ref: d09cf07a82cf4ffb846a31d0384e774b4c4661e1
dir: /appl/wm/avi.b/
implement WmAVI; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Rect, Display, Image: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; Toplevel: import tk; include "tkclient.m"; tkclient: Tkclient; ctxt: ref Draw->Context; include "selectfile.m"; selectfile: Selectfile; include "dialog.m"; dialog: Dialog; include "riff.m"; avi: Riff; AVIhdr, AVIstream, RD: import avi; video: ref AVIstream; WmAVI: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; Stopped, Playing, Paused: con iota; state := Stopped; cmap: array of byte; codedbuf: array of byte; pixelbuf: array of byte; pixelrec: Draw->Rect; task_cfg := array[] of { "canvas .c", "frame .b", "button .b.File -text File -command {send cmd file}", "button .b.Stop -text Stop -command {send cmd stop}", "button .b.Pause -text Pause -command {send cmd pause}", "button .b.Play -text Play -command {send cmd play}", "frame .f", "label .f.file -text {File:}", "label", "pack .f.file -side left", "pack .b.File .b.Stop .b.Pause .b.Play -side left", "pack .f -fill x", "pack .b -anchor w", "pack .c -side bottom -fill both -expand 1", "pack propagate . 0", }; init(xctxt: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; tkclient= load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH; dialog = load Dialog Dialog->PATH; selectfile = load Selectfile Selectfile->PATH; ctxt = xctxt; sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); tkclient->init(); dialog->init(); selectfile->init(); (t, wmctl) := tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, "", "AVI Player", 0); cmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, cmd, "cmd"); for (c:=0; c<len task_cfg; c++) tk->cmd(t, task_cfg[c]); tk->cmd(t, "bind . <Configure> {send cmd resize}"); tk->cmd(t, "update"); tkclient->onscreen(t, nil); tkclient->startinput(t, "kbd"::"ptr"::nil); avi = load Riff Riff->PATH; if(avi == nil) { dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Loading Interfaces", "Failed to load the RIFF/AVI\ninterface:"+sys->sprint("%r"), 0, "Exit"::nil); return; } avi->init(); fname := ""; state = Stopped; for(;;) alt { s := <-t.ctxt.kbd => tk->keyboard(t, s); s := <-t.ctxt.ptr => tk->pointer(t, *s); s := <-t.ctxt.ctl or s = <-t.wreq or s = <-wmctl => if(s == "exit") { state = Stopped; return; } tkclient->wmctl(t, s); press := <-cmd => case press { "file" => state = Stopped; patterns := list of { "*.avi (Microsoft movie files)", "* (All Files)" }; fname = selectfile->filename(ctxt, t.image, "Locate AVI files", patterns, nil); if(fname != nil) { tk->cmd(t, " configure -text {"+fname+"}"); tk->cmd(t, "update"); } "play" => if (state != Stopped) { state = Playing; continue; } if(fname != nil) { state = Playing; spawn play(t, fname); } "pause" => if(state == Playing) state = Paused; "stop" => state = Stopped; } } } play(t: ref Toplevel, file: string) { sp := list of { "Stop Play" }; (r, err) := avi->open(file); if(err != nil) { dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Open AVI file", err, 0, sp); return; } err = avi->r.check4("AVI "); if(err != nil) { dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Read AVI format", err, 0, sp); return; } (code, l) := avi->r.gethdr(); if(code != "LIST") { dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Parse AVI headers", "no list under AVI section header", 0, sp); return; } err = avi->r.check4("hdrl"); if(err != nil) { dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Read AVI header", err, 0, sp); return; } avihdr: ref AVIhdr; (avihdr, err) = avi->r.avihdr(); if(err != nil) { dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Read AVI header", err, 0, sp); return; } # # read the stream info & format structures # stream := array[avihdr.streams] of ref AVIstream; for(i := 0; i < avihdr.streams; i++) { (stream[i], err) = avi->r.streaminfo(); if(err != nil) { dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Parse AVI headers", "Failed to parse stream headers\n"+err, 0, sp); return; } if(stream[i].stype == "vids") { video = stream[i]; err = video.fmt2binfo(); if(err != nil) { dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Parse AVI Video format", "Invalid stream headers\n"+err, 0, sp); return; } } } img: ref Draw->Image; if(video != nil) { case video.binfo.compression { * => dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Parse AVI Compression method", "unknown compression/encoding method", 0, sp); return; avi->BI_RLE8 => cmap = array[len video.binfo.cmap] of byte; for(i = 0; i < len video.binfo.cmap; i++) { e := video.binfo.cmap[i]; cmap[i] = byte ctxt.display.rgb2cmap(e.r, e.g, e.b); } break; } chans: draw->Chans; case video.binfo.bitcount { * => dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Check AVI Video format", string video.binfo.bitcount+ " bits per pixel not supported", 0, sp); return; 8 => chans = Draw->CMAP8; mem := video.binfo.width*video.binfo.height; pixelbuf = array[mem] of byte; }; pixelrec.min = (0, 0); pixelrec.max = (video.binfo.width, video.binfo.height); img = ctxt.display.newimage(pixelrec, chans, 0, Draw->White); if (img == nil) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "coffee: failed to allocate image\n"); exit; } } # # Parse out the junk headers we don't understand # parse: for(;;) { (code, l) = avi->r.gethdr(); if(l < 0) break; case code { * => # sys->print("%s %d\n", code, l); avi->r.skip(l); "LIST" => err = avi->r.check4("movi"); if(err != nil) { dialog->prompt(ctxt, t.image, "error -fg red", "Strip AVI headers", "no movi chunk", 0, sp); return; } break parse; } } canvr := canvsize(t); p := (Draw->Point)(0, 0); dx := canvr.dx(); if(dx > video.binfo.width) p.x = (dx - video.binfo.width)/2; dy := canvr.dy(); if(dy > video.binfo.height) p.y = (dy - video.binfo.height)/2; canvr = canvr.addpt(p); chunk: for(;;) { while(state == Paused) sys->sleep(0); if(state == Stopped) break chunk; (code, l) = avi->r.gethdr(); if(l <= 0) break; if(l & 1) l++; case code { * => avi->r.skip(l); "00db" => # Stream 0 Video DIB dib(r, img, l); "00dc" => # Stream 0 Video DIB compressed dibc(r, img, l); t.image.draw(canvr, img, nil, img.r.min); "idx1" => break chunk; } } state = Stopped; } dib(r: ref RD, i: ref Draw->Image, l: int): int { if(len codedbuf < l) codedbuf = array[l] of byte; if(r.readn(codedbuf, l) != l) return -1; case video.binfo.bitcount { 8 => for(k := 0; k < l; k++) codedbuf[k] = cmap[int codedbuf[k]]; i.writepixels(pixelrec, codedbuf); } return 0; } dibc(r: ref RD, i: ref Draw->Image, l: int): int { if(len codedbuf < l) codedbuf = array[l] of byte; if(r.readn(codedbuf, l) != l) return -1; case video.binfo.compression { avi->BI_RLE8 => p := 0; posn := 0; x := 0; y := video.binfo.height-1; w := video.binfo.width; decomp: while(p < l) { n := int codedbuf[p++]; if(n == 0) { esc := int codedbuf[p++]; case esc { 0 => # end of line x = 0; y--; 1 => # end of image break decomp; 2 => # Delta dx,dy x += int codedbuf[p++]; y -= int codedbuf[p++]; * => posn = x+y*w; for(k := 0; k < esc; k++) pixelbuf[posn++] = cmap[int codedbuf[p++]]; x += esc; if(p & 1) p++; }; } else { posn = x+y*w; v := cmap[int codedbuf[p++]]; for(k := 0; k < n; k++) pixelbuf[posn++] = v; x += n; } } i.writepixels(pixelrec, pixelbuf); } return 0; } canvsize(t: ref Toplevel): Rect { r: Rect; r.min.x = int tk->cmd(t, ".c cget -actx"); r.min.y = int tk->cmd(t, ".c cget -acty"); r.max.x = r.min.x + int tk->cmd(t, ".c cget -width"); r.max.y = r.min.y + int tk->cmd(t, ".c cget -height"); return r; }