ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/cmd/m4.b/
implement M4; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "sh.m"; include "arg.m"; M4: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; NHASH: con 131; Name: adt { name: string; repl: string; impl: ref fn(nil: array of string); dol: int; # repl contains $[0-9] asis: int; # replacement text not rescanned text: fn(n: self ref Name): string; }; names := array[NHASH] of list of ref Name; File: adt { name: string; line: int; fp: ref Iobuf; }; Param: adt { s: string; }; pushedback: string; pushedp := 0; # next available index in pushedback diverted := array[10] of string; curdiv := 0; curarg: ref Param; # non-nil if collecting argument string instack: list of ref File; lquote := '`'; rquote := '\''; initcom := "#"; endcom := "\n"; prefix := ""; bout: ref Iobuf; sh: Sh; stderr: ref Sys->FD; tracing := 0; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; bout = bufio->fopen(sys->fildes(1), Sys->OWRITE); stderr = sys->fildes(2); define("inferno", "inferno", 0); arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; arg->setusage("m4 [-t] [-pprefix] [-Dname[=value]] [-Qname[=value]] [-Uname] [file ...]"); arg->init(args); while((o := arg->opt()) != 0){ case o { 'D' or 'Q' or 'U' => ; # for second pass 'p' => prefix = arg->earg(); 't' => tracing = 1; * => arg->usage(); } } builtin("changecom", dochangecom); builtin("changequote", dochangequote); builtin("copydef", docopydef); builtin("define", dodefine); builtin("divert", dodivert); builtin("divnum", dodivnum); builtin("dnl", dodnl); builtin("dumpdef", dodumpdef); builtin("errprint", doerrprint); builtin("eval", doeval); builtin("ifdef", doifdef); builtin("ifelse", doifelse); builtin("include", doinclude); builtin("incr", doincr); builtin("index", doindex); builtin("len", dolen); builtin("maketemp", domaketemp); builtin("sinclude", dosinclude); builtin("substr", dosubstr); builtin("syscmd", dosyscmd); builtin("translit", dotranslit); builtin("undefine", doundefine); builtin("undivert", doundivert); arg->init(args); while((o = arg->opt()) != 0){ case o { 'D' => argdefine(arg->earg(), 0); 'Q' => argdefine(arg->earg(), 1); 'U' => undefine(arg->earg()); 'p' => arg->earg(); 't' => ; * => arg->usage(); } } args = arg->argv(); arg = nil; if(args != nil){ for(; args != nil; args = tl args){ f := bufio->open(hd args, Sys->OREAD); if(f == nil) error(sys->sprint("can't open %s: %r", hd args)); pushfile(hd args, f); scan(); } }else{ pushfile("standard input", bufio->fopen(sys->fildes(0), Sys->OREAD)); scan(); } bout.flush(); } argdefine(s: string, asis: int) { text := ""; for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if(s[i] == '='){ text = s[i+1:]; break; } n := lookup(s[0: i]); if(n != nil && n.impl != nil) error(sys->sprint("can't redefine built-in %s", s[0: i])); define(s[0: i], text, asis); } scan() { while((c := getc()) >= 0){ if(isalpha(c)) called(c); else if(c == lquote) quoted(); else if(initcom != nil && initcom[0] == c) comment(); else putc(c); } } error(s: string) { where := ""; if(instack != nil){ ios := hd instack; where = sys->sprint(" %s:%d:",, ios.line); } bout.flush(); sys->fprint(stderr, "m4:%s %s\n", where, s); raise "fail:error"; } pushfile(name: string, fp: ref Iobuf) { instack = ref File(name, 1, fp) :: instack; } called(c: int) { tok: string; do{ tok[len tok] = c; c = getc(); }while(isalpha(c) || c >= '0' && c <= '9'); def := lookup(tok); if(def == nil){ pushc(c); puts(tok); return; } if(c != '(' || def.asis){ # no parameters pushc(c); expand(def, array[] of {tok}); return; } # collect arguments, allowing for nested parentheses; # on ')' expand definition, further expanding $n references therein argstack := :: nil; # $0 savearg := curarg; # save parameter (if any) for outer call curarg = ref Param(""); nesting := 0; # () depth skipws(); mark := instack; for(;;){ if((c = getc()) < 0) { instack = mark; error("EOF in parameters"); } if(isalpha(c)) called(c); else if(c == lquote) quoted(); else{ if(c == '(') nesting++; if(nesting > 0){ if(c == ')') nesting--; putc(c); }else if(c == ','){ argstack = curarg.s :: argstack; curarg = ref Param(""); skipws(); }else if(c == ')') break; else putc(c); } } argstack = curarg.s :: argstack; curarg = savearg; # restore outer parameter (if any) # build arguments narg := len argstack; args := array[narg] of string; for(; argstack != nil; argstack = tl argstack) args[--narg] = hd argstack; expand(def, args); } quoted() { nesting :=0; mark := instack; while((c := getc()) != rquote || nesting > 0){ if(c < 0) { instack = mark; error("EOF in string"); } if(c == rquote) nesting--; else if(c == lquote) nesting++; putc(c); } } comment() { for(i := 1; i < len initcom; i++){ if((c := getc()) != initcom[i]){ if(c < 0) error("EOF in comment"); pushc(c); pushs(initcom[1: i]); putc(initcom[0]); return; } } puts(initcom); for(i = 0; i < len endcom;){ c := getc(); if(c < 0) error("EOF in comment"); putc(c); if(c == endcom[i]) i++; else i = c == endcom[0]; } } skipws() { while(isspace(c := getc())) {} pushc(c); } isspace(c: int): int { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'; } isalpha(c: int): int { return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c == '_' || c > 16rA0 && c != lquote && c != rquote; } hash(name: string): int { h := 0; for(i := 0; i < len name; i++) h = h*65599 + name[i]; return (h & ~(1<<31)) % NHASH; } builtin(name: string, impl: ref fn(nil: array of string)) { if(prefix != "") name = prefix+name; ibuiltin(name, impl); } ibuiltin(name: string, impl: ref fn(nil: array of string)) { h := hash(name); n := ref Name(name, nil, impl, 0, 0); names[h] = n :: names[h]; } define(name: string, repl: string, asis: int) { h := hash(name); dol := hasdol(repl); for(l := names[h]; l != nil; l = tl l){ n := hd l; if( == name){ *n = Name(name, repl, nil, dol, asis); return; } } n := ref Name(name, repl, nil, dol, asis); names[h] = n :: names[h]; } lookup(name: string): ref Name { h := hash(name); for(l := names[h]; l != nil; l = tl l) if((hd l).name == name) return hd l; return nil; } undefine(name: string) { h := hash(name); rl: list of ref Name; for(l := names[h]; l != nil; l = tl l){ if((hd l).name == name){ l = tl l; for(; rl != nil; rl = tl rl) l = hd rl :: l; names[h] = l; return; }else rl = hd l :: rl; } } Name.text(n: self ref Name): string { if(n.impl != nil) return sys->sprint("builtin %q",; return sys->sprint("%c%s%c", lquote, n.repl, rquote); } dodumpdef(args: array of string) { if(len args > 1){ for(i := 1; i < len args; i++) if((n := lookup(args[i])) != nil) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "%q %s\n",, n.text()); }else{ for(i := 0; i < len names; i++) for(l := names[i]; l != nil; l = tl l) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "%q %s\n", (hd l).name, (hd l).text()); } } pushs(s: string) { for(i := len s; --i >= 0;) pushedback[pushedp++] = s[i]; } pushc(c: int) { if(c >= 0) pushedback[pushedp++] = c; } getc(): int { if(pushedp > 0) return pushedback[--pushedp]; for(; instack != nil; instack = tl instack){ ios := hd instack; c := ios.fp.getc(); if(c >= 0){ if(c == '\n') ios.line++; return c; } } return -1; } puts(s: string) { if(curarg != nil) curarg.s += s; else if(curdiv > 0) diverted[curdiv] += s; else if(curdiv == 0) bout.puts(s); } putc(c: int) { if(curarg != nil){ # stow in argument collection buffer curarg.s[len curarg.s] = c; }else if(curdiv > 0){ l := len diverted[curdiv]; diverted[curdiv][l] = c; }else if(curdiv == 0) bout.putc(c); } expand(def: ref Name, args: array of string) { if(tracing){ sys->fprint(stderr, "expand %s [%s]", args[0],; for(i := 1; i < len args; i++) sys->fprint(stderr, " %d: [%s]", i, args[i]); sys->fprint(stderr, "\n"); } if(def.impl != nil){ def.impl(args); return; } if(def.repl == || def.repl == "$0"){ puts(; return; } if(!def.dol || def.repl == nil){ pushs(def.repl); return; } # expand $n s := def.repl; for(i := len s; --i >= 1;){ if(s[i-1] == '$' && (c := s[i]-'0') >= 0 && c <= 9){ if(c < len args) pushs(args[c]); i--; }else pushc(s[i]); } if(i >= 0) pushc(s[0]); } hasdol(s: string): int { for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if(s[i] == '$') return 1; return 0; } dodefine(args: array of string) { if(len args > 2) define(args[1], args[2], 0); else if(len args > 1) define(args[1], "", 0); } doundefine(args: array of string) { for(i := 1; i < len args; i++) undefine(args[i]); } docopydef(args: array of string) { if(len args > 2 && args[1] != args[2]){ undefine(args[2]); if((n := lookup(args[1])) != nil){ if(n.impl == nil) define(args[2], n.repl, n.asis); else ibuiltin(args[2], n.impl); }else define(args[2], "", 0); } } doeval(args: array of string) { if(len args > 1) pushs(string eval(args[1])); } dodivert(args: array of string) { if(len args > 1){ n := int args[1]; if(n < 0 || n >= len diverted) n = -1; curdiv = n; }else curdiv = 0; } dodivnum(nil: array of string) { pushs(string curdiv); } doundivert(args: array of string) { if(len args <= 1){ # do all but current, in order for(i := 1; i < len diverted; i++){ if(i != curdiv){ puts(diverted[i]); diverted[i] = nil; } } }else{ # do those specified for(i := 1; i < len args; i++){ n := int args[i]; if(n > 0 && n < len diverted && n != curdiv){ puts(diverted[n]); diverted[n] = nil; } } } } doifdef(args: array of string) { if(len args < 3) return; n := lookup(args[1]); if(n != nil) pushs(args[2]); else if(len args > 3) pushs(args[3]); } doifelse(args: array of string) { for(i := 1; i+2 < len args; i += 3){ if(args[i] == args[i+1]){ pushs(args[i+2]); return; } } if(i > 2 && i == len args-1) pushs(args[i]); } doincr(args: array of string) { if(len args > 1) pushs(string (int args[1] + 1)); } doindex(args: array of string) { if(len args > 2){ a := args[1]; b := args[2]; for(i := 0; i+len b <= len a; i++){ if(a[i: i+len b] == b){ pushs(string i); return; } } pushs("-1"); } } doinclude(args: array of string) { for(i := len args; --i >= 1;){ fp := bufio->open(args[i], Sys->OREAD); if(fp == nil) error(sys->sprint("can't open %s: %r", args[i])); pushfile(args[i], fp); } } dosinclude(args: array of string) { for(i := len args; --i >= 1;){ fp := bufio->open(args[i], Sys->OREAD); if(fp != nil) pushfile(args[i], fp); } } clip(v, l, u: int): int { if(v < l) return l; if(v > u) return u; return v; } dosubstr(args: array of string) { if(len args > 2){ l := len args[1]; o := clip(int args[2], 0, l); n := l; if(len args > 3) n = clip(int args[3], 0, l); if((n += o) > l) n = l; pushs(args[1][o: n]); } } cindex(s: string, c: int): int { for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if(s[i] == c) return i; return -1; } dotranslit(args: array of string) { if(len args < 3) return; s := args[1]; f := args[2]; t := ""; if(len args > 3) t = args[3]; o := ""; for(i := 0; i < len s; i++){ if((j := cindex(f, s[i])) >= 0){ if(j < len t) o[len o] = t[j]; }else o[len o] = s[i]; } pushs(o); } doerrprint(args: array of string) { s := ""; for(i := 1; i < len args; i++) s += " "+args[i]; if(s != nil) sys->fprint(stderr, "m4:%s\n", s); } dolen(args: array of string) { if(len args > 1) puts(string len args[1]); } dochangecom(args: array of string) { case len args { 1 => initcom = ""; endcom = ""; 2 => initcom = args[1]; endcom = "\n"; * => initcom = args[1]; endcom = args[2]; if(endcom == "") endcom = "\n"; } } dochangequote(args: array of string) { case len args { 1 => lquote = '`'; rquote = '\''; 2 => if(args[1] != nil) lquote = rquote = args[1][0]; * => if(args[1] != nil) lquote = args[1][0]; if(args[2] != nil) rquote = args[2][0]; } } dodnl(nil: array of string) { while((c := getc()) >= 0 && c != '\n') {} } domaketemp(args: array of string) { if(len args > 1) pushs(mktemp(args[1])); } dosyscmd(args: array of string) { if(len args > 1){ { if(sh == nil){ sh = load Sh Sh->PATH; if(sh == nil) raise sys->sprint("load: can't load %s: %r", Sh->PATH); } bout.flush(); sh->system(nil, args[1]); }exception e{ "load:*" => error(e); } } } sysname: string; mktemp(s: string): string { if(sysname == nil) sysname = readfile("/dev/sysname", "m4"); # trim trailing X's for (x := len s; --x >= 0;) if(s[x] == 'X'){ while(x > 0 && s[x-1] == 'X') x--; s = s[0: x]; break; } # add system name, process ID and 'a' if(s != nil) s += "."; s += sys->sprint("%s.%.10uda", sysname, sys->pctl(0, nil)); while(sys->stat(s).t0 >= 0){ if(s[len s-1] == 'z') error("out of temp files: "+s); s[len s-1]++; } return s; } readfile(name: string, default: string): string { fd := sys->open(name, Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return default; buf := array[Sys->NAMEMAX] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n <= 0) return default; return string buf[0: n]; } # # expressions provided use Limbo operators (C with signed shift and **), # instead of original m4 ones (where | and & were || and &&, and ^ was power), # but that's true of later unix m4 implementations too # Oeof, Ogok, Oge, Ole, One, Oeq, Opow, Oand, Oor, Orsh, Olsh, Odigits: con 'a'+iota; Syntax, Badeval: exception; evalin: string; evalp := 0; eval(s: string): int { evalin = s; evalp = 0; looked = -1; { v := expr(1); if(evalp < len evalin) raise Syntax; return v; }exception{ Syntax => error(sys->sprint("syntax error: %q %q", evalin[0: evalp], evalin[evalp:])); return 0; Badeval => error(sys->sprint("zero divide in %q", evalin)); return 0; } } eval1(op: int, v1, v2: int): int raises Badeval { case op{ '+' => return v1 + v2; '-' => return v1 - v2; '*' => return v1 * v2; '%' => if(v2 == 0) raise Badeval; # division by zero return v1 % v2; '/' => if(v2 == 0) raise Badeval; # division by zero return v1 / v2; Opow => if(v2 < 0) raise Badeval; return v1 ** v2; '&' => return v1 & v2; '|' => return v1 | v2; '^' => return v1 ^ v2; Olsh => return v1 << v2; Orsh => return v1 >> v2; Oand => return v1 && v2; Oor => return v1 || v2; '<' => return v1 < v2; '>' => return v1 > v2; Ole => return v1 <= v2; Oge => return v1 >= v2; One => return v1 != v2; Oeq => return v1 == v2; * => sys->print("unknown op: %c\n", op); # shouldn't happen raise Badeval; } } priority(c: int): int { case c { Oor => return 1; Oand => return 2; '|' => return 3; '^' => return 4; '&' => return 5; Oeq or One => return 6; '<' or '>' or Oge or Ole => return 7; Olsh or Orsh => return 8; '+' or '-' => return 9; '*' or '/' or '%' => return 10; Opow => return 11; * => return 0; } } rightassoc(c: int): int { return c == Opow; } expr(prec: int): int raises(Syntax, Badeval) { { v := primary(); while(priority(look()) >= prec){ op := lex(); r := priority(op) + !rightassoc(op); v = eval1(op, v, expr(r)); } return v; }exception{ Syntax or Badeval => raise; } } primary(): int raises Syntax { { case lex() { '(' => v := expr(1); if(lex() != ')') raise Syntax; return v; '+' => return primary(); '-' => return -primary(); '!' => return !primary(); '~' => return ~primary(); Odigits => return yylval; * => raise Syntax; } }exception{ Syntax => raise; } } yylval := 0; looked := -1; look(): int { looked = lex(); return looked; } lex(): int { if((c := looked) >= 0){ looked = -1; return c; # if Odigits, assumes yylval untouched } while(evalp < len evalin && isspace(evalin[evalp])) evalp++; if(evalp >= len evalin) return Oeof; case c = evalin[evalp++] { '*' => return ifnext('*', Opow, '*'); '>' => return ifnext('=', Oge, ifnext('>', Orsh, '>')); '<' => return ifnext('=', Ole, ifnext('<', Olsh, '<')); '=' => return ifnext('=', Oeq, Oeq); '!' => return ifnext('=', One, '!'); '|' => return ifnext('|', Oor, '|'); '&' => return ifnext('&', Oand, '&'); '0' to '9' => evalp--; n := 0; while(evalp < len evalin && (c = evalin[evalp]) >= '0' && c <= '9'){ n = n*10 + (c-'0'); evalp++; } yylval = n; return Odigits; * => return c; } } ifnext(a, t, f: int): int { if(evalp < len evalin && evalin[evalp] == a){ evalp++; return t; } return f; }