ref: a39ae178fcc4387fe63efea4d15b34d52f4a13de
dir: /utils/c2l/cc.y/
%{ #include "cc.h" %} %union { Node* node; Sym* sym; Type* type; struct { Type* t; char c; } tycl; struct { Type* t1; Type* t2; } tyty; struct { char* s; long l; } sval; long lval; double dval; vlong vval; } %type <sym> ltag %type <lval> gctname cname gname tname %type <lval> gctnlist zgnlist tnlist %type <type> tlist etlist sbody complex %type <tycl> types etypes %type <node> zarglist arglist zcexpr %type <node> name block stmnt cexpr expr xuexpr pexpr %type <node> zelist elist adecl slist uexpr string lstring sstring slstring %type <node> xdecor xdecor2 labels label ulstmnt %type <node> adlist edecor tag qual qlist %type <node> abdecor abdecor1 abdecor2 abdecor3 %type <node> zexpr lexpr init ilist %left ';' %left ',' %right '=' LPE LME LMLE LDVE LMDE LRSHE LLSHE LANDE LXORE LORE %right '?' ':' %left LOROR %left LANDAND %left '|' %left '^' %left '&' %left LEQ LNE %left '<' '>' LLE LGE %left LLSH LRSH %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %right LMM LPP LMG '.' '[' '(' %token <sym> LNAME LCTYPE LSTYPE %token <dval> LFCONST LDCONST %token <vval> LCHARACTER LCONST LLCONST LUCONST LULCONST LVLCONST LUVLCONST %token <sval> LSTRING LLSTRING %token LAUTO LBREAK LCASE LCHAR LCONTINUE LDEFAULT LDO %token LDOUBLE LELSE LEXTERN LFLOAT LFOR LGOTO %token LIF LINT LLONG LREGISTER LRETURN LSHORT LSIZEOF LUSED %token LSTATIC LSTRUCT LSWITCH LTYPEDEF LUNION LUNSIGNED LWHILE %token LVOID LENUM LSIGNED LCONSTNT LVOLATILE LSET LSIGNOF LVLONG %% prog: | prog xdecl /* * external declarator */ xdecl: zctlist ';' { dodecl(xdecl, lastclass, lasttype, Z, 1); } | zctlist xdlist ';' | zctlist xdecor { lastdcl = T; dodecl(xdecl, lastclass, lasttype, $2, 0); if(lastdcl == T || lastdcl->etype != TFUNC) { diag($2, "not a function"); lastdcl = types[TFUNC]; } thisfn = lastdcl; markdcl(); firstdcl = dclstack; argmark($2, 0); } pdecl { argmark($2, 1); } block { $6->blk = 0; codgen($6, $2, lineno); revertdcl(); } xdlist: xdecor { dodecl(xdecl, lastclass, lasttype, $1, 1); } | xdecor { $1 = dodecl(xdecl, lastclass, lasttype, $1, 0); } '=' init { $4 = doinit($1->sym, $1->type, 0L, $4); $4 = new(ODAS, $1, $4); $4->type = $1->type; $4->lineno = $1->lineno; vtgen($4); } | xdlist ',' xdlist xdecor: xdecor2 | '*' zgnlist xdecor { $$ = new(OIND, $3, Z); $$->garb = simpleg($2); } xdecor2: tag | '(' xdecor ')' { $$ = $2; } | xdecor2 '(' zarglist ')' { $$ = new(OFUNC, $1, $3); /* outfun($$); */ } | xdecor2 '[' zexpr ']' { $$ = new(OARRAY, $1, $3); } /* * automatic declarator */ adecl: { $$ = Z; } | adecl ctlist ';' { $$ = dodecl(adecl, lastclass, lasttype, Z, 1); if($1 != Z) if($$ != Z) $$ = new(OLIST, $1, $$); else $$ = $1; } | adecl ctlist adlist ';' { $$ = $1; if($3 != Z) { $$ = $3; if($1 != Z) $$ = new(OLIST, $1, $3); } } adlist: xdecor { $$ = dodecl(adecl, lastclass, lasttype, $1, 1); if($$->sym->class == CSTATIC) $$ = Z; } | xdecor { $1 = dodecl(adecl, lastclass, lasttype, $1, 0); } '=' init { /* long w; */ /* w = $1->sym->type->width; */ $$ = doinit($1->sym, $1->type, 0L, $4); /* $$ = contig($1->sym, $$, w); */ $$ = new(ODAS, $1, $$); $$->type = $1->type; $$->lineno = $1->lineno; vtgen($$); if($1->sym->class == CSTATIC) $$ = Z; } | adlist ',' adlist { $$ = $1; if($3 != Z) { $$ = $3; if($1 != Z) $$ = new(OLIST, $1, $3); } } /* * parameter declarator */ pdecl: | pdecl ctlist pdlist ';' pdlist: xdecor { dodecl(pdecl, lastclass, lasttype, $1, 1); } | pdlist ',' pdlist /* * structure element declarator */ edecl: etlist { lasttype = $1; } zedlist ';' | edecl etlist { lasttype = $2; } zedlist ';' zedlist: /* extension */ { lastfield = 0; edecl(CXXX, lasttype, S); } | edlist edlist: edecor { dodecl(edecl, CXXX, lasttype, $1, 1); } | edlist ',' edlist edecor: xdecor { lastbit = 0; firstbit = 1; } | tag ':' lexpr { $$ = new(OBIT, $1, $3); } | ':' lexpr { $$ = new(OBIT, Z, $2); } /* * abstract declarator */ abdecor: { $$ = (Z); } | abdecor1 abdecor1: '*' zgnlist { $$ = new(OIND, (Z), Z); $$->garb = simpleg($2); } | '*' zgnlist abdecor1 { $$ = new(OIND, $3, Z); $$->garb = simpleg($2); } | abdecor2 abdecor2: abdecor3 | abdecor2 '(' zarglist ')' { $$ = new(OFUNC, $1, $3); } | abdecor2 '[' zexpr ']' { $$ = new(OARRAY, $1, $3); } abdecor3: '(' ')' { $$ = new(OFUNC, (Z), Z); } | '[' zexpr ']' { $$ = new(OARRAY, (Z), $2); } | '(' abdecor1 ')' { $$ = $2; } init: expr | '{' ilist '}' { $$ = new(OINIT, invert($2), Z); } qual: '[' lexpr ']' { $$ = new(OARRAY, $2, Z); } | '.' ltag { $$ = new(OELEM, Z, Z); $$->sym = $2; } | qual '=' qlist: init ',' | qlist init ',' { $$ = new(OLIST, $1, $2); } | qual | qlist qual { $$ = new(OLIST, $1, $2); } ilist: qlist | init | qlist init { $$ = new(OLIST, $1, $2); } zarglist: { $$ = Z; } | arglist { $$ = invert($1); } arglist: name | tlist abdecor { $$ = new(OPROTO, $2, Z); $$->type = $1; } | tlist xdecor { $$ = new(OPROTO, $2, Z); $$->type = $1; } | '.' '.' '.' { $$ = new(ODOTDOT, Z, Z); } | arglist ',' arglist { $$ = new(OLIST, $1, $3); } block: '{' adecl slist '}' { $$ = invert($3); if($2 != Z) $$ = new(OLIST, $2, $$); if($$ == Z) $$ = new(ONUL, Z, Z); $$->blk = 1; } slist: { $$ = Z; } | slist stmnt { if($1 == Z) $$ = $2; else $$ = new(OLIST, $1, $2); } labels: label | labels label { $$ = new(OLIST, $1, $2); } label: LCASE expr ':' { $$ = new(OCASE, $2, Z); $$->lineno = $2->lineno; } | LDEFAULT ':' { $$ = new(OCASE, Z, Z); } | LNAME ':' { $$ = new(OLABEL, dcllabel($1, 1), Z); $1->lineno = lineno; } stmnt: error ';' { $$ = Z; } | ulstmnt | labels ulstmnt { $$ = new(OLIST, $1, $2); } ulstmnt: zcexpr ';' { if($$ == Z) $$ = new(ONUL, Z, Z); $$->kind = KEXP; } | { markdcl(); } block { revertdcl(); $$ = $2; } | LIF '(' cexpr ')' stmnt { $$ = new(OIF, $3, new(OLIST, $5, Z)); $$->lineno = $3->lineno; $5->blk = 0; } | LIF '(' cexpr ')' stmnt LELSE stmnt { $$ = new(OIF, $3, new(OLIST, $5, $7)); $$->lineno = $3->lineno; $5->blk = $7->blk = 0; } | LFOR '(' zcexpr ';' zcexpr ';' zcexpr ')' stmnt { $$ = new(OFOR, new(OLIST, $5, new(OLIST, $3, $7)), $9); if($3 != Z) $$->lineno = $3->lineno; else if($5 != Z) $$->lineno = $5->lineno; else if($7 != Z) $$->lineno = $7->lineno; else $$->lineno = line($9); $9->blk = 0; } | LWHILE '(' cexpr ')' stmnt { $$ = new(OWHILE, $3, $5); $$->lineno = $3->lineno; $5->blk = 0; } | LDO stmnt LWHILE '(' cexpr ')' ';' { $$ = new(ODWHILE, $5, $2); $$->lineno = line($2); $2->blk = 0; } | LRETURN zcexpr ';' { $$ = new(ORETURN, $2, Z); $$->type = thisfn->link; if($2 != Z) $$->lineno = $2->lineno; } | LSWITCH '(' cexpr ')' stmnt { $$ = new(OSWITCH, $3, $5); $$->lineno = $3->lineno; $5->blk = 0; } | LBREAK ';' { $$ = new(OBREAK, Z, Z); } | LCONTINUE ';' { $$ = new(OCONTINUE, Z, Z); } | LGOTO LNAME ';' { $$ = new(OGOTO, dcllabel($2, 0), Z); $2->lineno = lineno; } | LUSED '(' zelist ')' ';' { $$ = new(OUSED, $3, Z); $$->lineno = line($3); } | LSET '(' zelist ')' ';' { $$ = new(OSET, $3, Z); $$->lineno = line($3); } zcexpr: { $$ = Z; } | cexpr zexpr: { $$ = Z; } | lexpr lexpr: expr { $$ = new(OCAST, $1, Z); $$->type = types[TLONG]; } cexpr: expr | cexpr ',' cexpr { $$ = new(OCOMMA, $1, $3); } expr: xuexpr | expr '*' expr { $$ = new(OMUL, $1, $3); } | expr '/' expr { $$ = new(ODIV, $1, $3); } | expr '%' expr { $$ = new(OMOD, $1, $3); } | expr '+' expr { $$ = new(OADD, $1, $3); } | expr '-' expr { $$ = new(OSUB, $1, $3); } | expr LRSH expr { $$ = new(OASHR, $1, $3); } | expr LLSH expr { $$ = new(OASHL, $1, $3); } | expr '<' expr { $$ = new(OLT, $1, $3); } | expr '>' expr { $$ = new(OGT, $1, $3); } | expr LLE expr { $$ = new(OLE, $1, $3); } | expr LGE expr { $$ = new(OGE, $1, $3); } | expr LEQ expr { $$ = new(OEQ, $1, $3); } | expr LNE expr { $$ = new(ONE, $1, $3); } | expr '&' expr { $$ = new(OAND, $1, $3); } | expr '^' expr { $$ = new(OXOR, $1, $3); } | expr '|' expr { $$ = new(OOR, $1, $3); } | expr LANDAND expr { $$ = new(OANDAND, $1, $3); } | expr LOROR expr { $$ = new(OOROR, $1, $3); } | expr '?' cexpr ':' expr { $$ = new(OCOND, $1, new(OLIST, $3, $5)); } | expr '=' expr { $$ = new(OAS, $1, $3); } | expr LPE expr { $$ = new(OASADD, $1, $3); } | expr LME expr { $$ = new(OASSUB, $1, $3); } | expr LMLE expr { $$ = new(OASMUL, $1, $3); } | expr LDVE expr { $$ = new(OASDIV, $1, $3); } | expr LMDE expr { $$ = new(OASMOD, $1, $3); } | expr LLSHE expr { $$ = new(OASASHL, $1, $3); } | expr LRSHE expr { $$ = new(OASASHR, $1, $3); } | expr LANDE expr { $$ = new(OASAND, $1, $3); } | expr LXORE expr { $$ = new(OASXOR, $1, $3); } | expr LORE expr { $$ = new(OASOR, $1, $3); } xuexpr: uexpr | '(' tlist abdecor ')' xuexpr { $$ = new(OCAST, $5, Z); dodecl(NODECL, CXXX, $2, $3, 1); $$->type = lastdcl; } | '(' tlist abdecor ')' '{' ilist '}' /* extension */ { $$ = new(OSTRUCT, $6, Z); dodecl(NODECL, CXXX, $2, $3, 1); $$->type = lastdcl; } uexpr: pexpr | '*' xuexpr { $$ = new(OIND, $2, Z); } | '&' xuexpr { $$ = new(OADDR, $2, Z); } | '+' xuexpr { $$ = new(OPOS, $2, Z); } | '-' xuexpr { $$ = new(ONEG, $2, Z); } | '!' xuexpr { $$ = new(ONOT, $2, Z); } | '~' xuexpr { $$ = new(OCOM, $2, Z); } | LPP xuexpr { $$ = new(OPREINC, $2, Z); } | LMM xuexpr { $$ = new(OPREDEC, $2, Z); } | LSIZEOF uexpr { $$ = new(OSIZE, $2, Z); } | LSIGNOF uexpr { $$ = new(OSIGN, $2, Z); } pexpr: '(' cexpr ')' { $$ = $2; } | LSIZEOF '(' tlist abdecor ')' { $$ = new(OSIZE, Z, Z); dodecl(NODECL, CXXX, $3, $4, 1); $$->type = lastdcl; } | LSIGNOF '(' tlist abdecor ')' { $$ = new(OSIGN, Z, Z); dodecl(NODECL, CXXX, $3, $4, 1); $$->type = lastdcl; } | pexpr '(' zelist ')' { $$ = new(OFUNC, $1, Z); if($1->op == ONAME) if($1->type == T) dodecl(xdecl, CXXX, types[TINT], $$, 1); $$->right = invert($3); $$->kind = KEXP; } | pexpr '[' cexpr ']' { $$ = new(OARRIND, $1, $3); } | pexpr LMG ltag { $$ = new(ODOTIND, $1, Z); $$->sym = $3; } | pexpr '.' ltag { $$ = new(ODOT, $1, Z); $$->sym = $3; } | pexpr LPP { $$ = new(OPOSTINC, $1, Z); } | pexpr LMM { $$ = new(OPOSTDEC, $1, Z); } | name | LCHARACTER { $$ = new(OCONST, Z, Z); $$->type = types[TINT]; $$->vconst = $1; $$->kind = KCHR; } | LCONST { $$ = new(OCONST, Z, Z); $$->type = types[TINT]; $$->vconst = $1; $$->kind = lastnumbase; } | LLCONST { $$ = new(OCONST, Z, Z); $$->type = types[TLONG]; $$->vconst = $1; $$->kind = lastnumbase; } | LUCONST { $$ = new(OCONST, Z, Z); $$->type = types[TUINT]; $$->vconst = $1; $$->kind = lastnumbase; } | LULCONST { $$ = new(OCONST, Z, Z); $$->type = types[TULONG]; $$->vconst = $1; $$->kind = lastnumbase; } | LDCONST { $$ = new(OCONST, Z, Z); $$->type = types[TDOUBLE]; $$->fconst = $1; $$->cstring = strdup(symb); $$->kind = lastnumbase; } | LFCONST { $$ = new(OCONST, Z, Z); $$->type = types[TFLOAT]; $$->fconst = $1; $$->cstring = strdup(symb); $$->kind = lastnumbase; } | LVLCONST { $$ = new(OCONST, Z, Z); $$->type = types[TVLONG]; $$->vconst = $1; $$->kind = lastnumbase; } | LUVLCONST { $$ = new(OCONST, Z, Z); $$->type = types[TUVLONG]; $$->vconst = $1; $$->kind = lastnumbase; } | string | lstring sstring: LSTRING { $$ = new(OSTRING, Z, Z); $$->type = typ(TARRAY, types[TCHAR]); $$->type->width = $1.l + 1; $$->cstring = $1.s; $$->sym = symstring; } string: sstring { $$ = $1; } | string sstring { char *s; int n1, n2; n1 = $1->type->width - 1; n2 = $2->type->width - 1; s = alloc(n1+n2+MAXALIGN); memcpy(s, $1->cstring, n1); memcpy(s+n1, $2->cstring, n2); s[n1+n2] = 0; $1->left = new(OCAT, ncopy($1), $2); $$ = $1; $$->type->width += n2; $$->cstring = s; } slstring: LLSTRING { $$ = new(OLSTRING, Z, Z); $$->type = typ(TARRAY, types[TUSHORT]); $$->type->width = $1.l + sizeof(TRune); $$->rstring = (TRune*)$1.s; $$->sym = symstring; } lstring: slstring { $$ = $1; } | lstring slstring { char *s; int n1, n2; n1 = $1->type->width - sizeof(TRune); n2 = $2->type->width - sizeof(TRune); s = alloc(n1+n2+MAXALIGN); memcpy(s, $1->rstring, n1); memcpy(s+n1, $2->rstring, n2); *(TRune*)(s+n1+n2) = 0; $1->left = new(OCAT, ncopy($1), $2); $$ = $1; $$->type->width += n2; $$->rstring = (TRune*)s; } zelist: { $$ = Z; } | elist elist: expr | elist ',' elist { $$ = new(OLIST, $1, $3); } sbody: '{' { $<tyty>$.t1 = strf; $<tyty>$.t2 = strl; strf = T; strl = T; lastbit = 0; firstbit = 1; } edecl '}' { $$ = strf; strf = $<tyty>2.t1; strl = $<tyty>2.t2; } zctlist: { lastclass = CXXX; lasttype = types[TINT]; } | ctlist etypes: complex { $$.t = $1; $$.c = CXXX; } | tnlist { $$.t = simplet($1); $$.c = simplec($1); } types: complex { $$.t = $1; $$.c = CXXX; } | complex gctnlist { $$.t = $1; $$.c = simplec($2); if($2 & ~BCLASS & ~BGARB) diag(Z, "illegal combination of types 1: %Q/%T", $2, $1); } | gctnlist { $$.t = simplet($1); $$.c = simplec($1); $$.t = garbt($$.t, $1); } | gctnlist complex { $$.t = $2; $$.c = simplec($1); $$.t = garbt($$.t, $1); if($1 & ~BCLASS & ~BGARB) diag(Z, "illegal combination of types 2: %Q/%T", $1, $2); } | gctnlist complex gctnlist { $$.t = $2; $$.c = simplec($1|$3); $$.t = garbt($$.t, $1|$3); if(($1|$3) & ~BCLASS & ~BGARB || $3 & BCLASS) diag(Z, "illegal combination of types 3: %Q/%T/%Q", $1, $2, $3); } etlist: zgnlist etypes { $$ = $2.t; if($2.c != CXXX) diag(Z, "illegal combination of class 4: %s", cnames[$2.c]); $$ = garbt($$, $1); } tlist: types { $$ = $1.t; if($1.c != CXXX) diag(Z, "illegal combination of class 4: %s", cnames[$1.c]); } ctlist: types { lasttype = $1.t; lastclass = $1.c; } complex: LSTRUCT ltag { dotag($2, TSTRUCT, 0); $$ = $2->suetag; $2->lineno = lineno; } | LSTRUCT ltag { dotag($2, TSTRUCT, autobn); saveline = $2->lineno = lineno; } sbody { $$ = $2->suetag; if($$->link != T) diag(Z, "redeclare tag: %s", $2->name); $$->link = $4; $$->lineno = saveline; suallign($$); } | LSTRUCT { saveline = lineno; } sbody { char buf[128]; taggen++; sprint(symb, "%s_adt_%d", outmod(buf, -1), taggen); $$ = dotag(lookup(), TSTRUCT, autobn); $$->link = $3; $$->lineno = saveline; lookup()->lineno = saveline; suallign($$); } | LUNION ltag { dotag($2, TUNION, 0); $$ = $2->suetag; $2->lineno = lineno; } | LUNION ltag { dotag($2, TUNION, autobn); saveline = $2->lineno = lineno; } sbody { $$ = $2->suetag; if($$->link != T) diag(Z, "redeclare tag: %s", $2->name); $$->link = $4; $$->lineno = saveline; suallign($$); } | LUNION { saveline = lineno; } sbody { char buf[128]; taggen++; sprint(symb, "%s_adt_%d", outmod(buf, -1), taggen); $$ = dotag(lookup(), TUNION, autobn); $$->link = $3; $$->lineno = saveline; lookup()->lineno = saveline; suallign($$); } | LENUM ltag { dotag($2, TENUM, 0); $$ = $2->suetag; if($$->link == T) $$->link = types[TINT]; $$ = $$->link; $2->lineno = lineno; } | LENUM ltag { dotag($2, TENUM, autobn); $2->lineno = lineno; } '{' { en.tenum = T; en.cenum = T; } enum '}' { $$ = $2->suetag; if($$->link != T) diag(Z, "redeclare tag: %s", $2->name); if(en.tenum == T) { diag(Z, "enum type ambiguous: %s", $2->name); en.tenum = types[TINT]; } $$->link = en.tenum; $$ = en.tenum; etgen(nil); } | LENUM '{' { en.tenum = T; en.cenum = T; } enum '}' { $$ = en.tenum; etgen(nil); } | LCTYPE { $$ = tcopy($1->type); } | LSTYPE { $$ = tcopy($1->type); } tnlist: tname | tnlist tname { $$ = typebitor($1, $2); } gctnlist: gctname | gctnlist gctname { $$ = typebitor($1, $2); } zgnlist: { $$ = 0; } | zgnlist gname { $$ = typebitor($1, $2); } gctname: tname | gname | cname enum: LNAME { doenum($1, Z); $1->lineno = lineno; } | LNAME '=' expr { doenum($1, $3); $1->lineno = lineno; } | enum ',' | enum ',' enum tname: /* type words */ LCHAR { $$ = BCHAR; } | LSHORT { $$ = BSHORT; } | LINT { $$ = BINT; } | LLONG { $$ = BLONG; } | LSIGNED { $$ = BSIGNED; } | LUNSIGNED { $$ = BUNSIGNED; } | LFLOAT { $$ = BFLOAT; } | LDOUBLE { $$ = BDOUBLE; } | LVOID { $$ = BVOID; } | LVLONG { $$ = BVLONG|BLONG; } cname: /* class words */ LAUTO { $$ = BAUTO; } | LSTATIC { $$ = BSTATIC; } | LEXTERN { $$ = BEXTERN; } | LTYPEDEF { $$ = BTYPEDEF; } | LREGISTER { $$ = BREGISTER; } gname: LCONSTNT { $$ = BCONSTNT; } | LVOLATILE { $$ = BVOLATILE; } name: LNAME { $$ = new(ONAME, Z, Z); if($1->class == CLOCAL) $1 = mkstatic($1); $$->sym = $1; $$->type = $1->type; } tag: ltag { $$ = new(ONAME, Z, Z); $$->sym = $1; $$->type = $1->type; } ltag: LNAME | LCTYPE | LSTYPE %%