ref: ccd7f9f1597e56d121e1d05cf6af86f688ef2c48
dir: /libinterp/raise.c/
/* * Exceptions thrown by the interpreter */ char exAlt[] = "alt send/recv on same chan"; char exBusy[] = "channel busy"; char exModule[] = "module not loaded"; char exCompile[] = "compile failed"; char exCrange[] = "constant range "; char exCctovflw[] = "constant table overflow"; char exCphase[] = "compiler phase error"; char exType[] = "type not constructed correctly"; char exZdiv[] = "zero divide"; char exHeap[] = "out of memory: heap"; char exImage[] = "out of memory: image"; char exItype[] = "inconsistent type"; char exMathia[] = "invalid math argument"; char exBounds[] = "array bounds error"; char exNegsize[] = "negative array size"; char exNomem[] = "out of memory: main"; char exSpawn[] = "spawn a builtin module"; char exOp[] = "illegal dis instruction"; char exTcheck[] = "type check"; char exInval[] = "invalid argument"; char exNilref[] = "dereference of nil"; char exRange[] = "value out of range";