ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/spree/clients/bounce.b/
implement Clientmod; # bouncing balls demo. it uses tk and multiple processes to animate a # number of balls bouncing around the screen. each ball has its own # process; CPU time is doled out fairly to each process by using # a central monitor loop. include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Display, Point, Rect, Image: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "tkclient.m"; tkclient: Tkclient; include "math.m"; math: Math; include "rand.m"; include "../client.m"; BALLSIZE: con 5; ZERO: con 1e-6; π: con Math->Pi; Maxδ: con π / 4.0; # max bat angle deflection Line: adt { p, v: Realpoint; s: real; new: fn(p1, p2: Point): ref Line; hittest: fn(l: self ref Line, p: Point): (Realpoint, real, real); intersection: fn(b: self ref Line, p, v: Realpoint): (int, Realpoint, real, real); point: fn(b: self ref Line, s: real): Point; }; Realpoint: adt { x, y: real; }; cliquecmds := array[] of { "canvas .c -bg black", "bind .c <ButtonRelease-1> {send mouse 0 1 %x %y}", "bind .c <ButtonRelease-2> {send mouse 0 2 %x %y}", "bind .c <Button-1> {send mouse 1 1 %x %y}", "bind .c <Button-2> {send mouse 1 2 %x %y}", "bind . <Key-b> {send ucmd newball}", "bind . <ButtonRelease-1> {focus .}", "bind .Wm_t <ButtonRelease-1> +{focus .}", "focus .", "bind .c <Key-b> {send ucmd newball}", "bind .c <Key-u> {grab release .c}", "frame .f", "button .f.b -text {Start} -command {send ucmd start}", "button .f.n -text {New ball} -command {send ucmd newball}", "pack .f.b .f.n -side left", "pack .f -fill x", "pack .c -fill both -expand 1", "update", }; Ballstate: adt { owner: int; # index into member array hitobs: ref Obstacle; t0: int; p, v: Realpoint; speed: real; }; Queue: adt { h, t: list of T; put: fn(q: self ref Queue, s: T); get: fn(q: self ref Queue): T; }; Obstacle: adt { line: ref Line; id: int; isbat: int; s1, s2: real; srvid: int; owner: int; new: fn(id: int): ref Obstacle; config: fn(b: self ref Obstacle); }; Object: adt { obstacle: ref Obstacle; ballctl: chan of ref Ballstate; }; Member: adt { id: int; colour: string; }; win: ref Tk->Toplevel; lines: list of ref Obstacle; lineversion := 0; memberid: int; myturn: int; stderr: ref Sys->FD; timeoffset := 0; objects: array of ref Object; srvobjects: array of ref Obstacle; # all for lasthit... members: array of ref Member; CORNER: con 60; INSET: con 20; WIDTH: con 500; HEIGHT: con 500; bats: list of ref Obstacle; mkball: chan of (int, chan of chan of ref Ballstate); cliquefd: ref Sys->FD; currentlydragging := -1; Ballexit: ref Ballstate; Noobs: ref Obstacle; nomod(s: string) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bounce: cannot load %s: %r\n", s); sys->raise("fail:bad module"); } client(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string, nil: int) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; math = load Math Math->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH; if (tkclient == nil) nomod(Tkclient->PATH); tkclient->init(); cliquefd = sys->fildes(0); Ballexit = ref Ballstate; Noobs =; lines = tl lines; # XXX ahem. if (len argv >= 3) # argv: modname mnt dir ... membername = readfile(hd tl argv + "/name"); sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); wmctl: chan of string; (win, wmctl) = tkclient->toplevel(ctxt.screen, nil, "Bounce", 0); ucmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(win, ucmd, "ucmd"); mouse := chan of string; tk->namechan(win, mouse, "mouse"); for (i := 0; i < len cliquecmds; i++) cmd(win, cliquecmds[i]); cmd(win, ".c configure -width 500 -height 500"); cmd(win, ".c configure -width [.c cget -actwidth] -height [.c cget -actheight]"); imageinit(); mch := chan of (int, Point); spawn mouseproc(mch); mkball = chan of (int, chan of chan of ref Ballstate); spawn monitor(mkball); balls: list of chan of ref Ballstate; spawn updateproc(); sys->sleep(500); # wait for things to calm down a little cliquecmd("time " + string sys->millisec()); buts := 0; for (;;) alt { c := <-wmctl => if (c == "exit") sys->write(cliquefd, array[0] of byte, 0); tkclient->wmctl(win, c); c := <-mouse => (nil, toks) := sys->tokenize(c, " "); if ((hd toks)[0] == '1') buts |= int hd tl toks; else buts &= ~int hd tl toks; mch <-= (buts, Point(int hd tl tl toks, int hd tl tl tl toks)); c := <-ucmd => cliquecmd(c); } } cliquecmd(s: string): int { if (sys->fprint(cliquefd, "%s\n", s) == -1) { err := sys->sprint("%r"); notify(err); sys->print("bounce: cmd error on '%s': %s\n", s, err); return 0; } return 1; } updateproc() { wfd := sys->open("/prog/" + string sys->pctl(0, nil) + "/wait", Sys->OREAD); spawn updateproc1(); buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; n := sys->read(wfd, buf, len buf); sys->print("updateproc process exited: %s\n", string buf[0:n]); } updateproc1() { buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; while ((n := sys->read(cliquefd, buf, len buf)) > 0) { (nil, lines) := sys->tokenize(string buf[0:n], "\n"); for (; lines != nil; lines = tl lines) applyupdate(hd lines); cmd(win, "update"); } if (n < 0) sys->fprint(stderr, "bounce: error reading updates: %r\n"); sys->fprint(stderr, "bounce: updateproc exiting\n"); } UNKNOWN, BALL, OBSTACLE: con iota; applyupdate(s: string) { # sys->print("bounce: got update %s\n", s); (nt, toks) := sys->tokenize(s, " "); case hd toks { "create" => # create id parentid vis type id := int hd tl toks; if (id >= len objects) { newobjects := array[id + 10] of ref Object; newobjects[0:] = objects; objects = newobjects; } objects[id] = ref Object; "del" => # del parent start end objid... for (toks = tl tl tl tl toks; toks != nil; toks = tl toks) { id := int hd toks; if (objects[id].obstacle != nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "bounce: cannot delete obstructions yet\n"); else objects[id].ballctl <-= Ballexit; objects[id] = nil; } "set" => # set obj attr val id := int hd tl toks; attr := hd tl tl toks; val := tl tl tl toks; case attr { "state" => # state lasthit owner p.x p.y v.x v.y s time state := ref Ballstate; (state.hitobs, val) = (srvobj(int hd val), tl val); (state.owner, val) = (int hd val, tl val); (state.p.x, val) = (real hd val, tl val); (state.p.y, val) = (real hd val, tl val); (state.v.x, val) = (real hd val, tl val); (state.v.y, val) = (real hd val, tl val); (state.speed, val) = (real hd val, tl val); (state.t0, val) = (int hd val, tl val); if (objects[id].ballctl == nil) objects[id].ballctl = makeball(id, state); else objects[id].ballctl <-= state; "pos" or "coords" or "owner" or "id" => if (objects[id].obstacle == nil) objects[id].obstacle =; o := objects[id].obstacle; case attr { "pos" => (o.s1, val) = (real hd val, tl val); (o.s2, val) = (real hd val, tl val); o.isbat = 1; "coords" => p1, p2: Point; (p1.x, val) = (int hd val, tl val); (p1.y, val) = (int hd val, tl val); (p2.x, val) = (int hd val, tl val); (p2.y, val) = (int hd val, tl val); o.line =, p2); "owner" => o.owner = hd val; if (o.owner == membername) bats = o :: bats; "id" => o.srvid = int hd val; if (o.srvid >= len srvobjects) { newobjects := array[id + 10] of ref Obstacle; newobjects[0:] = srvobjects; srvobjects = newobjects; } srvobjects[o.srvid] = o; } if (currentlydragging != id) o.config(); "arenasize" => # arenasize w h cmd(win, ".c configure -width " + hd val + " -height " + hd tl val); * => if (len attr > 5 && attr[0:5] == "score") { # scoreN val n := int attr[5:]; w := ".f." + string n; if (!tkexists(w)) { cmd(win, "label " + w + "l -text '" + attr); cmd(win, "label " + w + " -relief sunken -bd 5 -width 5w"); cmd(win, "pack " +w + "l " + w + " -side left"); } cmd(win, w + " configure -text {" + hd val + "}"); } else if (len attr > 6 && attr[0:6] == "member") { # memberN id colour n := int attr[6:]; if (n >= len members) { newmembers := array[n + 1] of ref Member; newmembers[0:] = members; members = newmembers; } p := members[n] = ref Member(int hd val, hd tl val); cmd(win, ".c itemconfigure o" + string + " -fill " + p.colour); if ( == memberid) myturn = n; } else sys->fprint(stderr, "bounce: unknown attr '%s'\n", attr); } "time" => # time offset orig now := sys->millisec(); time := int hd tl tl toks; transit := now - time; timeoffset = int hd tl toks - transit / 2; sys->print("transit time %d, timeoffset: %d\n", transit, timeoffset); * => sys->fprint(stderr, "chat: unknown update message '%s'\n", s); } } tkexists(w: string): int { return tk->cmd(win, w + " cget -bd")[0] != '!'; } srvobj(id: int): ref Obstacle { if (id < 0 || id >= len srvobjects || srvobjects[id] == nil) return Noobs; return srvobjects[id]; } mouseproc(mch: chan of (int, Point)) { procname("mouse"); for (;;) { hitbat: ref Obstacle = nil; minperp, hitdist: real; (buts, p) := <-mch; for (bl := bats; bl != nil; bl = tl bl) { b := hd bl; (normal, perp, dist) := b.line.hittest(p); perp = abs(perp); if ((hitbat == nil || perp < minperp) && (dist >= b.s1 && dist <= b.s2)) (hitbat, minperp, hitdist) = (b, perp, dist); } if (hitbat == nil || minperp > 30.0) { while ((<-mch).t0) ; continue; } offset := hitdist - hitbat.s1; if (buts & 2) (buts, p) = aim(mch, hitbat, p); if (buts & 1) drag(mch, hitbat, offset); } } drag(mch: chan of (int, Point), hitbat: ref Obstacle, offset: real) { realtosrv := chan of string; dummytosrv := chan of string; tosrv := dummytosrv; currevent := ""; currentlydragging =; line := hitbat.line; batlen := hitbat.s2 - hitbat.s1; cvsorigin := Point(int cmd(win, ".c cget -actx"), int cmd(win, ".c cget -acty")); spawn sendproc(realtosrv); cmd(win, "grab set .c"); cmd(win, "focus ."); loop: for (;;) alt { tosrv <-= currevent => tosrv = dummytosrv; (buts, p) := <-mch => if (buts & 2) (buts, p) = aim(mch, hitbat, p); (v, perp, dist) := line.hittest(p); dist -= offset; # constrain bat and mouse positions if (dist < 0.0 || dist + batlen > line.s) { if (dist < 0.0) { p = line.point(offset); dist = 1.0; } else { p = line.point(line.s - batlen + offset); dist = line.s - batlen; } p.x -= int (v.x * perp); p.y -= int (v.y * perp); win.image.display.cursorset(p.add(cvsorigin)); } (hitbat.s1, hitbat.s2) = (dist, dist + batlen); hitbat.config(); cmd(win, "update"); currevent = "bat " + string hitbat.s1; tosrv = realtosrv; if (!buts) break loop; } cmd(win, "grab release .c"); realtosrv <-= nil; currentlydragging = -1; } CHARGETIME: con 1000.0; MAXCHARGE: con 50.0; α: con 0.999; # decay in one millisecond D: con 5; aim(mch: chan of (int, Point), hitbat: ref Obstacle, p: Point): (int, Point) { cvsorigin := Point(int cmd(win, ".c cget -actx"), int cmd(win, ".c cget -acty")); startms := ms := sys->millisec(); δ := Realpoint(0.0, 0.0); line := hitbat.line; charge := 0.0; pivot := line.point((hitbat.s1 + hitbat.s2) / 2.0); s1 := p2s(line.point(hitbat.s1)); s2 := p2s(line.point(hitbat.s2)); cmd(win, ".c create line 0 0 0 0 -tags wire -fill yellow"); ballid := makeballitem(-1, myturn); bp, p2: Point; buts := 2; for (;;) { v := makeunit(δ); bp = pivot.add((int (v.x * charge), int (v.y * charge))); cmd(win, ".c coords wire "+s1+" "+p2s(bp)+" "+s2); ballmove(ballid, bp); cmd(win, "update"); if ((buts & 2) == 0) break; (buts, p2) = <-mch; now := sys->millisec(); fade := math->pow(α, real (now - ms)); charge = real (now - startms) * (MAXCHARGE / CHARGETIME); if (charge > MAXCHARGE) charge = MAXCHARGE; ms = now; dp := p2.sub(p); δ.x = δ.x * fade + real dp.x; δ.y = δ.y * fade + real dp.y; mag := δ.x * δ.x + δ.y * δ.y; if (dp.x != 0 || dp.y != 0) win.image.display.cursorset(p.add(cvsorigin)); } cmd(win, ".c delete wire " + ballid); cmd(win, "update"); (δ.x, δ.y) = (-δ.x, -δ.y); cliquecmd("newball " + string + " " + p2s(bp) + " " + rp2s(makeunit(δ)) + " " + string (charge / 100.0)); return (buts, p2); } makeunit(v: Realpoint): Realpoint { mag := math->sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y); if (mag < ZERO) return (1.0, 0.0); return (v.x / mag, v.y / mag); } sendproc(tosrv: chan of string) { procname("send"); while ((ev := <-tosrv) != nil) cliquecmd(ev); } makeball(id: int, state: ref Ballstate): chan of ref Ballstate { mkballreply := chan of chan of ref Ballstate; mkball <-= (id, mkballreply); ballctl := <-mkballreply; ballctl <-= state; return ballctl; } blankobstacle: Obstacle; int): ref Obstacle { cmd(win, ".c create line 0 0 0 0 -width 3 -fill #aaaaaa" + " -tags l" + string id); o := ref blankobstacle; o.line =, 0), (0, 0)); = id; o.owner = -1; o.srvid = -1; lineversion++; lines = o :: lines; return o; } Obstacle.config(o: self ref Obstacle) { if (o.isbat) { cmd(win, ".c coords l" + string + " " + p2s(o.line.point(o.s1)) + " " + p2s(o.line.point(o.s2))); if (o.owner == memberid) cmd(win, ".c itemconfigure l" + string + " -fill red"); else cmd(win, ".c itemconfigure l" + string + " -fill white"); } else { cmd(win, ".c coords l" + string + " " + p2s(o.line.point(0.0)) + " " + p2s(o.line.point(o.line.s))); } } # make sure cpu time is handed to all ball processes fairly # by passing a "token" around to each process in turn. # each process does its work when it *hasn't* got its # token but it can't go through two iterations without # waiting its turn. # # new processes are created by sending on mkball. # the channel sent back can be used to control the position # and velocity of the ball and to destroy it. monitor(mkball: chan of (int, chan of chan of ref Ballstate)) { procname("mon"); procl, proc: list of (chan of ref Ballstate, chan of int); rc := dummyrc := chan of int; for (;;) { alt { (id, ch) := <-mkball => (newc, newrc) := (chan of ref Ballstate, chan of int); procl = (newc, newrc) :: procl; spawn animproc(id, newc, newrc); ch <-= newc; if (tl procl == nil) { # first ball newc <-= nil; rc = newrc; proc = procl; } alive := <-rc => # got token. if (!alive) { # ball has exited: remove from list newprocl: list of (chan of ref Ballstate, chan of int); for (; procl != nil; procl = tl procl) if ((hd procl).t1 != rc) newprocl = hd procl :: newprocl; procl = newprocl; } if ((proc = tl proc) == nil) proc = procl; if (proc == nil) { rc = dummyrc; } else { c: chan of ref Ballstate; (c, rc) = hd proc; c <-= nil; # hand token to next process. } } } } # buffer ball state commands, so at least balls we handle # locally appear glitch free. bufferproc(cmdch: chan of string) { procname("buffer"); buffer := ref Queue; bufhd: string; dummytosrv := chan of string; realtosrv := chan of string; spawn sendproc(realtosrv); tosrv := dummytosrv; for (;;) alt { tosrv <-= bufhd => if ((bufhd = buffer.get()) == nil) tosrv = dummytosrv; s := <-cmdch => if (s == nil) { # ignore other queued requests, as they're # only state changes for a ball that's now been deleted. realtosrv <-= nil; exit; } buffer.put(s); if (tosrv == dummytosrv) { tosrv = realtosrv; bufhd = buffer.get(); } } } start: int; # animate one ball. initial position and unit-velocity are # given by p and v. animproc(id: int, c: chan of ref Ballstate, rc: chan of int) { procname("anim"); while ((newstate := <-c) == nil) rc <-= 1; state := *newstate; totaldist := 0.0; # distance ball has travelled from reference point to last intersection ballid := makeballitem(id, state.owner); smallcount := 0; version := lineversion; tosrv := chan of string; start := sys->millisec(); spawn bufferproc(tosrv); loop: for (;;) { hitp: Realpoint; dist := 1000000.0; oldobs := state.hitobs; hitt: real; for (l := lines; l != nil; l = tl l) { obs := hd l; (ok, hp, hdist, t) := obs.line.intersection(state.p, state.v); if (ok && hdist < dist && obs != oldobs && (smallcount < 10 || hdist > 1.5)) { (hitp, state.hitobs, dist, hitt) = (hp, obs, hdist, t); } } if (dist > 10000.0) { sys->print("no intersection!\n"); state = ballexit(1, ballid, tosrv, c, rc); totaldist = 0.0; continue loop; } if (dist < 0.0001) smallcount++; else smallcount = 0; t0 := int (totaldist / state.speed) + state.t0 - timeoffset; et := t0 + int (dist / state.speed); t := sys->millisec() - t0; dt := et - t0; do { s := real t * state.speed; currp := Realpoint(state.p.x + s * state.v.x, state.p.y + s * state.v.y); ballmove(ballid, (int currp.x, int currp.y)); cmd(win, "update"); if (lineversion > version) { (state.p, state.hitobs, version) = (currp, oldobs, lineversion); totaldist += s; continue loop; } if ((newstate := <-c) != nil) { if (newstate == Ballexit) ballexit(0, ballid, tosrv, c, rc); state = *newstate; totaldist = 0.0; continue loop; } rc <-= 1; t = sys->millisec() - t0; } while (t < dt); totaldist += dist; state.p = hitp; hitobs := state.hitobs; if (hitobs.isbat) { if (hitobs.owner == memberid) { if (hitt >= hitobs.s1 && hitt <= hitobs.s2) state.v = batboing(hitobs, hitt, state.v); tosrv <-= "state " + string id + " " + string hitobs.srvid + " " + string state.owner + " " + rp2s(state.p) + " " + rp2s(state.v) + " " + string state.speed + " " + string (sys->millisec() + timeoffset); } else { # wait for enlightenment while ((newstate := <-c) == nil) rc <-= 1; if (newstate == Ballexit) ballexit(0, ballid, tosrv, c, rc); state = *newstate; totaldist = 0.0; } } else if (hitobs.owner == memberid) { # if line has an owner but isn't a bat, then it's # a terminating line, so we inform server. cliquecmd("lost " + string id); state = ballexit(1, ballid, tosrv, c, rc); totaldist = 0.0; } else state.v = boing(state.v, hitobs.line); } } #ballmask: ref Image; imageinit() { # displ := win.image.display; # ballmask = displ.newimage(((0, 0), (BALLSIZE+1, BALLSIZE+1)), 0, 0, Draw->White); # ballmask.draw(ballmask.r, displ.zeros, displ.ones, (0, 0)); # ballmask.fillellipse((BALLSIZE/2, BALLSIZE/2), BALLSIZE/2, BALLSIZE/2, displ.ones, (0, 0)); # End: con Draw->Endsquare; # n := 5; # θ := 0.0; # δ := (2.0 * π) / real n; # c := Point(BALLSIZE / 2, BALLSIZE / 2).sub((1, 1)); # r := real (BALLSIZE / 2); # for (i := 0; i < n; i++) { # p2 := Point(int (r * math->cos(θ)), int (r * math->sin(θ))); # sys->print("drawing from %s to %s\n", p2s(c), p2s(p2.add(c))); # ballmask.line(c, c.add(p2), End, End, 1, displ.ones, (0, 0)); # θ += δ; # } } makeballitem(id, owner: int): string { displ := win.image.display; return cmd(win, ".c create oval 0 0 1 1 -fill " + members[owner].colour + " -tags o" + string owner); } ballmove(ballid: string, p: Point) { cmd(win, ".c coords " + ballid + " " + string (p.x - BALLSIZE) + " " + string (p.y - BALLSIZE) + " " + string (p.x + BALLSIZE) + " " + string (p.y + BALLSIZE)); } ballexit(wait: int, ballid: string, tosrv: chan of string, c: chan of ref Ballstate, rc: chan of int): Ballstate { if (wait) { while ((s := <-c) != Ballexit) if (s == nil) rc <-= 1; else return *s; # maybe we're not exiting, after all... } cmd(win, ".c delete " + ballid + ";update"); # cmd(win, "image delete " + ballid); tosrv <-= nil; <-c; rc <-= 0; # inform monitor that we've gone exit; } # thread-safe access to the Rand module randgenproc(ch: chan of int) { procname("rand"); rand := load Rand Rand->PATH; for (;;) ch <-= rand->rand(16r7fffffff); } abs(x: real): real { if (x < 0.0) return -x; return x; } # bounce ball travelling in direction av off line b. # return the new unit vector. boing(av: Realpoint, b: ref Line): Realpoint { d := math->atan2(b.v.y, b.v.x) * 2.0 - math->atan2(av.y, av.x); return (math->cos(d), math->sin(d)); } # calculate how a bounce vector should be modified when # hitting a bat. t gives the intersection point on the bat; # ballv is the ball's vector. batboing(bat: ref Obstacle, t: real, ballv: Realpoint): Realpoint { ballθ := math->atan2(ballv.y, ballv.x); batθ := math->atan2(bat.line.v.y, bat.line.v.x); φ := ballθ - batθ; δ: real; t -= bat.s1; batlen := bat.s2 - bat.s1; if (math->sin(φ) > 0.0) δ = (t / batlen) * Maxδ * 2.0 - Maxδ; else δ = (t / batlen) * -Maxδ * 2.0 + Maxδ; θ := math->atan2(bat.line.v.y, bat.line.v.x) * 2.0 - ballθ; # boing θ += δ; return (math->cos(θ), math->sin(θ)); }, p2: Point): ref Line { ln := ref Line; ln.p = (real p1.x, real p1.y); v := Realpoint(real (p2.x - p1.x), real (p2.y - p1.y)); ln.s = math->sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y); if (ln.s > ZERO) ln.v = (v.x / ln.s, v.y / ln.s); else ln.v = (1.0, 0.0); return ln; } # return normal from line, perpendicular distance from line and distance down line Line.hittest(l: self ref Line, ip: Point): (Realpoint, real, real) { p := Realpoint(real ip.x, real ip.y); v := Realpoint(-l.v.y, l.v.x); (nil, nil, perp, ldist) := l.intersection(p, v); return (v, perp, ldist); } Line.point(l: self ref Line, s: real): Point { return (int (l.p.x + s * l.v.x), int (l.p.y + s * l.v.y)); } # compute the intersection of lines a and b. # b is assumed to be fixed, and a is indefinitely long # but doesn't extend backwards from its starting point. # a is defined by the starting point p and the unit vector v. # return whether it hit, the point at which it hit if so, # the distance of the intersection point from p, # and the distance of the intersection point from b.p. Line.intersection(b: self ref Line, p, v: Realpoint): (int, Realpoint, real, real) { det := b.v.x * v.y - v.x * b.v.y; if (det > -ZERO && det < ZERO) return (0, (0.0, 0.0), 0.0, 0.0); y21 := b.p.y - p.y; x21 := b.p.x - p.x; s := (b.v.x * y21 - b.v.y * x21) / det; t := (v.x * y21 - v.y * x21) / det; if (s < 0.0) return (0, (0.0, 0.0), s, t); hit := t >= 0.0 && t <= b.s; hp: Realpoint; if (hit) hp = (p.x+v.x*s, p.y+v.y*s); return (hit, hp, s, t); } cmd(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: string): string { e := tk->cmd(top, s); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') sys->print("tk error %s on '%s'\n", e, s); return e; } state2s(s: ref Ballstate): string { return sys->sprint("[hitobs:%d(id %d), t0: %d, p: %g %g; v: %g %g; s: %g", s.hitobs.srvid,, s.t0, s.p.x, s.p.y, s.v.x, s.v.y, s.speed); } l2s(l: ref Line): string { return p2s(l.point(0.0)) + " " + p2s(l.point(l.s)); } rp2s(rp: Realpoint): string { return string rp.x + " " + string rp.y; } p2s(p: Point): string { return string p.x + " " + string p.y; } notifypid := -1; notify(s: string) { kill(notifypid); sync := chan of int; spawn notifyproc(s, sync); notifypid = <-sync; } notifyproc(s: string, sync: chan of int) { procname("notify"); sync <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); cmd(win, ".c delete notify"); id := cmd(win, ".c create text 0 0 -anchor nw -fill red -tags notify -text '" + s); bbox := cmd(win, ".c bbox " + id); cmd(win, ".c create rectangle " + bbox + " -fill #ffffaa -tags notify"); cmd(win, ".c raise " + id); cmd(win, "update"); sys->sleep(750); cmd(win, ".c delete notify"); cmd(win, "update"); notifypid = -1; } kill(pid: int) { if ((fd := sys->open("/prog/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE)) != nil) sys->write(fd, array of byte "kill", 4); } T: type string; Queue.put(q: self ref Queue, s: T) { q.t = s :: q.t; } Queue.get(q: self ref Queue): T { s: T; if(q.h == nil){ q.h = revlist(q.t); q.t = nil; } if(q.h != nil){ s = hd q.h; q.h = tl q.h; } return s; } revlist(ls: list of T) : list of T { rs: list of T; for (; ls != nil; ls = tl ls) rs = hd ls :: rs; return rs; } procname(s: string) { # sys->procname(sys->procname(nil) + " " + s); }