ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/cmd/mash/tk.b/
implement Mashbuiltin; # # "tk" builtin. # # tk clear - clears the text frame # tk def button name value # tk def ibutton name value image # tk def menu name # tk def item menu name value # tk dialog title mesg default label ... # tk dump - print commands to reconstruct toolbar # tk dump name ... # tk env - update tk execution env # tk file title dir pattern ... # tk geom # tk layout name ... # tk notice message # tk sel - print selection # tk sget - print snarf # tk sput string - put snarf # tk string mesg - get string # tk taskbar string # tk text - print window text # include "mash.m"; include "mashparse.m"; include "wmlib.m"; include "dialog.m"; include "selectfile.m"; mashlib: Mashlib; wmlib: Wmlib; dialog: Dialog; selectfile: Selectfile; Env, Stab, Symb: import mashlib; sys, bufio, tk: import mashlib; gtop, gctxt, ident: import mashlib; Iobuf: import bufio; tkitems: ref Stab; tklayout: list of string; tkenv: ref Env; tkserving: int = 0; Cbutton, Cibutton, Cmenu: con Cprivate + iota; Cmark: con 3; BUTT: con ".b."; # # Interface to catch the use as a command. # init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { raise "fail: " + hd args + " not loaded"; } # # Used by whatis. # name(): string { return "tk"; } # # Install command and initialize state. # mashinit(nil: list of string, lib: Mashlib, this: Mashbuiltin, e: ref Env) { mashlib = lib; if (gctxt == nil) {"tk: no graphics context"); return; } if (gtop == nil) {"tk: not run from wmsh"); return; } wmlib = load Wmlib Wmlib->PATH; if (wmlib == nil) {>sprint("tk: could not load %s: %r", Wmlib->PATH)); return; } dialog = load Dialog Dialog->PATH; if (dialog == nil) {>sprint("tk: could not load %s: %r", Dialog->PATH)); return; } selectfile = load Selectfile Selectfile->PATH; if (selectfile == nil) {>sprint("tk: could not load %s: %r", Selectfile->PATH)); return; } wmlib->init(); dialog->init(); selectfile->init(); e.defbuiltin("tk", this); tkitems =; } # # Execute the "tk" builtin. # mashcmd(e: ref Env, l: list of string) { # must lock l = tl l; if (l == nil) return; s := hd l; l = tl l; case s { "clear" => if (l != nil) { e.usage("tk clear"); return; } clear(e); "def" => define(e, l); "dialog" => if (len l < 4) { e.usage("tk dialog title mesg default label ..."); return; } dodialog(e, l); "dump" => dump(e, l); "env" => if (l != nil) { e.usage("tk env"); return; } tkenv = e.clone(); tkenv.flags |= mashlib->ETop; "file" => if (len l < 3) { e.usage("tk file title dir pattern ..."); return; } dofile(e, hd l, hd tl l, tl tl l); "geom" => if (l != nil) { e.usage("tk geom"); return; } e.output(wmlib->geom(gtop)); "layout" => layout(e, l); "notice" => if (len l != 1) { e.usage("tk notice message"); return; } notice(hd l); "sel" => if (l != nil) { e.usage("tk sel"); return; } sel(e); "sget" => if (l != nil) { e.usage("tk sget"); return; } e.output(wmlib->snarfget()); "sput" => if (len l != 1) { e.usage("tk sput string"); return; } wmlib->snarfput(hd l); "string" => if (len l != 1) { e.usage("tk string mesg"); return; } e.output(dialog->getstring(gctxt, gtop.image, hd l)); focus(e); "taskbar" => if (len l != 1) { e.usage("tk taskbar string"); return; } e.output(wmlib->taskbar(gtop, hd l)); "text" => if (l != nil) { e.usage("tk text"); return; } text(e); * =>>sprint("tk: unknown command: %s", s)); } } # # Execute tk command and check for error. # tkcmd(e: ref Env, s: string): string { if (e != nil && (e.flags & mashlib->EDumping)) sys->fprint(e.stderr, "+ %s\n", s); r := tk->cmd(gtop, s); if (r != nil && r[0] == '!' && e != nil) sys->fprint(e.stderr, "tk: %s\n\tcommand was %s\n", r[1:], s); return r; } focus(e: ref Env) { tkcmd(e, "focus .ft.t"); } # # Serve loop. # tkserve(mash: chan of string) { mashlib->reap(); for (;;) { cmd := <-mash; if (mashlib->servechan != nil && len cmd > 1) { cmd[len cmd - 1] = '\n'; mashlib->servechan <-= array of byte cmd[1:]; } } } notname(e: ref Env, s: string) {>sprint("tk: %s: malformed name", s)); } # # Define a button, menu or item. # define(e: ref Env, l: list of string) { if (l == nil) { e.usage("tk def definition"); return; } s := hd l; l = tl l; case s { "button" => if (len l != 2) { e.usage("tk def button name value"); return; } s = hd l; if (!ident(s)) { notname(e, s); return; } i := tkitems.update(s, Svalue, tl l, nil, nil); i.tag = Cbutton; "ibutton" => if (len l != 3) { e.usage("tk def ibutton name value path"); return; } s = hd l; if (!ident(s)) { notname(e, s); return; } i := tkitems.update(s, Svalue, tl l, nil, nil); i.tag = Cibutton; "menu" => if (len l != 1) { e.usage("tk def menu name"); return; } s = hd l; if (!ident(s)) { notname(e, s); return; } i := tkitems.update(s, Svalue, nil, nil, nil); i.tag = Cmenu; "item" => if (len l != 3) { e.usage("tk def item menu name value"); return; } s = hd l; i := tkitems.find(s); if (i == nil || i.tag != Cmenu) { + ": not a menu"); return; } l = tl l; i.value = updateitem(i.value, hd l, hd tl l); * =>"tk: " + s + ": unknown command"); } } # # Update a menu item. # updateitem(l: list of string, c, v: string): list of string { r: list of string; while (l != nil) { w := hd l; l = tl l; d := hd l; l = tl l; if (d == c) { r = c :: v :: r; c = nil; } else r = d :: w :: r; } if (c != nil) r = c :: v :: r; return mashlib->revstrs(r); } items(e: ref Env, l: list of string): list of ref Symb { r: list of ref Symb; while (l != nil) { i := tkitems.find(hd l); if (i == nil) { l + ": not an item"); return nil; } r = i :: r; l = tl l; } return r; } deleteall(e: ref Env, l: list of string) { while (l != nil) { tkcmd(e, "destroy " + BUTT + hd l); l = tl l; } } sendcmd(c: string): string { return tk->quote("send mash " + tk->quote(c)); } addbutton(e: ref Env, w, t, c: string) { tkcmd(e, sys->sprint("button %s%s -%s %s -command %s", BUTT, t, w, t, sendcmd(c))); } addimage(e: ref Env, t, f: string) { r := tkcmd(nil, sys->sprint("image create bitmap %s -file %s.bit -maskfile %s.mask", t, f, f)); if (r != nil && r[0] == '!') tkcmd(e, sys->sprint("image create bitmap %s -file %s.bit", t, f)); } additem(e: ref Env, s: ref Symb) { case s.tag { Cbutton => addbutton(e, "text",, hd s.value); Cibutton => addimage(e,, hd tl s.value); addbutton(e, "image",, hd s.value); Cmenu => t :=; tkcmd(e, sys->sprint("menubutton %s%s -text %s -menu -underline -1", BUTT, t, t, BUTT,t)); t += ".menu"; tkcmd(e, "menu " + BUTT + t); t = BUTT + t; l := s.value; while (l != nil) { v := sendcmd(hd l); l = tl l; c := tk->quote(hd l); l = tl l; tkcmd(e, sys->sprint("%s add command -label %s -command %s", t, c, v)); } } } pack(e: ref Env, l: list of string) { s := "pack"; while (l != nil) { s += sys->sprint(" %s%s", BUTT, hd l); l = tl l; } s += " -side left"; tkcmd(e, s); } propagate(e: ref Env) { tkcmd(e, "pack propagate . 0"); tkcmd(e, "update"); } unmark(r: list of ref Symb) { while (r != nil) { s := hd r; case s.tag { Cbutton + Cmark or Cibutton + Cmark or Cmenu + Cmark => s.tag -= Cmark; } r = tl r; } } # # Check that the layout tags are unique. # unique(e: ref Env, r: list of ref Symb): int { u := 1; loop: for (l := r; l != nil; l = tl l) { s := hd l; case s.tag { Cbutton + Cmark or Cibutton + Cmark or Cmenu + Cmark =>>sprint("layout: tag %s repeated",; u = 0; break loop; Cbutton or Cibutton or Cmenu => s.tag += Cmark; } } unmark(r); return u; } # # Update the button bar layout and the environment. # Maybe spawn the server. # layout(e: ref Env, l: list of string) { r := items(e, l); if (r == nil && l != nil) return; if (!unique(e, r)) return; if (tklayout != nil) deleteall(e, tklayout); n := len r; a := array[n] of ref Symb; while (--n >= 0) { a[n] = hd r; r = tl r; } n = len a; for (i := 0; i < n; i++) additem(e, a[i]); pack(e, l); propagate(e); tklayout = l; tkenv = e.clone(); tkenv.flags |= mashlib->ETop; if (!tkserving) { tkserving = 1; mash := chan of string; tk->namechan(gtop, mash, "mash"); spawn tkserve(mash); mashlib->startserve = 1; } } dumpbutton(out: ref Iobuf, w: string, s: ref Symb) { out.puts(sys->sprint("tk def %s %s %s", w,, mashlib->quote(hd s.value))); if (s.tag == Cibutton) out.puts(sys->sprint(" %s", mashlib->quote(hd tl s.value))); out.puts(";\n"); } # # Print commands to reconstruct toolbar. # dump(e: ref Env, l: list of string) { r: list of ref Symb; if (l != nil) r = items(e, l); else r = tkitems.all(); out := e.outfile(); if (out == nil) return; while (r != nil) { s := hd r; case s.tag { Cbutton => dumpbutton(out, "button", s); Cibutton => dumpbutton(out, "ibutton", s); Cmenu => t :=; out.puts(sys->sprint("tk def menu %s;\n", t)); i := s.value; while (i != nil) { v := hd i; i = tl i; c := hd i; i = tl i; out.puts(sys->sprint("tk def item %s %s %s;\n", t, c, mashlib->quote(v))); } } r = tl r; } if (l == nil) { out.puts("tk layout"); for (l = tklayout; l != nil; l = tl l) { out.putc(' '); out.puts(hd l); } out.puts(";\n"); } out.close(); } clear(e: ref Env) { tkcmd(e, ".ft.t delete 1.0 end; update"); } dofile(e: ref Env, title, dir: string, pats: list of string) { e.output(selectfile->filename(gctxt, gtop.image, title, pats, dir)); } sel(e: ref Env) { sel := tkcmd(e, ".ft.t tag ranges sel"); if (sel != nil) { s := tkcmd(e, ".ft.t dump " + sel); e.output(s); } } text(e: ref Env) { sel := tkcmd(e, ".ft.t tag ranges sel"); if (sel != nil) tkcmd(e, ".ft.t tag remove sel " + sel); s := tkcmd(e, ".ft.t dump 1.0 end"); if (sel != nil) tkcmd(e, ".ft.t tag add sel " + sel); e.output(s); } notice0 := array[] of { "frame .f -borderwidth 2 -relief groove -padx 3 -pady 3", "frame .f.f", "label .f.f.l -bitmap error -foreground red", }; notice1 := array[] of { "button .f.b -text { OK } -command {send cmd done}", "pack .f.f.l .f.f.m -side left -expand 1 -padx 10 -pady 10", "pack .f.f .f.b -padx 10 -pady 10", "pack .f", "update; cursor -default", }; notice(mesg: string) { x := int tk->cmd(gtop, ". cget -x"); y := int tk->cmd(gtop, ". cget -y"); where := sys->sprint("-x %d -y %d", x + 30, y + 30); t := tk->toplevel(gctxt.screen, where + " -borderwidth 2 -relief raised"); cmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, cmd, "cmd"); wmlib->tkcmds(t, notice0); tk->cmd(t, "label .f.f.m -text '" + mesg); wmlib->tkcmds(t, notice1); <- cmd; } dodialog(e: ref Env, l: list of string) { title := hd l; l = tl l; msg := hd l; l = tl l; x := dialog->prompt(gctxt, gtop.image, nil, title, msg, int hd l, tl l); e.output(string x); focus(e); }