ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/cmd/ip/rip.b/
implement Rip; # basic RIP implementation # understands v2, sends v1 include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; include "dial.m"; dial: Dial; include "ip.m"; ip: IP; IPaddr, Ifcaddr, Udphdr: import ip; include "attrdb.m"; attrdb: Attrdb; include "arg.m"; Rip: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; # rip header: # op[1] version[1] pad[2] Oop: con 0; # op: byte Oversion: con 1; # version: byte Opad: con 2; # 2 byte pad Riphdrlen: con Opad+2; # op[1] version[1] mbz[2] # rip route entry: # type[2] tag[2] addr[4] mask[4] nexthop[4] metric[4] Otype: con 0; # type[2] Otag: con Otype+2; # tag[2] v2 or mbz v1 Oaddr: con Otag+2; # addr[4] Omask: con Oaddr+4; # mask[4] v2 or mbz v1 Onexthop: con Omask+4; Ometric: con Onexthop+4; # metric[4] Ipdestlen: con Ometric+4; Maxripmsg: con 512; # operations OpRequest: con 1; # want route OpReply: con 2; # all or part of route table HopLimit: con 16; # defined by protocol as `infinity' RoutesInPkt: con 25; # limit defined by protocol RIPport: con 520; Expired: con 180; Discard: con 240; OutputRate: con 60; # seconds between routing table transmissions NetworkCost: con 1; # assume the simple case Gateway: adt { dest: IPaddr; mask: IPaddr; gateway: IPaddr; metric: int; valid: int; changed: int; local: int; time: int; contains: fn(g: self ref Gateway, a: IPaddr): int; }; netfd: ref Sys->FD; routefd: ref Sys->FD; AF_INET: con 2; routes: array of ref Gateway; Routeinc: con 50; defroute: ref Gateway; debug := 0; nochange := 0; quiet := 1; myversion := 1; # default protocol version logfile := "iproute"; netdir := "/net"; now: int; nets: list of ref Ifcaddr; addrs: list of IPaddr; syslog(nil: int, nil: string, s: string) { sys->print("rip: %s\n", s); } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; dial = load Dial Dial->PATH; ip = load IP IP->PATH; ip->init(); arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; arg->init(args); arg->setusage("ip/rip [-d] [-r]"); while((o := arg->opt()) != 0) case o { 'd' => debug++; 'b' => quiet = 0; '2' => myversion = 2; 'n' => nochange = 1; 'x' => netdir = arg->earg(); * => arg->usage(); } args = arg->argv(); if(args != nil) quiet = 0; for(; args != nil; args = tl args){ (ok, a) := IPaddr.parse(hd args); if(ok < 0) fatal(sys->sprint("invalid address: %s", hd args)); addrs = a :: addrs; } arg = nil; sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP|Sys->FORKFD|Sys->FORKNS, nil); whereami(); addlocal(); routefd = sys->open(sys->sprint("%s/iproute", netdir), Sys->ORDWR); if(routefd == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("can't open %s/iproute: %r", netdir)); readroutes(); syslog(0, logfile, "started"); netfd = riplisten(); # broadcast request for all routes if(!quiet){ sendall(OpRequest, 0); spawn sender(); } # read routing requests buf := array[8192] of byte; while((nb := sys->read(netfd, buf, len buf)) > 0){ nb -= Riphdrlen + IP->Udphdrlen; if(nb < 0) continue; uh := Udphdr.unpack(buf, IP->Udphdrlen); hdr := buf[IP->Udphdrlen:]; version := int hdr[Oversion]; if(version < 1) continue; bp := buf[IP->Udphdrlen + Riphdrlen:]; case int hdr[Oop] { OpRequest => # TO DO: transmit in response to request? only if something interesting to say... ; OpReply => # wrong source port? if(uh.rport != RIPport) continue; # my own broadcast? if(ismyaddr(uh.raddr)) continue; now = daytime->now(); if(debug > 1) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "from %s:\n", uh.raddr.text()); for(; (nb -= Ipdestlen) >= 0; bp = bp[Ipdestlen:]) unpackroute(bp, version, uh.raddr); * => if(debug) sys->print("rip: unexpected op: %d\n", int hdr[Oop]); } } } whereami() { for(ifcs := ip->readipifc(netdir, -1).t0; ifcs != nil; ifcs = tl ifcs) for(al := (hd ifcs).addrs; al != nil; al = tl al){ ifa := hd al; if(!ifa.ip.isv4()) continue; # how to tell broadcast? must be told? actually, it's in /net/iproute nets = ifa :: nets; } } ismyaddr(a: IPaddr): int { for(l := nets; l != nil; l = tl l) if((hd l).ip.eq(a)) return 1; return 0; } addlocal() { for(l := nets; l != nil; l = tl l){ ifc := hd l; g := lookup(; g.valid = 1; g.local = 1; g.gateway = ifc.ip; g.mask = ifc.mask; g.metric = NetworkCost; g.time = 0; g.changed = 1; if(debug) syslog(0, logfile, sys->sprint("Existing: %s & %s -> %s", g.dest.text(), g.mask.masktext(), g.gateway.text())); } } # # record any existing routes # readroutes() { now = daytime->now(); b := bufio->fopen(routefd, Sys->OREAD); while((l := b.gets('\n')) != nil){ (nf, flds) := sys->tokenize(l, " \t"); if(nf >= 5){ flags := hd tl tl tl flds; if(flags == nil || flags[0] != '4' || contains(flags, "ibum")) continue; g := lookup(parseip(hd flds)); g.mask = parsemask(hd tl flds); g.gateway = parseip(hd tl tl flds); g.metric = HopLimit; g.time = now; g.changed = 1; if(debug) syslog(0, logfile, sys->sprint("Existing: %s & %s -> %s", g.dest.text(), g.mask.masktext(), g.gateway.text())); if(iszero(g.dest) && iszero(g.mask)){ defroute = g; g.local = 1; }else if(defroute != nil && g.dest.eq(defroute.gateway)) continue; else g.local = !ismyaddr(g.gateway); } } } unpackroute(b: array of byte, version: int, gwa: IPaddr) { # check that it's an IP route, valid metric, MBZ fields zero if(b[0] != byte 0 || b[1] != byte AF_INET){ if(debug > 1) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "\t-- unknown address type %x,%x\n", int b[0], int b[1]); return; } dest := IPaddr.newv4(b[Oaddr:]); mask: IPaddr; if(version == 1){ # check MBZ fields if(ip->get2(b, 2) | ip->get4(b, Omask) | ip->get4(b, Onexthop)){ if(debug > 1) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "\t-- non-zero MBZ\n"); return; } mask = maskgen(dest); }else if(version == 2){ if(ip->get4(b, Omask)) mask = IPaddr.newv4(b[Omask:]); else mask = maskgen(dest); if(ip->get4(b, Onexthop)) gwa = IPaddr.newv4(b[Onexthop:]); } metric := ip->get4(b, Ometric); if(debug > 1) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "\t%s %d\n", dest.text(), metric); if(metric <= 0 || metric > HopLimit) return; # 1058/3.4.2: response processing # ignore route if IP address is: # class D or E # net 0 (except perhaps # net 127 # broadcast address (all 1s host part) # we allow host routes if(dest.ismulticast() || dest.a[0] == byte 0 || dest.a[0] == byte 16r7F){ if(debug > 1) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "\t%s %d invalid addr\n", dest.text(), metric); return; } if(isbroadcast(dest, mask)){ if(debug > 1) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "\t%s & %s -> broadcast\n", dest.text(), mask.masktext()); return; } # update the metric min(metric+NetworkCost, HopLimit) metric += NetworkCost; if(metric > HopLimit) metric = HopLimit; updateroute(dest, mask, gwa, metric); } updateroute(dest, mask, gwa: IPaddr, metric: int) { # RFC1058 rules page 27-28, with optional replacement of expiring routes r := lookup(dest); if(r.valid){ if(r.local) return; # local, don't touch if(r.gateway.eq(gwa)){ if(metric != HopLimit){ r.metric = metric; r.time = now; }else{ # metric == HopLimit if(r.metric != HopLimit){ r.metric = metric; r.changed = 1; r.time = now - (Discard-120); delroute(r); # don't use it for routing # route remains valid but advertised with metric HopLimit } else if(now >= r.time+Discard){ delroute(r); # finally dead r.valid = 0; r.changed = 1; } } }else if(metric < r.metric || metric != HopLimit && metric == r.metric && now > r.time+Expired/2){ delroute(r); r.metric = metric; r.gateway = gwa; r.time = now; addroute(r); } } else if(metric < HopLimit){ # new entry # 1058/3.4.2: don't add route-to-host if host is on net/subnet # for which we have at least as good a route if(!mask.eq(ip->allbits) || ((pr := findroute(dest)) == nil || metric <= pr.metric)){ r.valid = 1; r.changed = 1; r.time = now; r.metric = metric; r.dest = dest; r.mask = mask; r.gateway = gwa; addroute(r); } } } sender() { for(;;){ sys->sleep(OutputRate*1000); # could add some random fizz sendall(OpReply, 1); } } onlist(a: IPaddr, l: list of IPaddr): int { for(; l != nil; l = tl l) if(a.eq(hd l)) return 1; return 0; } sendall(op: int, changes: int) { for(l := nets; l != nil; l = tl l){ if(addrs != nil && !onlist((hd l).net, addrs)) continue; a := (hd l).net.copy(); b := (ip->allbits).maskn((hd l).mask); for(i := 0; i < len a.a; i++) a.a[i] |= b.a[i]; sendroutes(hd l, a, op, changes); } for(i := 0; i < len routes; i++) if((r := routes[i]) != nil) r.changed = 0; } zeroentry := array[Ipdestlen] of {* => byte 0}; sendroutes(ifc: ref Ifcaddr, dst: IPaddr, op: int, changes: int) { if(debug > 1) sys->print("rip: send %s\n", dst.text()); buf := array[Maxripmsg+IP->Udphdrlen] of byte; hdr :=; hdr.lport = hdr.rport = RIPport; hdr.raddr = dst; # needn't copy hdr.pack(buf, IP->Udphdrlen); o := IP->Udphdrlen; buf[o] = byte op; buf[o+1] = byte myversion; buf[o+2] = byte 0; buf[o+3] = byte 0; o += Riphdrlen; # rips := buf[IP->Udphdrlen+Riphdrlen:]; if(op == OpRequest){ buf[o:] = zeroentry; ip->put4(buf, o+Ometric, HopLimit); o += Ipdestlen; } else { # send routes for(i:=0; i<len routes; i++){ r := routes[i]; if(r == nil || !r.valid || changes && !r.changed) continue; if(r == defroute) continue; if(r.dest.eq( || isonnet(r.dest, ifc)) continue; netmask := r.dest.classmask(); subnet := !r.mask.eq(netmask); if(myversion < 2 && !r.mask.eq(ip->allbits)){ # if not a host route, don't let a subnet route leave its net if(subnet && !netmask.eq(ifc.ip.classmask())) continue; } if(o+Ipdestlen > IP->Udphdrlen+Maxripmsg){ if(sys->write(netfd, buf, o) < 0) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "RIP write failed: %r\n"); o = IP->Udphdrlen + Riphdrlen; } buf[o:] = zeroentry; ip->put2(buf, o+Otype, AF_INET); buf[o+Oaddr:] = r.dest.v4(); ip->put4(buf, o+Ometric, r.metric); if(myversion == 2 && subnet) buf[o+Omask:] = r.mask.v4(); o += Ipdestlen; } } if(o > IP->Udphdrlen+Riphdrlen && sys->write(netfd, buf, o) < 0) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "rip: network write to %s failed: %r\n", dst.text()); } lookup(addr: IPaddr): ref Gateway { avail := -1; for(i:=0; i<len routes; i++){ g := routes[i]; if(g == nil || !g.valid){ if(avail < 0) avail = i; continue; } if(g.dest.eq(addr)) return g; } if(avail < 0){ avail = len routes; a := array[len routes+Routeinc] of ref Gateway; a[0:] = routes; routes = a; } if((g := routes[avail]) == nil){ g = ref Gateway; routes[avail] = g; g.valid = 0; } g.dest = addr; return g; } findroute(a: IPaddr): ref Gateway { pr: ref Gateway; for(i:=0; i<len routes; i++){ r := routes[i]; if(r == nil || !r.valid) continue; if(r.contains(a) && (pr == nil || !maskle(r.mask, pr.mask))) pr = r; # more specific mask } return pr; } maskgen(addr: IPaddr): IPaddr { net: ref Ifcaddr; for(l := nets; l != nil; l = tl l){ ifc := hd l; if(isonnet(addr, ifc) && (net == nil || maskle(ifc.mask, net.mask))) # less specific mask? net = ifc; } if(net != nil) return net.mask; return addr.classmask(); } isonnet(a: IPaddr, n: ref Ifcaddr): int { return a.mask(n.mask).eq(; } isbroadcast(a: IPaddr, mask: IPaddr): int { h := a.maskn(mask); # host part hm := (ip->allbits).maskn(mask); # host part of mask return h.eq(hm); } iszero(a: IPaddr): int { return a.eq(ip->v4noaddr) || a.eq(ip->noaddr); } maskle(a, b: IPaddr): int { return a.mask(b).eq(a); } # # add ipdest mask gateway # add gateway (default) # delete ipdest mask # addroute(g: ref Gateway) { if(iszero(g.mask) && iszero(g.dest)) g.valid = 0; # don't change default route else if(defroute != nil && defroute.gateway.eq(g.gateway)){ if(debug) syslog(0, logfile, sys->sprint("default %s %s", g.dest.text(), g.mask.text())); # don't need a new entry g.valid = 1; g.changed = 1; } else { if(debug) syslog(0, logfile, sys->sprint("add %s %s %s", g.dest.text(), g.mask.text(), g.gateway.text())); if(nochange || sys->fprint(routefd, "add %s %s %s", g.dest.text(), g.mask.text(), g.gateway.text()) > 0){ g.valid = 1; g.changed = 1; } } } delroute(g: ref Gateway) { if(debug) syslog(0, logfile, sys->sprint("delete %s %s", g.dest.text(), g.mask.text())); if(!nochange) sys->fprint(routefd, "delete %s %s", g.dest.text(), g.mask.text()); } parseip(s: string): IPaddr { (ok, a) := IPaddr.parse(s); if(ok < 0) raise "bad route"; return a; } parsemask(s: string): IPaddr { (ok, a) := IPaddr.parsemask(s); if(ok < 0) raise "bad route"; return a; } contains(s: string, t: string): int { for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) for(j := 0; j < len t; j++) if(s[i] == t[j]) return 1; return 0; } Gateway.contains(g: self ref Gateway, a: IPaddr): int { return g.dest.eq(a.mask(g.mask)); } riplisten(): ref Sys->FD { addr := sys->sprint("%s/udp!*!rip", netdir); c := dial->announce(addr); if(c == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("can't announce %s: %r", addr)); if(sys->fprint(, "headers") < 0) fatal(sys->sprint("can't set udp headers: %r")); fd := sys->open(c.dir+"/data", Sys->ORDWR); if(fd == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("can't open %s: %r", c.dir+"/data")); return fd; } fatal(s: string) { syslog(0, logfile, s); raise "fail:error"; }