := cos(φ); (l, m, n) := normalize((real geo.axis.λ, real geo.axis.μ, real geo.axis.ν)); f := 1.0-cosθ; TM[1][1] = (1.0-l*l)*cosθ + l*l; TM[1][2] = l*m*f-n*sinθ; TM[1][3] = l*n*f+m*sinθ; TM[2][1] = l*m*f+n*sinθ; TM[2][2] = (1.0-m*m)*cosθ + m*m; TM[2][3] = m*n*f-l*sinθ; TM[3][1] = l*n*f-m*sinθ; TM[3][2] = m*n*f+l*sinθ; TM[3][3] = (1.0-n*n)*cosθ + n*n; } mulm(TM: array of array of real, v: Vector): Vector { x := v.x; y := v.y; z := v.z; v.x = TM[1][1]*x + TM[1][2]*y + TM[1][3]*z; v.y = TM[2][1]*x + TM[2][2]*y + TM[2][3]*z; v.z = TM[3][1]*x + TM[3][2]*y + TM[3][3]*z; return v; } mulmi(TM: array of array of real, v: Vector): Vector { x := v.x; y := v.y; z := v.z; v.x = TM[1][1]*x + TM[2][1]*y + TM[3][1]*z; v.y = TM[1][2]*x + TM[2][2]*y + TM[3][2]*z; v.z = TM[1][3]*x + TM[2][3]*y + TM[3][3]*z; return v; } reveal(r: Rect) { cmd := sys->sprint(".p dirty %d %d %d %d", r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.max.y); tk->cmd(mainwin, cmd); tk->cmd(mainwin, "update"); } newgeom(): ref Geom { geo := ref Geom; TM := array[4] of array of real; for(i := 0; i < 4; i++) TM[i] = array[4] of real; geo.θ = 10.; geo.TM = TM; geo.axis = (1, 1, 1); geo.view = (1., 1., 1.); geo.light = (1., 1., 1.); geo.dual = 0; return geo; } setaxis(geo: ref Geom) { oaxis := geo.axis; # while(geo.axis == Axis (0, 0, 0) || geo.axis = oaxis) not allowed while((geo.axis.λ == 0 && geo.axis.μ == 0 && geo.axis.ν == 0) || (geo.axis.λ == oaxis.λ && geo.axis.μ == oaxis.μ && geo.axis.ν == oaxis.ν)) geo.axis = (rand->rand(5) - 2, rand->rand(5) - 2, rand->rand(5) - 2); } initgeom(geo: ref Geom) { if(pinit < 0) pn := rand->rand(geo.npolyhedra); else pn = pinit; for(p := geo.polyhedra; --pn >= 0; p = p.nxt) ; geo.curpolyhedron = p; getpoly(geo, 1); setaxis(geo); geo.θ = real (rand->rand(5)+1); geo.dual = 0; initmatrix(geo); setview(geo); Disp.draw(geo.r, black, opaque, (0, 0)); reveal(geo.r); } kill(pid: int): int { fd := sys->open("#p/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE); if(fd == nil) return -1; if(sys->write(fd, array of byte "kill", 4) != 4) return -1; return 0; } exits(pid: int, sm: array of ref Scrollmenu) { if(pid != -1) kill(pid); # kill(ypid); sm[0].destroy(); sm[1].destroy(); exit; } cmd(top: ref Toplevel, s: string): string { e := tk->cmd(top, s); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "polyhedra: tk error on '%s': %s\n", s, e); return e; } puts(s: string) { cmd(mainwin, ".f1.txt configure -text {" + s + "}"); cmd(mainwin, "update"); } MENUMAX: con 10; scrollmenu(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, mname: string, p: ref Polyhedron, n: int, dual: int): ref Scrollmenu { labs := array[n] of string; i := 0; for(q := p; q != nil && i < n; q = q.nxt){ if(dual) name := q.dname; else name =; labs[i++] = string q.indx + " " + name; } sm :=, mname, labs, MENUMAX, (n-MENUMAX)/2); cmd(top, mname + " configure -borderwidth 3"); return sm; } createmenu(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, p: ref Polyhedron) { mn := ""; cmd(top, "menu " + mn); i := j := 0; for(q := p ; q != nil; q = q.nxt){ cmd(top, mn + " add command -label {" + string q.indx + " " + + "} -command {send cmd " + string q.indx + "}"); if(q.nxt == p) break; i++; j++; if(j == MENUMAX && q.nxt != nil){ cmd(top, mn + " add cascade -label MORE -menu " + mn + ".menu"); mn += ".menu"; cmd(top, "menu " + mn); j = 0; } } } fittoscreen(win: ref Tk->Toplevel) { Point: import draw; if (win.image == nil || win.image.screen == nil) return; r := win.image.screen.image.r; scrsize := Point((r.max.x - r.min.x), (r.max.y - r.min.y)); bd := int cmd(win, ". cget -bd"); winsize := Point(int cmd(win, ". cget -actwidth") + bd * 2, int cmd(win, ". cget -actheight") + bd * 2); if (winsize.x > scrsize.x) cmd(win, ". configure -width " + string (scrsize.x - bd * 2)); if (winsize.y > scrsize.y) cmd(win, ". configure -height " + string (scrsize.y - bd * 2)); actr: Rect; actr.min = Point(int cmd(win, ". cget -actx"), int cmd(win, ". cget -acty")); actr.max = actr.min.add((int cmd(win, ". cget -actwidth") + bd*2, int cmd(win, ". cget -actheight") + bd*2)); (dx, dy) := (actr.dx(), actr.dy()); if (actr.max.x > r.max.x) (actr.min.x, actr.max.x) = (r.max.x - dx, r.max.x); if (actr.max.y > r.max.y) (actr.min.y, actr.max.y) = (r.max.y - dy, r.max.y); if (actr.min.x < r.min.x) (actr.min.x, actr.max.x) = (r.min.x, r.min.x + dx); if (actr.min.y < r.min.y) (actr.min.y, actr.max.y) = (r.min.y, r.min.y + dy); cmd(win, ". configure -x " + string actr.min.x + " -y " + string actr.min.y); } win_config := array[] of { "frame .f", "button .f.prev -text {prev} -command {send cmd prev}", "button -text {next} -command {send cmd next}", "checkbutton .f.dual -text {dual} -command {send cmd dual} -variable dual", ".f.dual deselect", "pack .f.prev -side left", "pack -side right", "pack .f.dual -side top", "frame .f0", "checkbutton .f0.edges -text {edges} -command {send cmd edges} -variable edges", ".f0.edges deselect", "checkbutton .f0.faces -text {faces} -command {send cmd faces} -variable faces", ".f0.faces select", "checkbutton .f0.clear -text {clear} -command {send cmd clear} -variable clear", ".f0.clear select", "pack .f0.edges -side left", "pack .f0.faces -side right", "pack .f0.clear -side top", "frame .f2", "button .f2.slow -text {slow} -command {send cmd slow}", "button -text {fast} -command {send cmd fast}", "button .f2.axis -text {axis} -command {send cmd axis}", "pack .f2.slow -side left", "pack -side right", "pack .f2.axis -side top", "frame .f1", "label .f1.txt -text { } -width " + string WIDTH, "pack .f1.txt -side top -fill x", "frame .f3", "button -text {menu} -command {send cmd menu}", "pack -side left", "frame .pbd -bd 3", "panel .p -width " + string WIDTH + " -height " + string HEIGHT, "pack .f -side top -fill x", "pack .f0 -side top -fill x", "pack .f2 -side top -fill x", "pack .f1 -side top -fill x", "pack .f3 -side top -fill x", "pack .p -in .pbd -fill both -expand 1", "pack .pbd -side bottom -fill both -expand 1", "pack propagate . 0", }; rgba(d: ref Display, r: int, g: int, b: int, α: int): ref Image { c := draw->setalpha((r<<24)|(g<<16)|(b<<8), α); return d.newimage(((0, 0), (1, 1)), d.image.chans, 1, c); }