ref: d09cf07a82cf4ffb846a31d0384e774b4c4661e1
dir: /appl/svc/webget/message.b/
implement Message; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "string.m"; S : String; include "bufio.m"; B : Bufio; Iobuf: import B; include "message.m"; msg: Message; msglog: ref Sys->FD; init(bufio: Bufio, smod: String) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; S = smod; B = bufio; } sptab : con " \t"; crlf : con "\r\n"; Msg.newmsg() : ref Msg { return ref Msg("", nil, nil, nil, 0); } # Read a message header from fd and return a Msg # the header fields. # If withprefix is true, read one line first and put it # in the prefixline field of the Msg (without terminating \r\n) # Return nil if there is a read error or eof before the # header is completely read. Msg.readhdr(io: ref Iobuf, withprefix: int) : (ref Msg, string) { m := Msg.newmsg(); l : list of Nameval = nil; needprefix := withprefix; for(;;) { line := getline(io); n := len line; if(n == 0) { if(withprefix && m.prefixline != "") break; return(nil, "msg read hdr error: no header"); } if(line[n-1] != '\n') return (m, "msg read hdr error: incomplete header"); if(n >= 2 && line[n-2] == '\r') line = line[0:n-2]; else line = line[0:n-1]; if(needprefix) { m.prefixline = line; needprefix = 0; } else { if(line == "") break; if(S->in(line[0], sptab)) { if(l == nil) continue; nv := hd l; l = Nameval(, nv.value + " " + S->drop(line, sptab)) :: tl l; } else { (nam, val) := S->splitl(line, ":"); if(val == nil) continue; # no colon l = Nameval(S->tolower(nam), S->drop(val[1:], sptab)) :: l; } } } nh := len l; if(nh > 0) { m.fields = array[nh] of Nameval; for(i := nh-1; i >= 0; i--) { m.fields[i] = hd l; l = tl l; } } return (m, ""); } glbuf := array[300] of byte; # Like io.gets('\n'), but assume Latin-1 instead of UTF encoding getline(io: ref Iobuf): string { imax := len glbuf - 1; for(i := 0; i < imax; ) { c := io.getb(); if(c < 0) break; if(c < 128) glbuf[i++] = byte c; else i += sys->char2byte(c, glbuf, i); if(c == '\n') break; if(i == imax) { imax += 100; if(imax > 1000) break; # Header lines aren't supposed to be > 1000 newglbuf := array[imax] of byte; newglbuf[0:] = glbuf[0:i]; glbuf = newglbuf; } } ans := string glbuf[0:i]; return ans; } Bbufsize: con 8000; # Read the body of the message, assuming the header has been processed. # If content-length has been specified, read exactly that many bytes # or until eof; else read until done. # Return "" if all is OK, else return an error string. Msg.readbody(m: self ref Msg, io: ref Iobuf) : string { (clfnd, cl) := m.fieldval("content-length"); if(clfnd) { clen := int cl; if(clen > 0) { m.body = array[clen] of byte; n := B->, clen); m.bodylen = n; if(n != clen) return "short read"; } } else { m.body = array[Bbufsize] of byte; curlen := 0; for(;;) { avail := len m.body - curlen; if(avail <= 0) { newa := array[len m.body + Bbufsize] of byte; if(curlen > 0) newa[0:] = m.body[0:curlen]; m.body = newa; avail = Bbufsize; } n := B->[curlen:], avail); if(n < 0) return sys->sprint("readbody error %r"); if(n == 0) break; else curlen += n; } m.bodylen = curlen; } return ""; } # Look for name (lowercase) in the fields of m # and (1, field value) if found, or (0,"") if not. # If multiple fields with the same name exist, # the value is defined as the comma separated list # of all such values. Msg.fieldval(m: self ref Msg, name: string) : (int, string) { n := len m.fields; ans := ""; found := 0; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) { if(m.fields[i].name == name) { v := m.fields[i].value; if(found) ans = ans + ", " + v; else ans = v; found = 1; } } return (found, ans); } Msg.addhdrs(m: self ref Msg, hdrs: list of Nameval) { nh := len hdrs; if(nh == 0) return; onh := len m.fields; newa := array[nh + onh] of Nameval; newa[0:] = m.fields; i := onh; while(hdrs != nil) { newa[i++] = hd hdrs; hdrs = tl hdrs; } m.fields = newa; } Msg.update(m: self ref Msg, name, value: string) { for(i := 0; i < len m.fields; i++) if(m.fields[i].name == name) { m.fields[i] = Nameval(name, value); return; } m.addhdrs(Nameval(name, value) :: nil); } Msg.header(m: self ref Msg) : string { s := ""; for(i := 0; i < len m.fields; i++) { nv := m.fields[i]; s += + ": " + nv.value + "\n"; } return s; } Msg.writemsg(m: self ref Msg, io: ref Iobuf) : string { n := 0; if(m.prefixline != nil) { n = B->io.puts(m.prefixline); if(n >= 0) n = B->io.puts(crlf); } for(i := 0; i < len m.fields; i++) { nv := m.fields[i]; if(n >= 0) n = B->io.puts(; if(n >= 0) n = B->io.puts(": "); if(n >= 0) n = B->io.puts(nv.value); if(n >= 0) n = B->io.puts(crlf); } if(n >= 0) n = B->io.puts(crlf); if(n >= 0 && m.bodylen > 0) n = B->io.write(m.body, m.bodylen); if(n < 0) return sys->sprint("msg write error: %r"); B->io.flush(); return ""; }