ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/cmd/ndb/registry.b/
implement Registry; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "string.m"; str: String; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; include "bufio.m"; include "attrdb.m"; attrdb: Attrdb; Db, Dbf, Dbentry: import attrdb; include "styx.m"; styx: Styx; Rmsg, Tmsg: import styx; include "styxservers.m"; styxservers: Styxservers; Styxserver, Fid, Navigator, Navop: import styxservers; Enotdir, Enotfound: import Styxservers; include "arg.m"; # files: # 'new' # write name of new service; (and possibly attribute column names) # entry appears in directory of that name # can then write attributes/values # 'index' # read to get info on all services and their attributes. # 'find' # write to set filter. # read to get info on all services with matching attributes # 'event' (not needed initially) # read to block until changes happen. # servicename # write to change attributes (only by owner) # remove to unregister service. Registry: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; Qroot, Qnew, Qindex, Qevent, Qfind, Qsvc: con iota; Shift: con 4; Mask: con 2r1111; Egreg: con "buggy program!"; Maxreplyidle: con 3; Service: adt { id: int; slot: int; owner: string; name: string; atime: int; mtime: int; vers: int; fid: int; # fid that created it (NOFID if static) attrs: list of (string, string); new: fn(owner: string): ref Service; find: fn(id: int): ref Service; remove: fn(svc: self ref Service); set: fn(svc: self ref Service, attr, val: string); get: fn(svc: self ref Service, attr: string): string; }; Filter: adt { id: int; # filter ID (it's a fid) attrs: array of (string, string); new: fn(id: int): ref Filter; find: fn(id: int): ref Filter; set: fn(f: self ref Filter, a: array of (string, string)); match: fn(f: self ref Filter, attrs: list of (string, string)): int; remove: fn(f: self ref Filter); }; Event: adt { id: int; # fid reading from Qevents vers: int; # last change seen m: ref Tmsg.Read; # outstanding read request new: fn(id: int): ref Event; find: fn(id: int): ref Event; remove: fn(e: self ref Event); queue: fn(e: self ref Event, m: ref Tmsg.Read): string; post: fn(vers: int); flush: fn(tag: int); }; filters: list of ref Filter; events: list of ref Event; services := array[9] of ref Service; nservices := 0; idseq := 0; rootvers := 0; now: int; startdate: int; dbfile: string; srv: ref Styxserver; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; str = load String String->PATH; if(str == nil) loaderr(String->PATH); daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; if(daytime == nil) loaderr(Daytime->PATH); styx = load Styx Styx->PATH; if(styx == nil) loaderr(Styx->PATH); styx->init(); styxservers = load Styxservers Styxservers->PATH; if(styxservers == nil) loaderr(Styxservers->PATH); styxservers->init(styx); arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; if(arg == nil) loaderr(Arg->PATH); arg->init(args); arg->setusage("ndb/registry [-f initdb]"); while((o := arg->opt()) != 0) case o { 'f' => dbfile = arg->earg(); * => arg->usage(); } args = arg->argv(); if(args != nil) arg->usage(); arg = nil; sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS|Sys->NEWFD, 0::1::2::nil); startdate = now = daytime->now(); if(dbfile != nil){ attrdb = load Attrdb Attrdb->PATH; if(attrdb == nil) loaderr(Attrdb->PATH); attrdb->init(); db :=; if(db == nil) error(sys->sprint("can't open %s: %r", dbfile)); dbload(db); db = nil; # for now assume it's static attrdb = nil; } navops := chan of ref Navop; spawn navigator(navops); tchan: chan of ref Tmsg; (tchan, srv) =>fildes(0),, big Qroot); spawn serve(tchan, navops); } loaderr(p: string) { error(sys->sprint("can't load %s: %r", p)); } error(s: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "registry: %s\n", s); raise "fail:error"; } serve(tchan: chan of ref Tmsg, navops: chan of ref Navop) { Serve: while((gm := <-tchan) != nil){ now = daytime->now(); err := ""; pick m := gm { Readerror => sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "registry: styx read error: %s\n", m.error); break Serve; Open => (fid, nil, nil, e) := srv.canopen(m); if((err = e) != nil) break; if(fid.qtype & Sys->QTDIR) srv.default(m); else open(m, fid); Read => (fid, e) := srv.canread(m); if((err = e) != nil) break; if(fid.qtype & Sys->QTDIR); else err = read(m, fid); Write => (fid, e) := srv.canwrite(m); if((err = e) != nil) break; err = write(m, fid); if(err == nil) srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Write(m.tag, len; Clunk => clunk(srv.clunk(m)); Remove => (fid, nil, e) := srv.canremove(m); srv.delfid(fid); # always clunked even on error if((err = e) != nil) break; err = remove(fid); if(err == nil) srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Remove(m.tag)); Flush => Event.flush(m.oldtag); srv.default(gm); * => srv.default(gm); } if(err != "") srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Error(gm.tag, err)); } navops <-= nil; } open(m: ref Tmsg.Open, fid: ref Fid) { path := int fid.path; case path & Mask { Qnew => svc :=; svc.fid = fid.fid;, (big (( << Shift)|Qsvc), 0, Sys->QTFILE)); Qevent =>;, (fid.path, 0, Sys->QTFILE)); * =>, (fid.path, 0, fid.qtype)); } srv.reply(ref Rmsg.Open(m.tag, (fid.path, 0, fid.qtype), 0)); } read(m: ref Tmsg.Read, fid: ref Fid): string { path := int fid.path; case path & Mask { Qindex => if( == nil || m.offset == big 0) = getindexdata(-1, Styx->NOFID); srv.reply(styxservers->readbytes(m,; Qfind => if( == nil || m.offset == big 0) = getindexdata(-1, fid.fid); srv.reply(styxservers->readbytes(m,; Qsvc => if( == nil || m.offset == big 0){ svc := Service.find(path >> Shift); if(svc != nil) svc.atime = now; = getindexdata(path >> Shift, Styx->NOFID); } srv.reply(styxservers->readbytes(m,; Qevent => e := Event.find(fid.fid); if(e.vers == rootvers) return e.queue(m); else{ s := sys->sprint("%8.8d\n", rootvers); e.vers = rootvers; m.offset = big 0; srv.reply(styxservers->readstr(m, s)); return nil; } * => return Egreg; } return nil; } write(m: ref Tmsg.Write, fid: ref Fid): string { path := int fid.path; case path & Mask { Qsvc => svc := Service.find(path >> Shift); if(svc == nil) return Egreg; s := string; toks := str->unquoted(s); if(toks == nil) return "bad syntax"; # first write names the service (possibly with attributes) if( == nil){ err := svcnameok(hd toks); if(err != nil) return err; = hd toks; toks = tl toks; } if(len toks % 2 != 0) return "odd attribute/value pairs"; svc.mtime = now; svc.vers++; for(; toks != nil; toks = tl tl toks) svc.set(hd toks, hd tl toks); rootvers++;; Qfind => s := string; toks := str->unquoted(s); n := len toks; if(n % 2 != 0) return "odd attribute/value pairs"; f := Filter.find(fid.fid); if(n != 0){ a := array[n/2] of (string, string); for(n=0; toks != nil; n++){ a[n] = (hd toks, hd tl toks); toks = tl tl toks; } if(f == nil) f =; f.set(a); }else{ if(f != nil) f.remove(); } * => return Egreg; } return nil; } clunk(fid: ref Fid) { path := int fid.path; case path & Mask { Qsvc => svc := Service.find(path >> Shift); if(svc != nil && svc.fid == fid.fid && (fid.mode & Sys->ORCLOSE || int svc.get("persist") == 0)){ svc.remove(); if( != nil){ # otherwise there's no visible change rootvers++;; } } Qevent => if((e := Event.find(fid.fid)) != nil) e.remove(); Qfind => if((f := Filter.find(fid.fid)) != nil) f.remove(); } } remove(fid: ref Fid): string { path := int fid.path; if((path & Mask) == Qsvc){ svc := Service.find(path >> Shift); if(fid.uname == svc.owner){ svc.remove(); rootvers++;; return nil; } } return "permission denied"; } svcnameok(s: string): string { # could require that a service name contains at least one (or two) '!' characters. for(i := 0; i < len s; i++){ c := s[i]; if(c <= 32 || c == '/' || c == 16r7f) return "bad character in service name"; } case s { "new" or "event" or "find" or "index" or "" => return "bad service name"; } for(i = 0; i < nservices; i++) if(services[i].name == s) return "duplicate service name"; return nil; } getindexdata(id: int, filterid: int): array of byte { f: ref Filter; if(filterid != Styx->NOFID) f = Filter.find(filterid); s := ""; for(i := 0; i < nservices; i++){ svc := services[i]; if(svc == nil || == nil) continue; if(id == -1){ if(f != nil && !f.match(svc.attrs)) continue; }else if( != id) continue; s += sys->sprint("%q", services[i].name); for(a := svc.attrs; a != nil; a = tl a){ (attr, val) := hd a; s += sys->sprint(" %q %q", attr, val); } s[len s] = '\n'; } return array of byte s; } navigator(navops: chan of ref Navop) { while((m := <-navops) != nil){ path := int m.path; pick n := m { Stat => n.reply <-= dirgen(int n.path); Walk => name :=; case path & Mask { Qroot => case name{ ".." => ; # nop "new" => path = Qnew; "index" => path = Qindex; "event" => path = Qevent; "find" => path = Qfind; * => for(i := 0; i < nservices; i++) if(services[i].name == name){ path = (services[i].id << Shift) | Qsvc; break; } if(i == nservices){ n.reply <-= (nil, Enotfound); continue; } } * => if(name == ".."){ path = Qroot; break; } n.reply <-= (nil, Enotdir); continue; } n.reply <-= dirgen(path); Readdir => d: array of int; case path & Mask { Qroot => Nstatic: con 4; d = array[Nstatic + nservices] of int; d[0] = Qnew; d[1] = Qindex; d[2] = Qfind; d[3] = Qevent; nd := 0; for(i := 0; i < nservices; i++) if(services[i].name != nil){ d[nd + Nstatic] = (services[i].id<<Shift) | Qsvc; nd++; } d = d[0:Nstatic + nd]; } if(d == nil){ n.reply <-= (nil, Enotdir); break; } for(i := n.offset; i < len d; i++){ (dir, err) := dirgen(d[i]); if(dir == nil) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "registry: bad qid %#ux: %s\n", d[i], err); else n.reply <-= (dir, err); } n.reply <-= (nil, nil); } } } dirgen(path: int): (ref Sys->Dir, string) { name: string; perm: int; svc: ref Service; case path & Mask { Qroot => name = "."; perm = 8r777|Sys->DMDIR; Qnew => name = "new"; perm = 8r666; Qindex => name = "index"; perm = 8r444; Qevent => name = "event"; perm = 8r444; Qfind => name = "find"; perm = 8r666; Qsvc => id := path >> Shift; for(i := 0; i < nservices; i++) if(services[i].id == id) break; if(i >= nservices) return (nil, Enotfound); svc = services[i]; name =; perm = 8r644; * => return (nil, Enotfound); } return (dir(path, name, perm, svc), nil); } dir(path: int, name: string, perm: int, svc: ref Service): ref Sys->Dir { d := ref sys->zerodir; d.qid.path = big path; if(perm & Sys->DMDIR) d.qid.qtype = Sys->QTDIR; d.mode = perm; = name; if(svc != nil){ d.uid = svc.owner; d.gid = svc.owner; d.atime = svc.atime; d.mtime = svc.mtime; d.qid.vers = svc.vers; }else{ d.uid = "registry"; d.gid = "registry"; d.atime = startdate; d.mtime = startdate; if(path == Qroot) d.qid.vers = rootvers; } return d; } blanksvc: Service; string): ref Service { if(nservices == len services){ s := array[nservices * 3 / 2] of ref Service; s[0:] = services; services = s; } svc := ref blanksvc; = idseq++; svc.owner = owner; svc.atime = now; svc.mtime = now; services[nservices] = svc; svc.slot = nservices; nservices++; return svc; } Service.find(id: int): ref Service { for(i := 0; i < nservices; i++) if(services[i].id == id) return services[i]; return nil; } Service.remove(svc: self ref Service) { slot := svc.slot; services[slot] = nil; nservices--; if(slot != nservices){ services[slot] = services[nservices]; services[slot].slot = slot; services[nservices] = nil; } } Service.get(svc: self ref Service, attr: string): string { for(a := svc.attrs; a != nil; a = tl a) if((hd a).t0 == attr) return (hd a).t1; return nil; } Service.set(svc: self ref Service, attr, val: string) { for(a := svc.attrs; a != nil; a = tl a) if((hd a).t0 == attr) break; if(a == nil){ svc.attrs = (attr, val) :: svc.attrs; return; } attrs := (attr, val) :: tl a; for(a = svc.attrs; a != nil; a = tl a){ if((hd a).t0 == attr) break; attrs = hd a :: attrs; } svc.attrs = attrs; } int): ref Filter { f := ref Filter(id, nil); filters = f :: filters; return f; } Filter.find(id: int): ref Filter { if(id != Styx->NOFID) for(fl := filters; fl != nil; fl = tl fl) if((hd fl).id == id) return hd fl; return nil; } Filter.set(f: self ref Filter, a: array of (string, string)) { f.attrs = a; } Filter.remove(f: self ref Filter) { rl: list of ref Filter; for(l := filters; l != nil; l = tl l) if((hd l).id != rl = hd l :: rl; filters = rl; } Filter.match(f: self ref Filter, attrs: list of (string, string)): int { for(i := 0; i < len f.attrs; i++){ (qn, qv) := f.attrs[i]; for(al := attrs; al != nil; al = tl al){ (n, v) := hd al; if(n == qn && (qv == "*" || v == qv)) break; } if(al == nil) break; } return i == len f.attrs; } int): ref Event { e := ref Event(id, rootvers, nil); events = e::events; return e; } Event.find(id: int): ref Event { for(l := events; l != nil; l = tl l) if((hd l).id == id) return hd l; return nil; } Event.remove(e: self ref Event) { rl: list of ref Event; for(l := events; l != nil; l = tl l) if((hd l).id != rl = hd l :: rl; events = rl; } Event.queue(e: self ref Event, m: ref Tmsg.Read): string { if(e.m != nil) return "concurrent read for event fid"; m.offset = big 0; e.m = m; return nil; } int) { s := sys->sprint("%8.8d\n", vers); for(l := events; l != nil; l = tl l){ e := hd l; if(e.vers < vers && e.m != nil){ srv.reply(styxservers->readstr(e.m, s)); e.vers = vers; e.m = nil; } } } Event.flush(tag: int) { for(l := events; l != nil; l = tl l){ e := hd l; if(e.m != nil && e.m.tag == tag){ e.m = nil; break; } } } dbload(db: ref Db) { ptr: ref Attrdb->Dbptr; for(;;){ e: ref Dbentry; (e, ptr) = db.find(ptr, "service"); if(e == nil) break; svcname := e.findfirst("service"); if(svcname == nil || svcnameok(svcname) != nil) continue; svc :="registry"); # TO DO: read user's name = svcname; svc.fid = Styx->NOFID; for(l := e.lines; l != nil; l = tl l){ for(al := (hd l).pairs; al != nil; al = tl al){ a := hd al; if(a.attr != "service") svc.set(a.attr, a.val); } } } } # return index i >= start such that # s[i-1] == eoc, or len s if no such index exists. # eoc shouldn't be ' qsplit(s: string, start: int, eoc: int): int { inq := 0; for(i := start; i < len s;){ c := s[i++]; if(inq){ if(c == '\'' && i < len s){ if(s[i] == '\'') i++; else inq = 0; } }else{ if(c == eoc) return i; if(c == '\'') inq = 1; } } return i; }