ref: a411870ee4640241e3c494367d922847da84f972
dir: /appl/cmd/ip/ppp/pppgui.b/
# # Copyright © 1998 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. # Revisions copyright © 2000,2001 Vita Nuova Holdings Limited. All rights reserved. # # Originally Written by N. W. Knauft # Adapted by E. V. Hensbergen ([email protected]) # Further adapted by Vita Nuova # implement PPPGUI; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "tkclient.m"; tkclient: Tkclient; include "translate.m"; translate: Translate; Dict: import translate; dict: ref Dict; include "lock.m"; include "modem.m"; include "script.m"; include "pppclient.m"; ppp: PPPClient; include "pppgui.m"; #Screen constants BBG: con "#C0C0C0"; # Background color for button PBG: con "#808080"; # Background color for progress bar LTGRN: con "#00FF80"; # Color for progress bar BARW: con 216; # Progress bar width BARH: con " 9"; # Progress bar height INCR: con 30; # Progress bar increment size N_INCR: con 7; # Number of increments in progress bar width BSIZE: con 25; # Icon button size ISIZE: con BSIZE + 4; # Icon window size DIALQUANTA : con 1000; ICONQUANTA : con 5000; #Globals pppquanta := DIALQUANTA; #Font FONT: con "/fonts/lucidasans/unicode.6.font"; #Messages stat_msgs := array[] of { "Initializing Modem", "Dialling Service Provider", "Logging Into Network", "Executing Login Script", "Script Execution Complete", "Logging Into Network", "Verifying Password", "Connected", "", }; config_icon := array[] of { "button .btn -text X -width "+string BSIZE+" -height "+string BSIZE+" -command {send tsk open} -bg "+BBG, "pack .btn", "pack propagate . no", ". configure -bd 0", ". unmap", "update", }; # Create internet connect window, spawn event handler init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, stat: chan of int, pppmod: PPPClient, args: list of string): chan of int { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH; if (draw == nil || tk == nil || tkclient == nil) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "pppgui: can't load Draw or Tk: %r\n"); return nil; } translate = load Translate Translate->PATH; if(translate != nil) { translate->init(); dictname := translate->mkdictname("", "pppgui"); dicterr: string; (dict, dicterr) = translate->opendict(dictname); if(dicterr != nil) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "pppgui: can't open %s: %s\n", dictname, dicterr); }else sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "pppgui: can't load %s: %r\n", Translate->PATH); ppp = pppmod; # set the global tkargs := ""; if (args != nil) { tkargs = hd args; args = tl args; } else tkargs="-x 340 -y 4"; tkclient->init(); (t, wmctl) := tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, tkargs, "PPP", Tkclient->Plain); config_win := array[] of { "frame .f", "frame .fprog", "canvas .cprog -bg "+PBG+" -bd 2 -width "+string BARW+" -height "+BARH+" -relief ridge", "pack .cprog -in .fprog -pady 6", "label .stat -text {"+X("Initializing connection...")+"} -width 164 -font "+FONT, "pack .stat -in .f -side left -fill y -anchor w", "button .done -text {"+X("Cancel")+"} -width 60 -command {send cmd cancel} -bg "+BBG+" -font "+FONT, "pack .fprog -side bottom -expand 1 -fill x", "pack .done -side right -padx 1 -pady 1 -fill y -anchor e", "pack .f -side left -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 3 -fill both -anchor w", "pack propagate . no", ". configure -bd 2 -relief raised -width "+string WIDTH, "update", }; for(i := 0; i < len config_win; i++) tk->cmd(t, config_win[i]); itkargs := ""; if (args != nil) { itkargs = hd args; args = tl args; } tkclient->onscreen(t, nil); tkclient->startinput(t, "ptr" :: nil); if (itkargs == "") { x := int tk->cmd(t, ". cget x"); y := int tk->cmd(t, ". cget y"); x += WIDTH - ISIZE; itkargs = "-x "+string x+" -y "+string y; } (ticon, iconctl) := tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, itkargs, "PPP", Tkclient->Plain); for( i = 0; i < len config_icon; i++) tk->cmd(ticon, config_icon[i]); tk->cmd(ticon, "image create bitmap Network -file network.bit -maskfile network.bit"); tk->cmd(ticon, ".btn configure -image Network"); tkclient->startinput(ticon, "ptr"::nil); chn := chan of int; spawn handle_events(t, wmctl, ticon, iconctl, stat, chn); return chn; } ppp_timer(sync: chan of int, stat: chan of int) { for(;;) { sys->sleep(pppquanta); alt { <-sync => return; stat <-= -1 => ; } } } send(cmd: chan of string, msg: string) { cmd <-= msg; } # Process events and pass disconnect cmd to calling app handle_events(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, wmctl: chan of string, ticon: ref Tk->Toplevel, iconctl: chan of string, stat, chn: chan of int) { sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); cmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, cmd, "cmd"); tsk := chan of string; tk->namechan(ticon, tsk, "tsk"); connected := 0; winmapped := 1; timecount := 0; xmin := 0; x := 0; iocmd := sys->file2chan("/chan", "pppgui"); if (iocmd == nil) { sys->print("fail: pppgui: file2chan: /chan/pppgui: %r\n"); return; } pppquanta = DIALQUANTA; sync_chan := chan of int; spawn ppp_timer(sync_chan, stat); Work: for(;;) alt { s := <-t.ctxt.kbd => tk->keyboard(t, s); s := <-t.ctxt.ptr => tk->pointer(t, *s); s := <-t.ctxt.ctl or s = <-t.wreq or s = <-wmctl => tkclient->wmctl(t, s); s := <-ticon.ctxt.kbd => tk->keyboard(ticon, s); s := <-ticon.ctxt.ptr => tk->pointer(ticon, *s); s := <-ticon.ctxt.ctl or s = <-ticon.wreq or s = <-iconctl => tkclient->wmctl(ticon, s); (off, data, fid, wc) := <-iocmd.write => # remote io control if (wc == nil) break; spawn send(cmd, string data[0:len data]); wc <-= (len data, nil); (nil, nbytes, fid, rc) := < => if (rc != nil) rc <-= (nil, "not readable"); press := <-cmd => case press { "cancel" or "disconnect" => tk->cmd(t, ".stat configure -text 'Disconnecting..."); tk->cmd(t, "update"); ppp->reset(); if (!connected) { # other end may have gone away alt { chn <-= 666 => ; * => ; } } break Work; * => ; } prs := <-tsk => case prs { "open" => tk->cmd(ticon, ". unmap; update"); tk->cmd(t, ". map; raise .; update"); winmapped = 1; timecount = 0; * => ; } s := <-stat => if (s == -1) { # just an update event if(winmapped){ if(!connected) { # increment status bar if (x < xmin+INCR) { x++; tk->cmd(t, ".cprog create rectangle 0 0 "+string x + BARH+" -fill "+LTGRN); } }else{ timecount++; if(timecount > 1){ winmapped = 0; timecount = 0; tk->cmd(t, ". unmap; update"); tk->cmd(ticon, ". map; raise .; update"); continue; } } tk->cmd(t, "raise .; update"); } else { tk->cmd(ticon, "raise .; update"); timecount = 0; } continue; } if (s == ppp->s_Error) { tk->cmd(t, ".stat configure -text '"+ppp->lasterror); if (!winmapped) { tk->cmd(ticon, ". unmap; update"); tk->cmd(t, ". map; raise ."); } tk->cmd(t, "update"); sys->sleep(3000); ppp->reset(); if (!connected) chn <-= 0; # Failure break Work; } if (s == ppp->s_Initialized) tk->cmd(t,".cprog create rectangle 0 0 "+string BARW + BARH+" -fill "+PBG); x = xmin = s * INCR; if (xmin > BARW) xmin = BARW; tk->cmd(t, ".cprog create rectangle 0 0 "+string xmin + BARH+" -fill "+LTGRN); tk->cmd(t, "raise .; update"); tk->cmd(t, ".stat configure -text '"+X(stat_msgs[s])); if (s == ppp->s_SuccessPPP || s == ppp->s_Done) { if(!connected){ chn <-= 1; connected = 1; } pppquanta = ICONQUANTA; # find and display connection speed speed := findrate("/dev/modemstat", "rcvrate" :: "baud" :: nil); if(speed != nil) tk->cmd(t, ".stat configure -text {"+X(stat_msgs[s])+" "+speed+" bps}"); else tk->cmd(t, ".stat configure -text {"+X(stat_msgs[s])+"}"); tk->cmd(t, ".done configure -text Disconnect -command 'send cmd disconnect"); tk->cmd(t, "update"); sys->sleep(2000); tk->cmd(t, ". unmap; pack forget .fprog; update"); winmapped = 0; tk->cmd(ticon, ". map; raise .; update"); } tk->cmd(t, "update"); } sync_chan <-= 1; # stop ppp_timer } findrate(file: string, opt: list of string): string { fd := sys->open(file, sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return nil; buf := array [1024] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n <= 1) return nil; (nil, flds) := sys->tokenize(string buf[0:n], " \t\r\n"); for(; flds != nil; flds = tl flds) for(l := opt; l != nil; l = tl l) if (hd flds == hd l) return hd tl flds; return nil; } # Translate a string X(s : string) : string { if (dict== nil) return s; return dict.xlate(s); }