ref: a411870ee4640241e3c494367d922847da84f972
dir: /appl/cmd/ip/ppp/pppdial.b/
implement PPPdial; # # Module: ispservice # Purpose: Simple PPP Dial-on-Demand # Author: Eric Van Hensbergen ([email protected]) # # Copyright © 1998-1999 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. # Revisions copyright © 2000-2003 Vita Nuova Holdings Limited. All rights reserved. # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; include "cfgfile.m"; cfg: CfgFile; ConfigFile: import cfg; include "lock.m"; include "modem.m"; include "script.m"; include "pppclient.m"; ppp: PPPClient; include "pppgui.m"; PPPdial: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context): string; connect: fn(): string; }; context: ref Draw->Context; modeminfo: ref Modem->ModemInfo; pppinfo: ref PPPClient->PPPInfo; scriptinfo: ref Script->ScriptInfo; isp_number: string; # should be part of pppinfo lastCdir: ref Sys->Dir; # state of file when last read DEFAULT_ISP_DB_PATH: con "/services/ppp/isp.cfg"; # contains pppinfo & scriptinfo DEFAULT_MODEM_DB_PATH: con "/services/ppp/modem.cfg"; # contains modeminfo MODEM_DB_PATH: con "/usr/inferno/config/modem.cfg"; # contains modeminfo ISP_DB_PATH: con "/usr/inferno/config/isp.cfg"; # contains pppinfo & scriptinfo ISP_RETRIES: con 5; getcfgstring(c: ref ConfigFile, key: string) :string { l := c.getcfg(key); if (l == nil) return nil; for(ret := ""; l != nil; l = tl l) ret+= " " + hd l; return ret[1:]; # trim the first space } configinit() { mi: Modem->ModemInfo; pppi: PPPClient->PPPInfo; info: list of string; cfg = load CfgFile CfgFile->PATH; if (cfg == nil) raise "fail: load CfgFile"; # Modem Configuration cfg->verify(DEFAULT_MODEM_DB_PATH, MODEM_DB_PATH); modemcfg := cfg->init(MODEM_DB_PATH); if (modemcfg == nil) raise "fail: read: "+MODEM_DB_PATH; modeminfo = ref mi; modeminfo.path = getcfgstring(modemcfg, "PATH"); modeminfo.init = getcfgstring(modemcfg, "INIT"); = getcfgstring(modemcfg, "COUNTRY"); modeminfo.other = getcfgstring(modemcfg, "OTHER"); modeminfo.errorcorrection = getcfgstring(modemcfg,"CORRECT"); modeminfo.compression = getcfgstring(modemcfg,"COMPRESS"); modeminfo.flowctl = getcfgstring(modemcfg,"FLOWCTL"); modeminfo.rateadjust = getcfgstring(modemcfg,"RATEADJ"); modeminfo.mnponly = getcfgstring(modemcfg,"MNPONLY"); modeminfo.dialtype = getcfgstring(modemcfg,"DIALING"); if(modeminfo.dialtype!="ATDP") modeminfo.dialtype="ATDT"; cfg->verify(DEFAULT_ISP_DB_PATH, ISP_DB_PATH); (ok, stat) := sys->stat(ISP_DB_PATH); if(ok >= 0) lastCdir = ref stat; sys->print("cfg->init(%s)\n", ISP_DB_PATH); # ISP Configuration pppcfg := cfg->init(ISP_DB_PATH); if (pppcfg == nil) raise "fail: Couldn't load ISP configuration file: "+ISP_DB_PATH; pppinfo = ref pppi; isp_number = getcfgstring(pppcfg, "NUMBER"); pppinfo.ipaddr = getcfgstring(pppcfg,"IPADDR"); pppinfo.ipmask = getcfgstring(pppcfg,"IPMASK"); pppinfo.peeraddr = getcfgstring(pppcfg,"PEERADDR"); pppinfo.maxmtu = getcfgstring(pppcfg,"MAXMTU"); pppinfo.username = getcfgstring(pppcfg,"USERNAME"); pppinfo.password = getcfgstring(pppcfg,"PASSWORD"); info = pppcfg.getcfg("SCRIPT"); if (info != nil) { scriptinfo = ref Script->ScriptInfo; scriptinfo.path = hd info; scriptinfo.username = pppinfo.username; scriptinfo.password = pppinfo.password; } else scriptinfo = nil; info = pppcfg.getcfg("TIMEOUT"); if (info != nil) scriptinfo.timeout = int (hd info); cfg = nil; # might as well unload it } # # Parts of the following two functions could be generalized # isipaddr(a: string): int { i, c, ac, np: int = 0; for(i = 0; i < len a; i++) { c = a[i]; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { np = 10*np + c - '0'; continue; } if (c == '.' && np) { ac++; if (np > 255) return 0; np = 0; continue; } return 0; } return np && np < 256 && ac == 3; } # check if there is an existing PPP connection connected(): int { ifd := sys->open("/net/ipifc", Sys->OREAD); if(ifd == nil) return 0; buf := array[1024] of byte; for(;;) { (n, d) := sys->dirread(ifd); if (n <= 0) return 0; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) if(d[i].name[0] <= '9') { sfd := sys->open("/net/ipifc/"+d[i].name+"/status", Sys->OREAD); if (sfd == nil) continue; ns := sys->read(sfd, buf, len buf); if (ns <= 0) continue; (nflds, flds) := sys->tokenize(string buf[0:ns], " \t\r\n"); if(nflds < 4) continue; if (isipaddr(hd tl tl flds)) return 1; } } } # # called once when loaded # init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context): string { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; { ppp = load PPPClient PPPClient->PATH; if (ppp == nil) raise "fail: Couldn't load ppp module"; # Contruct Config Tables During Init - may want to change later # for multiple configs (Software Download Server versus ISP) configinit(); context = ctxt; }exception e { "fail:*" => return e; } return nil; } dialup_cancelled := 0; connecting := 0; # # called each time a translation is needed, to check that we're on line(!) # eventually this will be replaced by a packet interface that does dial-on-demand # connect(): string { { dialup_cancelled = 0; (ok, stat) := sys->stat(ISP_DB_PATH); if (ok < 0 || lastCdir == nil || !samefile(*lastCdir, stat)) configinit(); errc := chan of string; while(!connected()){ if(!connecting) { connecting = 1; sync := chan of int; spawn pppconnect(errc, sync); <- sync; return <-errc; }else{ sys->sleep(2500); if (dialup_cancelled) return "fail: dialup cancelled"; } } }exception e{ "fail:*" => return e; "*" => sys->print("pppdial: caught exception: %s\n", e); return "fail: internal error: "+e; } return nil; } pppconnect(errc: chan of string, sync: chan of int) { connecting = 1; sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); sync <-= 0; resp_chan: chan of int; logger := chan of int; pppgui := load PPPGUI PPPGUI->PATH; for (count :=0; count < ISP_RETRIES; count++) { resp_chan = pppgui->init(context, logger, ppp, nil); spawn ppp->connect(modeminfo, isp_number, scriptinfo, pppinfo, logger); x := <-resp_chan; if (x > 0) { if (x == 1) { # alt needed in case calling process has been killed alt { errc <-= nil => ; * => ; } } else { # user cancelled dial-in dialup_cancelled = 1; alt { errc <-= "fail: dialup cancelled" => ; * => ; } } connecting = 0; return; } # else connect failed, go around loop to try again } alt { errc <-= "fail: dialup failed" => ; * => ; } connecting = 0; } samefile(d1, d2: Sys->Dir): int { return && d1.dtype==d2.dtype && d1.qid.path==d2.qid.path && d1.qid.vers==d2.qid.vers && d1.mtime==d2.mtime; }