ref: d09cf07a82cf4ffb846a31d0384e774b4c4661e1
dir: /appl/svc/webget/wgutils.b/
implement WebgetUtils; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "string.m"; include "bufio.m"; include "dial.m"; include "imagefile.m"; readgif, readjpg, readxbitmap: RImagefile; include "image2enc.m"; image2enc: Image2enc; include "message.m"; include "url.m"; include "wgutils.m"; Iobuf: import B; include "strinttab.m"; T: StringIntTab; Msg, Nameval: import M; ParsedUrl: import U; logfd: ref Sys->FD; # return from acceptmatch; and conv arg to readbody BadConv, NoConv, Gif2xcompressed, Jpeg2xcompressed, Xbm2xcompressed: con iota; # Both extensions and Content-Types can be in same table. # This array should be kept sorted mtypes := array[] of { T->StringInt ("ai", ApplPostscript), ("application/html", TextHtml), ("application/pdf", ApplPdf), ("application/postscript", ApplPostscript), ("application/rtf", ApplRtf), ("application/soap+xml", TextPlain), ("application/x-html", TextHtml), ("au", AudioBasic), ("audio/au", AudioBasic), ("audio/basic", AudioBasic), ("bit", ImageXCompressed), ("bit2", ImageXCompressed2), ("eps", ApplPostscript), ("gif", ImageGif), ("htm", TextHtml), ("html", TextHtml), ("image/gif", ImageGif), ("image/ief", ImageIef), ("image/jpeg", ImageJpeg), ("image/tiff", ImageTiff), ("image/x-compressed", ImageXCompressed), ("image/x-compressed2", ImageXCompressed2), ("image/x-xbitmap", ImageXXBitmap), ("jpe", ImageJpeg), ("jpeg", ImageJpeg), ("jpg", ImageJpeg), ("pdf", ApplPdf), ("ps", ApplPostscript), ("text", TextPlain), ("text/html", TextHtml), ("text/plain", TextPlain), ("text/x-html", TextHtml), ("text/xml", TextXml), ("tif", ImageTiff), ("tiff", ImageTiff), ("txt", TextPlain), ("video/mpeg", VideoMpeg), ("video/quicktime", VideoQuicktime), }; # following array must track media type def in wgutils.m mnames := array[] of { "application/x-unknown", "text/plain", "text/html", "application/postscript", "application/rtf", "application/pdf", "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/ief", "image/tiff", "image/x-compressed", "image/x-compressed2", "image/x-xbitmap", "audio/basic", "video/mpeg", "video/quicktime", "application/soap+xml", "text/xml" }; init(m: Message, s: String, b: Bufio, u: Url, di: Dial, lfd: ref Sys->FD) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; M = m; S = s; B = b; U = u; DI = di; logfd = lfd; T = load StringIntTab StringIntTab->PATH; readgif = load RImagefile RImagefile->READGIFPATH; readjpg = load RImagefile RImagefile->READJPGPATH; readxbitmap = load RImagefile RImagefile->READXBMPATH; image2enc = load Image2enc Image2enc->PATH; if(T == nil || readgif == nil || readjpg == nil || readxbitmap == nil || image2enc == nil) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "webget: failed to load T, readgif, readjpg, readxbitmap, or imageremap: %r\n"); return; } readgif->init(B); readjpg->init(B); readxbitmap->init(B); } # Return msg with error provoked by bad user action usererr(r: ref Req, msg: string) : ref Msg { m := Msg.newmsg(); m.prefixline = sys->sprint("ERROR %s %s\n", r.reqid, msg); m.bodylen = 0; return m; } okprefix(r: ref Req, mrep: ref Msg) { (nil, sctype) := mrep.fieldval("content-type"); if(sctype == "") sctype = "text/html"; else sctype = canon_mtype(sctype); (nil, cloc) := mrep.fieldval("content-location"); if(cloc == "") cloc = "unknown"; mrep.prefixline = "OK " + string mrep.bodylen + " " + r.reqid + " " + sctype + " " + cloc +"\n"; } canon_mtype(s: string) : string { # lowercase, and remove possible parameter ls := S->tolower(s); (ts, nil) := S->splitl(ls, "; "); return ts; } mediatype(s: string, dflt: int) : int { (fnd, val) := T->lookup(mtypes, canon_mtype(s)); if(!fnd) val = dflt; return val; } acceptmatch(ctype: int, accept: string) : int { conv := BadConv; (nil,l) := sys->tokenize(accept, ","); while(l != nil) { a := S->drop(hd l, " \t"); mt := mediatype(a, -1); match := (ctype == mt) || (a == "*/*") || ((ctype == ImageXCompressed || ctype == ImageXCompressed2) && (mt == ImageJpeg || mt == ImageGif || mt == ImageXXBitmap)); if(match) { if(ctype == ImageGif) conv = Gif2xcompressed; else if(ctype == ImageJpeg) conv = Jpeg2xcompressed; else if(ctype == ImageXXBitmap) conv = Xbm2xcompressed; else conv = NoConv; break; } l = tl l; } return conv; } # Get the body of the message whose header is in mrep, # if io != nil. # First check that the content type is acceptable. # Image types will get converted into Inferno compressed format. # If there is an error, return error string, else "". # If no error, mrep will contain content-encoding, content-location, # and content-type fields (guessed if they weren't orignally there). getdata(io: ref Iobuf, m: ref Msg, accept: string, url: ref ParsedUrl) : string { (efnd, etype) := m.fieldval("content-encoding"); if(efnd) return "content is encoded: " + etype; ctype := UnknownType; (tfnd, sctype) := m.fieldval("content-type"); if(tfnd) ctype = mediatype(sctype, UnknownType); else { # try to guess type from extension sctype = "(unknown)"; (nil, name) := S->splitr(url.path, "/"); if(name != "") { (f, ext) := S->splitr(name, "."); if(f != "" && ext != "") { ctype = mediatype(ext, UnknownType); if(ctype != UnknownType) { sctype = mnames[ctype]; m.update("content-type", sctype); } } } } transform := acceptmatch(ctype, accept); if(transform == BadConv) return "Unacceptable media type: " + sctype; (clfnd, cloc) := m.fieldval("content-location"); if(!clfnd) { cloc = url.tostring(); m.update("content-location", cloc); } if(transform != NoConv) { rawimg: ref RImagefile->Rawimage; err: string; if(transform == Gif2xcompressed) (rawimg, err) = readgif->read(io); else if(transform == Jpeg2xcompressed) (rawimg, err) = readjpg->read(io); else if(transform == Xbm2xcompressed) (rawimg, err) = readxbitmap->read(io); # if gif file has multiple images, we are supposed to animate, # but the first one should be there if(err != "" && err != "ReadGIF: can't handle multiple images in file") return "error converting image file: " + err; (data, mask, e) := image2enc->image2enc(rawimg, 1); if(e != "") return "error remapping and encoding image file: " + e; if(mask == nil) sctype = "image/x-compressed"; else { sctype = "image/x-compressed2"; newdata := array[len data + len mask] of byte; newdata[0:] = data[0:]; newdata[len data:] = mask[0:]; data = newdata; } m.body = data; m.bodylen = len data; m.update("content-type", sctype); m.update("content-length", string m.bodylen); } else { # io will be nil if m came from cache if(io != nil) { e := m.readbody(io); if(e != "") return "reading body: " + e; } } return ""; } # Change an accept spec from webget client into one we can send # to http server. This means image/x-compressed must be # changed into image formats we can handle: i.e., gif or jpeg fixaccept(a: string) : string { (nil,l) := sys->tokenize(a, ","); ans := ""; sep := ""; while(l != nil) { s := S->drop(hd l, " \t"); if(s == "image/x-compressed") ans += sep + "image/gif,image/jpeg,image/x-xbitmap"; else ans += sep + s; sep = ","; l = tl l; } if(ans == "") ans = "*/*"; return ans; } log(c: ref Fid, msg: string) { if(logfd != nil) { # don't use print in case msg is longer than buf s := ""; if(c != nil) s += (string c.fid) + ": "; s += msg + "\n"; b := array of byte s; sys->write(logfd, b, len b); } }