ref: a920c765f2b4130590fb5971a50690b21664957a
dir: /appl/cmd/man2html.b/
implement Man2html; include "sys.m"; stderr: ref Sys->FD; sys: Sys; print, fprint, sprint: import sys; include "bufio.m"; include "draw.m"; include "daytime.m"; dt: Daytime; include "string.m"; str: String; include "arg.m"; Man2html: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string); }; Runeself: con 16r80; false, true: con iota; Troffspec: adt { name: string; value: string; }; tspec := array [] of { Troffspec ("ff", "ff"), ("fi", "fi"), ("fl", "fl"), ("Fi", "ffi"), ("ru", "_"), ("em", "—"), ("14", "¼"), ("12", "½"), ("co", "©"), ("de", "°"), ("dg", "¡"), ("fm", "´"), ("rg", "®"), # ("bu", "*"), ("bu", "•"), ("sq", "¤"), ("hy", "-"), ("pl", "+"), ("mi", "-"), ("mu", "×"), ("di", "÷"), ("eq", "="), ("==", "=="), (">=", ">="), ("<=", "<="), ("!=", "!="), ("+-", "±"), ("no", "¬"), ("sl", "/"), ("ap", "&"), ("~=", "~="), ("pt", "oc"), ("gr", "GRAD"), ("->", "->"), ("<-", "<-"), ("ua", "^"), ("da", "v"), ("is", "Integral"), ("pd", "DIV"), ("if", "oo"), ("sr", "-/"), ("sb", "(~"), ("sp", "~)"), ("cu", "U"), ("ca", "(^)"), ("ib", "(="), ("ip", "=)"), ("mo", "C"), ("es", "Ø"), ("aa", "´"), ("ga", "`"), ("ci", "O"), ("L1", "Lucent"), ("sc", "§"), ("dd", "++"), ("lh", "<="), ("rh", "=>"), ("lt", "("), ("rt", ")"), ("lc", "|"), ("rc", "|"), ("lb", "("), ("rb", ")"), ("lf", "|"), ("rf", "|"), ("lk", "|"), ("rk", "|"), ("bv", "|"), ("ts", "s"), ("br", "|"), ("or", "|"), ("ul", "_"), ("rn", " "), ("*p", "PI"), ("**", "*"), }; Entity: adt { name: string; value: int; }; Entities: array of Entity; Entities = array[] of { Entity( "¡", '¡' ), Entity( "¢", '¢' ), Entity( "£", '£' ), Entity( "¤", '¤' ), Entity( "¥", '¥' ), Entity( "¦", '¦' ), Entity( "§", '§' ), Entity( "¨", '¨' ), Entity( "©", '©' ), Entity( "ª", 'ª' ), Entity( "«", '«' ), Entity( "¬", '¬' ), Entity( "­", '' ), Entity( "®", '®' ), Entity( "¯", '¯' ), Entity( "°", '°' ), Entity( "±", '±' ), Entity( "²", '²' ), Entity( "³", '³' ), Entity( "´", '´' ), Entity( "µ", 'µ' ), Entity( "¶", '¶' ), Entity( "·", '·' ), Entity( "¸", '¸' ), Entity( "¹", '¹' ), Entity( "º", 'º' ), Entity( "»", '»' ), Entity( "¼", '¼' ), Entity( "½", '½' ), Entity( "¾", '¾' ), Entity( "¿", '¿' ), Entity( "À", 'À' ), Entity( "Á", 'Á' ), Entity( "Â", 'Â' ), Entity( "Ã", 'Ã' ), Entity( "Ä", 'Ä' ), Entity( "Å", 'Å' ), Entity( "Æ", 'Æ' ), Entity( "Ç", 'Ç' ), Entity( "È", 'È' ), Entity( "É", 'É' ), Entity( "Ê", 'Ê' ), Entity( "Ë", 'Ë' ), Entity( "Ì", 'Ì' ), Entity( "Í", 'Í' ), Entity( "Î", 'Î' ), Entity( "Ï", 'Ï' ), Entity( "Ð", 'Ð' ), Entity( "Ñ", 'Ñ' ), Entity( "Ò", 'Ò' ), Entity( "Ó", 'Ó' ), Entity( "Ô", 'Ô' ), Entity( "Õ", 'Õ' ), Entity( "Ö", 'Ö' ), Entity( "&215;", '×' ), Entity( "Ø", 'Ø' ), Entity( "Ù", 'Ù' ), Entity( "Ú", 'Ú' ), Entity( "Û", 'Û' ), Entity( "Ü", 'Ü' ), Entity( "Ý", 'Ý' ), Entity( "Þ", 'Þ' ), Entity( "ß", 'ß' ), Entity( "à", 'à' ), Entity( "á", 'á' ), Entity( "â", 'â' ), Entity( "ã", 'ã' ), Entity( "ä", 'ä' ), Entity( "å", 'å' ), Entity( "æ", 'æ' ), Entity( "ç", 'ç' ), Entity( "è", 'è' ), Entity( "é", 'é' ), Entity( "ê", 'ê' ), Entity( "ë", 'ë' ), Entity( "ì", 'ì' ), Entity( "í", 'í' ), Entity( "î", 'î' ), Entity( "ï", 'ï' ), Entity( "ð", 'ð' ), Entity( "ñ", 'ñ' ), Entity( "ò", 'ò' ), Entity( "ó", 'ó' ), Entity( "ô", 'ô' ), Entity( "õ", 'õ' ), Entity( "ö", 'ö' ), Entity( "&247;", '÷' ), Entity( "ø", 'ø' ), Entity( "ù", 'ù' ), Entity( "ú", 'ú' ), Entity( "û", 'û' ), Entity( "ü", 'ü' ), Entity( "ý", 'ý' ), Entity( "þ", 'þ' ), Entity( "ÿ", 'ÿ' ), # ÿ Entity( "&#SPACE;", ' ' ), Entity( "&#RS;", '\n' ), Entity( "&#RE;", '\r' ), Entity( """, '"' ), Entity( "&", '&' ), Entity( "<", '<' ), Entity( ">", '>' ), Entity( "CAP-DELTA", 'Δ' ), Entity( "ALPHA", 'α' ), Entity( "BETA", 'β' ), Entity( "DELTA", 'δ' ), Entity( "EPSILON", 'ε' ), Entity( "THETA", 'θ' ), Entity( "MU", 'μ' ), Entity( "PI", 'π' ), Entity( "TAU", 'τ' ), Entity( "CHI", 'χ' ), Entity( "<-", '←' ), Entity( "^", '↑' ), Entity( "->", '→' ), Entity( "v", '↓' ), Entity( "!=", '≠' ), Entity( "<=", '≤' ), Entity( nil, 0 ), }; Hit: adt { glob: string; chap: string; mtype: string; page: string; }; Lnone, Lordered, Lunordered, Ldef, Lother: con iota; # list types Chaps: adt { name: string; primary: int; }; Types: adt { name: string; desc: string; }; # having two separate flags here allows for inclusion of old-style formatted pages # under a new-style three-level tree Oldstyle: adt { names: int; # two-level directory tree? fmt: int; # old internal formats: e.g., "B" font means "L"; name in .TH in all caps }; Href: adt { title: string; chap: string; mtype: string; man: string; }; # per-thread global data Global: adt { bufio: Bufio; bin: ref Bufio->Iobuf; bout: ref Bufio->Iobuf; topname: string; # name of the top level categories in the manual chaps: array of Chaps; # names of top-level partitions of this manual types: array of Types; # names of second-level partitions oldstyle: Oldstyle; mantitle: string; mandir: string; thisone: Hit; # man page we're displaying mtime: int; # last modification time of thisone href: Href; # hrefs of components of this man page hits: array of Hit; nhits: int; list_type: int; pm: string; # proprietary marking def_goobie: string; # deferred goobie sop: int; # output at start of paragraph? sol: int; # input at start of line? broken: int; # output at a break? fill: int; # in fill mode? pre: int; # in PRE block? example: int; # an example active? ipd: int; # emit inter-paragraph distance? indents: int; hangingdt: int; curfont: string; # current font prevfont: string; # previous font lastc: int; # previous char from input scanner def_sm: int; # amount of deferred "make smaller" request mk_href_chap: fn(g: self ref Global, chap: string); mk_href_man: fn(g: self ref Global, man: string, oldstyle: int); mk_href_mtype: fn(g: self ref Global, chap, mtype: string); dobreak: fn(g: self ref Global); print: fn(g: self ref Global, s: string); softbr: fn(g: self ref Global): string; softp: fn(g: self ref Global): string; }; header := "<HTML><HEAD>"; initial := ""; trailer := "</BODY></HTML>"; usage() { sys->fprint(stderr, "Usage: man2html [-h header] [-i initialtext] [-t trailer] file [section]\n"); raise "fail:usage"; } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); str = load String String->PATH; dt = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; arg->init(args); arg->setusage("man2html [-h header] [-t trailer] file [section]"); while((o := arg->opt()) != 0) case o { 'h' => header = arg->earg(); 't' => trailer = arg->earg(); * => arg->usage(); } args = arg->argv(); if(args == nil) arg->usage(); arg = nil; g := Global_init(); page := hd args; args = tl args; section := "1"; if(args != nil) section = hd args; hit := Hit ("", "man", section, page); domanpage(g, hit); g.print(trailer+"\n"); g.bufio->g.bout.flush(); } # remove markup from a string # doesn't handle nested/quoted delimiters demark(s: string): string { t: string; clean := true; for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) { case s[i] { '<' => clean = false; '>' => clean = true; * => if (clean) t[len t] = s[i]; } } return t; } # # Convert an individual man page to HTML and output. # domanpage(g: ref Global, man: Hit) { file :=; g.bin = g.bufio->open(file, Bufio->OREAD); g.bout = g.bufio->fopen(sys->fildes(1), Bufio->OWRITE); if (g.bin == nil) { fprint(stderr, "Cannot open %s: %r\n", file); return; } (err, info) := sys->fstat(g.bin.fd); if (! err) { g.mtime = info.mtime; } g.thisone = man; while ((p := getnext(g)) != nil) { c := p[0]; if (c == '.' && g.sol) { if (g.pre) { g.print("</PRE>"); g.pre = false; } dogoobie(g, false); dohangingdt(g); } else if (g.def_goobie != nil || g.def_sm != 0) { g.bufio->g.bin.ungetc(); dogoobie(g, true); } else if (c == '\n') { g.print(p); dohangingdt(g); } else g.print(p); } if ( != nil) { g.print("<BR><BR><BR><FONT SIZE=-2><CENTER>\n"); g.print(; g.print("<BR></CENTER></FONT>\n"); } closeall(g, 0); rev(g, g.bin); } dogoobie(g: ref Global, deferred: int) { # read line, translate special chars line := getline(g); if (line == nil || line == "\n") return; # parse into arguments token: string; argl, rargl: list of string; # create reversed version, then invert while ((line = str->drop(line, " \t\n")) != nil) if (line[0] == '"') { (token, line) = split(line[1:], '"'); rargl = token :: rargl; } else { (token, line) = str->splitl(line, " \t"); rargl = token :: rargl; } if (rargl == nil && !deferred) return; for ( ; rargl != nil; rargl = tl rargl) argl = hd rargl :: argl; def_sm := g.def_sm; if (deferred && def_sm > 0) { g.print(sprint("<FONT SIZE=-%d>", def_sm)); if (g.def_goobie == nil) argl = "dS" :: argl; # dS is our own local creation } subgoobie(g, argl); if (deferred && def_sm > 0) { g.def_sm = 0; g.print("</FONT>"); } } subgoobie(g: ref Global, argl: list of string) { if (g.def_goobie != nil) { argl = g.def_goobie :: argl; g.def_goobie = nil; if (tl argl == nil) return; } # the command part is at most two characters, but may be concatenated with the first arg cmd := hd argl; argl = tl argl; if (len cmd > 2) { cmd = cmd[0:2]; argl = cmd[2:] :: argl; } case cmd { "B" or "I" or "L" or "R" => font(g, cmd, argl); # "R" macro implicitly generated by deferred R* macros "BI" or "BL" or "BR" or "IB" or "IL" or "LB" or "LI" or "RB" or "RI" or "RL" => altfont(g, cmd[0:1], cmd[1:2], argl, true); "IR" or "LR" => anchor(g, cmd[0:1], cmd[1:2], argl); # includes man page refs ("IR" is old style, "LR" is new) "dS" => printargs(g, argl); g.print("\n"); "1C" or "2C" or "DT" or "TF" => # ignore these return; "ig" => while ((line := getline(g)) != nil){ if(len line > 1 && line[0:2] == "..") break; } return; "P" or "PP" or "LP" => g_PP(g); "EE" => g_EE(g); "EX" => g_EX(g); "HP" => g_HP_TP(g, 1); "IP" => g_IP(g, argl); "PD" => g_PD(g, argl); "PM" => g_PM(g, argl); "RE" => g_RE(g); "RS" => g_RS(g); "SH" => g_SH(g, argl); "SM" => g_SM(g, argl); "SS" => g_SS(g, argl); "TH" => g_TH(g, argl); "TP" => g_HP_TP(g, 3); "br" => g_br(g); "sp" => g_sp(g, argl); "ti" => g_br(g); "nf" => g_nf(g); "fi" => g_fi(g); "ft" => g_ft(g, argl); * => return; # ignore unrecognized commands } } g_br(g: ref Global) { if (g.hangingdt != 0) { g.print("<DD>"); g.hangingdt = 0; } else if (g.fill && ! g.broken) g.print("<BR>\n"); g.broken = true; } g_EE(g: ref Global) { g.print("</PRE>\n"); g.fill = true; g.broken = true; g.example = false; } g_EX(g: ref Global) { g.print("<PRE>"); if (! g.broken) g.print("\n"); g.sop = true; g.fill = false; g.broken = true; g.example = true; } g_fi(g: ref Global) { if (g.fill) return; g.fill = true; g.print("<P style=\"display: inline; white-space: normal\">\n"); g.broken = true; g.sop = true; } g_ft(g: ref Global, argl: list of string) { font: string; arg: string; if (argl == nil) arg = "P"; else arg = hd argl; if (g.curfont != nil) g.print(sprint("</%s>", g.curfont)); case arg { "2" or "I" => font = "I"; "3" or "B" => font = "B"; "5" or "L" => font = "TT"; "P" => font = g.prevfont; * => font = nil; } g.prevfont = g.curfont; g.curfont = font; if (g.curfont != nil) if (g.fill) g.print(sprint("<%s>", g.curfont)); else g.print(sprint("<%s style=\"white-space: pre\">", g.curfont)); } # level == 1 is a .HP; level == 3 is a .TP g_HP_TP(g: ref Global, level: int) { case g.list_type { Ldef => if (g.hangingdt != 0) g.print("<DD>"); g.print(g.softbr() + "<DT>"); * => closel(g); g.list_type = Ldef; g.print("<DL compact>\n" + g.softbr() + "<DT>"); } g.hangingdt = level; g.broken = true; } g_IP(g: ref Global, argl: list of string) { case g.list_type { Lordered or Lunordered or Lother => ; # continue with an existing list * => # figure out the type of a new list and start it closel(g); arg := ""; if (argl != nil) arg = hd argl; case arg { "1" or "i" or "I" or "a" or "A" => g.list_type = Lordered; g.print(sprint("<OL type=%s>\n", arg)); "*" or "•" or "•" => g.list_type = Lunordered; g.print("<UL type=disc>\n"); "○" or "○"=> g.list_type = Lunordered; g.print("<UL type=circle>\n"); "□" or "□" => g.list_type = Lunordered; g.print("<UL type=square>\n"); * => g.list_type = Lother; g.print("<DL compact>\n"); } } # actually do this list item case g.list_type { Lother => g.print(g.softp()); # make sure there's space before each list item if (argl != nil) { g.print("<DT>"); printargs(g, argl); } g.print("\n<DD>"); Lordered or Lunordered => g.print(g.softp() + "<LI>"); } g.broken = true; } g_nf(g: ref Global) { if (! g.fill) return; g.fill = false; g.print("<PRE>\n"); g.broken = true; g.sop = true; g.pre = true; } g_PD(g: ref Global, argl: list of string) { if (len argl == 1 && hd argl == "0") g.ipd = false; else g.ipd = true; } g_PM(g: ref Global, argl: list of string) { code := "P"; if (argl != nil) code = hd argl; case code { * => # includes "1" and "P" = "<B>Lucent Technologies - Proprietary</B>\n" + "<BR>Use pursuant to Company Instructions.\n"; "2" or "RS" => = "<B>Lucent Technologies - Proprietary (Restricted)</B>\n" + "<BR>Solely for authorized persons having a need to know\n" + "<BR>pursuant to Company Instructions.\n"; "3" or "RG" => = "<B>Lucent Technologies - Proprietary (Registered)</B>\n" + "<BR>Solely for authorized persons having a need to know\n" + "<BR>and subject to cover sheet instructions.\n"; "4" or "CP" => = "SEE PROPRIETARY NOTICE ON COVER PAGE\n"; "5" or "CR" => = "Copyright xxxx Lucent Technologies\n" + # should fill in the year from the date register "<BR>All Rights Reserved.\n"; "6" or "UW" => = "THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF\n" + "<BR>LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. AND IS NOT TO BE DISCLOSED OR USED EXCEPT IN\n" + "<BR>ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE AGREEMENTS.\n" + "<BR>Unpublished & Not for Publication\n"; } } g_PP(g: ref Global) { closel(g); reset_font(g); p := g.softp(); if (p != nil) g.print(p); g.sop = true; g.broken = true; } g_RE(g: ref Global) { g.print("</DL>\n"); g.indents--; g.broken = true; } g_RS(g: ref Global) { g.print("<DL>\n<DT><DD>"); g.indents++; g.broken = true; } g_SH(g: ref Global, argl: list of string) { closeall(g, 1); # .SH is top-level list item if (g.example) g_EE(g); g_fi(g); if (g.fill && ! g.sop) g.print("<P>"); g.print("<DT><H4>"); printargs(g, argl); g.print("</H4>\n"); g.print("<DD>\n"); g.sop = true; g.broken = true; } g_SM(g: ref Global, argl: list of string) { g.def_sm++; # can't use def_goobie, lest we collide with a deferred font macro if (argl == nil) return; g.print(sprint("<FONT SIZE=-%d>", g.def_sm)); printargs(g, argl); g.print("</FONT>\n"); g.def_sm = 0; } g_sp(g: ref Global, argl: list of string) { if (g.sop && g.fill) return; count := 1; if (argl != nil) { rcount := real hd argl; count = int rcount; # may be 0 (e.g., ".sp .5") if (count == 0 && rcount > 0.0) count = 1; # force whitespace for fractional lines } g.dobreak(); for (i := 0; i < count; i++) g.print(" <BR>\n"); g.broken = true; g.sop = count > 0; } g_SS(g: ref Global, argl: list of string) { closeall(g, 1); g.indents++; g.print(g.softp() + "<DL><DT><FONT SIZE=3><B>"); printargs(g, argl); g.print("</B></FONT>\n"); g.print("<DD>\n"); g.sop = true; g.broken = true; } g_TH(g: ref Global, argl: list of string) { if (g.oldstyle.names && len argl > 2) argl = hd argl :: hd tl argl :: nil; # ignore extra .TH args on pages in oldstyle trees case len argl { 0 => g.oldstyle.fmt = true; title(g, sprint("%s", g.href.title), false); 1 => g.oldstyle.fmt = true; title(g, sprint("%s", hd argl), false); # any pages use this form? 2 => g.oldstyle.fmt = true; = hd argl; g.thisone.mtype = hd tl argl; g.mk_href_man(hd argl, true); g.mk_href_mtype(nil, hd tl argl); title(g, sprint("%s(%s)",, g.href.mtype), false); * => g.oldstyle.fmt = false; chap := hd tl tl argl; g.mk_href_chap(chap); g.mk_href_man(hd argl, false); g.mk_href_mtype(chap, hd tl argl); title(g, sprint("%s/%s/%s(%s)", g.href.title, g.href.chap,, g.href.mtype), false); } g.print("[<a href=\"../index.html\">manual index</a>]"); g.print("[<a href=\"INDEX.html\">section index</a>]<p>"); g.print("<DL>\n"); # whole man page is just one big list g.indents = 1; g.sop = true; g.broken = true; } dohangingdt(g: ref Global) { case g.hangingdt { 3 => g.hangingdt--; 2 => g.print("<DD>"); g.hangingdt = 0; g.broken = true; } } # close a list, if there's one active closel(g: ref Global) { case g.list_type { Lordered => g.print("</OL>\n"); g.broken = true; Lunordered => g.print("</UL>\n"); g.broken = true; Lother or Ldef => g.print("</DL>\n"); g.broken = true; } g.list_type = Lnone; } closeall(g: ref Global, level: int) { closel(g); reset_font(g); while (g.indents > level) { g.indents--; g.print("</DL>\n"); g.broken = true; } } # # Show last revision date for a file. # rev(g: ref Global, filebuf: ref Bufio->Iobuf) { if (g.mtime == 0) { (err, info) := sys->fstat(filebuf.fd); if (! err) g.mtime = info.mtime; } if (g.mtime != 0) { g.print("<P><TABLE width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=\"#E0E0E0\">\n"); g.print("<TR>"); g.print(sprint("<TD align=left><FONT SIZE=-1>")); g.print(sprint("%s(%s)",, g.thisone.mtype)); g.print("</FONT></TD>\n"); g.print(sprint("<TD align=right><FONT SIZE=-1><I>Rev: %s</I></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>\n", dt->text(dt->gmt(g.mtime)))); } } # # Some font alternation macros are references to other man pages; # detect them (second arg contains balanced parens) and make them into hot links. # anchor(g: ref Global, f1, f2: string, argl: list of string) { final := ""; link := false; if (len argl == 2) { (s, e) := str->splitl(hd tl argl, ")"); if (str->prefix("(", s) && e != nil) { # emit href containing search for target first # if numeric, do old style link = true; file := hd argl; (chap, man) := split(httpunesc(file), '/'); if (man == nil) { # given no explicit chapter prefix, use current chapter man = chap; chap = g.thisone.chap; } mtype := s[1:]; if (mtype == nil) mtype = "-"; (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(mtype, "."); # Fix section 10 if (n > 1) mtype = hd toks; g.print(sprint("<A href=\"../%s/%s.html\">", mtype, fixlink(man))); # # now generate the name the user sees, with terminal punctuation # moved after the closing </A>. # if (len e > 1) final = e[1:]; argl = hd argl :: s + ")" :: nil; } } altfont(g, f1, f2, argl, false); if (link) { g.print("</A>"); font(g, f2, final :: nil); } else g.print("\n"); } # # Fix up a link # fixlink(l: string): string { ll := str->tolower(l); if (ll == "copyright") ll = "1" + ll; (a, b) := str->splitstrl(ll, "intro"); if (len b == 5) ll = a + "0" + b; return ll; } # # output argl in font f # font(g: ref Global, f: string, argl: list of string) { if (argl == nil) { g.def_goobie = f; return; } case f { "L" => f = "TT"; "R" => f = nil; } if (f != nil) # nil == default (typically Roman) g.print(sprint("<%s>", f)); printargs(g, argl); if (f != nil) g.print(sprint("</%s>", f)); g.print("\n"); g.prevfont = f; } # # output concatenated elements of argl, alternating between fonts f1 and f2 # altfont(g: ref Global, f1, f2: string, argl: list of string, newline: int) { reset_font(g); if (argl == nil) { g.def_goobie = f1; return; } case f1 { "L" => f1 = "TT"; "R" => f1 = nil; } case f2 { "L" => f2 = "TT"; "R" => f2 = nil; } f := f1; for (; argl != nil; argl = tl argl) { if (f != nil) g.print(sprint("<%s>%s</%s>", f, hd argl, f)); else g.print(hd argl); if (f == f1) f = f2; else f = f1; } if (newline) g.print("\n"); g.prevfont = f; } # not yet implemented map_font(nil: ref Global, nil: string) { } reset_font(g: ref Global) { if (g.curfont != nil) { g.print(sprint("</%s>", g.curfont)); g.prevfont = g.curfont; g.curfont = nil; } } printargs(g: ref Global, argl: list of string) { for (; argl != nil; argl = tl argl) if (tl argl != nil) g.print(hd argl + " "); else g.print(hd argl); } # any parameter can be nil addhit(g: ref Global, chap, mtype, page: string) { # g.print(sprint("Adding %s / %s (%s) . . .", chap, page, mtype)); # debug # always keep a spare slot at the end if (g.nhits >= len g.hits - 1) g.hits = (array[len g.hits + 32] of Hit)[0:] = g.hits; g.hits[g.nhits].glob = chap + " " + mtype + " " + page; g.hits[g.nhits].chap = chap; g.hits[g.nhits].mtype = mtype; g.hits[g.nhits++].page = page; } Global.dobreak(g: self ref Global) { if (! g.broken) { g.broken = true; g.print("<BR>\n"); } } Global.print(g: self ref Global, s: string) { g.bufio->g.bout.puts(s); if (g.sop || g.broken) { # first non-white space, non-HTML we print takes us past the start of the paragraph & line # (or even white space, if we're in no-fill mode) for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) { case s[i] { '<' => while (++i < len s && s[i] != '>') ; continue; ' ' or '\t' or '\n' => if (g.fill) continue; } g.sop = false; g.broken = false; break; } } } Global.softbr(g: self ref Global): string { if (g.broken) return nil; g.broken = true; return "<BR>"; } # provide a paragraph marker, unless we're already at the start of a section Global.softp(g: self ref Global): string { if (g.sop) return nil; else if (! g.ipd) return "<BR>"; if (g.fill) return "<P>"; else return "<P style=\"white-space: pre\">"; } # # get (remainder of) a line # getline(g: ref Global): string { line := ""; while ((token := getnext(g)) != "\n") { if (token == nil) return line; line += token; } return line+"\n"; } # # Get next logical character. Expand it with escapes. # getnext(g: ref Global): string { iob := g.bufio; Iobuf: import iob; font: string; token: string; bin := g.bin; g.sol = (g.lastc == '\n'); c := bin.getc(); if (c < 0) return nil; g.lastc = c; if (c >= Runeself) { for (i := 0; i < len Entities; i++) if (Entities[i].value == c) return Entities[i].name; return sprint("&#%d;", c); } case c { '<' => return "<"; '>' => return ">"; '\\' => c = bin.getc(); if (c < 0) return nil; g.lastc = c; case c { ' ' => return " "; # chars to ignore '|' or '&' or '^' => return getnext(g); # ignore arg 'k' => nil = bin.getc(); return getnext(g); # defined strings '*' => case bin.getc() { 'R' => return "®"; } return getnext(g); # special chars '(' => token[0] = bin.getc(); token[1] = bin.getc(); for (i := 0; i < len tspec; i++) if (token == tspec[i].name) return tspec[i].value; return "¿"; 'c' => c = bin.getc(); if (c < 0) return nil; else if (c == '\n') { g.lastc = c; g.sol = true; token[0] = bin.getc(); return token; } # DEBUG: should there be a "return xxx" here? 'e' => return "\\"; 'f' => g.lastc = c = bin.getc(); if (c < 0) return nil; case c { '2' or 'I' => font = "I"; '3' or 'B' => font = "B"; '5' or 'L' => font = "TT"; 'P' => font = g.prevfont; * => # includes '1' and 'R' font = nil; } # There are serious problems with this. We don't know the fonts properly at this stage. # g.prevfont = g.curfont; # g.curfont = font; # if (g.prevfont != nil) # token = sprint("</%s>", g.prevfont); # if (g.curfont != nil) # token += sprint("<%s>", g.curfont); if (token == nil) return "<i></i>"; # looks odd but it avoids inserting a space in <pre> text return token; 's' => sign := '+'; size := 0; relative := false; getsize: for (;;) { c = bin.getc(); if (c < 0) return nil; case c { '+' => relative = true; '-' => sign = '-'; relative = true; '0' to '9' => size = size * 10 + (c - '0'); * => bin.ungetc(); break getsize; } g.lastc = c; } if (size == 0) token = "</FONT>"; else if (relative) token = sprint("<FONT SIZE=%c%d>", sign, size); else token = sprint("<FONT SIZE=%d>", size); return token; } } token[0] = c; return token; } # # Return strings before and after the left-most instance of separator; # (s, nil) if no match or separator is last char in s. # split(s: string, sep: int): (string, string) { for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) if (s[i] == sep) return (s[:i], s[i+1:]); # s[len s:] is a valid slice, with value == nil return (s, nil); } Global_init(): ref Global { g := ref Global; g.bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; g.chaps = array[20] of Chaps; g.types = array[20] of Types; g.mantitle = ""; g.href.title = g.mantitle; # ?? g.mtime = 0; g.nhits = 0; g.oldstyle.names = false; g.oldstyle.fmt = false; g.topname = "System"; g.list_type = Lnone; g.def_sm = 0; g.hangingdt = 0; g.indents = 0; g.sop = true; g.broken = true; g.ipd = true; g.fill = true; g.example = false; g.pre = false; g.lastc = '\n'; return g; } Global.mk_href_chap(g: self ref Global, chap: string) { if (chap != nil) g.href.chap = sprint("<A href=\"%s/%s?man=*\"><B>%s</B></A>", g.mandir, chap, chap); } Global.mk_href_man(g: self ref Global, man: string, oldstyle: int) { rman := man; if (oldstyle) rman = str->tolower(man); # compensate for tradition of putting titles in all CAPS = sprint("<A href=\"%s?man=%s\"><B>%s</B></A>", g.mandir, rman, man); } Global.mk_href_mtype(g: self ref Global, chap, mtype: string) { g.href.mtype = sprint("<A href=\"%s/%s/%s\"><B>%s</B></A>", g.mandir, chap, mtype, mtype); } # We assume that anything >= Runeself is already in UTF. # httpunesc(s: string): string { t := ""; for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) { c := s[i]; if (c == '&' && i + 1 < len s) { (char, rem) := str->splitl(s[i+1:], ";"); if (rem == nil) break; # require the terminating ';' if (char == nil) continue; if (char[0] == '#' && len char > 1) { c = int char[1:]; i += len char; if (c < 256 && c >= 161) { t[len t] = Entities[c-161].value; continue; } } else { for (j := 0; j < len Entities; j++) if (Entities[j].name == char) break; if (j < len Entities) { i += len char; t[len t] = Entities[j].value; continue; } } } t[len t] = c; } return t; } title(g: ref Global, t: string, search: int) { if(search) ; # not yet used g.print(header+"\n"); g.print(sprint("<TITLE>Inferno's %s</TITLE>\n", demark(t))); g.print("</HEAD>\n"); g.print("<BODY>"+initial+"\n"); }