ref: a920c765f2b4130590fb5971a50690b21664957a
dir: /appl/lib/json.b/
implement JSON; # # Javascript `Object' Notation (JSON): RFC4627 # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "json.m"; init(b: Bufio) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = b; } jvarray(a: array of ref JValue): ref JValue.Array { return ref JValue.Array(a); } jvbig(i: big): ref JValue.Int { return ref JValue.Int(i); } jvfalse(): ref JValue.False { return ref JValue.False; } jvint(i: int): ref JValue.Int { return ref JValue.Int(big i); } jvnull(): ref JValue.Null { return ref JValue.Null; } jvobject(m: list of (string, ref JValue)): ref JValue.Object { # could `uniq' the labels return ref JValue.Object(m); } jvreal(r: real): ref JValue.Real { return ref JValue.Real(r); } jvstring(s: string): ref JValue.String { return ref JValue.String(s); } jvtrue(): ref JValue.True { return ref JValue.True; } Syntax: exception(string); Badwrite: exception; readjson(fd: ref Iobuf): (ref JValue, string) { { p :=; c := p.getns(); if(c == Bufio->EOF) return (nil, nil); p.unget(c); return (readval(p), nil); }exception e{ Syntax => return (nil, sys->sprint("JSON syntax error (offset %bd): %s", fd.offset(), e)); } } writejson(fd: ref Iobuf, val: ref JValue): int { { writeval(fd, val); return 0; }exception{ Badwrite => return -1; } } # # value ::= string | number | object | array | 'true' | 'false' | 'null' # readval(p: ref Parse): ref JValue raises(Syntax) { { while((c := p.getc()) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') {} if(c < 0){ if(c == Bufio->EOF) raise Syntax("unexpected end-of-input"); raise Syntax(sys->sprint("read error: %r")); } case c { '{' => # object ::= '{' [pair (',' pair)*] '}' l: list of (string, ref JValue); if((c = p.getns()) != '}'){ p.unget(c); rl: list of (string, ref JValue); do{ # pair ::= string ':' value c = p.getns(); if(c != '"') raise Syntax("missing member name"); name := readstring(p, c); if(p.getns() != ':') raise Syntax("missing ':'"); rl = (name, readval(p)) :: rl; }while((c = p.getns()) == ','); for(; rl != nil; rl = tl rl) l = hd rl :: l; } if(c != '}') raise Syntax("missing '}' at end of object"); return ref JValue.Object(l); '[' => # array ::= '[' [value (',' value)*] ']' l: list of ref JValue; n := 0; if((c = p.getns()) != ']'){ p.unget(c); do{ l = readval(p) :: l; n++; }while((c = p.getns()) == ','); } if(c != ']') raise Syntax("missing ']' at end of array"); a := array[n] of ref JValue; for(; --n >= 0; l = tl l) a[n] = hd l; return ref JValue.Array(a); '"' => return ref JValue.String(readstring(p, c)); '-' or '0' to '9' => # number ::= int frac? exp? # int ::= '-'? [0-9] | [1-9][0-9]+ # frac ::= '.' [0-9]+ # exp ::= [eE][-+]? [0-9]+ if(c == '-') intp := "-"; else p.unget(c); intp += readdigits(p); # we don't enforce the absence of leading zeros fracp: string; c = p.getc(); if(c == '.'){ fracp = readdigits(p); c = p.getc(); } exp := ""; if(c == 'e' || c == 'E'){ exp[0] = c; c = p.getc(); if(c == '-' || c == '+') exp[1] = c; else p.unget(c); exp += readdigits(p); }else p.unget(c); if(fracp != nil || exp != nil) return ref JValue.Real(real (intp+"."+fracp+exp)); return ref JValue.Int(big intp); 'a' to 'z' => # 'true' | 'false' | 'null' s: string; do{ s[len s] = c; }while((c = p.getc()) >= 'a' && c <= 'z'); p.unget(c); case s { "true" => return ref JValue.True(); "false" => return ref JValue.False(); "null" => return ref JValue.Null(); * => raise Syntax("invalid literal: "+s); } * => raise Syntax(sys->sprint("unexpected character #%.4ux", c)); } }exception{ Syntax => raise; } } # string ::= '"' char* '"' # char ::= [^\x00-\x1F"\\] | '\"' | '\/' | '\b' | '\f' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' | '\u' hex hex hex hex readstring(p: ref Parse, delim: int): string raises(Syntax) { { s := ""; while((c := p.getc()) != delim && c >= 0){ if(c == '\\'){ c = p.getc(); if(c < 0) break; case c { 'b' => c = '\b'; 'f' => c = '\f'; 'n' => c = '\n'; 'r' => c = '\r'; 't' => c = '\t'; 'u' => c = 0; for(i := 0; i < 4; i++) c = (c<<4) | hex(p.getc()); * => ; # identity, including '"', '/', and '\' } } s[len s] = c; } if(c < 0){ if(c == Bufio->ERROR) raise Syntax(sys->sprint("read error: %r")); raise Syntax("unterminated string"); } return s; }exception{ Syntax => raise; } } # hex ::= [0-9a-fA-F] hex(c: int): int raises(Syntax) { case c { '0' to '9' => return c-'0'; 'a' to 'f' => return 10+(c-'a'); 'A' to 'F' => return 10+(c-'A'); * => raise Syntax("invalid hex digit"); } } # digits ::= [0-9]+ readdigits(p: ref Parse): string raises(Syntax) { c := p.getc(); if(!(c >= '0' && c <= '9')) raise Syntax("expected integer literal"); s := ""; s[0] = c; while((c = p.getc()) >= '0' && c <= '9') s[len s] = c; p.unget(c); return s; } writeval(out: ref Iobuf, o: ref JValue) raises(Badwrite) { { if(o == nil){ puts(out, "null"); return; } pick r := o { String => writestring(out, r.s); Int => puts(out, r.text()); Real => puts(out, r.text()); Object => # '{' [pair (',' pair)*] '}' putc(out, '{'); for(l := r.mem; l != nil; l = tl l){ if(l != r.mem) putc(out, ','); (n, v) := hd l; writestring(out, n); putc(out, ':'); writeval(out, v); } putc(out, '}'); Array => # '[' [value (',' value)*] ']' putc(out, '['); for(i := 0; i < len r.a; i++){ if(i != 0) putc(out, ','); writeval(out, r.a[i]); } putc(out, ']'); True => puts(out, "true"); False => puts(out, "false"); Null => puts(out, "null"); * => raise "writeval: unknown value"; # can't happen } }exception{ Badwrite => raise; } } writestring(out: ref Iobuf, s: string) raises(Badwrite) { { putc(out, '"'); for(i := 0; i < len s; i++){ c := s[i]; if(needesc(c)) puts(out, escout(c)); else putc(out, c); } putc(out, '"'); }exception{ Badwrite => raise; } } escout(c: int): string { case c { '"' => return "\\\""; '\\' => return "\\\\"; '/' => return "\\/"; '\b' => return "\\b"; '\f' => return "\\f"; '\n' => return "\\n"; '\t' => return "\\t"; '\r' => return "\\r"; * => return sys->sprint("\\u%.4ux", c); } } puts(out: ref Iobuf, s: string) raises(Badwrite) { if(out.puts(s) == Bufio->ERROR) raise Badwrite; } putc(out: ref Iobuf, c: int) raises(Badwrite) { if(out.putc(c) == Bufio->ERROR) raise Badwrite; } Parse: adt { input: ref Iobuf; eof: int; mk: fn(io: ref Iobuf): ref Parse; getc: fn(nil: self ref Parse): int; unget: fn(nil: self ref Parse, c: int); getns: fn(nil: self ref Parse): int; }; ref Iobuf): ref Parse { return ref Parse(io, 0); } Parse.getc(p: self ref Parse): int { if(p.eof) return p.eof; c := p.input.getc(); if(c < 0) p.eof = c; return c; } Parse.unget(p: self ref Parse, c: int) { if(c >= 0) p.input.ungetc(); } # skip white space Parse.getns(p: self ref Parse): int { while((c := p.getc()) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') {} return c; } JValue.isarray(v: self ref JValue): int { return tagof v == tagof JValue.Array; } JValue.isint(v: self ref JValue): int { return tagof v == tagof JValue.Int; } JValue.isnumber(v: self ref JValue): int { return tagof v == tagof JValue.Int || tagof v == tagof JValue.Real; } JValue.isobject(v: self ref JValue): int { return tagof v == tagof JValue.Object; } JValue.isreal(v: self ref JValue): int { return tagof v == tagof JValue.Real; } JValue.isstring(v: self ref JValue): int { return tagof v == tagof JValue.String; } JValue.istrue(v: self ref JValue): int { return tagof v == tagof JValue.True; } JValue.isfalse(v: self ref JValue): int { return tagof v == tagof JValue.False; } JValue.isnull(v: self ref JValue): int { return tagof v == tagof JValue.Null; } JValue.copy(v: self ref JValue): ref JValue { pick r := v { True or False or Null => return ref *r; Int => return ref *r; Real => return ref *r; String => return ref *r; Array => a := array[len r.a] of ref JValue; a[0:] = r.a; return ref JValue.Array(a); Object => return ref *r; * => raise "json: bad copy"; # can't happen } } JValue.eq(a: self ref JValue, b: ref JValue): int { if(a == b) return 1; if(a == nil || b == nil || tagof a != tagof b) return 0; pick r := a { True or False or Null => return 1; # tags were equal above Int => pick s := b { Int => return r.value == s.value; } Real => pick s := b { Real => return r.value == s.value; } String => pick s := b { String => return r.s == s.s; } Array => pick s := b { Array => if(len r.a != len s.a) return 0; for(i := 0; i < len r.a; i++) if(r.a[i] == nil){ if(s.a[i] != nil) return 0; }else if(!r.a[i].eq(s.a[i])) return 0; return 1; } Object => pick s := b { Object => ls := s.mem; for(lr := r.mem; lr != nil; lr = tl lr){ if(ls == nil) return 0; (rn, rv) := hd lr; (sn, sv) := hd ls; if(rn != sn) return 0; if(rv == nil){ if(sv != nil) return 0; }else if(!rv.eq(sv)) return 0; } return ls == nil; } } return 0; } JValue.get(v: self ref JValue, mem: string): ref JValue { pick r := v { Object => for(l := r.mem; l != nil; l = tl l) if((hd l).t0 == mem) return (hd l).t1; return nil; * => return nil; } } # might be better if the interface were applicative? # this is similar to behaviour of Limbo's own ref adt, though JValue.set(v: self ref JValue, mem: string, val: ref JValue) { pick j := v { Object => ol: list of (string, ref JValue); for(l := j.mem; l != nil; l = tl l) if((hd l).t0 == mem){ l = tl l; for(; ol != nil; ol = tl ol) l = hd ol :: l; j.mem = l; return; }else ol = hd l :: ol; j.mem = (mem, val) :: j.mem; * => raise "json: set non-object"; } } JValue.text(v: self ref JValue): string { if(v == nil) return "null"; pick r := v { True => return "true"; False => return "false"; Null => return "null"; Int => return string r.value; Real => return sys->sprint("%f", r.value); String => return quote(r.s); # quoted, or not? Array => s := "["; for(i := 0; i < len r.a; i++){ if(i != 0) s += ", "; s += r.a[i].text(); } return s+"]"; Object => s := "{"; for(l := r.mem; l != nil; l = tl l){ if(l != r.mem) s += ", "; s += quote((hd l).t0)+": "+(hd l).t1.text(); } return s+"}"; * => return nil; } } quote(s: string): string { ns := "\""; for(i := 0; i < len s; i++){ c := s[i]; if(needesc(c)) ns += escout(c); else ns[len ns] = c; } return ns+"\""; } needesc(c: int): int { return c == '"' || c == '\\' || c == '/' || c <= 16r1F; # '/' is escaped to prevent "</xyz>" looking like an XML end tag(!) }