ref: a920c765f2b4130590fb5971a50690b21664957a
dir: /appl/alphabet/eval.b/
implement Eval; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; sh: Sh; n_BLOCK, n_VAR, n_BQ, n_BQ2, n_REDIR, n_DUP, n_LIST, n_SEQ, n_CONCAT, n_PIPE, n_ADJ, n_WORD, n_NOWAIT, n_SQUASH, n_COUNT, n_ASSIGN, n_LOCAL: import sh; include "alphabet/reports.m"; reports: Reports; Report, report: import reports; include "alphabet.m"; # XXX /usr/inferno/appl/alphabet/eval.b:189: function call type mismatch # ... a remarkably uninformative error message! checkload[T](m: T, path: string): T { if(m != nil) return m; sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "eval: cannot load %s: %r\n", path); raise "fail:bad module"; } init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; reports = checkload(load Reports Reports->PATH, Reports->PATH); sh = checkload(load Sh Sh->PATH, Sh->PATH); } WORD, VALUE: con iota; # to do: # - change value letters to more appropriate (e.g. fs->f, entries->e, gate->g). # - allow shell $variable expansions Evalstate: adt[V, M, C] for { V => dup: fn(t: self V): V; free: fn(t: self V, used: int); gets: fn(t: self V): string; isstring: fn(t: self V): int; type2s: fn(tc: int): string; typec: fn(t: self V): int; M => find: fn(c: C, s: string): (M, string); typesig: fn(m: self M): string; run: fn(m: self M, c: C, errorc: chan of string, opts: list of (int, list of V), args: list of V): V; mks: fn(c: C, s: string): V; mkc: fn(c: C, cmd: ref Sh->Cmd): V; typename2c: fn(s: string): int; cvt: fn(c: C, v: V, tc: int, errorc: chan of string): V; } { ctxt: C; errorc: chan of string; expr: fn(e: self ref Evalstate, c: ref Sh->Cmd, env: Env[V]): V; runcmd: fn(e: self ref Evalstate, cmd: ref Sh->Cmd, arg0: V, args: list of V): V; getargs: fn(e: self ref Evalstate, c: ref Sh->Cmd, env: Env[V]): (ref Sh->Cmd, list of V); getvar: fn(e: self ref Evalstate, c: ref Sh->Cmd, env: Env[V]): V; }; Env: adt[V] for { V => free: fn(v: self V, used: int); dup: fn(v: self V): V; } { items: array of V; new: fn(args: list of V, nilval: V): Env[V]; get: fn(t: self Env, id: int): V; discard: fn(t: self Env); }; Context[V, M, Ectxt].eval(expr: ref Sh->Cmd, ctxt: Ectxt, errorc: chan of string, args: list of V): V { if(expr == nil){ discardlist(nil, args); return nil; } nilv: V; e := ref Evalstate[V, M, Ectxt](ctxt, errorc); { return e.runcmd(expr, nilv, args); } exception x { "error:*" => report(e.errorc, x); return nil; } } Evalstate[V,M,C].expr(e: self ref Evalstate, c: ref Sh->Cmd, env: Env[V]): V { op: ref Sh->Cmd; args: list of V; arg0: V; case c.ntype { n_PIPE => if(c.left == nil){ # N.B. side effect on env. arg0 = env.items[0]; env.items[0] = nil; env.items = env.items[1:]; }else arg0 = e.expr(c.left, env); { (op, args) = e.getargs(c.right, env); } exception { "error:*" =>; raise; } n_ADJ or n_WORD or n_BLOCK or n_BQ2 => (op, args) = e.getargs(c, env); * => raise "error: expected pipe, adj or word, got " + sh->cmd2string(c); } return e.runcmd(op, arg0, args); } # a b c -> adj(adj('a', 'b'), 'c') Evalstate[V,M,C].getargs(e: self ref Evalstate, c: ref Sh->Cmd, env: Env[V]): (ref Sh->Cmd, list of V) { # do a quick sanity check of module/command-block type for(d := c; d.ntype == n_ADJ; d = d.left) ; if(d.ntype != n_WORD && d.ntype != n_BLOCK) raise "error: expected word or block, got "+sh->cmd2string(d); args: list of V; for(; c.ntype == n_ADJ; c = c.left){ r: V; case c.right.ntype { n_VAR => r = e.getvar(c.right.left, env); n_BLOCK => r = e.expr(c.right.left, env); n_WORD => r = M.mks(e.ctxt, deglob(c.right.word)); n_BQ2 => r = M.mkc(e.ctxt, c.right.left); * => discardlist(nil, args); raise "error: syntax error: expected var, block or word. got "+sh->cmd2string(c); } args = r :: args; } return (c, args); } Evalstate[V,M,C].getvar(nil: self ref Evalstate, c: ref Sh->Cmd, env: Env[V]): V { if(c == nil || c.ntype != n_WORD) raise "error: bad variable name"; var := deglob(c.word); v := env.get(int var); if(v == nil) raise sys->sprint("error: $%q not defined or cannot be reused", var); return v; } # get rid of GLOB characters left there by the shell. deglob(s: string): string { j := 0; for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) { if (s[i] != Sh->GLOB) { if (i != j) # a worthy optimisation??? s[j] = s[i]; j++; } } if (i == j) return s; return s[0:j]; } Evalstate[V,M,C].runcmd(e: self ref Evalstate, cmd: ref Sh->Cmd, arg0: V, args: list of V): V { m: M; sig: string; err: string; if(cmd.ntype == n_WORD){ (m, err) = M.find(e.ctxt, cmd.word); if(err != nil){ discardlist(nil, arg0::args); raise sys->sprint("error: cannot load %q: %s", cmd.word, err); } sig = m.typesig(); }else{ (sig, cmd, err) = blocksig0(m, e.ctxt, cmd); if(sig == nil){ discardlist(nil, arg0::args); raise sys->sprint("error: invalid command: %s", err); } } ok: int; opts: list of (int, list of V); x: M; (ok, opts, args) = cvtargs(x, e.ctxt, sig, cmd, arg0, args, e.errorc); if(ok == -1){ x: V; discardlist(opts, args); raise "error: usage: " + sh->cmd2string(cmd)+" "+cmdusage(x, sig); } if(m != nil){ r :=, e.errorc, opts, args); if(r == nil) raise "error: command failed"; return r; }else{ v: V; # XXX prevent spurious (?) compiler error message: "type polymorphic type does not have a 'discard' function" env := Env[V].new(args, v); { v = e.expr(cmd, env); env.discard(); return v; } exception ex { "error:*" => env.discard(); raise; } } } # {(fd string); walk $2 | merge {unbundle $1}} blocksig[M, Ectxt](nilm: M, ctxt: Ectxt, e: ref Sh->Cmd): (string, string) for{ M => typename2c: fn(s: string): int; find: fn(c: Ectxt, s: string): (M, string); typesig: fn(m: self M): string; } { (sig, nil, err) := blocksig0(nilm, ctxt, e); return (sig, err); } # {(fd string); walk $2 | merge {unbundle $1}} blocksig0[M, Ectxt](nilm: M, ctxt, e: ref Sh->Cmd): (string, ref Sh->Cmd, string) for{ M => typename2c: fn(s: string): int; find: fn(c: Ectxt, s: string): (M, string); typesig: fn(m: self M): string; } { if(e == nil || e.ntype != n_BLOCK) return (nil, nil, "expected block, got "+sh->cmd2string(e)); e = e.left; if(e == nil || e.ntype != n_SEQ || e.left == nil || e.left.ntype != n_LIST){ (ptc, err) := pipesig(nilm, ctxt, e); if(err != nil) return (nil, nil, err); sig := "a"; if(ptc != -1) sig[len sig] = ptc; return (sig, e, nil); } r := e.right; e = e.left.left; if(e == nil) return ("a", r, nil); argt: list of string; while(e.ntype == n_ADJ){ if(e.right.ntype != n_WORD) return (nil, nil, "bad declaration: expected word, got "+sh->cmd2string(e.right)); argt = deglob(e.right.word) :: argt; e = e.left; } if(e.ntype != n_WORD) return (nil, nil, "bad declaration: expected word, got "+sh->cmd2string(e)); argt = e.word :: argt; i := 1; sig := "a"; (ptc, err) := pipesig(nilm, ctxt, r); if(err != nil) return (nil, nil, err); if(ptc != -1) sig[len sig] = ptc; for(a := argt; a != nil; a = tl a){ tc := M.typename2c(hd a); if(tc == -1) return (nil, nil, sys->sprint("unknown type %q", hd a)); sig[len sig] = tc; i++; } return (sig, r, nil); } # if e represents an expression with an empty first pipe element, # return the type of its first argument (-1 if it doesn't). # string represents error if module doesn't have a first argument. pipesig[M, Ectxt](nilm: M, ctxt: Ectxt, e: ref Sh->Cmd): (int, string) for{ M => typename2c: fn(s: string): int; find: fn(c: Ectxt, s: string): (M, string); typesig: fn(m: self M): string; } { if(e == nil) return (-1, nil); for(; e.ntype == n_PIPE; e = e.left){ if(e.left == nil){ # find actual module that's being called. for(e = e.right; e.ntype == n_ADJ; e = e.left) ; sig: string; if(e.ntype == n_WORD){ (m, err) := M.find(ctxt, e.word); if(m == nil) return (-1, err); sig = m.typesig(); } else if(e.ntype == n_BLOCK){ err: string; (sig, nil, err) = blocksig0(nilm, ctxt, e); if(sig == nil) return (-1, err); }else return (-1, "expected word or block, got "+sh->cmd2string(e)); if(len sig < 2) return (-1, "cannot pipe into "+sh->cmd2string(e)); return (sig[1], nil); } } return (-1, nil); } cvtargs[M,V,C](nil: M, ctxt: C, otype: string, cmd: ref Sh->Cmd, arg0: V, args: list of V, errorc: chan of string): (int, list of (int, list of V), list of V) for{ V => typec: fn(v: self V): int; isstring: fn(v: self V): int; type2s: fn(tc: int): string; gets: fn(v: self V): string; M => cvt: fn(c: C, v: V, tc: int, errorc: chan of string): V; mks: fn(c: C, s: string): V; } { ok: int; opts: list of (int, list of V); (nil, at, t) := splittype(otype); x: M; (ok, opts, args) = cvtopts(x, ctxt, t, cmd, args, errorc); if(arg0 != nil) args = arg0 :: args; if(ok == -1) return (-1, opts, args); if(len at > 0 && at[0] == '*'){ report(errorc, sys->sprint("error: invalid type descriptor %#q for %s", at, sh->cmd2string(cmd))); return (-1, opts, args); } n := len args; if(at != nil && at[len at - 1] == '*'){ tc := at[len at - 2]; at = at[0:len at - 2]; for(i := len at; i < n; i++) at[i] = tc; } if(n != len at){ report(errorc, sys->sprint("error: wrong number of arguments (%d/%d) to %s", n, len at, sh->cmd2string(cmd))); return (-1, opts, args); } d: list of V; (ok, args, d) = cvtvalues(x, ctxt, at, cmd, args, errorc); if(ok == -1) args = join(args, d); return (ok, opts, args); } cvtvalues[M,V,C](nil: M, ctxt: C, t: string, cmd: ref Sh->Cmd, args: list of V, errorc: chan of string): (int, list of V, list of V) for{ V => type2s: fn(tc: int): string; typec: fn(v: self V): int; M => cvt: fn(c: C, v: V, tc: int, errorc: chan of string): V; } { cargs: list of V; for(i := 0; i < len t; i++){ tc := t[i]; if(args == nil){ report(errorc, sys->sprint("error: missing argument of type %s for %s", V.type2s(tc), sh->cmd2string(cmd))); return (-1, cargs, args); } v := M.cvt(ctxt, hd args, tc, errorc); if(v == nil){ report(errorc, "error: conversion failed for "+sh->cmd2string(cmd)); return (-1, cargs, tl args); } cargs = v :: cargs; args = tl args; } return (0, rev(cargs), args); } cvtopts[M,V,C](nil: M, ctxt: C, opttype: string, cmd: ref Sh->Cmd, args: list of V, errorc: chan of string): (int, list of (int, list of V), list of V) for{ V => type2s: fn(tc: int): string; isstring: fn(v: self V): int; typec: fn(v: self V): int; gets: fn(v: self V): string; M => cvt: fn(c: C, v: V, tc: int, errorc: chan of string): V; mks: fn(c: C, s: string): V; } { if(opttype == nil) return (0, nil, args); opts: list of (int, list of V); getopts: while(args != nil){ s := ""; if((hd args).isstring()){ s = (hd args).gets(); if(s == nil || s[0] != '-' || len s == 1) s = nil; else if(s == "--"){ args = tl args; s = nil; } } if(s == nil) return (0, opts, args); s = s[1:]; while(len s > 0){ opt := s[0]; if(((ok, t) := opttypes(opt, opttype)).t0 == -1){ report(errorc, sys->sprint("error: unknown option -%c for %s", opt, sh->cmd2string(cmd))); return (-1, opts, args); } if(t == nil){ s = s[1:]; opts = (opt, nil) :: opts; }else{ if(len s > 1) args = M.mks(ctxt, s[1:]) :: tl args; else args = tl args; vl: list of V; x: M; (ok, vl, args) = cvtvalues(x, ctxt, t, cmd, args, errorc); if(ok == -1) return (-1, opts, join(vl, args)); opts = (opt, vl) :: opts; continue getopts; } } args = tl args; } return (0, opts, args); } discardlist[V](ol: list of (int, list of V), vl: list of V) for{ V => free: fn(v: self V, used: int); } { for(; ol != nil; ol = tl ol) for(ovl := (hd ol).t1; ovl != nil; ovl = tl ovl) vl = (hd ovl) :: vl; for(; vl != nil; vl = tl vl) (hd vl).free(0); } # true if a module with type sig t1 is compatible with a caller that expects t0 typecompat(t0, t1: string): int { (rt0, at0, ot0) := splittype(t0); (rt1, at1, ot1) := splittype(t1); if((rt0 != rt1 && rt0 != 'a') || at0 != at1) # XXX could do better for repeated args. return 0; for(i := 1; i < len ot0; i++){ for(j := i; j < len ot0; j++) if(ot0[j] == '-') break; (ok, t) := opttypes(ot0[i], ot1); if(ok == -1 || ot0[i+1:j] != t) return 0; i = j; } return 1; } splittype(t: string): (int, string, string) { if(t == nil) return (-1, nil, nil); for(i := 1; i < len t; i++) if(t[i] == '-') break; return (t[0], t[1:i], t[i:]); } opttypes(opt: int, opts: string): (int, string) { for(i := 1; i < len opts; i++){ if(opts[i] == opt && opts[i-1] == '-'){ for(j := i+1; j < len opts; j++) if(opts[j] == '-') break; return (0, opts[i+1:j]); } } return (-1, nil); } usage2sig[V](nil: V, u: string): (string, string) for{ V => typename2c: fn(s: string): int; } { u[len u] = '\0'; i := 0; t: int; tok: string; # options opts: string; for(;;){ (t, tok, i) = optstok(u, i); if(t != '[') break; o := i; (t, tok, i) = optstok(u, i); if(t != '-'){ i = o; t = '['; break; } for(j := 0; j < len tok; j++){ opts[len opts] = '-'; opts[len opts] = tok[j]; } for(;;){ (t, tok, i) = optstok(u, i); if(t == ']') break; if(t != 't') return (nil, sys->sprint("bad option syntax, got '%c'", t)); tc := V.typename2c(tok); if(tc == -1) return (nil, "unknown type: "+tok); opts[len opts] = tc; } } # arguments args: string; parseargs: for(;;){ case t { '>' => break parseargs; '[' => (t, tok, i) = optstok(u, i); if(t != 't') return (nil, "bad argument syntax"); tc := V.typename2c(tok); if(tc == -1) return (nil, "unknown type: "+tok); if(((t, nil, i) = optstok(u, i)).t0 != '*') return (nil, "bad argument syntax"); if(((t, nil, i) = optstok(u, i)).t0 != ']') return (nil, "bad argument syntax"); if(((t, nil, i) = optstok(u, i)).t0 != '>') return (nil, "bad argument syntax"); args[len args] = tc; args[len args] = '*'; break parseargs; 't' => tc := V.typename2c(tok); if(tc == -1) return (nil, "unknown type: "+tok); args[len args] = tc; (t, tok, i) = optstok(u, i); * => return (nil, "no return type"); } } # return type (t, tok, i) = optstok(u, i); if(t != 't') return (nil, "expected return type"); tc := V.typename2c(tok); if(tc == -1) return (nil, "unknown type: "+tok); r: string; r[0] = tc; r += args; r += opts; return (r, nil); } optstok(u: string, i: int): (int, string, int) { while(u[i] == ' ') i++; case u[i] { '\0' => return (-1, nil, i); '-' => i++; if(u[i] == '>') return ('>', nil, i+1); start := i; while((c := u[i]) != '\0'){ if(c == ']' || c == ' ') break; i++; } return ('-', u[start:i], i); '[' => return (u[i], nil, i+1); ']' => return (u[i], nil, i+1); '.' => start := i; while(u[i] == '.') i++; if(i - start < 3) raise "parse:error at '.'"; return ('*', nil, i); * => start := i; while((c := u[i]) != '\0'){ if(c == ' ' || c == ']' || c == '-' || (c == '.' && u[i+1] == '.')) return ('t', u[start:i], i); i++; } return ('t', u[start:i], i); } } cmdusage[V](nil: V, t: string): string for{ V => type2s: fn(c: int): string; } { if(t == nil) return "-> bad"; for(oi := 0; oi < len t; oi++) if(t[oi] == '-') break; s := ""; if(oi < len t){ single, multi: string; for(i := oi; i < len t - 1;){ for(j := i + 1; j < len t; j++) if(t[j] == '-') break; optargs := t[i+2:j]; if(optargs == nil) single[len single] = t[i+1]; else{ multi += sys->sprint(" [-%c", t[i+1]); for (k := 0; k < len optargs; k++) multi += " " + V.type2s(optargs[k]); multi += "]"; } i = j; } if(single != nil) s += " [-" + single + "]"; s += multi; } multi := 0; if(oi > 2 && t[oi - 1] == '*'){ multi = 1; oi -= 2; } for(k := 1; k < oi; k++) s += " " + V.type2s(t[k]); if(multi) s += " [" + V.type2s(t[k]) + "...]"; s += " -> " + V.type2s(t[0]); if(s[0] == ' ') s=s[1:]; return s; } Env[V].new(args: list of V, nilval: V): Env[V] { if(args == nil) return Env(nil); e := Env[V](array[len args] of {* => nilval}); for(i := 0; args != nil; args = tl args) e.items[i++] = hd args; return e; } Env[V].get(t: self Env, id: int): V { id--; if(id < 0 || id >= len t.items) return nil; x := t.items[id]; if((y := x.dup()) == nil){ t.items[id] = nil; y = x; } return y; } Env[V].discard(t: self Env) { for(i := 0; i < len t.items; i++) t.items[i].free(0); } rev[T](x: list of T): list of T { l: list of T; for(; x != nil; x = tl x) l = hd x :: l; return l; } # join x to y, leaving result in arbitrary order. join[T](x, y: list of T): list of T { if(len x > len y) (x, y) = (y, x); for(; x != nil; x = tl x) y = hd x :: y; return y; }