ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/cmd/mount.b/
implement Mount; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "keyring.m"; include "security.m"; include "dial.m"; dial: Dial; include "factotum.m"; include "styxconv.m"; include "styxpersist.m"; include "arg.m"; include "sh.m"; Mount: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; verbose := 0; doauth := 1; do9 := 0; oldstyx := 0; persist := 0; showstyx := 0; quiet := 0; alg := "none"; keyfile: string; spec: string; addr: string; fail(status, msg: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "mount: %s\n", msg); raise "fail:"+status; } nomod(mod: string) { fail("load", sys->sprint("can't load %s: %r", mod)); } init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; dial = load Dial Dial->PATH; if(dial == nil) nomod(Dial->PATH); arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; if(arg == nil) nomod(Arg->PATH); arg->init(args); arg->setusage("mount [-a|-b] [-coA9] [-C cryptoalg] [-k keyfile] [-q] net!addr|file|{command} mountpoint [spec]"); flags := 0; while((o := arg->opt()) != 0){ case o { 'a' => flags |= Sys->MAFTER; 'b' => flags |= Sys->MBEFORE; 'c' => flags |= Sys->MCREATE; 'C' => alg = arg->earg(); 'k' or 'f' => keyfile = arg->earg(); 'A' => doauth = 0; '9' => doauth = 0; do9 = 1; 'o' => oldstyx = 1; 'v' => verbose = 1; 'P' => persist = 1; 'S' => showstyx = 1; 'q' => quiet = 1; * => arg->usage(); } } args = arg->argv(); if(len args != 2){ if(len args != 3) arg->usage(); spec = hd tl tl args; } arg = nil; addr = hd args; mountpoint := hd tl args; if(oldstyx && do9) fail("usage", "cannot combine -o and -9 options"); fd := connect(ctxt, addr); ok: int; if(do9){ fd = styxlog(fd); factotum := load Factotum Factotum->PATH; if(factotum == nil) nomod(Factotum->PATH); factotum->init(); ok = factotum->mount(fd, mountpoint, flags, spec, keyfile).t0; }else{ err: string; if(!persist){ (fd, err) = authcvt(fd); if(fd == nil) fail("error", err); } fd = styxlog(fd); ok = sys->mount(fd, nil, mountpoint, flags, spec); } if(ok < 0 && !quiet) fail("mount failed", sys->sprint("mount failed: %r")); } connect(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, dest: string): ref Sys->FD { if(dest != nil && dest[0] == '{' && dest[len dest - 1] == '}'){ if(persist) fail("usage", "cannot persistently mount a command"); doauth = 0; return popen(ctxt, dest :: nil); } (n, nil) := sys->tokenize(dest, "!"); if(n == 1){ fd := sys->open(dest, Sys->ORDWR); if(fd != nil){ if(persist) fail("usage", "cannot persistently mount a file"); return fd; } if(dest[0] == '/') fail("open failed", sys->sprint("can't open %s: %r", dest)); } svc := "styx"; if(do9) svc = "9fs"; dest = dial->netmkaddr(dest, "net", svc); if(persist){ styxpersist := load Styxpersist Styxpersist->PATH; if(styxpersist == nil) fail("load", sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Styxpersist->PATH)); sys->pipe(p := array[2] of ref Sys->FD); (c, err) := styxpersist->init(p[0], do9, nil); if(c == nil) fail("error", "styxpersist: "+err); spawn dialler(c, dest); return p[1]; } c := dial->dial(dest, nil); if(c == nil) fail("dial failed", sys->sprint("can't dial %s: %r", dest)); return c.dfd; } dialler(dialc: chan of chan of ref Sys->FD, dest: string) { while((reply := <-dialc) != nil){ if(verbose) sys->print("dialling %s\n", addr); c := dial->dial(dest, nil); if(c == nil){ reply <-= nil; continue; } (fd, err) := authcvt(c.dfd); if(fd == nil && verbose) sys->print("%s\n", err); # XXX could check that user at the other end is still the same. reply <-= fd; } } authcvt(fd: ref Sys->FD): (ref Sys->FD, string) { err: string; if(doauth){ (fd, err) = authenticate(keyfile, alg, fd, addr); if(fd == nil) return (nil, err); if(verbose) sys->print("remote username is %s\n", err); } if(oldstyx) return cvstyx(fd); return (fd, nil); } popen(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string): ref Sys->FD { sh := load Sh Sh->PATH; if(sh == nil) nomod(Sh->PATH); sync := chan of int; fds := array[2] of ref Sys->FD; sys->pipe(fds); spawn runcmd(sh, ctxt, argv, fds[0], sync); <-sync; return fds[1]; } runcmd(sh: Sh, ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string, stdin: ref Sys->FD, sync: chan of int) { sys->pctl(Sys->FORKFD, nil); sys->dup(stdin.fd, 0); stdin = nil; sync <-= 0; sh->run(ctxt, argv); } cvstyx(fd: ref Sys->FD): (ref Sys->FD, string) { styxconv := load Styxconv Styxconv->PATHNEW2OLD; if(styxconv == nil) return (nil, sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Styxconv->PATHNEW2OLD)); styxconv->init(); p := array[2] of ref Sys->FD; if(sys->pipe(p) < 0) return (nil, sys->sprint("can't create pipe: %r")); spawn styxconv->styxconv(p[1], fd); p[1] = nil; return (p[0], nil); } authenticate(keyfile, alg: string, dfd: ref Sys->FD, addr: string): (ref Sys->FD, string) { cert : string; kr := load Keyring Keyring->PATH; if(kr == nil) return (nil, sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Keyring->PATH)); kd := "/usr/" + user() + "/keyring/"; if(keyfile == nil) { cert = kd + dial->netmkaddr(addr, "tcp", ""); (ok, nil) := sys->stat(cert); if (ok < 0) cert = kd + "default"; } else if(len keyfile > 0 && keyfile[0] != '/') cert = kd + keyfile; else cert = keyfile; ai := kr->readauthinfo(cert); if(ai == nil) return (nil, sys->sprint("cannot read %s: %r", cert)); auth := load Auth Auth->PATH; if(auth == nil) nomod(Auth->PATH); err := auth->init(); if(err != nil) return (nil, "cannot init auth: "+err); fd: ref Sys->FD; (fd, err) = auth->client(alg, ai, dfd); if(fd == nil) return (nil, "authentication failed: "+err); return (fd, err); } user(): string { fd := sys->open("/dev/user", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return ""; buf := array[Sys->NAMEMAX] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return ""; return string buf[0:n]; } kill(pid: int) { if ((fd := sys->open("#p/" + string pid + "/ctl", Sys->OWRITE)) != nil) sys->fprint(fd, "kill"); } include "styx.m"; styx: Styx; Rmsg, Tmsg: import styx; styxlog(fd: ref Sys->FD): ref Sys->FD { if(showstyx){ sys->pipe(p := array[2] of ref Sys->FD); styx = load Styx Styx->PATH; styx->init(); spawn tmsgreader(p[0], fd, p1 := chan[1] of int, p2 := chan[1] of int); spawn rmsgreader(fd, p[0], p2, p1); fd = p[1]; } return fd; } tmsgreader(cfd, sfd: ref Sys->FD, p1, p2: chan of int) { p1 <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); m: ref Tmsg; do{ m =, 9000); sys->print("%s\n", m.text()); d := m.pack(); if(sys->write(sfd, d, len d) != len d) sys->print("tmsg write error: %r\n"); } while(m != nil && tagof(m) != tagof(Tmsg.Readerror)); kill(<-p2); } rmsgreader(sfd, cfd: ref Sys->FD, p1, p2: chan of int) { p1 <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); m: ref Rmsg; do{ m =, 9000); sys->print("%s\n", m.text()); d := m.pack(); if(sys->write(cfd, d, len d) != len d) sys->print("rmsg write error: %r\n"); } while(m != nil && tagof(m) != tagof(Tmsg.Readerror)); kill(<-p2); }