ref: a920c765f2b4130590fb5971a50690b21664957a
dir: /lib/lego/styx.c/
/* * styx.c * * A Styx fileserver for a Lego RCX * * Nigel Roles * Vita Nuova * * This is a heavily modified version of test5.c * * I couldn't have done this without Kekoa... * * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The Original Code is Librcx sample program code, released February 9, * 1999. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Kekoa Proudfoot. * Portions created by Kekoa Proudfoot are Copyright (C) 1999 * Kekoa Proudfoot. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): Kekoa Proudfoot <[email protected]> */ //#include "stdlib.h" #include "rom.h" #include "lib9.h" #include "styx.h" #include "llp.h" #define ASSERT(cond) if (!(cond)) fatal(__LINE__) #define FATAL fatal(__LINE__) #define PROGRESS progress(__LINE__) #if 0 #define ABP #endif uchar *send_fid_reply_payload(void); void send_fid_reply(uchar type, ushort tag, ushort fid, uchar *msg, short len); void send_error_reply(unsigned short tag, char *msg); static unsigned short msgcount; static unsigned char compressed_incoming[150]; static unsigned char incoming[1024]; static unsigned char compressed_reply[150]; short compressed_reply_len; static unsigned char reply[1024]; unsigned short reply_len; unsigned short transmitted_reply_len; unsigned char alternating_bit; static uchar dir[116]; uchar prepared; uchar reader_count; uchar dispatch[6]; /* ROM pseudofunctions */ static inline void set_data_pointer (void *ptr) { play_sound_or_set_data_pointer(0x1771, (short)ptr, 0); } static inline char check_valid (void) { char valid; check_for_data(&valid, NULL); return valid; } static inline int receive_message (void *ptr, int len) { char bytes = 0; receive_data(ptr, len, &bytes); /* Bytes includes checksum, since we don't want that, return bytes-1 */ return bytes - 1; } static inline void send_message (void *ptr, int len) { if (len) while (send_data(0x1776, 0, ptr, len)); } int poll_power(void) { static short debounce = 0; static short state = -1; short status; get_power_status(0x4000, &status); if (state != status) debounce = 0; else if (debounce < 10) debounce++; state = status; return debounce >= 10 ? state : -1; } static void progress(short line) { set_lcd_number(LCD_UNSIGNED, line, LCD_DECIMAL_0); refresh_display(); } static void fatal(short line) { set_lcd_segment(LCD_STANDING); progress(line); while (poll_power() != 0) ; } typedef struct Reader { ushort tag; ushort fid; ushort offset; ushort count; struct Reader *next; } Reader; typedef struct DirectoryEntry { char *name; uchar qid; const struct DirectoryEntry *sub; short (*read)(const struct DirectoryEntry *dp, ushort tag, ushort fid, ushort offset, ushort count); short (*write)(const struct DirectoryEntry *dp, ushort offset, ushort count, uchar *buf); } DirectoryEntry; #define QID_ROOT 0 #define QID_MOTOR 1 #define QID_MOTOR_0 2 #define QID_MOTOR_1 3 #define QID_MOTOR_2 4 #define QID_MOTOR_012 5 #define QID_SENSOR 6 #define QID_SENSOR_0 7 #define QID_SENSOR_1 8 #define QID_SENSOR_2 9 typedef struct Sensor { sensor_t sensor; uchar active; uchar greater; ushort thresh; Reader *reader; } Sensor; Sensor sensor[3]; short atoin(char *s, short lim) { short total = 0; while (*s && lim) { char c = *s++; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') total = total * 10 + c - '0'; else break; lim--; } return total; } short itoa(char *buf, short value) { char *bp = buf; short divisor; if (value < 0) { *bp++ = '-'; value = -value; } if (value == 0) *bp++ = '0'; else { divisor = 10000; while (divisor > value) divisor /= 10; while (divisor) { *bp++ = '0' + value / divisor; value %= divisor; divisor /= 10; } } return bp - buf; } Reader * readercreate(ushort tag, ushort fid, ushort offset, ushort count) { Reader *rp = malloc(sizeof(Reader)); rp->tag = tag; rp->fid = fid; rp->offset = offset; rp->count = count; rp->next = 0; reader_count++; return rp; } void readerfree(Reader *rp) { free(rp); reader_count--; } int senderrorreset(Reader *rp, void *magic) { send_error_reply(rp->tag, "reset"); return 1; } void readerlistfindanddestroy(Reader **rpp, int (*action)(Reader *rp, void *magic), void *magic) { while (*rpp) { Reader *rp = *rpp; if ((*action)(rp, magic)) { *rpp = rp->next; readerfree(rp); } else rpp = &(rp->next); } } void allreaderlistfindanddestroy(int (*action)(Reader *rp, void *magic), void *magic) { short i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) readerlistfindanddestroy(&sensor[i].reader, action, magic); } short sensorwrite(const DirectoryEntry *dp, ushort offset, ushort count, uchar *data) { short i; Sensor *sp; uchar greater; short type, mode; ushort k; if (offset != 0) return -1; i = dp->qid - QID_SENSOR_0; sp = &sensor[i]; k = count; if (k == 0) return -1; switch (data[0]) { case 'b': type = SENSOR_TYPE_TOUCH; mode = SENSOR_MODE_PULSE; break; case 'l': type = SENSOR_TYPE_TOUCH; mode = SENSOR_MODE_RAW; break; default: return -1; } data++; k--; if (k == 0) return -1; if (*data == '>') { greater = 1; data++; k--; } else if (*data == '<') { greater = 0; data++; k--; } else greater = 1; if (k == 0) return -1; readerlistfindanddestroy(&sp->reader, senderrorreset, 0); set_sensor_passive(SENSOR_0 + i); sp->sensor.type = type; sp->sensor.mode = mode; sp->thresh = atoin(data, k); sp->sensor.raw = 0; sp->sensor.value = 0; sp->sensor.boolean = 0; sp->active = 1; sp->greater = greater; set_sensor_active(SENSOR_0 + i); return count; } void send_read_reply(ushort tag, ushort fid, ushort offset, ushort len, uchar *answer, short answerlen) { uchar *out = send_fid_reply_payload(); ushort actual; if (offset < answerlen) { actual = answerlen - offset; if (actual > len) actual = len; memcpy(out + 3, answer + offset, actual); } else actual = 0; out[0] = actual; out[1] = actual >> 8; out[2] = 0; send_fid_reply(Rread, tag, fid, 0, actual + 3); } void send_sensor_read_reply(ushort tag, ushort fid, ushort offset, ushort count, short value) { short answerlen; char answer[8]; /* reply is countlow counthigh pad data[count] */ answerlen = itoa(answer, value); send_read_reply(tag, fid, offset, count, answer, answerlen); } int sensortriggered(Sensor *sp) { if (sp->greater) return sp->sensor.value >= sp->thresh; else return sp->sensor.value < sp->thresh; } short sensorread(const struct DirectoryEntry *dp, ushort tag, ushort fid, ushort offset, ushort count) { short i; Sensor *sp; i = dp->qid - QID_SENSOR_0; sp = sensor + i; if (!sp->active) return -1; if (sensortriggered(sp)) send_sensor_read_reply(tag, fid, offset, count, sp->sensor.value); else { /* add to queue */ Reader *rp = readercreate(tag, fid, offset, count); rp->next = sp->reader; sp->reader = rp; } return 0; } void sensorpoll(void) { short i; Sensor *sp; if ((dispatch[0] & 0x80) == 0) { return; } dispatch[0] &= 0x7f; /* do the following every 3 ms with a following wind */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sp = sensor + i; if (sp->active) { /* * read sensor 4 times to reduce debounce on each * edge to effectively 25 counts, or 75ms * allowing about 8 pulses a second */ read_sensor(SENSOR_0 + i, &sp->sensor); read_sensor(SENSOR_0 + i, &sp->sensor); read_sensor(SENSOR_0 + i, &sp->sensor); read_sensor(SENSOR_0 + i, &sp->sensor); if (sensortriggered(sp)) { /* complete any outstanding reads */ while (sp->reader) { Reader *rp = sp->reader; sp->reader = rp->next; send_sensor_read_reply(rp->tag, rp->fid, rp->offset, rp->count, sp->sensor.value); readerfree(rp); } } } } } short motorparse(uchar *flag, short *mode, short *power, uchar *data) { switch (data[0]) { case 'f': *mode = MOTOR_FWD; break; case 'r': *mode = MOTOR_REV; break; case 's': *mode = MOTOR_STOP; break; case 'F': *mode = MOTOR_FLOAT; break; case '-': return 1; default: return 0; } if (data[1] >= '0' && data[1] <= '7') *power = data[1] - '0'; else return 0; *flag = 1; return 1; } short motorwrite(const DirectoryEntry *dp, ushort offset, ushort count, uchar *data) { short mode[3], power[3]; uchar flag[3]; short i; if (offset != 0) return -1; flag[0] = flag[1] = flag[2] = 0; if (dp->qid == QID_MOTOR_012) { if (count != 6) return -1; if (!motorparse(flag, mode, power, data) || !motorparse(flag + 1, mode + 1, power + 1, data + 2) || !motorparse(flag + 2, mode + 2, power + 2, data + 4)) return -1; } else { if (count != 2) return -1; i = dp->qid - QID_MOTOR_0; if (!motorparse(flag + i, mode + i, power + i, data)) return -1; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (flag[i]) control_motor(MOTOR_0 + i, mode[i], power[i]); return count; } const uchar qid_root[8] = { QID_ROOT, 0, 0, 0x80 }; const DirectoryEntry dir_root[], dir_slash[]; const DirectoryEntry dir_motor[] = { { "..", QID_ROOT, dir_root }, { "0", QID_MOTOR_0, 0, 0, motorwrite }, { "1", QID_MOTOR_1, 0, 0, motorwrite }, { "2", QID_MOTOR_2, 0, 0, motorwrite }, { "012", QID_MOTOR_012, 0, 0, motorwrite }, { 0 } }; const DirectoryEntry dir_sensor[] = { { "..", QID_ROOT, dir_root }, { "0", QID_SENSOR_0, 0, sensorread, sensorwrite }, { "1", QID_SENSOR_1, 0, sensorread, sensorwrite }, { "2", QID_SENSOR_2, 0, sensorread, sensorwrite }, { 0 } }; const DirectoryEntry dir_root[] = { { "..", QID_ROOT, dir_slash }, { "motor", QID_MOTOR, dir_motor }, { "sensor", QID_SENSOR, dir_sensor }, { 0 } }; const DirectoryEntry dir_slash[] = { { "/", QID_ROOT, dir_root }, { 0 } }; const DirectoryEntry *qid_map[] = { /* QID_ROOT */ &dir_slash[0], /* QID_MOTOR */ &dir_root[1], /* QID_MOTOR_0 */ &dir_motor[1], /* QID_MOTOR_1 */ &dir_motor[2], /* QID_MOTOR_2 */ &dir_motor[3], /* QID_MOTOR_012 */ &dir_motor[4], /* QID_SENSOR */ &dir_root[2], /* QID_SENSOR_0 */ &dir_sensor[1], /* QID_SENSOR_1 */ &dir_sensor[2], /* QID_SENSOR_2 */ &dir_sensor[3], }; #define QID_MAP_MAX (sizeof(qid_map) / sizeof(qid_map[0])) typedef struct Fid { struct Fid *next; ushort fid; uchar open; uchar qid[8]; } Fid; Fid *fids; Fid * fidfind(ushort fid) { Fid *fp; for (fp = fids; fp && fp->fid != fid; fp = fp->next) ; return fp; } Fid * fidcreate(ushort fid, const uchar qid[8]) { Fid *fp; fp = malloc(sizeof(Fid)); ASSERT(fp); fp->open = 0; fp->fid = fid; fp->next = fids; memcpy(fp->qid, qid, 8); fids = fp; return fp; } int matchfp(Reader *rp, void *magic) { if (rp->fid == ((Fid *)magic)->fid) { return 1; } return 0; } void fiddelete(Fid *fp) { Fid **fpp; /* clobber any outstanding reads on this fid */ allreaderlistfindanddestroy(matchfp, fp); /* now clobber the fid */ for (fpp = &fids; *fpp; fpp = &(*fpp)->next) if (*fpp == fp) { *fpp = fp->next; free(fp); return; } FATAL; } const DirectoryEntry * nthentry(const DirectoryEntry *dp, ushort n) { const DirectoryEntry *sdp; ASSERT(dp->sub); for (sdp = dp->sub; sdp->name; sdp++) if (strcmp(sdp->name, "..") != 0) { if (n == 0) return sdp; n--; } return 0; } int fidwalk(Fid *fp, char name[28]) { const DirectoryEntry *sdp; const DirectoryEntry *dp; if (fp->open) return -1; ASSERT(fp->qid[0] < QID_MAP_MAX); dp = qid_map[fp->qid[0]]; if (dp->sub == 0) return -1; for (sdp = dp->sub; sdp->name; sdp++) if (strcmp(sdp->name, name) == 0) { fp->qid[0] = sdp->qid; fp->qid[3] = sdp->sub ? 0x80 : 0; return 1; } return 0; } void mkdirent(const DirectoryEntry *dp, uchar *dir) { memset(dir, 0, DIRLEN); strcpy(dir, dp->name); strcpy(dir + 28, "lego"); strcpy(dir + 56, "lego"); dir[84] = dp->qid; dir[92] = dp->sub ? 0555 : 0666; dir[93] = dp->sub ? (0555 >> 8) : (0666 >> 8); dir[95] = dp->sub ? 0x80 : 0; } int fidstat(Fid *fp, uchar *dir) { const DirectoryEntry *dp; if (fp->open) return -1; ASSERT(fp->qid[0] < QID_MAP_MAX); dp = qid_map[fp->qid[0]]; mkdirent(dp, dir); return 1; } int fidopen(Fid *fp, uchar mode) { if (fp->open || (mode & ORCLOSE) /*|| (mode & OTRUNC) */) return 0; if (fp->qid[3] && (mode == OWRITE || mode == ORDWR)) /* can't write directories */ return 0; fp->open = 1; return 1; } short fidread(Fid *fp, ushort tag, ushort offset, ushort count) { short k; uchar *p; const DirectoryEntry *dp; uchar *buf; ASSERT(fp->qid[0] < QID_MAP_MAX); dp = qid_map[fp->qid[0]]; if (fp->qid[3] & 0x80) { if (!fp->open) return -1; if (count % DIRLEN != 0 || offset % DIRLEN != 0) return -1; count /= DIRLEN; offset /= DIRLEN; buf = send_fid_reply_payload(); p = buf + 3; for (k = 0; k < count; k++) { const DirectoryEntry *sdp = nthentry(dp, offset + k); if (sdp == 0) break; mkdirent(sdp, p); p += DIRLEN; } /* a read beyond just returns 0 if (k == 0 && count) return -1; */ k *= DIRLEN; buf[0] = k; buf[1] = k >> 8; buf[2] = 0; send_fid_reply(Rread, tag, fp->fid, 0, k + 3); return 0; } /* right, that's that out of the way */ if (!dp->read) return -1; return (*dp->read)(dp, tag, fp->fid, offset, count); } short fidwrite(Fid *fp, ushort offset, ushort count, uchar *buf) { const DirectoryEntry *dp; if (fp->qid[3] & 0x80) return -1; /* can't write directories */ if (!fp->open) return -1; ASSERT(fp->qid[0] < QID_MAP_MAX); dp = qid_map[fp->qid[0]]; if (!dp->write) return -1; /* no write method */ return (*dp->write)(dp, offset, count, buf); } int rlencode(unsigned char *out, int limit, unsigned char *in, int len) { unsigned char *ip, *op; int oc, zc; if (len == 0) return -1; ip = in; op = out; zc = 0; oc = 0; for (;;) { int last = ip >= in + len; if (*ip != 0 || last) { switch (zc) { case 1: if (oc >= len - 1) return -1; *op++ = 0; oc++; break; case 2: if (oc >= len - 2) return -1; *op++ = 0; *op++ = 0; oc += 2; break; case 0: break; default: if (oc >= len - 2) return -1; *op++ = 0x88; *op++ = zc - 2; oc += 2; break; } zc = 0; } if (last) break; if (*ip == 0x88) { if (oc >= len - 2) return -1; *op++ = 0x88; *op++ = 0x00; oc += 2; } else if (*ip == 0x00) { zc++; } else { if (oc >= len - 1) return -1; *op++ = *ip; oc++; } ip++; } return oc; } int rldecode(unsigned char *out, unsigned char *in, int len) { int oc, k; oc = 0; while (len) { if (*in != 0x88) { *out++ = *in++; oc++; len--; continue; } in++; switch (*in) { case 0: *out++ = 0x88; oc++; break; default: k = *in + 2; oc += k; while (k-- > 0) *out++ = 0; } in++; len -= 2; } return oc; } void prepare_transmission(void) { if (prepared) return; compressed_reply_len = rlencode(compressed_reply + 3, sizeof(compressed_reply) - 3, reply, reply_len); if (compressed_reply_len < 0) { memcpy(compressed_reply + 3, reply, reply_len); compressed_reply_len = reply_len; compressed_reply[2] = 0x0; } else compressed_reply[2] = LLP_COMPRESSION; if (reader_count) compressed_reply[2] |= LLP_POLL_PERIODIC; compressed_reply[2] |= !alternating_bit; compressed_reply_len++; compressed_reply[0] = compressed_reply_len; compressed_reply[1] = compressed_reply_len >> 8; compressed_reply_len += 2; prepared = 1; } void transmit(void) { prepare_transmission(); transmitted_reply_len = reply_len; send_message(compressed_reply, compressed_reply_len); } void flush_reply_buffer(void) { if (reply_len > transmitted_reply_len) memcpy(reply, reply + transmitted_reply_len, reply_len - transmitted_reply_len); reply_len -= transmitted_reply_len; prepared = 0; } void send_reply(unsigned char type, unsigned short tag, unsigned char *msg, short len) { uchar *p = reply + reply_len; p[0] = type; p[1] = tag & 0xff; p[2] = tag >> 8; if (msg) memcpy(p + 3, msg, len); reply_len += len + 3; prepared = 0; } void send_error_reply(unsigned short tag, char *msg) { short len; uchar *p = reply + reply_len; p[0] = Rerror; p[1] = tag & 0xff; p[2] = tag >> 8; len = (short)strlen(msg); if (len > 64) len = 64; memcpy(p + 3, msg, len); reply_len += 67; prepared = 0; } uchar * send_fid_reply_payload(void) { return reply + reply_len + 5; } void send_fid_reply(uchar type, ushort tag, ushort fid, uchar *msg, short len) { uchar *p = reply + reply_len; p[0] = type; p[1] = tag & 0xff; p[2] = tag >> 8; p[3] = fid & 0xff; p[4] = fid >> 8; if (msg) memcpy(p + 5, msg, len); reply_len += len + 5; prepared = 0; } int matchtag(Reader *rp, void *oldtag) { if (rp->tag == (ushort)oldtag) { return 1; } return 0; } void flushtag(ushort oldtag) { /* a little inefficient this - there can be at most one match! */ allreaderlistfindanddestroy(matchtag, (void *)oldtag); } void process_styx_message(unsigned char *msg, short len) { unsigned char type; ushort tag, oldtag, fid, newfid; ushort offset, count; short extra; Fid *fp, *nfp; short written; uchar buf[2]; ASSERT(len >= 3); type = *msg++; len--; tag = (msg[1] << 8) | msg[0]; len -= 2; msg += 2; switch (type) { case Tnop: send_reply(Rnop, tag, 0, 0); goto done; case Tflush: ASSERT(len == 2); oldtag = (msg[1] << 8) | msg[0]; flushtag(oldtag); send_reply(Rflush, tag, 0, 0); goto done; } /* all other messages take a fid as well */ ASSERT(len >= 2); fid = (msg[1] << 8) | msg[0]; len -= 2; msg += 2; fp = fidfind(fid); switch (type) { case Tattach: ASSERT(len == 56); if (fp) { fid_in_use: send_error_reply(tag, "fid in use"); } else { fp = fidcreate(fid, qid_root); send_fid_reply(Rattach, tag, fid, fp->qid, 8); } break; case Tclunk: case Tremove: ASSERT(len == 0); if (!fp) { no_such_fid: send_error_reply(tag, "no such fid"); } else { fiddelete(fp); if (type == Tremove) send_error_reply(tag, "can't remove"); else send_fid_reply(Rclunk, tag, fid, 0, 0); } break; case Tclone: ASSERT(len == 2); newfid = (msg[1] << 8) | msg[0]; nfp = fidfind(newfid); if (!fp) goto no_such_fid; if (fp->open) { send_error_reply(tag, "can't clone"); break; } if (nfp) goto fid_in_use; nfp = fidcreate(newfid, fp->qid); send_fid_reply(Rclone, tag, fid, 0, 0); break; case Twalk: ASSERT(len == 28); if (!fidwalk(fp, msg)) send_error_reply(tag, "no such name"); else send_fid_reply(Rwalk, tag, fid, fp->qid, 8); break; case Tstat: ASSERT(len == 0); if (!fidstat(fp, dir)) send_error_reply(tag, "can't stat"); else send_fid_reply(Rstat, tag, fid, dir, 116); break; ASSERT(len == 0); case Tcreate: ASSERT(len == 33); send_error_reply(tag, "can't create"); break; case Topen: ASSERT(len == 1); if (!fidopen(fp, msg[0])) send_error_reply(tag, "can't open"); else send_fid_reply(Ropen, tag, fid, fp->qid, 8); break; case Tread: ASSERT(len == 10); offset = (msg[1] << 8) | msg[0]; count = (msg[9] << 8) | msg[8]; if (fidread(fp, tag, offset, count) < 0) send_error_reply(tag, "can't read"); break; case Twrite: ASSERT(len >= 11); offset = (msg[1] << 8) | msg[0]; count = (msg[9] << 8) | msg[8]; msg += 11; len -= 11; ASSERT(count == len); written = fidwrite(fp, offset, count, msg); if (written < 0) send_error_reply(tag, "can't write"); else { buf[0] = written; buf[1] = written >> 8; send_fid_reply(Rwrite, tag, fid, buf, 2); } break; default: FATAL; } done: ; } void process_llp_message(unsigned char *msg, short len) { short styxlen; switch (msg[0]) { case 0x45: case 0x4d: if (len != 5) FATAL; styxlen = compressed_incoming[0] | (compressed_incoming[1] << 8); /* transfer the transmitted checksum to the end */ compressed_incoming[styxlen + 2 - 1] = msg[3]; /* check alternating bit */ #ifdef ABP if ((compressed_incoming[2] & 1) != alternating_bit || ((msg[0] & 8) != 0) != alternating_bit) { transmit(); break; } #endif alternating_bit = !alternating_bit; flush_reply_buffer(); if (styxlen > 1) { if (compressed_incoming[2] & LLP_COMPRESSION) { /* decompress everything but length and link header */ styxlen = rldecode(incoming, compressed_incoming + 3, styxlen - 1); process_styx_message(incoming, styxlen); } else process_styx_message(compressed_incoming + 3, styxlen - 1); } transmit(); break; default: FATAL; } } int main (void) { int count = 0; char buf[16]; char temp[64]; mem_init(); memset(temp,0, sizeof(temp)); /* Initialize */ init_timer(&temp[6], &dispatch[0]); init_power(); init_sensors(); init_serial(&temp[4], &temp[6], 1, 1); set_lcd_number(LCD_UNSIGNED, 0, LCD_DECIMAL_0); set_lcd_segment(LCD_WALKING); refresh_display(); set_data_pointer(compressed_incoming); alternating_bit = 0; compressed_reply_len = 0; reply_len = 0; prepared = 0; while (poll_power() != 0) { /* If a message has arrived, send a response with opcode inverted */ if (check_valid()) { int len = receive_message(buf, sizeof(buf)); msgcount++; process_llp_message(buf, len); } sensorpoll(); } return 0; }