ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/cmd/fs/ls.b/
implement Fsmodule; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; include "fslib.m"; fslib: Fslib; Option, Value, Entrychan, Report: import fslib; types(): string { return "vt-u-m"; } badmod(p: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "fs: ls: cannot load %s: %r\n", p); raise "fail:bad module"; } init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; fslib = load Fslib Fslib->PATH; if(fslib == nil) badmod(Fslib->PATH); daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; if(daytime == nil) badmod(Daytime->PATH); } run(nil: ref Draw->Context, report: ref Report, opts: list of Option, args: list of ref Value): ref Value { sync := chan of int; spawn lsproc(sync, opts, (hd args).t().i, daytime, report.start("ls")); return ref Value.V(sync); } lsproc(sync: chan of int, opts: list of Option, c: Entrychan, daytime: Daytime, errorc: chan of string) { now := daytime->now(); mflag := uflag := 0; if(<-sync == 0){ c.sync <-= 0; errorc <-= nil; } c.sync <-= 1; for(; opts != nil; opts = tl opts){ case (hd opts).opt { 'm' => mflag = 1; 'u' => uflag = 1; } } while(((dir, p, nil) := <-c.c).t0 != nil){ t := dir.mtime; if(uflag) t = dir.atime; s := sys->sprint("%s %c %d %s %s %bud %s %s\n", modes(dir.mode), dir.dtype,, dir.uid, dir.gid, dir.length, daytime->filet(now, dir.mtime), p); if(mflag) s = "[" + dir.muid + "] " + s; sys->print("%s", s); } errorc <-= nil; } mtab := array[] of { "---", "--x", "-w-", "-wx", "r--", "r-x", "rw-", "rwx" }; modes(mode: int): string { s: string; if(mode & Sys->DMDIR) s = "d"; else if(mode & Sys->DMAPPEND) s = "a"; else if(mode & Sys->DMAUTH) s = "A"; else s = "-"; if(mode & Sys->DMEXCL) s += "l"; else s += "-"; s += mtab[(mode>>6)&7]+mtab[(mode>>3)&7]+mtab[mode&7]; return s; }