ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/cmd/games/bf.b/
# Interpreter for the canonical esoteric language. # Compiles to bytecode, minimal optimizations, done for fun. # Pete Elmore (pete at debu dot gs), New Year's Day 2014 # Released into the public domain. implement Bf; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "arg.m"; Bf: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string); ARENASZ: con 1024 * 1024; EXIT, ADD, JZ, JNZ, ADDP, READ, WRITE: con iota; }; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; arg->init(args); arg->setusage("games/bf [-d|-c] [|-e inline-program]"); eflag := 0; outputmode := 0; source := ""; while ((opt := arg->opt()) != 0) { case opt { 'e' => eflag = 1; source = arg->arg(); 'd' => outputmode = 1; 'c' => outputmode = 2; * => arg->usage(); } } args = arg->argv(); if(!eflag) { if(len args != 1) arg->usage(); else source = readfile(hd args); } code := compile(source); case outputmode { 0 => execute(code, array[ARENASZ] of { * => byte 0 }); 1 => sys->print("%s", disassemble(code)); 2 => sys->print("%s", bf2limbo(code)); } } compile(p: string): array of int { marks: list of int = nil; code := array[len p * 2 + 1] of { * => EXIT }; pc := 0; n: int; for(i := 0; i < len p; i++) { case p[i] { '-' or '+' => n = 0; while(i < len p) { if(p[i] == '-') n--; else if(p[i] == '+') n++; else { i--; break; } i++; } if(n) { code[pc++] = ADD; code[pc++] = n; } '<' or '>' => n = 0; while(i < len p) { if(p[i] == '<') n--; else if(p[i] == '>') n++; else { i--; break; } i++; } if(n) { code[pc++] = ADDP; code[pc++] = n; } ',' => code[pc++] = READ; '.' => code[pc++] = WRITE; '[' => code[pc++] = JZ; marks = pc++ :: marks; ']' => if(marks == nil) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "bf: unmatched ']' at character %d.", pc); raise "fail:errors"; } c := hd marks; marks = tl marks; code[pc++] = JNZ; code[c] = pc; code[pc++] = c; } } if(marks != nil) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "bf: unmatched '['."); raise "fail:errors"; } return code[:pc + 1]; } execute(code: array of int, arena: array of byte) { pc := 0; p := 0; buf := array[1] of byte; stopreading := 0; for(;;) { case code[pc] { ADD => arena[p] += byte code[++pc]; ADDP => p += code[++pc]; while(p < 0) p += len arena; p = p % len arena; READ => arena[p] = byte -1; if(!stopreading) { n := sys->read(sys->fildes(0), buf, 1); if(n < 1) stopreading = 1; else arena[p] = buf[0]; } WRITE => buf[0] = arena[p]; sys->write(sys->fildes(1), buf, 1); JNZ => if(arena[p] != byte 0) pc = code[pc + 1]; else pc++; JZ => if(arena[p] == byte 0) pc = code[pc + 1]; else pc++; EXIT => return; } pc++; } } disassemble(code: array of int): string { s := ""; for(i := 0; i < len code && code[i] != EXIT; i++) { s += sys->sprint("[0x%08x] 0x%02x ", i, code[i]); case code[i] { ADD => s += sys->sprint("add %d", code[++i]); ADDP => s += sys->sprint("addp %d", code[++i]); READ => s += "read "; WRITE => s += "write"; JNZ => s += sys->sprint("jnz 0x%08x", code[++i]); JZ => s += sys->sprint("jz 0x%08x", code[++i]); * => s += sys->sprint(">>>>>>BUG %d / 0x%08x", code[i], code[i]); } s += "\n"; } return s; } bf2limbo(code: array of int): string { indent := 1; s := "implement BfProg;\n" + "include \"sys.m\"; sys: Sys;\n" + "include \"draw.m\";\n" + "BfProg: module {\n" + "\tinit: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string);\n" + "};\n" + "init(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string)\n{\n" + "\tsys = load Sys Sys->PATH;\n" + "\tp := 0;\n" + "\tstopreading := 0;\n" + "\tn := 0;\n" + "\tbuf := array[1] of byte;\n" + "\tarena := array[" + string ARENASZ + "] of { * => byte 0 };\n" + "\n"; for(i := 0; i < len code && code[i] != EXIT; i++) { case code[i] { ADD => s += indents(indent) + "arena[p] += byte " + string code[++i] + ";\n"; ADDP => s += indents(indent) + "p += " + string code[++i] + ";\n" + indents(indent) + "while(p < 0)\n" + indents(indent + 1) + "p += len arena;\n" + indents(indent) + "p = p % len arena;\n"; READ => s += indents(indent) + "arena[p] = byte -1;\n" + indents(indent) + "if(!stopreading) {\n" + indents(indent + 1) + "n = sys->read(sys->fildes(0), buf, 1);\n" + indents(indent + 1) + "if(n < 1)\n" + indents(indent + 2) + "stopreading = 1;\n" + indents(indent + 1) + "else\n" + indents(indent + 2) + "arena[p] = buf[0];\n" + indents(indent) + "}\n"; WRITE => s += indents(indent) + "buf[0] = arena[p];\n" + indents(indent) + "sys->write(sys->fildes(1), buf, 1);\n"; JNZ => indent--; s += indents(indent) + "}\n"; i++; JZ => s += indents(indent) + "while(arena[p] != byte 0) {\n"; indent++; i++; } } return s + "}\n"; } indents(i: int): string { r := ""; while(i > 0) { r += "\t"; i--; } return r; } readfile(fname: string): string { fd := sys->open(fname, Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) die(fname); src := ""; buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; while((n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf)) > 0) { src += string buf[:n]; } return src; } die(s: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "bf: %s: %r\n", s); raise "fail:errors"; }