ref: bd6c2aad586814b091ce5aca9d41cf2c51adb37b
dir: /appl/acme/file.b/
implement Filem; include "common.m"; sys : Sys; dat : Dat; utils : Utils; buffm : Bufferm; textm : Textm; editlog: Editlog; FALSE, TRUE, XXX, Delete, Insert, Filename, BUFSIZE, Astring : import Dat; Buffer, newbuffer : import buffm; Text : import textm; error : import utils; init(mods : ref Dat->Mods) { sys = mods.sys; dat = mods.dat; utils = mods.utils; buffm = mods.bufferm; textm = mods.textm; editlog = mods.editlog; } # # Structure of Undo list: # The Undo structure follows any associated data, so the list # can be read backwards: read the structure, then read whatever # data is associated (insert string, file name) and precedes it. # The structure includes the previous value of the modify bit # and a sequence number; successive Undo structures with the # same sequence number represent simultaneous changes. # Undo : adt { typex : int; # Delete, Insert, Filename mod : int; # modify bit seq : int; # sequence number p0 : int; # location of change (unused in f) n : int; # # runes in string or file name }; Undosize : con 8; SHM : con 16rffff; undotostr(t, m, s, p, n : int) : string { a := "01234567"; a[0] = t; a[1] = m; a[2] = s&SHM; a[3] = (s>>16)&SHM; a[4] = p&SHM; a[5] = (p>>16)&SHM; a[6] = n&SHM; a[7] = (n>>16)&SHM; return a; } strtoundo(s: string): Undo { u: Undo; u.typex = s[0]; u.mod = s[1]; u.seq = s[2]|(s[3]<<16); u.p0 = s[4]|(s[5]<<16); u.n = s[6]|(s[7]<<16); return u; } nullfile : File; File.addtext(f : self ref File, t : ref Text) : ref File { if(f == nil) { f = ref nullfile; f.buf = newbuffer(); = newbuffer(); f.epsilon = newbuffer(); f.ntext = 0; f.unread = TRUE; } oft := f.text; f.text = array[f.ntext+1] of ref Text; f.text[0:] = oft[0:f.ntext]; oft = nil; f.text[f.ntext++] = t; f.curtext = t; return f; } File.deltext(f : self ref File, t : ref Text) { i : int; for(i=0; i<f.ntext; i++) if(f.text[i] == t) break; if (i == f.ntext) error("can't find text in File.deltext"); f.ntext--; if(f.ntext == 0){ f.close(); return; } f.text[i:] = f.text[i+1:f.ntext+1]; if(f.curtext == t) f.curtext = f.text[0]; } File.insert(f : self ref File, p0 : int, s : string, ns : int) { if (p0 > error("bad assert in File.insert"); if(f.seq > 0) f.uninsert(, p0, ns); f.buf.insert(p0, s, ns); if(ns) f.mod = TRUE; } File.uninsert(f : self ref File, delta : ref Buffer, p0 : int, ns : int) { # undo an insertion by deleting a := undotostr(Delete, f.mod, f.seq, p0, ns); delta.insert(, a, Undosize); } File.delete(f : self ref File, p0 : int, p1 : int) { if (p0>p1 || p0> || p1> error("bad assert in File.delete"); if(f.seq > 0) f.undelete(, p0, p1); f.buf.delete(p0, p1); if(p1 > p0) f.mod = TRUE; } File.undelete(f : self ref File, delta : ref Buffer, p0 : int, p1 : int) { buf : ref Astring; i, n : int; # undo a deletion by inserting a := undotostr(Insert, f.mod, f.seq, p0, p1-p0); m := p1-p0; if(m > BUFSIZE) m = BUFSIZE; buf = utils->stralloc(m); for(i=p0; i<p1; i+=n){ n = p1 - i; if(n > BUFSIZE) n = BUFSIZE;, buf, 0, n); delta.insert(, buf.s, n); } utils->strfree(buf); buf = nil; delta.insert(, a, Undosize); } File.setname(f : self ref File, name : string, n : int) { if(f.seq > 0) f.unsetname(; = name[0:n]; f.unread = TRUE; } File.unsetname(f : self ref File, delta : ref Buffer) { # undo a file name change by restoring old name a := undotostr(Filename, f.mod, f.seq, 0, len; if( != nil) delta.insert(,, len; delta.insert(, a, Undosize); } File.loadx(f : self ref File, p0 : int, fd : ref Sys->FD) : int { if(f.seq > 0) error("undo in file.load unimplemented"); return f.buf.loadx(p0, fd); } File.undo(f : self ref File, isundo : int, q0 : int, q1 : int) : (int, int) { buf : ref Astring; i, j, n, up : int; stop : int; delta, epsilon : ref Buffer; u : Undo; a := utils->stralloc(Undosize); if(isundo){ # undo; reverse delta onto epsilon, seq decreases delta =; epsilon = f.epsilon; stop = f.seq; }else{ # redo; reverse epsilon onto delta, seq increases delta = f.epsilon; epsilon =; stop = 0; # don't know yet } buf = utils->stralloc(BUFSIZE); while( > 0){ up =;, a, 0, Undosize); u = strtoundo(a.s); if(isundo){ if(u.seq < stop){ f.seq = u.seq; utils->strfree(buf); utils->strfree(a); return (q0, q1); } }else{ if(stop == 0) stop = u.seq; if(u.seq > stop){ utils->strfree(buf); utils->strfree(a); return (q0, q1); } } case(u.typex){ Delete => f.seq = u.seq; f.undelete(epsilon, u.p0, u.p0+u.n); f.mod = u.mod; f.buf.delete(u.p0, u.p0+u.n); for(j=0; j<f.ntext; j++) f.text[j].delete(u.p0, u.p0+u.n, FALSE); q0 = u.p0; q1 = u.p0; Insert => f.seq = u.seq; f.uninsert(epsilon, u.p0, u.n); f.mod = u.mod; up -= u.n; # buf = utils->stralloc(BUFSIZE); for(i=0; i<u.n; i+=n){ n = u.n - i; if(n > BUFSIZE) n = BUFSIZE;, buf, 0, n); f.buf.insert(u.p0+i, buf.s, n); for(j=0; j<f.ntext; j++) f.text[j].insert(u.p0+i, buf.s, n, FALSE, 0); } # utils->strfree(buf); # buf = nil; q0 = u.p0; q1 = u.p0+u.n; Filename => f.seq = u.seq; f.unsetname(epsilon); f.mod = u.mod; up -= u.n; = nil; if(u.n == 0) = nil; else { fn0 := utils->stralloc(u.n);, fn0, 0, u.n); = fn0.s; utils->strfree(fn0); fn0 = nil; } * => error(sys->sprint("undo: 0x%ux", u.typex)); error(""); } delta.delete(up,; } utils->strfree(buf); utils->strfree(a); buf = nil; if(isundo) f.seq = 0; return (q0, q1); } File.reset(f : self ref File) {; f.epsilon.reset(); f.seq = 0; } File.close(f : self ref File) { = nil; f.ntext = 0; f.text = nil; f.buf.close();; f.epsilon.close(); editlog->elogclose(f); f = nil; } File.mark(f : self ref File) { if( f.epsilon.delete(0,; f.seq = dat->seq; } File.redoseq(f : self ref File): int { u: Undo; delta: ref Buffer; delta = f.epsilon; if( == 0) return ~0; buf := utils->stralloc(Undosize);, buf, 0, Undosize); u = strtoundo(buf.s); utils->strfree(buf); return u.seq; }