ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/cmd/ip/ppp/modem.b/
implement Modem; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "lock.m"; lock: Lock; Semaphore: import lock; include "draw.m"; include "modem.m"; hangupcmd := "ATH0"; # was ATZH0 but some modem versions on Umec hung on ATZ (BUG: should be in modeminfo) # modem return codes Ok, Success, Failure, Abort, Noise, Found: con iota; maxspeed: con 115200; # # modem return messages # Msg: adt { text: string; code: int; }; msgs: array of Msg = array [] of { ("OK", Ok), ("NO CARRIER", Failure), ("ERROR", Failure), ("NO DIALTONE", Failure), ("BUSY", Failure), ("NO ANSWER", Failure), ("CONNECT", Success), }; kill(pid: int) { fd := sys->open("#p/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE); if(fd == nil || sys->fprint(fd, "kill") < 0) sys->print("modem: can't kill %d: %r\n", pid); } # # prepare a modem port # openserial(d: ref Device) { if (d==nil) { raise "fail: device not initialized"; return; } = nil; d.ctl = nil; = sys->open(d.local, Sys->ORDWR); if( == nil) { raise "fail: can't open "+d.local; return; } d.ctl = sys->open(d.local+"ctl", Sys->ORDWR); if(d.ctl == nil) { raise "can't open "+d.local+"ctl"; return; } d.speed = maxspeed; d.avail = nil; } # # shut down the monitor (if any) and return the connection # close(m: ref Device): ref Sys->Connection { if(m == nil) return nil; if( != 0){ kill(; = 0; } if( == nil) return nil; mc := ref sys->Connection(, m.ctl, nil); m.ctl = nil; = nil; return mc; } # # Send a string to the modem # send(d: ref Device, x: string): int { if (d == nil) return -1; a := array of byte x; f := sys->write(, a, len a); if (f < 0) { # let's attempt to close & reopen the modem close(d); openserial(d); f = sys->write(,a, len a); } sys->print("->%s\n",x); return f; } # # apply a string of commands to modem & look for a response # apply(d: ref Device, s: string, substr: string, secs: int): int { m := Ok; buf := ""; for(i := 0; i < len s; i++){ c := s[i]; buf[len buf] = c; # assume no Unicode if(c == '\r' || i == (len s -1)){ if(c != '\r') buf[len buf] = '\r'; if(send(d, buf) < 0) return Abort; (m, nil) = readmsg(d, secs, substr); buf = ""; } } return m; } # # get modem into command mode if it isn't already # GUARDTIME: con 1100; # usual default for S12=50 in units of 1/50 sec; allow 100ms fuzz attention(d: ref Device): int { for(i := 0; i < 3; i++){ if(apply(d, hangupcmd, nil, 2) == Ok) return Ok; sys->sleep(GUARDTIME); if(send(d, "+++") < 0) return Abort; sys->sleep(GUARDTIME); (nil, msg) := readmsg(d, 0, nil); if(msg != nil) sys->print("status: %s\n", msg); } return Failure; } # # apply a command type # applyspecial(d: ref Device, cmd: string): int { if(cmd == nil) return Failure; return apply(d, cmd, nil, 2); } # # hang up any connections in progress and close the device # onhook(d: ref Device) { if(d == nil) return; # hang up the modem monitoring(d); if(attention(d) != Ok) sys->print("modem: no attention\n"); # hangup the stream (eg, for ppp) and toggle the lines to the modem if(d.ctl != nil) { sys->fprint(d.ctl,"d0\n"); sys->fprint(d.ctl,"r0\n"); sys->fprint(d.ctl, "h\n"); # hangup on native serial sys->sleep(250); sys->fprint(d.ctl,"r1\n"); sys->fprint(d.ctl,"d1\n"); } close(d); } # # does string s contain t anywhere? # contains(s, t: string): int { if(t == nil) return 1; if(s == nil) return 0; n := len t; for(i := 0; i+n <= len s; i++) if(s[i:i+n] == t) return 1; return 0; } # # read till we see a message or we time out # readmsg(d: ref Device, secs: int, substr: string): (int, string) { if (d == nil) return (Abort, "device not initialized"); found := 0; secs *= 1000; limit := 1000; # pretty arbitrary s := ""; for(start := sys->millisec(); sys->millisec() <= start+secs;){ a := getinput(d,1); if(len a == 0){ if(limit){ sys->sleep(1); continue; } break; } if(a[0] == byte '\n' || a[0] == byte '\r' || limit == 0){ if (len s) { if (s[(len s)-1] == '\r') s[(len s)-1] = '\n'; sys->print("<-%s\n",s); } if(substr != nil && contains(s, substr)) found = 1; for(k := 0; k < len msgs; k++) if(len s >= len msgs[k].text && s[0:len msgs[k].text] == msgs[k].text){ if(found) return (Found, s); return (msgs[k].code, s); } start = sys->millisec(); s = ""; continue; } s[len s] = int a[0]; limit--; } s = "No response from modem"; if(found) return (Found, s); return (Noise, s); } # # get baud rate from a connect message # getspeed(msg: string, speed: int): int { p := msg[7:]; # skip "CONNECT" while(p[0] == ' ' || p[0] == '\t') p = p[1:]; s := int p; if(s <= 0) return speed; else return s; } # # set speed and RTS/CTS modem flow control # setspeed(d: ref Device, baud: int) { if(d != nil && d.ctl != nil){ sys->fprint(d.ctl, "b%d", baud); sys->fprint(d.ctl, "m1"); } } dumpa(a: array of byte): string { s := ""; for(i:=0; i<len a; i++){ b := int a[i]; if(b >= ' ' && b < 16r7f) s[len s] = b; else s += sys->sprint("\\%.2x", b); } return s; } monitoring(d: ref Device) { # if no monitor then spawn one if( == 0) { pidc := chan of int; spawn monitor(d, pidc); = <-pidc; } } # # a process to read input from a modem. # monitor(d: ref Device, pidc: chan of int) { openserial(d); pidc <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); # pidc can be written once only. a := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; for(;;) { d.lock.obtain(); d.status = "Idle"; d.remote = ""; setspeed(d, d.speed); d.lock.release(); # shuttle bytes while((n := sys->read(, a, len a)) > 0){ d.lock.obtain(); if (len d.avail < Sys->ATOMICIO) { na := array[len d.avail + n] of byte; na[0:] = d.avail[0:]; na[len d.avail:] = a[0:n]; d.avail = na; } d.lock.release(); } # on an error, try reopening the device = nil; d.ctl = nil; openserial(d); } } # # return up to n bytes read from the modem by monitor() # getinput(d: ref Device, n: int): array of byte { if(d==nil || n <= 0) return nil; a: array of byte; d.lock.obtain(); if(len d.avail != 0){ if(n > len d.avail) n = len d.avail; a = d.avail[0:n]; d.avail = d.avail[n:]; } d.lock.release(); return a; } getc(m: ref Device, timo: int): int { start := sys->millisec(); while((b := getinput(m, 1)) == nil) { if (timo && sys->millisec() > start+timo) return 0; sys->sleep(1); } return int b[0]; } init(modeminfo: ref ModemInfo): ref Device { if (sys == nil) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; lock = load Lock Lock->PATH; if (lock == nil) { raise "fail: Couldn't load lock module"; return nil; } lock->init(); } newdev := ref Device; newdev.lock =; newdev.local = modeminfo.path; = 0; newdev.t = modeminfo; return newdev; } # # dial a number # dial(d: ref Device, number: string) { if (d==nil) { raise "fail: Device not initialized"; return; } monitoring(d); # modem type should already be established, but just in case sys->print("Attention\n"); x := attention(d); if (x != Ok) sys->print("Attention failed\n"); # # extended Hayes commands, meaning depends on modem (VGA all over again) # sys->print("Init\n"); if( != nil) applyspecial(d,; if(d.t.init != nil) applyspecial(d, d.t.init); if(d.t.other != nil) applyspecial(d, d.t.other); applyspecial(d, d.t.errorcorrection); compress := Abort; if(d.t.mnponly != nil) compress = applyspecial(d, d.t.mnponly); if(d.t.compression != nil) compress = applyspecial(d, d.t.compression); rateadjust := Abort; if(compress != Ok) rateadjust = applyspecial(d, d.t.rateadjust); applyspecial(d, d.t.flowctl); # finally, dialout sys->print("Dialing\n"); if((dt := d.t.dialtype) == nil) dt = "ATDT"; if(send(d, sys->sprint("%s%s\r", dt, number)) < 0) { raise "can't dial "+number; return; } (i, msg) := readmsg(d, 120, nil); if(i != Success) { raise "fail: "+msg; return; } connectspeed := getspeed(msg, d.speed); # change line rate if not compressing if(rateadjust == Ok) setspeed(d, connectspeed); if(d.ctl != nil){ if(d != nil) sys->fprint(d.ctl, "s%d", connectspeed); # set DCE speed (if device implements it) sys->fprint(d.ctl, "c1"); # enable CD monitoring } }