ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/charon/event.m/
Events: module { PATH: con "/dis/charon/event.dis"; Event: adt { pick { Ekey => keychar: int; # Unicode char for pressed key Emouse => p: Draw->Point; # coords of pointer mtype: int; # Mmove, etc. Emove => p: Draw->Point; # new top-left of moved window Ereshape => r: Draw->Rect; # new window place and size Equit => dummy: int; Estop => dummy: int; Eback => dummy: int; Efwd => dummy: int; Eform => frameid: int; # which frame is form in formid: int; # which form in the frame ftype: int; # EFsubmit or EFreset Eformfield => frameid: int; # which frame is form in formid: int; # which form in the frame fieldid: int; # which formfield in the form fftype: int; # EFFblur, EFFfocus, etc. Ego => url: string; # where to go target: string; # frame to replace delta: int; # History.go(delta) gtype: int; Esubmit => subkind: int; # CU->HGet or CU->HPost action: ref Url->Parsedurl; data: string; target: string; Escroll or Escrollr => frameid: int; pt: Draw->Point; Esettext => frameid: int; url: ref Url->Parsedurl; text: string; Elostfocus => # main window has lost keyboard focus dummy: int; Edismisspopup => # popup window has been dismissed by gui dummy: int; } tostring: fn(e: self ref Event) : string; }; # Events sent to scripting engines ScriptEvent: adt { kind: int; frameid: int; formid: int; fieldid: int; anchorid: int; imageid: int; x: int; y: int; which: int; script: string; reply: chan of string; # onreset/onsubmit reply channel ms: int; }; # ScriptEvent kinds SEonclick, SEondblclick, SEonkeydown, SEonkeypress, SEonkeyup, SEonmousedown, SEonmouseover, SEonmouseout, SEonmouseup, SEonblur, SEonfocus, SEonchange, SEonload, SEtimeout, SEonabort, SEonerror, SEonreset, SEonresize, SEonselect, SEonsubmit, SEonunload, SEscript, SEinterval, SEnone : con 1 << iota; # some special keychars (use Unicode Private Area) Kup, Kdown, Khome, Kleft, Kright, Kend, Kaup, Kadown : con (iota + 16rF000); # Mouse event subtypes Mmove, Mlbuttondown, Mlbuttonup, Mldrag, Mldrop, Mmbuttondown, Mmbuttonup, Mmdrag, Mrbuttondown, Mrbuttonup, Mrdrag, Mhold : con iota; # Form event subtypes EFsubmit, EFreset : con iota; # FormField event subtypes EFFblur, EFFfocus, EFFclick, EFFselect, EFFredraw, EFFnone : con iota; # Go event subtypes EGnormal, EGreplace, EGreload, EGforward, EGback, EGdelta, EGlocation: con iota; init: fn(evchan : chan of ref Event); autorepeat: fn(ev : ref Event, idlems, ms : int); evchan: chan of ref Event; };