ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/cmd/fs/merge.b/
implement Fsmodule; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; include "fslib.m"; fslib: Fslib; Report, Value, type2s: import fslib; Fschan, Fsdata, Entrychan, Cmpchan, Entry, Gatechan, Gatequery, Nilentry, Option, Next, Down, Skip, Quit: import Fslib; # e.g.... # fs select {mode -d} {merge -c {compose -d AoutB} {filter {not {path /chan /dev /usr/rog /n/local /net}} /} {merge {proto FreeBSD} {proto Hp} {proto Irix} {proto Linux} {proto MacOSX} {proto Nt} {proto Nt.ti} {proto Nt.ti925} {proto Plan9} {proto Plan9.ti} {proto Plan9.ti925} {proto Solaris} {proto authsrv} {proto dl} {proto dlsrc} {proto ep7} {proto inferno} {proto inferno.ti} {proto ipaqfs} {proto minitel} {proto os} {proto scheduler.client} {proto scheduler.server} {proto sds} {proto src} {proto src.ti} {proto sword} {proto ti925.ti} {proto ti925bin} {proto tipaq} {proto umec} {proto utils} {proto utils.ti}}} >[2] /dev/null types(): string { return "xxxx*-1-cm"; } init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; fslib = load Fslib Fslib->PATH; if(fslib == nil){ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "fs: cannot load %s: %r\n", Fslib->PATH); raise "fail:bad module"; } } run(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: ref Report, opts: list of Option, args: list of ref Value): ref Value { recurse := 1; cmp: Cmpchan; for(; opts != nil; opts = tl opts){ case (hd opts).opt { '1' => recurse = 0; 'c' => cmp = (hd (hd opts).args).m().i; } } dst := chan of (Fsdata, chan of int); spawn mergeproc((hd args).x().i, (hd tl args).x().i, dst, recurse, cmp, tl tl args == nil); for(args = tl tl args; args != nil; args = tl args){ dst1 := chan of (Fsdata, chan of int); spawn mergeproc(dst, (hd args).x().i, dst1, recurse, cmp, tl args == nil); dst = dst1; } return ref Value.X(dst); } # merge two trees; assume directories are alphabetically sorted. mergeproc(c0, c1, dst: Fschan, recurse: int, cmp: Cmpchan, killcmp: int) { myreply := chan of int; ((d0, nil), reply0) := <-c0; ((d1, nil), reply1) := <-c1; if(compare(cmp, d0, d1) == 2r10) dst <-= ((d1, nil), myreply); else dst <-= ((d0, nil), myreply); r := <-myreply; reply0 <-= r; reply1 <-= r; if(r == Down){ { mergedir(c0, c1, dst, recurse, cmp); } exception {"exit" =>;} } if(cmp != nil && killcmp) cmp <-= (nil, nil, nil); } mergedir(c0, c1, dst: Fschan, recurse: int, cmp: Cmpchan) { myreply := chan of int; reply0, reply1: chan of int; d0, d1: ref Sys->Dir; eof0 := eof1 := 0; for(;;){ if(!eof0 && d0 == nil){ ((d0, nil), reply0) = <-c0; if(d0 == nil){ reply0 <-= Next; eof0 = 1; } } if(!eof1 && d1 == nil){ ((d1, nil), reply1) = <-c1; if(d1 == nil){ reply1 <-= Next; eof1 = 1; } } if(eof0 && eof1) break; (wd0, wd1) := (d0, d1); if(d0 != nil && d1 != nil && !={ if( < wd1 = nil; else wd0 = nil; } wc0, wc1: Fschan; wreply0, wreply1: chan of int; weof0, weof1: int; c := compare(cmp, wd0, wd1); if(wd0 != nil && wd1 != nil){ if(c != 0 && recurse && (wd0.mode & wd1.mode & Sys->DMDIR) != 0){ dst <-= ((wd0, nil), myreply); r := <-myreply; reply0 <-= r; reply1 <-= r; d0 = d1 = nil; case r { Quit => raise "exit"; Skip => return; Down => mergedir(c0, c1, dst, 1, cmp); } continue; } # when we can't merge and there's a clash, choose c0 over c1, unless cmp says otherwise if(c == 2r10){ reply0 <-= Next; d0 = nil; }else{ reply1 <-= Next; d1 = nil; } } if(c & 2r01){ (wd0, wc0, wreply0, weof0) = (d0, c0, reply0, eof0); (wd1, wc1, wreply1, weof1) = (d1, c1, reply1, eof1); d0 = nil; }else if(c & 2r10){ (wd0, wc0, wreply0, weof0) = (d1, c1, reply1, eof1); (wd1, wc1, wreply1, weof1) = (d0, c0, reply0, eof0); d1 = nil; }else{ if(wd0 == nil){ reply1 <-= Next; d1 = nil; }else{ reply0 <-= Next; d0 = nil; } continue; } dst <-= ((wd0, nil), myreply); r := <-myreply; wreply0 <-= r; if(r == Down) r = fslib->copy(wc0, dst); # XXX hmm, maybe this should be a mergedir() case r { Quit or Skip => if(wd1 == nil && !weof1) (nil, wreply1) = <-wc1; wreply1 <-= r; if(r == Quit) raise "exit"; return; } } dst <-= ((nil, nil), myreply); if(<-myreply == Quit) raise "exit"; } compare(cmp: Cmpchan, d0, d1: ref Sys->Dir): int { mask := (d0 != nil) | (d1 != nil) << 1; if(cmp == nil) return mask; reply := chan of int; cmp <-= (d0, d1, reply); return <-reply & mask; }