ref: a600cca5ff367ca7e7c64a14a8e87ba376780f6d
dir: /appl/cmd/sh/sh.y/
%{ include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; sprint: import sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; include "string.m"; str: String; include "filepat.m"; filepat: Filepat; include "env.m"; env: Env; include "sh.m"; myself: Sh; myselfbuiltin: Shellbuiltin; YYSTYPE: adt { node: ref Node; word: string; redir: ref Redir; optype: int; }; YYLEX: adt { lval: YYSTYPE; err: string; # if error has occurred errline: int; # line it occurred on. path: string; # name of file that's being read. # free caret state wasdollar: int; atendword: int; eof: int; cbuf: array of int; # last chars read ncbuf: int; # number of chars in cbuf f: ref Bufio->Iobuf; s: string; strpos: int; # string pos/cbuf index linenum: int; prompt: string; lastnl: int; initstring: fn(s: string): ref YYLEX; initfile: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, path: string): ref YYLEX; lex: fn(l: self ref YYLEX): int; error: fn(l: self ref YYLEX, err: string); getc: fn(l: self ref YYLEX): int; ungetc: fn(l: self ref YYLEX); EOF: con -1; }; Options: adt { lflag, nflag: int; ctxtflags: int; carg: string; }; %} %module Sh { # module definition is in shell.m } %token DUP REDIR WORD OP END ERROR ANDAND OROR %type <node> redir word nlsimple simple cmd shell assign %type <node> cmdsan cmdsa pipe comword line body list and2 or2 %type <redir> DUP REDIR '|' %type <optype> OP '=' %type <word> WORD %start shell %% shell: line end {yylex.lval.node = $line; return 0;} | error end {yylex.lval.node = nil; return 0;} end: END | '\n' line: or2 | cmdsa line {$$ = mkseq($cmdsa, $line); } body: or2 | cmdsan body {$$ = mkseq($cmdsan, $body); } cmdsa: or2 ';' {$$ = $or2; } | or2 '&' {$$ = ref Node(n_NOWAIT, $or2, nil, nil, nil); } cmdsan: cmdsa | or2 '\n' {$$ = $or2; } or2: and2 | or2 OROR and2 { $$ = mk(n_ADJ, mk(n_ADJ, ref Node(n_WORD,nil,nil,"or",nil), mk(n_BLOCK, $or2, nil) ), mk(n_BLOCK,$and2,nil) ); } and2: pipe | and2 ANDAND pipe { $$ = mk(n_ADJ, mk(n_ADJ, ref Node(n_WORD,nil,nil,"and",nil), mk(n_BLOCK, $and2, nil) ), mk(n_BLOCK,$pipe,nil) ); } pipe: {$$ = nil;} | cmd | pipe '|' optnl cmd {$$ = ref Node(n_PIPE, $pipe, $cmd, nil, $2); } cmd: simple | redir cmd {$$ = mk(n_ADJ, $redir, $cmd); } | redir | assign assign: word '=' assign {$$ = mk($2, $word, $assign); } | word '=' simple {$$ = mk($2, $word, $simple); } | word '=' {$$ = mk($2, $word, nil); } redir: DUP {$$ = ref Node(n_DUP, nil, nil, nil, $DUP); } | REDIR word {$$ = ref Node(n_REDIR, $word, nil, nil, $REDIR); } simple: word | simple word {$$ = mk(n_ADJ, $simple, $word); } | simple redir {$$ = mk(n_ADJ, $simple, $redir); } list: optnl {$$ = nil;} | nlsimple optnl nlsimple: optnl word {$$ = $word; } | nlsimple optnl word {$$ = mk(n_ADJ, $nlsimple, $word); } | nlsimple optnl redir {$$ = mk(n_ADJ, $nlsimple, $redir); } word: comword | word '^' optnl comword {$$ = mk(n_CONCAT, $word, $comword); } comword: WORD {$$ = ref Node(n_WORD, nil, nil, $WORD, nil); } | OP comword {$$ = mk($OP, $comword, nil); } | '(' list ')' {$$ = mk(n_LIST, $list, nil); } | '{' body '}' {$$ = mk(n_BLOCK, $body, nil); } optnl: # null | optnl '\n' %% EPERM: con "permission denied"; EPIPE: con "write on closed pipe"; #SHELLRC: con "lib/profile"; LIBSHELLRC: con "/lib/sh/profile"; BUILTINPATH: con "/dis/sh"; DEBUG: con 0; ENVSEP: con 0; # word seperator in external environment ENVHASHSIZE: con 7; # XXX profile usage of this... OAPPEND: con 16r80000; # make sure this doesn't clash with O* constants in sys.m OMASK: con 7; usage() { sys->fprint(stderr(), "usage: sh [-ilexn] [-c command] [file [arg...]]\n"); raise "fail:usage"; } badmodule(path: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "sh: cannot load %s: %r\n", path); raise "fail:bad module" ; } initialise() { if (sys == nil) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; filepat = load Filepat Filepat->PATH; if (filepat == nil) badmodule(Filepat->PATH); str = load String String->PATH; if (str == nil) badmodule(String->PATH); bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; if (bufio == nil) badmodule(Bufio->PATH); myself = load Sh "$self"; if (myself == nil) badmodule("$self(Sh)"); myselfbuiltin = load Shellbuiltin "$self"; if (myselfbuiltin == nil) badmodule("$self(Shellbuiltin)"); env = load Env Env->PATH; } } blankopts: Options; init(drawcontext: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { initialise(); opts := blankopts; if (argv != nil) { if ((hd argv)[0] == '-') opts.lflag++; argv = tl argv; } interactive := 0; loop: while (argv != nil && hd argv != nil && (hd argv)[0] == '-') { for (i := 1; i < len hd argv; i++) { c := (hd argv)[i]; case c { 'i' => interactive = Context.INTERACTIVE; 'l' => opts.lflag++; # login (read $home/lib/profile) 'n' => opts.nflag++; # don't fork namespace 'e' => opts.ctxtflags |= Context.ERROREXIT; 'x' => opts.ctxtflags |= Context.EXECPRINT; 'c' => arg: string; if (i < len hd argv - 1) { arg = (hd argv)[i + 1:]; } else if (tl argv == nil || hd tl argv == "") { usage(); } else { arg = hd tl argv; argv = tl argv; } argv = tl argv; opts.carg = arg; continue loop; } } argv = tl argv; } sys->pctl(Sys->FORKFD, nil); if (!opts.nflag) sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS, nil); ctxt :=; ctxt.setoptions(opts.ctxtflags, 1); if (opts.carg != nil) { status :="{" + opts.carg + "}" :: argv), !interactive); if (!interactive) { if (status != nil) raise "fail:" + status; exit; } setstatus(ctxt, status); } # if login shell, run standard init script if (opts.lflag) runscript(ctxt, LIBSHELLRC, nil, 0); if (argv == nil) { # if (opts.lflag) # runscript(ctxt, SHELLRC, nil, 0); if (isconsole(sys->fildes(0))) interactive |= ctxt.INTERACTIVE; ctxt.setoptions(interactive, 1); runfile(ctxt, sys->fildes(0), "stdin", nil); } else { ctxt.setoptions(interactive, 1); runscript(ctxt, hd argv, stringlist2list(tl argv), 1); } } # XXX should this refuse to parse a non braced-block? parse(s: string): (ref Node, string) { initialise(); lex := YYLEX.initstring(s); return doparse(lex, "", 0); } system(drawctxt: ref Draw->Context, cmd: string): string { initialise(); { (n, err) := parse(cmd); if (err != nil) return err; if (n == nil) return nil; return Listnode(n, nil) :: nil, 0); } exception e { "fail:*" => return failurestatus(e); } } run(drawctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string): string { initialise(); { return, 0); } exception e { "fail:*" => return failurestatus(e); } } isconsole(fd: ref Sys->FD): int { (ok1, d1) := sys->fstat(fd); (ok2, d2) := sys->stat("/dev/cons"); if (ok1 < 0 || ok2 < 0) return 0; return d1.dtype == d2.dtype && d1.qid.path == d2.qid.path; } # run commands from file _path_ runscript(ctxt: ref Context, path: string, args: list of ref Listnode, reporterr: int) { { fd := sys->open(path, Sys->OREAD); if (fd != nil) runfile(ctxt, fd, path, args); else if (reporterr)"bad script path", sys->sprint("sh: cannot open %s: %r", path)); } exception { "fail:*" => if(!reporterr) return; raise; } } # run commands from the opened file fd. # if interactive is non-zero, print a command prompt at appropriate times. runfile(ctxt: ref Context, fd: ref Sys->FD, path: string, args: list of ref Listnode) { ctxt.push(); { ctxt.setlocal("0", stringlist2list(path :: nil)); ctxt.setlocal("*", args); lex := YYLEX.initfile(fd, path); if (DEBUG) debug(sprint("parse(interactive == %d)", (ctxt.options() & ctxt.INTERACTIVE) != 0)); prompt := "" :: "" :: nil; laststatus: string; while (!lex.eof) { interactive := ctxt.options() & ctxt.INTERACTIVE; if (interactive) { prompt = list2stringlist(ctxt.get("prompt")); if (prompt == nil) prompt = "; " :: "" :: nil; sys->fprint(stderr(), "%s", hd prompt); if (tl prompt == nil) { prompt = hd prompt :: "" :: nil; } } (n, err) := doparse(lex, hd tl prompt, !interactive); if (err != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "sh: %s\n", err); if (!interactive) raise "fail:parse error"; } else if (n != nil) { if (interactive) { { laststatus = walk(ctxt, n, 0); } exception e2 { "fail:*" => laststatus = failurestatus(e2); } } else laststatus = walk(ctxt, n, 0); setstatus(ctxt, laststatus); if ((ctxt.options() & ctxt.ERROREXIT) && laststatus != nil) break; } } if (laststatus != nil) raise "fail:" + laststatus; ctxt.pop(); } exception { "fail:*" => ctxt.pop(); raise; } } nonexistent(e: string): int { errs := array[] of {"does not exist", "directory entry not found"}; for (i := 0; i < len errs; i++){ j := len errs[i]; if (j <= len e && e[len e-j:] == errs[i]) return 1; } return 0; } Redirword: adt { fd: ref Sys->FD; w: string; r: Redir; }; Redirlist: adt { r: list of Redirword; }; # a hack so that the structure of walk() doesn't change much # to accomodate echo|wc& # transform the above into {echo|wc}$*& # which should amount to exactly the same thing. pipe2cmd(n: ref Node): ref Node { if (n == nil || n.ntype != n_PIPE) return n; return mk(n_ADJ, mk(n_BLOCK,n,nil), mk(n_VAR,ref Node(n_WORD,nil,nil,"*",nil),nil)); } # walk a node tree. # last is non-zero if this walk is the last action # this shell process will take before exiting (i.e. redirections # don't require a new process to avoid side effects) walk(ctxt: ref Context, n: ref Node, last: int): string { if (DEBUG) debug(sprint("walking: %s", cmd2string(n))); # avoid tail recursion stack explosion while (n != nil && n.ntype == n_SEQ) { status := walk(ctxt, n.left, 0); if (ctxt.options() & ctxt.ERROREXIT && status != nil) raise "fail:" + status; setstatus(ctxt, status); n = n.right; } if (n == nil) return nil; case (n.ntype) { n_PIPE => return waitfor(ctxt, walkpipeline(ctxt, n, nil, -1)); n_ASSIGN or n_LOCAL => assign(ctxt, n); return nil; * => bg := 0; if (n.ntype == n_NOWAIT) { bg = 1; n = pipe2cmd(n.left); } redirs := ref Redirlist(nil); line := glob(glom(ctxt, n, redirs, nil)); if (bg) { startchan := chan of (int, ref Expropagate); spawn runasync(ctxt, 1, line, redirs, startchan); (pid, nil) := <-startchan; redirs = nil; if (DEBUG) debug("started background process "+ string pid); ctxt.set("apid", ref Listnode(nil, string pid) :: nil); return nil; } else { return runsync(ctxt, line, redirs, last); } } } assign(ctxt: ref Context, n: ref Node): list of ref Listnode { redirs := ref Redirlist; val: list of ref Listnode; if (n.right != nil && (n.right.ntype == n_ASSIGN || n.right.ntype == n_LOCAL)) val = assign(ctxt, n.right); else val = glob(glom(ctxt, n.right, redirs, nil)); vars := glom(ctxt, n.left, redirs, nil); if (vars == nil)"bad assign", "sh: nil variable name"); if (redirs.r != nil)"bad assign", "sh: redirections not allowed in assignment"); tval := val; for (; vars != nil; vars = tl vars) { vname := deglob((hd vars).word); if (vname == nil)"bad assign", "sh: bad variable name"); v: list of ref Listnode = nil; if (tl vars == nil) v = tval; else if (tval != nil) v = hd tval :: nil; if (n.ntype == n_ASSIGN) ctxt.set(vname, v); else ctxt.setlocal(vname, v); if (tval != nil) tval = tl tval; } return val; } walkpipeline(ctxt: ref Context, n: ref Node, wrpipe: ref Sys->FD, wfdno: int): list of int { if (n == nil) return nil; fds := array[2] of ref Sys->FD; pids: list of int; rfdno := -1; if (n.ntype == n_PIPE) { if (sys->pipe(fds) == -1)"no pipe", sys->sprint("sh: cannot make pipe: %r")); nwfdno := -1; if (n.redir != nil) { (fd1, fd2) := (n.redir.fd2, n.redir.fd1); if (fd2 == -1) (fd1, fd2) = (fd2, fd1); (nwfdno, rfdno) = (fd2, fd1); } pids = walkpipeline(ctxt, n.left, fds[1], nwfdno); fds[1] = nil; n = n.right; } r := ref Redirlist(nil); rlist := glob(glom(ctxt, n, r, nil)); if (fds[0] != nil) { if (rfdno == -1) rfdno = 0; r.r = Redirword(fds[0], nil, Redir(Sys->OREAD, rfdno, -1)) :: r.r; } if (wrpipe != nil) { if (wfdno == -1) wfdno = 1; r.r = Redirword(wrpipe, nil, Redir(Sys->OWRITE, wfdno, -1)) :: r.r; } startchan := chan of (int, ref Expropagate); spawn runasync(ctxt, 1, rlist, r, startchan); (pid, nil) := <-startchan; if (DEBUG) debug("started pipe process "+string pid); return pid :: pids; } makeredir(f: string, mode: int, fd: int): Redirword { return Redirword(nil, f, Redir(mode, fd, -1)); } # expand substitution operators in a node list glom(ctxt: ref Context, n: ref Node, redirs: ref Redirlist, onto: list of ref Listnode) : list of ref Listnode { if (n == nil) return nil; if (n.ntype != n_ADJ) return listjoin(glomoperation(ctxt, n, redirs), onto); nlist := glom(ctxt, n.right, redirs, onto); if (n.left.ntype != n_ADJ) { # if it's a terminal node nlist = listjoin(glomoperation(ctxt, n.left, redirs), nlist); } else nlist = glom(ctxt, n.left, redirs, nlist); return nlist; } listjoin(left, right: list of ref Listnode): list of ref Listnode { l: list of ref Listnode; for (; left != nil; left = tl left) l = hd left :: l; for (; l != nil; l = tl l) right = hd l :: right; return right; } pipecmd(ctxt: ref Context, cmd: list of ref Listnode, redir: ref Redir): ref Sys->FD { if(redir.fd2 != -1 || (redir.rtype & OAPPEND))"bad redir", "sh: bad redirection"); r := *redir; case redir.rtype { Sys->OREAD => r.rtype = Sys->OWRITE; Sys->OWRITE => r.rtype = Sys->OREAD; } p := array[2] of ref Sys->FD; if(sys->pipe(p) == -1)"no pipe", sys->sprint("sh: cannot make pipe: %r")); startchan := chan of (int, ref Expropagate); spawn runasync(ctxt, 1, cmd, ref Redirlist((p[1], nil, r) :: nil), startchan); p[1] = nil; <-startchan; return p[0]; } glomoperation(ctxt: ref Context, n: ref Node, redirs: ref Redirlist): list of ref Listnode { if (n == nil) return nil; nlist: list of ref Listnode; case n.ntype { n_WORD => nlist = ref Listnode(nil, n.word) :: nil; n_REDIR => wlist := glob(glom(ctxt, n.left, ref Redirlist(nil), nil)); if (len wlist != 1)"bad redir", "sh: single redirection operand required"); if((hd wlist).cmd != nil){ fd := pipecmd(ctxt, wlist, n.redir); redirs.r = Redirword(fd, nil, (n.redir.rtype, fd.fd, -1)) :: redirs.r; nlist = ref Listnode(nil, "/fd/"+string fd.fd) :: nil; }else{ redirs.r = Redirword(nil, (hd wlist).word, *n.redir) :: redirs.r; } n_DUP => redirs.r = Redirword(nil, "", *n.redir) :: redirs.r; n_LIST => nlist = glom(ctxt, n.left, redirs, nil); n_CONCAT => nlist = concat(ctxt, glom(ctxt, n.left, redirs, nil), glom(ctxt, n.right, redirs, nil)); n_VAR or n_SQUASH or n_COUNT => arg := glom(ctxt, n.left, ref Redirlist(nil), nil); if (len arg == 1 && (hd arg).cmd != nil) nlist = subsbuiltin(ctxt, (hd arg).cmd.left); else if (len arg != 1 || (hd arg).word == nil)"bad $ arg", "sh: bad variable name"); else nlist = ctxt.get(deglob((hd arg).word)); case n.ntype { n_VAR =>; n_COUNT => nlist = ref Listnode(nil, string len nlist) :: nil; n_SQUASH => # XXX could squash with first char of $ifs, perhaps nlist = ref Listnode(nil, squash(list2stringlist(nlist), " ")) :: nil; } n_BQ or n_BQ2 => arg := glom(ctxt, n.left, ref Redirlist(nil), nil); seps := ""; if (n.ntype == n_BQ) { seps = squash(list2stringlist(ctxt.get("ifs")), ""); if (seps == nil) seps = " \t\n\r"; } (nlist, nil) = bq(ctxt, glob(arg), seps); n_BLOCK => nlist = ref Listnode(n, "") :: nil; n_ASSIGN or n_LOCAL =>"bad assign", "sh: assignment in invalid context"); * => panic("bad node type "+string n.ntype+" in glomop"); } return nlist; } subsbuiltin(ctxt: ref Context, n: ref Node): list of ref Listnode { if (n == nil || n.ntype == n_SEQ || n.ntype == n_PIPE || n.ntype == n_NOWAIT)"bad $ arg", "sh: invalid argument to ${} operator"); r := ref Redirlist; cmd := glob(glom(ctxt, n, r, nil)); if (r.r != nil)"bad $ arg", "sh: redirection not allowed in substitution"); r = nil; if (cmd == nil || (hd cmd).word == nil || (hd cmd).cmd != nil)"bad $ arg", "sh: bad builtin name"); (nil, bmods) := findbuiltin(ctxt.env.sbuiltins, (hd cmd).word); if (bmods == nil)"builtin not found", sys->sprint("sh: builtin %s not found", (hd cmd).word)); return (hd bmods)->runsbuiltin(ctxt, myself, cmd); } # # backquote substitution (could be done in a builtin) # getbq(nil: ref Context, fd: ref Sys->FD, seps: string): list of ref Listnode { buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; buflen := 0; while ((n := sys->read(fd, buf[buflen:], len buf - buflen)) > 0) { buflen += n; if (buflen == len buf) { nbuf := array[buflen * 2] of byte; nbuf[0:] = buf[0:]; buf = nbuf; } } l: list of string; if (seps != nil) (nil, l) = sys->tokenize(string buf[0:buflen], seps); else l = string buf[0:buflen] :: nil; buf = nil; return stringlist2list(l); } bq(ctxt: ref Context, cmd: list of ref Listnode, seps: string): (list of ref Listnode, string) { fds := array[2] of ref Sys->FD; if (sys->pipe(fds) == -1)"no pipe", sys->sprint("sh: cannot make pipe: %r")); r := rdir(fds[1]); fds[1] = nil; startchan := chan of (int, ref Expropagate); spawn runasync(ctxt, 0, cmd, r, startchan); (exepid, exprop) := <-startchan; r = nil; bqlist := getbq(ctxt, fds[0], seps); waitfor(ctxt, exepid :: nil); if ( != nil) raise; return (bqlist, nil); } # get around compiler temporaries bug rdir(fd: ref Sys->FD): ref Redirlist { return ref Redirlist(Redirword(fd, nil, Redir(Sys->OWRITE, 1, -1)) :: nil); } # # concatenation # concatwords(p1, p2: ref Listnode): ref Listnode { if (p1.word == nil && p1.cmd != nil) p1.word = cmd2string(p1.cmd); if (p2.word == nil && p2.cmd != nil) p2.word = cmd2string(p2.cmd); return ref Listnode(nil, p1.word + p2.word); } concat(ctxt: ref Context, nl1, nl2: list of ref Listnode): list of ref Listnode { if (nl1 == nil || nl2 == nil) { if (nl1 == nil && nl2 == nil) return nil;"bad concatenation", "sh: null list in concatenation"); } ret: list of ref Listnode; if (tl nl1 == nil || tl nl2 == nil) { for (p1 := nl1; p1 != nil; p1 = tl p1) for (p2 := nl2; p2 != nil; p2 = tl p2) ret = concatwords(hd p1, hd p2) :: ret; } else { if (len nl1 != len nl2)"bad concatenation", "sh: lists of differing sizes can't be concatenated"); while (nl1 != nil) { ret = concatwords(hd nl1, hd nl2) :: ret; (nl1, nl2) = (tl nl1, tl nl2); } } return revlist(ret); } Expropagate: adt { name: string; }; # run an asynchronous process, first redirecting its I/O # as specified in _redirs_. # it sends its process ID down _startchan_ before executing. # it has to jump through one or two hoops to make sure # Sys->FD ref counting is done correctly. this code # is more sensitive than you might think. runasync(ctxt: ref Context, copyenv: int, argv: list of ref Listnode, redirs: ref Redirlist, startchan: chan of (int, ref Expropagate)) { status: string; pid := sys->pctl(sys->FORKFD, nil); if (DEBUG) debug(sprint("in async (len redirs: %d)", len redirs.r)); ctxt = ctxt.copy(copyenv); exprop := ref Expropagate; { newfdl := doredirs(ctxt, redirs); redirs = nil; if (newfdl != nil) sys->pctl(Sys->NEWFD, newfdl); # stop the old waitfd from holding the intermediate # file descriptor group open. ctxt.waitfd = waitfd(); # N.B. it's important that the sync is done here, not # before doredirs, as otherwise there's some sort of # race condition that leads to pipe non-completion. startchan <-= (pid, exprop); startchan = nil; status =, copyenv); } exception e { "fail:*" => = e; if (startchan != nil) startchan <-= (pid, exprop); raise e; } if (status != nil) { # don't propagate bad status as an exception. raise "fail:" + status; } } # run a synchronous process runsync(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of ref Listnode, redirs: ref Redirlist, last: int): string { if (DEBUG) debug(sys->sprint("in sync (len redirs: %d; last: %d)", len redirs.r, last)); if (redirs.r != nil && !last) { # a new process is required to shield redirection side effects startchan := chan of (int, ref Expropagate); spawn runasync(ctxt, 0, argv, redirs, startchan); (pid, exprop) := <-startchan; redirs = nil; r := waitfor(ctxt, pid :: nil); if ( != nil) raise; return r; } else { newfdl := doredirs(ctxt, redirs); redirs = nil; if (newfdl != nil) sys->pctl(Sys->NEWFD, newfdl); return, last); } } # path is prefixed with: "/", "#", "./" or "../" absolute(p: string): int { if (len p < 2) return 0; if (p[0] == '/' || p[0] == '#') return 1; if (len p < 3 || p[0] != '.') return 0; if (p[1] == '/') return 1; if (p[1] == '.' && p[2] == '/') return 1; return 0; } runexternal(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of ref Listnode, last: int): string { progname := (hd args).word; disfile := 0; if (len progname >= 4 && progname[len progname-4:] == ".dis") disfile = 1; pathlist: list of string; if (absolute(progname)) pathlist = list of {""}; else if ((pl := ctxt.get("path")) != nil) pathlist = list2stringlist(pl); else pathlist = list of {"/dis", "."}; err := ""; do { path: string; if (hd pathlist != "") path = hd pathlist + "/" + progname; else path = progname; npath := path; if (!disfile) npath += ".dis"; mod := load Command npath; if (mod != nil) { argv := list2stringlist(args); export(ctxt.env.localenv); if (last) { { sys->pctl(Sys->NEWFD, ctxt.keepfds); mod->init(ctxt.drawcontext, argv); exit; } exception e { EPIPE => return EPIPE; "fail:*" => return failurestatus(e); } } extstart := chan of int; spawn externalexec(mod, ctxt.drawcontext, argv, extstart, ctxt.keepfds); pid := <-extstart; if (DEBUG) debug("started external externalexec; pid is "+string pid); return waitfor(ctxt, pid :: nil); } err = sys->sprint("%r"); if (nonexistent(err)) { # try and run it as a shell script if (!disfile && (fd := sys->open(path, Sys->OREAD)) != nil) { (ok, info) := sys->fstat(fd); # make permission checking more accurate later if (ok == 0 && (info.mode & Sys->DMDIR) == 0 && (info.mode & 8r111) != 0) return runhashpling(ctxt, fd, path, tl args, last); }; err = sys->sprint("%r"); } pathlist = tl pathlist; } while (pathlist != nil && nonexistent(err)); diagnostic(ctxt, sys->sprint("%s: %s", progname, err)); return err; } failurestatus(e: string): string { s := e[5:]; while(s != nil && (s[0] == ' ' || s[0] == '\t')) s = s[1:]; if(s != nil) return s; return "failed"; } runhashpling(ctxt: ref Context, fd: ref Sys->FD, path: string, argv: list of ref Listnode, last: int): string { header := array[1024] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, header, len header); for (i := 0; i < n; i++) if (header[i] == byte '\n') break; if (i == n || i < 3 || header[0] != byte('#') || header[1] != byte('!')) { diagnostic(ctxt, "bad script header on " + path); return "bad header"; } (nil, args) := sys->tokenize(string header[2:i], " \t"); if (args == nil) { diagnostic(ctxt, "empty header on " + path); return "bad header"; } header = nil; fd = nil; nargs: list of ref Listnode; for (; args != nil; args = tl args) nargs = ref Listnode(nil, hd args) :: nargs; nargs = ref Listnode(nil, path) :: nargs; for (; argv != nil; argv = tl argv) nargs = hd argv :: nargs; return runexternal(ctxt, revlist(nargs), last); } runblock(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of ref Listnode, last: int): string { # block execute (we know that hd args represents a block) cmd := (hd args).cmd; if (cmd == nil) { # parse block from first argument lex := YYLEX.initstring((hd args).word); err: string; (cmd, err) = doparse(lex, "", 0); if (cmd == nil)"parse error", "sh: "+err); (hd args).cmd = cmd; } # now we've got a parsed block ctxt.push(); { ctxt.setlocal("0", hd args :: nil); ctxt.setlocal("*", tl args); if (cmd != nil && cmd.ntype == n_BLOCK) cmd = cmd.left; status := walk(ctxt, cmd, last); ctxt.pop(); return status; } exception { "fail:*" => ctxt.pop(); raise; } } # return (ok, val) where ok is non-zero is builtin was found, # val is return status of builtin trybuiltin(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of ref Listnode, lseq: int) : (int, string) { (nil, bmods) := findbuiltin(ctxt.env.builtins, (hd args).word); if (bmods == nil) return (0, nil); return (1, (hd bmods)->runbuiltin(ctxt, myself, args, lseq)); } keepfdstr(ctxt: ref Context): string { s := ""; for (f := ctxt.keepfds; f != nil; f = tl f) { s += string hd f; if (tl f != nil) s += ","; } return s; } externalexec(mod: Command, drawcontext: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string, startchan: chan of int, keepfds: list of int) { if (DEBUG) debug(sprint("externalexec(%s,... [%d args])", hd argv, len argv)); sys->pctl(Sys->NEWFD, keepfds); startchan <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); { mod->init(drawcontext, argv); } exception { EPIPE => raise "fail:" + EPIPE; } } dup(ctxt: ref Context, fd1, fd2: int): int { # shuffle waitfd out of the way if it's being attacked if (ctxt.waitfd.fd == fd2) { ctxt.waitfd = waitfd(); if (ctxt.waitfd.fd == fd2) panic(sys->sprint("reopen of waitfd gave same fd (%d)", ctxt.waitfd.fd)); } return sys->dup(fd1, fd2); } # with thanks to tiny/sh.b # return error status if redirs failed doredirs(ctxt: ref Context, redirs: ref Redirlist): list of int { if (redirs.r == nil) return nil; keepfds := ctxt.keepfds; rl := redirs.r; redirs = nil; for (; rl != nil; rl = tl rl) { (rfd, path, (mode, fd1, fd2)) := hd rl; if (path == nil && rfd == nil) { # dup if (fd1 == -1 || fd2 == -1)"bad redir", "sh: invalid dup"); if (dup(ctxt, fd2, fd1) == -1)"bad redir", sys->sprint("sh: cannot dup: %r")); keepfds = fd1 :: keepfds; continue; } # redir if (fd1 == -1) { if ((mode & OMASK) == Sys->OWRITE) fd1 = 1; else fd1 = 0; } if (rfd == nil) { (append, omode) := (mode & OAPPEND, mode & ~OAPPEND); err := ""; case mode { Sys->OREAD => rfd = sys->open(path, omode); Sys->OWRITE | OAPPEND or Sys->ORDWR => rfd = sys->open(path, omode); err = sprint("%r"); if (rfd == nil && nonexistent(err)) { rfd = sys->create(path, omode, 8r666); err = nil; } Sys->OWRITE => rfd = sys->create(path, omode, 8r666); err = sprint("%r"); if (rfd == nil && err == EPERM) { # try open; can't create on a file2chan (pipe) rfd = sys->open(path, omode); nerr := sprint("%r"); if(!nonexistent(nerr)) err = nerr; } } if (rfd == nil) { if (err == nil) err = sprint("%r");"bad redir", sys->sprint("sh: cannot open %s: %s", path, err)); } if (append) sys->seek(rfd, big 0, Sys->SEEKEND); # not good enough, but alright for some purposes. } # XXX what happens if rfd.fd == fd1? # it probably gets closed automatically... which is not what we want! dup(ctxt, rfd.fd, fd1); keepfds = fd1 :: keepfds; } ctxt.keepfds = keepfds; return ctxt.waitfd.fd :: keepfds; } # # waiter utility routines # waitfd(): ref Sys->FD { wf := string sys->pctl(0, nil) + "/wait"; waitfd := sys->open("#p/"+wf, Sys->OREAD); if (waitfd == nil) waitfd = sys->open("/prog/"+wf, Sys->OREAD); if (waitfd == nil) panic(sys->sprint("cannot open wait file: %r")); return waitfd; } waitfor(ctxt: ref Context, pids: list of int): string { if (pids == nil) return nil; status := array[len pids] of string; wcount := len status; buf := array[Sys->WAITLEN] of byte; onebad := 0; for(;;){ n := sys->read(ctxt.waitfd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) panic(sys->sprint("error on wait read: %r")); (who, line, s) := parsewaitstatus(ctxt, string buf[0:n]); if (s != nil) { if (len s >= 5 && s[0:5] == "fail:") s = failurestatus(s); else diagnostic(ctxt, line); } for ((i, pl) := (0, pids); pl != nil; (i, pl) = (i+1, tl pl)) if (who == hd pl) break; if (i < len status) { # wait returns two records for a killed process... if (status[i] == nil || s != "killed") { onebad += s != nil; status[i] = s; if (wcount-- <= 1) break; } } } if (!onebad) return nil; r := status[len status - 1]; for (i := len status - 2; i >= 0; i--) r += "|" + status[i]; return r; } parsewaitstatus(ctxt: ref Context, status: string): (int, string, string) { for (i := 0; i < len status; i++) if (status[i] == ' ') break; if (i == len status - 1 || status[i+1] != '"')"bad wait read", sys->sprint("sh: bad exit status '%s'", status)); for (i+=2; i < len status; i++) if (status[i] == '"') break; if (i > len status - 2 || status[i+1] != ':')"bad wait read", sys->sprint("sh: bad exit status '%s'", status)); return (int status, status, status[i+2:]); } panic(s: string) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "sh panic: %s\n", s); raise "panic"; } diagnostic(ctxt: ref Context, s: string) { if (ctxt.options() & Context.VERBOSE) sys->fprint(stderr(), "sh: %s\n", s); } # # Sh environment stuff # ref Draw->Context): ref Context { initialise(); if (env != nil) env->clone(); ctxt := ref Context( ref Environment( ref Builtins(nil, 0), ref Builtins(nil, 0), nil, newlocalenv(nil) ), waitfd(), drawcontext, 0 :: 1 :: 2 :: nil ); myselfbuiltin->initbuiltin(ctxt, myself); ctxt.env.localenv.flags = ctxt.VERBOSE; for (vl := ctxt.get("autoload"); vl != nil; vl = tl vl) if ((hd vl).cmd == nil && (hd vl).word != nil) loadmodule(ctxt, (hd vl).word); return ctxt; } Context.copy(ctxt: self ref Context, copyenv: int): ref Context { # XXX could check to see that we are definitely in a # new process, because there'll be problems if not (two processes # simultaneously reading the same wait file) nctxt := ref Context(ctxt.env, waitfd(), ctxt.drawcontext, ctxt.keepfds); if (copyenv) { if (env != nil) env->clone(); nctxt.env = ref Environment( copybuiltins(ctxt.env.sbuiltins), copybuiltins(ctxt.env.builtins), ctxt.env.bmods, copylocalenv(ctxt.env.localenv) ); } return nctxt; } Context.set(ctxt: self ref Context, name: string, val: list of ref Listnode) { e := ctxt.env.localenv; idx := hashfn(name, len e.vars); for (;;) { v := hashfind(e.vars, idx, name); if (v == nil) { if (e.pushed == nil) { flags := Var.CHANGED; if (noexport(name)) flags |= Var.NOEXPORT; hashadd(e.vars, idx, ref Var(name, val, flags)); return; } } else { v.val = val; v.flags |= Var.CHANGED; return; } e = e.pushed; } } Context.get(ctxt: self ref Context, name: string): list of ref Listnode { if (name == nil) return nil; idx := -1; # cope with $1, $2, etc if (name[0] > '0' && name[0] <= '9') { i: int; for (i = 0; i < len name; i++) if (name[i] < '0' || name[i] > '9') break; if (i >= len name) { idx = int name - 1; name = "*"; } } v := varfind(ctxt.env.localenv, name); if (v != nil) { if (idx != -1) return index(v.val, idx); return v.val; } return nil; } # return the whole environment. Context.envlist(ctxt: self ref Context): list of (string, list of ref Listnode) { t := array[ENVHASHSIZE] of list of ref Var; for (e := ctxt.env.localenv; e != nil; e = e.pushed) { for (i := 0; i < len e.vars; i++) { for (vl := e.vars[i]; vl != nil; vl = tl vl) { v := hd vl; idx := hashfn(, len e.vars); if (hashfind(t, idx, == nil) hashadd(t, idx, v); } } } l: list of (string, list of ref Listnode); for (i := 0; i < ENVHASHSIZE; i++) { for (vl := t[i]; vl != nil; vl = tl vl) { v := hd vl; l = (, v.val) :: l; } } return l; } Context.setlocal(ctxt: self ref Context, name: string, val: list of ref Listnode) { e := ctxt.env.localenv; idx := hashfn(name, len e.vars); v := hashfind(e.vars, idx, name); if (v == nil) { flags := Var.CHANGED; if (noexport(name)) flags |= Var.NOEXPORT; hashadd(e.vars, idx, ref Var(name, val, flags)); } else { v.val = val; v.flags |= Var.CHANGED; } } Context.push(ctxt: self ref Context) { ctxt.env.localenv = newlocalenv(ctxt.env.localenv); } Context.pop(ctxt: self ref Context) { if (ctxt.env.localenv.pushed == nil) panic("unbalanced contexts in shell environment"); else { oldv := ctxt.env.localenv.vars; ctxt.env.localenv = ctxt.env.localenv.pushed; for (i := 0; i < len oldv; i++) { for (vl := oldv[i]; vl != nil; vl = tl vl) { if ((v := varfind(ctxt.env.localenv, (hd vl).name)) != nil) v.flags |= Var.CHANGED; else ctxt.set((hd vl).name, nil); } } } } self ref Context, args: list of ref Listnode, last: int): string { if (args == nil || ((hd args).cmd == nil && (hd args).word == nil)) return nil; cmd := hd args; if (cmd.cmd != nil || cmd.word[0] == '{') # } return runblock(ctxt, args, last); if (ctxt.options() & ctxt.EXECPRINT) sys->fprint(stderr(), "%s\n", quoted(args, 0)); (doneit, status) := trybuiltin(ctxt, args, last); if (!doneit) status = runexternal(ctxt, args, last); return status; } Context.addmodule(ctxt: self ref Context, name: string, mod: Shellbuiltin) { mod->initbuiltin(ctxt, myself); ctxt.env.bmods = (name, mod->getself()) :: ctxt.env.bmods; } Context.addbuiltin(c: self ref Context, name: string, mod: Shellbuiltin) { addbuiltin(c.env.builtins, name, mod); } Context.removebuiltin(c: self ref Context, name: string, mod: Shellbuiltin) { removebuiltin(c.env.builtins, name, mod); } Context.addsbuiltin(c: self ref Context, name: string, mod: Shellbuiltin) { addbuiltin(c.env.sbuiltins, name, mod); } Context.removesbuiltin(c: self ref Context, name: string, mod: Shellbuiltin) { removebuiltin(c.env.sbuiltins, name, mod); } varfind(e: ref Localenv, name: string): ref Var { idx := hashfn(name, len e.vars); for (; e != nil; e = e.pushed) for (vl := e.vars[idx]; vl != nil; vl = tl vl) if ((hd vl).name == name) return hd vl; return nil; } self ref Context, ename: string, err: string) { if (ctxt.options() & Context.VERBOSE) sys->fprint(stderr(), "%s\n", err); raise "fail:" + ename; } Context.setoptions(ctxt: self ref Context, flags, on: int): int { old := ctxt.env.localenv.flags; if (on) ctxt.env.localenv.flags |= flags; else ctxt.env.localenv.flags &= ~flags; return old; } Context.options(ctxt: self ref Context): int { return ctxt.env.localenv.flags; } hashfn(s: string, n: int): int { h := 0; m := len s; for(i:=0; i<m; i++){ h = 65599*h+s[i]; } return (h & 16r7fffffff) % n; } # the following two functions cheat by getting the caller # to calculate the actual hash function. this is to avoid # the hash function being calculated once in every scope # of a context until the variable is found (or stored). hashfind(ht: array of list of ref Var, idx: int, n: string): ref Var { for (ent := ht[idx]; ent != nil; ent = tl ent) if ((hd ent).name == n) return hd ent; return nil; } hashadd(ht: array of list of ref Var, idx: int, v: ref Var) { ht[idx] = v :: ht[idx]; } copylocalenv(e: ref Localenv): ref Localenv { nvars := array[len e.vars] of list of ref Var; flags := e.flags; for (; e != nil; e = e.pushed) for (i := 0; i < len nvars; i++) for (vl := e.vars[i]; vl != nil; vl = tl vl) { idx := hashfn((hd vl).name, len nvars); if (hashfind(nvars, idx, (hd vl).name) == nil) hashadd(nvars, idx, ref *(hd vl)); } return ref Localenv(nvars, nil, flags); } # make new local environment. if it's got no pushed levels, # then get all variables from the global environment. newlocalenv(pushed: ref Localenv): ref Localenv { e := ref Localenv(array[ENVHASHSIZE] of list of ref Var, pushed, 0); if (pushed == nil && env != nil) { for (vl := env->getall(); vl != nil; vl = tl vl) { (name, val) := hd vl; hashadd(e.vars, hashfn(name, len e.vars), ref Var(name, envstringtoval(val), 0)); } } if (pushed != nil) e.flags = pushed.flags; return e; } copybuiltins(b: ref Builtins): ref Builtins { nb := ref Builtins(array[b.n] of (string, list of Shellbuiltin), b.n);[0:] =[0:b.n]; return nb; } findbuiltin(b: ref Builtins, name: string): (int, list of Shellbuiltin) { lo := 0; hi := b.n - 1; while (lo <= hi) { mid := (lo + hi) / 2; (bname, bmod) :=[mid]; if (name < bname) hi = mid - 1; else if (name > bname) lo = mid + 1; else return (mid, bmod); } return (lo, nil); } removebuiltin(b: ref Builtins, name: string, mod: Shellbuiltin) { (n, bmods) := findbuiltin(b, name); if (bmods == nil) return; if (hd bmods == mod) { if (tl bmods != nil)[n] = (name, tl bmods); else {[n:] =[n+1:b.n];[--b.n] = (nil, nil); } } } # add builtin; if it already exists, then replace it. if mod is nil then remove it. # builtins that refer to myselfbuiltin are special - they # are never removed, neither are they entirely replaced, only covered. # no external module can redefine the name "builtin" addbuiltin(b: ref Builtins, name: string, mod: Shellbuiltin) { if (mod == nil || (name == "builtin" && mod != myselfbuiltin)) return; (n, bmods) := findbuiltin(b, name); if (bmods != nil) { if (hd bmods == myselfbuiltin)[n] = (name, mod :: bmods); else[n] = (name, mod :: nil); } else { if (b.n == len { nb := array[b.n + 10] of (string, list of Shellbuiltin); nb[0:] =[0:b.n]; = nb; }[n+1:] =[n:b.n];[n] = (name, mod :: nil); b.n++; } } removebuiltinmod(b: ref Builtins, mod: Shellbuiltin) { j := 0; for (i := 0; i < b.n; i++) { (name, bmods) :=[i]; if (hd bmods == mod) bmods = tl bmods; if (bmods != nil)[j++] = (name, bmods); } b.n = j; for (; j < i; j++)[j] = (nil, nil); } export(e: ref Localenv) { if (env == nil) return; if (e.pushed != nil) export(e.pushed); for (i := 0; i < len e.vars; i++) { for (vl := e.vars[i]; vl != nil; vl = tl vl) { v := hd vl; # a bit inefficient: a local variable will get several putenvs. if ((v.flags & Var.CHANGED) && !(v.flags & Var.NOEXPORT)) { setenv(, v.val); v.flags &= ~Var.CHANGED; } } } } noexport(name: string): int { case name { "0" or "*" or "status" => return 1; } return 0; } index(val: list of ref Listnode, k: int): list of ref Listnode { for (; k > 0 && val != nil; k--) val = tl val; if (val != nil) val = hd val :: nil; return val; } getenv(name: string): list of ref Listnode { if (env == nil) return nil; return envstringtoval(env->getenv(name)); } envstringtoval(v: string): list of ref Listnode { return stringlist2list(str->unquoted(v)); } XXXenvstringtoval(v: string): list of ref Listnode { if (len v == 0) return nil; start := len v; val: list of ref Listnode; for (i := start - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (v[i] == ENVSEP) { val = ref Listnode(nil, v[i+1:start]) :: val; start = i; } } return ref Listnode(nil, v[0:start]) :: val; } setenv(name: string, val: list of ref Listnode) { if (env == nil) return; env->setenv(name, quoted(val, 1)); } # # globbing and general wildcard handling # containswildchar(s: string): int { # try and avoid being fooled by GLOB characters in quoted # text. we'll only be fooled if the GLOB char is followed # by a wildcard char, or another GLOB. for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) { if (s[i] == GLOB && i < len s - 1) { case s[i+1] { '*' or '[' or '?' or GLOB => return 1; } } } return 0; } # remove GLOBs, and quote other wildcard characters patquote(word: string): string { outword := ""; for (i := 0; i < len word; i++) { case word[i] { '[' or '*' or '?' or '\\' => outword[len outword] = '\\'; GLOB => i++; if (i >= len word) return outword; if(word[i] == '[' && i < len word - 1 && word[i+1] == '~') word[i+1] = '^'; } outword[len outword] = word[i]; } return outword; } # get rid of GLOB characters deglob(s: string): string { j := 0; for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) { if (s[i] != GLOB) { if (i != j) # a worthy optimisation??? s[j] = s[i]; j++; } } if (i == j) return s; return s[0:j]; } # expand wildcards in _nl_ glob(nl: list of ref Listnode): list of ref Listnode { new: list of ref Listnode; while (nl != nil) { n := hd nl; if (containswildchar(n.word)) { qword := patquote(n.word); files := filepat->expand(qword); if (files == nil) files = deglob(n.word) :: nil; while (files != nil) { new = ref Listnode(nil, hd files) :: new; files = tl files; } } else new = n :: new; nl = tl nl; } ret := revlist(new); return ret; } # # general list manipulation utility routines # # return string equivalent of nl list2stringlist(nl: list of ref Listnode): list of string { ret: list of string = nil; while (nl != nil) { newel: string; el := hd nl; if (el.word != nil || el.cmd == nil) newel = el.word; else el.word = newel = cmd2string(el.cmd); ret = newel::ret; nl = tl nl; } sl := revstringlist(ret); return sl; } stringlist2list(sl: list of string): list of ref Listnode { ret: list of ref Listnode; while (sl != nil) { ret = ref Listnode(nil, hd sl) :: ret; sl = tl sl; } return revlist(ret); } revstringlist(l: list of string): list of string { t: list of string; while(l != nil) { t = hd l :: t; l = tl l; } return t; } revlist(l: list of ref Listnode): list of ref Listnode { t: list of ref Listnode; while(l != nil) { t = hd l :: t; l = tl l; } return t; } # # node to string conversion functions # fdassignstr(isassign: int, redir: ref Redir): string { l: string = nil; if (redir.fd1 >= 0) l = string redir.fd1; if (isassign) { r: string = nil; if (redir.fd2 >= 0) r = string redir.fd2; return "[" + l + "=" + r + "]"; } return "[" + l + "]"; } redirstr(rtype: int): string { case rtype { * or Sys->OREAD => return "<"; Sys->OWRITE => return ">"; Sys->OWRITE|OAPPEND => return ">>"; Sys->ORDWR => return "<>"; } } cmd2string(n: ref Node): string { if (n == nil) return ""; s: string; case n.ntype { n_BLOCK => s = "{" + cmd2string(n.left) + "}"; n_VAR => s = "$" + cmd2string(n.left); # XXX can this ever occur? if (n.right != nil) s += "(" + cmd2string(n.right) + ")"; n_SQUASH => s = "$\"" + cmd2string(n.left); n_COUNT => s = "$#" + cmd2string(n.left); n_BQ => s = "`" + cmd2string(n.left); n_BQ2 => s = "\"" + cmd2string(n.left); n_REDIR => s = redirstr(n.redir.rtype); if (n.redir.fd1 != -1) s += fdassignstr(0, n.redir); s += cmd2string(n.left); n_DUP => s = redirstr(n.redir.rtype) + fdassignstr(1, n.redir); n_LIST => s = "(" + cmd2string(n.left) + ")"; n_SEQ => s = cmd2string(n.left) + ";" + cmd2string(n.right); n_NOWAIT => s = cmd2string(n.left) + "&"; n_CONCAT => s = cmd2string(n.left) + "^" + cmd2string(n.right); n_PIPE => s = cmd2string(n.left) + "|"; if (n.redir != nil && (n.redir.fd1 != -1 || n.redir.fd2 != -1)) s += fdassignstr(n.redir.fd2 != -1, n.redir); s += cmd2string(n.right); n_ASSIGN => s = cmd2string(n.left) + "=" + cmd2string(n.right); n_LOCAL => s = cmd2string(n.left) + ":=" + cmd2string(n.right); n_ADJ => s = cmd2string(n.left) + " " + cmd2string(n.right); n_WORD => s = quote(n.word, 1); * => s = sys->sprint("unknown%d", n.ntype); } return s; } # convert s into a suitable format for reparsing. # if glob is true, then GLOB chars are significant. # XXX it might be faster in the more usual cases # to run through the string first and only build up # a new string once we've discovered it's necessary. quote(s: string, glob: int): string { needquote := 0; t := ""; for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) { case s[i] { '{' or '}' or '(' or ')' or '`' or '&' or ';' or '=' or '>' or '<' or '#' or '|' or '*' or '[' or '?' or '$' or '^' or ' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\r' => needquote = 1; '\'' => t[len t] = '\''; needquote = 1; GLOB => if (glob) { if (i < len s - 1) i++; } } t[len t] = s[i]; } if (needquote || t == nil) t = "'" + t + "'"; return t; } squash(l: list of string, sep: string): string { if (l == nil) return nil; s := hd l; for (l = tl l; l != nil; l = tl l) s += sep + hd l; return s; } debug(s: string) { if (DEBUG) sys->fprint(stderr(), "%s\n", string sys->pctl(0, nil) + ": " + s); } # # built-in commands # initbuiltin(c: ref Context, nil: Sh): string { names := array[] of {"load", "unload", "loaded", "builtin", "syncenv", "whatis", "run", "exit", "@"}; for (i := 0; i < len names; i++) c.addbuiltin(names[i], myselfbuiltin); c.addsbuiltin("loaded", myselfbuiltin); c.addsbuiltin("quote", myselfbuiltin); c.addsbuiltin("bquote", myselfbuiltin); c.addsbuiltin("unquote", myselfbuiltin); c.addsbuiltin("builtin", myselfbuiltin); return nil; } whatis(nil: ref Sh->Context, nil: Sh, nil: string, nil: int): string { return nil; } runsbuiltin(ctxt: ref Context, nil: Sh, argv: list of ref Listnode): list of ref Listnode { case (hd argv).word { "loaded" => return sbuiltin_loaded(ctxt, argv); "bquote" => return sbuiltin_quote(ctxt, argv, 0); "quote" => return sbuiltin_quote(ctxt, argv, 1); "unquote" => return sbuiltin_unquote(ctxt, argv); "builtin" => return sbuiltin_builtin(ctxt, argv); } return nil; } runbuiltin(ctxt: ref Context, nil: Sh, args: list of ref Listnode, lseq: int): string { status := ""; name := (hd args).word; case name { "load" => status = builtin_load(ctxt, args, lseq); "loaded" => status = builtin_loaded(ctxt, args, lseq); "unload" => status = builtin_unload(ctxt, args, lseq); "builtin" => status = builtin_builtin(ctxt, args, lseq); "whatis" => status = builtin_whatis(ctxt, args, lseq); "run" => status = builtin_run(ctxt, args, lseq); "exit" => status = builtin_exit(ctxt, args, lseq); "syncenv" => export(ctxt.env.localenv); "@" => status = builtin_subsh(ctxt, args, lseq); } return status; } sbuiltin_loaded(ctxt: ref Context, nil: list of ref Listnode): list of ref Listnode { v: list of ref Listnode; for (bl := ctxt.env.bmods; bl != nil; bl = tl bl) { (name, nil) := hd bl; v = ref Listnode(nil, name) :: v; } return v; } sbuiltin_quote(nil: ref Context, argv: list of ref Listnode, quoteblocks: int): list of ref Listnode { return ref Listnode(nil, quoted(tl argv, quoteblocks)) :: nil; } sbuiltin_builtin(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of ref Listnode): list of ref Listnode { if (args == nil || tl args == nil) builtinusage(ctxt, "builtin command [args ...]"); name := (hd tl args).word; (nil, mods) := findbuiltin(ctxt.env.sbuiltins, name); for (; mods != nil; mods = tl mods) if (hd mods == myselfbuiltin) return (hd mods)->runsbuiltin(ctxt, myself, tl args);"builtin not found", sys->sprint("sh: builtin %s not found", name)); return nil; } sbuiltin_unquote(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of ref Listnode): list of ref Listnode { argv = tl argv; if (argv == nil || tl argv != nil) builtinusage(ctxt, "unquote arg"); arg := (hd argv).word; if (arg == nil && (hd argv).cmd != nil) arg = cmd2string((hd argv).cmd); return stringlist2list(str->unquoted(arg)); } getself(): Shellbuiltin { return myselfbuiltin; } builtinusage(ctxt: ref Context, s: string) {"usage", "sh: usage: " + s); } builtin_exit(nil: ref Context, nil: list of ref Listnode, nil: int): string { # XXX using this primitive can cause # environment stack not to be popped properly. exit; } builtin_subsh(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of ref Listnode, nil: int): string { if (tl args == nil) return nil; startchan := chan of (int, ref Expropagate); spawn runasync(ctxt, 0, tl args, ref Redirlist, startchan); (exepid, exprop) := <-startchan; status := waitfor(ctxt, exepid :: nil); if ( != nil) raise; return status; } builtin_loaded(ctxt: ref Context, nil: list of ref Listnode, nil: int): string { b := ctxt.env.builtins; for (i := 0; i < b.n; i++) { (name, bmods) :=[i]; sys->print("%s\t%s\n", name, modname(ctxt, hd bmods)); } b = ctxt.env.sbuiltins; for (i = 0; i < b.n; i++) { (name, bmods) :=[i]; sys->print("${%s}\t%s\n", name, modname(ctxt, hd bmods)); } return nil; } # it's debateable whether this should throw an exception or # return a failed exit status - however, most scripts don't # check the status and do need the module they're loading, # so i think the exception is probably more useful... builtin_load(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of ref Listnode, nil: int): string { if (tl args == nil || (hd tl args).word == nil) builtinusage(ctxt, "load path..."); args = tl args; if (args == nil) builtinusage(ctxt, "load path..."); for (; args != nil; args = tl args) { s := loadmodule(ctxt, (hd args).word); if (s != nil) raise "fail:" + s; } return nil; } builtin_unload(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of ref Listnode, nil: int): string { if (tl args == nil) builtinusage(ctxt, "unload path..."); status := ""; for (args = tl args; args != nil; args = tl args) if ((s := unloadmodule(ctxt, (hd args).word)) != nil) status = s; return status; } builtin_run(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of ref Listnode, nil: int): string { if (tl args == nil || (hd tl args).word == nil) builtinusage(ctxt, "run path"); ctxt.push(); { ctxt.setoptions(ctxt.INTERACTIVE, 0); runscript(ctxt, (hd tl args).word, tl tl args, 1); ctxt.pop(); return nil; } exception e { "fail:*" => ctxt.pop(); return failurestatus(e); } } # four categories: # environment variables # substitution builtins # braced blocks # builtins (including those defined by externally loaded modules) # or external programs # other builtin_whatis(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of ref Listnode, nil: int): string { if (len args < 2) builtinusage(ctxt, "whatis name ..."); err := ""; for (args = tl args; args != nil; args = tl args) if ((e := whatisit(ctxt, hd args)) != nil) err = e; return err; } whatisit(ctxt: ref Context, el: ref Listnode): string { if (el.cmd != nil) { sys->print("%s\n", cmd2string(el.cmd)); return nil; } found := 0; name := el.word; if (name != nil && name[0] == '{') { #} sys->print("%s\n", name); return nil;; } if (name == nil) return nil; # XXX questionable w: string; val := ctxt.get(name); if (val != nil) { found++; w += sys->sprint("%s=%s\n", quote(name, 0), quoted(val, 0)); } (nil, mods) := findbuiltin(ctxt.env.sbuiltins, name); if (mods != nil) { mod := hd mods; if (mod == myselfbuiltin) w += "${builtin " + name + "}\n"; else { mw := mod->whatis(ctxt, myself, name, Shellbuiltin->SBUILTIN); if (mw == nil) mw = "${" + name + "}"; w += "load " + modname(ctxt, mod) + "; " + mw + "\n"; } found++; } (nil, mods) = findbuiltin(ctxt.env.builtins, name); if (mods != nil) { mod := hd mods; if (mod == myselfbuiltin) sys->print("builtin %s\n", name); else { mw := mod->whatis(ctxt, myself, name, Shellbuiltin->BUILTIN); if (mw == nil) mw = name; w += "load " + modname(ctxt, mod) + "; " + mw + "\n"; } found++; } else { disfile := 0; if (len name >= 4 && name[len name-4:] == ".dis") disfile = 1; pathlist: list of string; if (len name >= 2 && (name[0] == '/' || name[0:2] == "./")) pathlist = list of {""}; else if ((pl := ctxt.get("path")) != nil) pathlist = list2stringlist(pl); else pathlist = list of {"/dis", "."}; foundpath := ""; while (pathlist != nil) { path: string; if (hd pathlist != "") path = hd pathlist + "/" + name; else path = name; if (!disfile && (fd := sys->open(path, Sys->OREAD)) != nil) { if (executable(sys->fstat(fd), 8r111)) { foundpath = path; break; } } if (!disfile) path += ".dis"; if (executable(sys->stat(path), 8r444)) { foundpath = path; break; } pathlist = tl pathlist; } if (foundpath != nil) w += foundpath + "\n"; } for (bmods := ctxt.env.bmods; bmods != nil; bmods = tl bmods) { (modname, mod) := hd bmods; if ((mw := mod->whatis(ctxt, myself, name, Shellbuiltin->OTHER)) != nil) w += "load " + modname + "; " + mw + "\n"; } if (w == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "%s: not found\n", name); return "not found"; } sys->print("%s", w); return nil; } # execute a command ignoring names defined by externally defined modules builtin_builtin(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of ref Listnode, last: int): string { if (len args < 2) builtinusage(ctxt, "builtin command [args ...]"); name := (hd tl args).word; if (name == nil || name[0] == '{') { diagnostic(ctxt, name + " not found"); return "not found"; } (nil, mods) := findbuiltin(ctxt.env.builtins, name); for (; mods != nil; mods = tl mods) if (hd mods == myselfbuiltin) return (hd mods)->runbuiltin(ctxt, myself, tl args, last); if (ctxt.options() & ctxt.EXECPRINT) sys->fprint(stderr(), "%s\n", quoted(tl args, 0)); return runexternal(ctxt, tl args, last); } modname(ctxt: ref Context, mod: Shellbuiltin): string { for (ml := ctxt.env.bmods; ml != nil; ml = tl ml) { (bname, bmod) := hd ml; if (bmod == mod) return bname; } return "builtin"; } loadmodule(ctxt: ref Context, name: string): string { # avoid loading the same module twice (it's convenient # to have load be a null-op if the module required is already loaded) for (bl := ctxt.env.bmods; bl != nil; bl = tl bl) { (bname, nil) := hd bl; if (bname == name) return nil; } path := name; if (len path < 4 || path[len path-4:] != ".dis") path += ".dis"; if (path[0] != '/' && path[0:2] != "./") path = BUILTINPATH + "/" + path; mod := load Shellbuiltin path; if (mod == nil) { diagnostic(ctxt, sys->sprint("load: cannot load %s: %r", path)); return "bad module"; } s := mod->initbuiltin(ctxt, myself); ctxt.env.bmods = (name, mod->getself()) :: ctxt.env.bmods; if (s != nil) { unloadmodule(ctxt, name); diagnostic(ctxt, "load: module init failed: " + s); } return s; } unloadmodule(ctxt: ref Context, name: string): string { bl: list of (string, Shellbuiltin); mod: Shellbuiltin; for (cl := ctxt.env.bmods; cl != nil; cl = tl cl) { (bname, bmod) := hd cl; if (bname == name) mod = bmod; else bl = hd cl :: bl; } if (mod == nil) { diagnostic(ctxt, sys->sprint("module %s not found", name)); return "not found"; } for (ctxt.env.bmods = nil; bl != nil; bl = tl bl) ctxt.env.bmods = hd bl :: ctxt.env.bmods; removebuiltinmod(ctxt.env.builtins, mod); removebuiltinmod(ctxt.env.sbuiltins, mod); return nil; } executable(s: (int, Sys->Dir), mode: int): int { (ok, info) := s; return ok != -1 && (info.mode & Sys->DMDIR) == 0 && (info.mode & mode) != 0; } quoted(val: list of ref Listnode, quoteblocks: int): string { s := ""; for (; val != nil; val = tl val) { el := hd val; if (el.cmd == nil || (quoteblocks && el.word != nil)) s += quote(el.word, 0); else { cmd := cmd2string(el.cmd); if (quoteblocks) cmd = quote(cmd, 0); s += cmd; } if (tl val != nil) s[len s] = ' '; } return s; } setstatus(ctxt: ref Context, val: string): string { ctxt.setlocal("status", ref Listnode(nil, val) :: nil); return val; } # # beginning of parser routines # doparse(l: ref YYLEX, prompt: string, showline: int): (ref Node, string) { l.prompt = prompt; l.err = nil; l.lval.node = nil; yyparse(l); l.lastnl = 0; # don't print secondary prompt next time if (l.err != nil) { s: string; if (l.err == nil) l.err = "unknown error"; if (l.errline > 0 && showline) s = sys->sprint("%s:%d: %s", l.path, l.errline, l.err); else s = l.path + ": parse error: " + l.err; return (nil, s); } return (l.lval.node, nil); } blanklex: YYLEX; # for hassle free zero initialisation YYLEX.initstring(s: string): ref YYLEX { ret := ref blanklex; ret.s = s; ret.path="internal"; ret.strpos = 0; return ret; } YYLEX.initfile(fd: ref Sys->FD, path: string): ref YYLEX { lex := ref blanklex; lex.f = bufio->fopen(fd, bufio->OREAD); lex.path = path; lex.cbuf = array[2] of int; # number of characters of pushback lex.linenum = 1; lex.prompt = ""; return lex; } YYLEX.error(l: self ref YYLEX, s: string) { if (l.err == nil) { l.err = s; l.errline = l.linenum; } } NOTOKEN: con -1; YYLEX.lex(l: self ref YYLEX): int { # the following are allowed a free caret: # $, word and quoted word; # also, allowed chrs in unquoted word following dollar are [a-zA-Z0-9*_] endword := 0; wasdollar := 0; tok := NOTOKEN; while (tok == NOTOKEN) { case c := l.getc() { l.EOF => tok = END; '\n' => tok = '\n'; '\r' or '\t' or ' ' => ; '#' => while ((c = l.getc()) != '\n' && c != l.EOF) ; l.ungetc(); ';' => tok = ';'; '&' => c = l.getc(); if(c == '&') tok = ANDAND; else{ l.ungetc(); tok = '&'; } '^' => tok = '^'; '{' => tok = '{'; '}' => tok = '}'; ')' => tok = ')'; '(' => tok = '('; '=' => (tok, l.lval.optype) = ('=', n_ASSIGN); '$' => if (l.atendword) { l.ungetc(); tok = '^'; break; } case (c = l.getc()) { '#' => l.lval.optype = n_COUNT; '"' => l.lval.optype = n_SQUASH; * => l.ungetc(); l.lval.optype = n_VAR; } tok = OP; wasdollar = 1; '"' or '`'=> if (l.atendword) { tok = '^'; l.ungetc(); break; } tok = OP; if (c == '"') l.lval.optype = n_BQ2; else l.lval.optype = n_BQ; '>' or '<' => rtype: int; nc := l.getc(); if (nc == '>') { if (c == '>') rtype = Sys->OWRITE | OAPPEND; else rtype = Sys->ORDWR; nc = l.getc(); } else if (c == '>') rtype = Sys->OWRITE; else rtype = Sys->OREAD; tok = REDIR; if (nc == '[') { (tok, l.lval.redir) = readfdassign(l); if (tok == ERROR) (l.err, l.errline) = ("syntax error in redirection", l.linenum); } else { l.ungetc(); l.lval.redir = ref Redir(-1, -1, -1); } if (l.lval.redir != nil) l.lval.redir.rtype = rtype; '|' => tok = '|'; l.lval.redir = nil; if ((c = l.getc()) == '[') { (tok, l.lval.redir) = readfdassign(l); if (tok == ERROR) { (l.err, l.errline) = ("syntax error in pipe redirection", l.linenum); return tok; } tok = '|'; } else if(c == '|') tok = OROR; else l.ungetc(); '\'' => if (l.atendword) { l.ungetc(); tok = '^'; break; } startline := l.linenum; s := ""; for(;;) { while ((nc := l.getc()) != '\'' && nc != l.EOF) s[len s] = nc; if (nc == l.EOF) { (l.err, l.errline) = ("unterminated string literal", startline); return ERROR; } if (l.getc() != '\'') { l.ungetc(); break; } s[len s] = '\''; # 'xxx''yyy' becomes WORD(xxx'yyy) } l.lval.word = s; tok = WORD; endword = 1; * => if (c == ':') { if (l.getc() == '=') { tok = '='; l.lval.optype = n_LOCAL; break; } l.ungetc(); } if (l.atendword) { l.ungetc(); tok = '^'; break; } allowed: string; if (l.wasdollar) allowed = "a-zA-Z0-9*_"; else allowed = "^\n \t\r|$'#<>;^(){}`&=\""; word := ""; loop: do { case c { '*' or '?' or '[' or GLOB => word[len word] = GLOB; ':' => nc := l.getc(); l.ungetc(); if (nc == '=') break loop; } word[len word] = c; } while ((c = l.getc()) != l.EOF && str->in(c, allowed)); l.ungetc(); l.lval.word = word; tok = WORD; endword = 1; } l.atendword = endword; l.wasdollar = wasdollar; } # sys->print("token %s\n", tokstr(tok)); return tok; } tokstr(t: int): string { s: string; case t { '\n' => s = "'\\n'"; 33 to 127 => s = sprint("'%c'", t); DUP=> s = "DUP"; REDIR =>s = "REDIR"; WORD => s = "WORD"; OP => s = "OP"; END => s = "END"; ERROR=> s = "ERROR"; * => s = "<unknowntok"+ string t + ">"; } return s; } YYLEX.ungetc(lex: self ref YYLEX) { lex.strpos--; if (lex.f != nil) { lex.ncbuf++; if (lex.strpos < 0) lex.strpos = len lex.cbuf - 1; } } YYLEX.getc(lex: self ref YYLEX): int { if (lex.eof) # EOF sticks return lex.EOF; c: int; if (lex.f != nil) { if (lex.ncbuf > 0) { c = lex.cbuf[lex.strpos++]; if (lex.strpos >= len lex.cbuf) lex.strpos = 0; lex.ncbuf--; } else { if (lex.lastnl && lex.prompt != nil) sys->fprint(stderr(), "%s", lex.prompt); c = bufio->lex.f.getc(); if (c == bufio->ERROR || c == bufio->EOF) { lex.eof = 1; c = lex.EOF; } else if (c == '\n') lex.linenum++; lex.lastnl = (c == '\n'); lex.cbuf[lex.strpos++] = c; if (lex.strpos >= len lex.cbuf) lex.strpos = 0; } } else { if (lex.strpos >= len lex.s) { lex.eof = 1; c = lex.EOF; } else c = lex.s[lex.strpos++]; } return c; } # read positive decimal number; return -1 if no number found. readnum(lex: ref YYLEX): int { sum := nc := 0; while ((c := lex.getc()) >= '0' && c <= '9') { sum = (sum * 10) + (c - '0'); nc++; } lex.ungetc(); if (nc == 0) return -1; return sum; } # return tuple (toktype, lhs, rhs). # -1 signifies no number present. # '[' char has already been read. readfdassign(lex: ref YYLEX): (int, ref Redir) { n1 := readnum(lex); if ((c := lex.getc()) != '=') { if (c == ']') return (REDIR, ref Redir(-1, n1, -1)); return (ERROR, nil); } n2 := readnum(lex); if (lex.getc() != ']') return (ERROR, nil); return (DUP, ref Redir(-1, n1, n2)); } mkseq(left, right: ref Node): ref Node { if (left != nil && right != nil) return mk(n_SEQ, left, right); else if (left == nil) return right; return left; } mk(ntype: int, left, right: ref Node): ref Node { return ref Node(ntype, left, right, nil, nil); } stderr(): ref Sys->FD { return sys->fildes(2); }