ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/cmd/mash/serve.b/
# # This should be called by spawned (persistent) threads. # It arranges for them to be killed at the end of the day. # reap() { if (pidchan == nil) { pidchan = chan of int; spawn zombie(); } pidchan <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); } # # This thread records spawned threads and kills them. # zombie() { pids := array[10] of int; pidx := 0; for (;;) { pid := <- pidchan; if (pid == PIDEXIT) { for (i := 0; i < pidx; i++) kill(pids[i]); exit; } if (pidx == len pids) { n := pidx * 3 / 2; a := array[n] of int; a[:] = pids; pids = a; } pids[pidx++] = pid; } } # # Kill a thread. # kill(pid: int) { fd := sys->open("#p/" + string pid + "/ctl", sys->OWRITE); if (fd != nil) sys->fprint(fd, "kill"); } # # Exit top level, killing spawned threads. # exitmash() { if (pidchan != nil) pidchan <-= PIDEXIT; exit; } # # Slice a buffer if needed. # restrict(buff: array of byte, count: int): array of byte { if (count < len buff) return buff[:count]; else return buff; } # # Serve mash console reads. Favours other programs # ahead of the input loop. # serve_read(c: ref Sys->FileIO, sync: chan of int) { s: string; in := sys->fildes(0); sys->pctl(Sys->NEWFD, in.fd :: nil); sync <-= 0; reap(); buff := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; outer: for (;;) { n := sys->read(in, buff, len buff); if (n < 0) { n = 0; s = errstr(); } else s = nil; b := buff[:n]; alt { (off, count, fid, rc) := < => if (rc == nil) break; rc <-= (restrict(b, count), s); continue outer; * => ; } inner: for (;;) { alt { (off, count, fid, rc) := < => if (rc == nil) continue inner; rc <-= (restrict(b, count), s); inchan <-= b => ; } break; } } } # # Serve mash console writes. # serve_write(c: ref Sys->FileIO, sync: chan of int) { out := sys->fildes(1); sys->pctl(Sys->NEWFD, out.fd :: nil); sync <-= 0; reap(); for (;;) { (off, data, fid, wc) := <-c.write; if (wc == nil) continue; if (sys->write(out, data, len data) < 0) wc <-= (0, errstr()); else wc <-= (len data, nil); } } # # Begin serving the mash console. # Env.serve(e: self ref Env) { if (servechan != nil) return; (s, c) := e.servefile(nil); inchan = chan of array of byte; servechan = chan of array of byte; sync := chan of int; spawn serve_read(c, sync); spawn serve_write(c, sync); <-sync; <-sync; if (sys->bind(s, CONSOLE, Sys->MREPL) < 0) e.couldnot("bind", CONSOLE); sys->pctl(Sys->NEWFD, nil); = sys->open(CONSOLE, sys->OREAD | sys->ORCLOSE); e.out = sys->open(CONSOLE, sys->OWRITE); e.stderr = sys->open(CONSOLE, sys->OWRITE); e.wait = nil; }