ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/cmd/mash/history.b/
implement Mashbuiltin; # # "history" builtin, defines: # include "mash.m"; include "mashparse.m"; mashlib: Mashlib; chanfill: ChanFill; Env: import mashlib; sys, bufio: import mashlib; Iobuf: import bufio; Hcmd: adt { seek: int; text: array of byte; }; Reader: adt { fid: int; offset: int; hint: int; next: cyclic ref Reader; }; history: array of ref Hcmd; lhist: int; nhist: int; seek: int; readers: ref Reader; eof := array[0] of byte; # # Interface to catch the use as a command. # init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { raise "fail: " + hd args + " not loaded"; } # # Used by whatis. # name(): string { return "history"; } # # Install commands. # mashinit(nil: list of string, lib: Mashlib, nil: Mashbuiltin, e: ref Env) { mashlib = lib; if (mashlib->histchan != nil) return; mashlib->startserve = 1; nhist = 0; lhist = 256; history = array[lhist] of ref Hcmd; seek = 0; (f, c) := e.servefile(mashlib->HISTF); spawn servehist(f, c); (f, c) = e.servefile(mashlib->MASHF); spawn servemash(f, c); } mashcmd(nil: ref Env, nil: list of string) { } addhist(b: array of byte) { if (nhist == lhist) { n := 3 * nhist / 4; part := history[:n]; part[:] = history[nhist - n:]; nhist = n; } history[nhist] = ref Hcmd(seek, b); nhist++; seek += len b; } getfid(fid: int, del: int): ref Reader { prev: ref Reader; for (r := readers; r != nil; r = { if (r.fid == fid) { if (del) { if (prev == nil) readers =; else =; return nil; } return r; } prev = r; } o := 0; if (nhist > 0) o = history[0].seek; return readers = ref Reader(fid, o, 0, readers); } readhist(off, count, fid: int): (array of byte, string) { r := getfid(fid, 0); off += r.offset; if (nhist == 0 || off >= seek) return (eof, nil); i := r.hint; if (i >= nhist) i = nhist - 1; s := history[i].seek; if (off == s) { r.hint = i + 1; return (history[i].text, nil); } if (off > s) { do { if (++i == nhist) break; s = history[i].seek; } while (off >= s); i--; } else { do { if (--i < 0) return (eof, "data truncated"); s = history[i].seek; } while (off < s); } r.hint = i + 1; b := history[i].text; if (off != s) b = b[off - s:]; return (b, nil); } loadhist(data: array of byte, fid: int, wc: Sys->Rwrite, c: ref Sys->FileIO) { in: ref Iobuf; if (chanfill == nil) chanfill = load ChanFill ChanFill->PATH; if (chanfill != nil) in = chanfill->init(data, fid, wc, c, mashlib->bufio); if (in == nil) { in = bufio->sopen(string data); if (in == nil) { wc <-= (0, mashlib->errstr()); return; } wc <-= (len data, nil); } while ((s := in.gets('\n')) != nil) addhist(array of byte s); in.close(); } servehist(f: string, c: ref Sys->FileIO) { mashlib->reap(); h := chan of array of byte; mashlib->histchan = h; for (;;) { alt { b := <-h => addhist(b); (off, count, fid, rc) := < => if (rc == nil) { getfid(fid, 1); continue; } rc <-= readhist(off, count, fid); (off, data, fid, wc) := <-c.write => if (wc != nil) loadhist(data, fid, wc, c); } } } servemash(f: string, c: ref Sys->FileIO) { mashlib->reap(); for (;;) { alt { (off, count, fid, rc) := < => if (rc != nil) rc <-= (nil, "not supported"); (off, data, fid, wc) := <-c.write => if (wc != nil) { wc <-= (len data, nil); if (mashlib->servechan != nil && len data > 0) mashlib->servechan <-= data; } } } }