ref: a39ae178fcc4387fe63efea4d15b34d52f4a13de
dir: /man/2/spree-cardlib/
.TH SPREE-CARDLIB 2 .SH NAME Cardlib \- support for card games in Spree engines. .SH SYNOPSIS .EX include "sys.m"; include "draw.m"; include "sets.m"; include "spree.m"; include "spree/cardlib.m"; Object: import Spree; cardlib := load Cardlib Cardlib->PATH; init: fn(spree: Spree, clique: ref Clique, archived: int); selection: fn(stack: ref Object): ref Selection; makecard: fn(deck: ref Object, c: Card, rear: string): ref Object; makecards: fn(stack: ref Object, r: Range, rear: string); getcard: fn(card: ref Object): Card; getcards: fn(stack: ref Object): array of Card; setface: fn(card: ref Object, face: int); flip: fn(stack: ref Object); shuffle: fn(stack: ref Object); discard: fn(stk, pile: ref Object, facedown: int); deal: fn(stack: ref Object, n: int, stacks: array of ref Object, first: int); sort: fn(stack: ref Object, rank, suitrank: array of int); addlayframe: fn(name: string, parent: string, layout: ref Layout, packopts: int, facing: int); addlayobj: fn(name: string, parent: string, layout: ref Layout, packopts: int, obj: ref Object); dellay: fn(name: string, layout: ref Layout); maketable: fn(parent: string); newstack: fn(parent: ref Object, p: ref Member, spec: Stackspec): ref Object; archive: fn(): ref Object; unarchive: fn(): ref Object; setarchivename: fn(o: ref Object, name: string); archivearray: fn(a: array of ref Object, name: string); getarchiveobj: fn(name: string): ref Object; getarchivearray: fn(name: string): array of ref Object; nmembers: fn(): int; Layout: adt { lay: ref Object; }; Stackspec: adt { style: string; maxcards: int; title: string; conceal: int; }; Card: adt { suit: int; number: int; face: int; }; # a member currently playing Cmember: adt { ord: int; id: int; p: ref Member; obj: ref Object; layout: ref Layout; sel: ref Selection; join: fn(p: ref Member, ord: int): ref Cmember; index: fn(ord: int): ref Cmember; find: fn(p: ref Member): ref Cmember; findid: fn(id: int): ref Cmember; leave: fn(cp: self ref Cmember); next: fn(cp: self ref Cmember, fwd: int): ref Cmember; prev: fn(cp: self ref Cmember, fwd: int): ref Cmember; }; Selection: adt { stack: ref Object; ownerid: int; isrange: int; r: Range; idxl: list of int; set: fn(sel: self ref Selection, stack: ref Object); setexcl: fn(sel: self ref Selection, stack: ref Object): int; setrange: fn(sel: self ref Selection, r: Range); addindex: fn(sel: self ref Selection, i: int); delindex: fn(sel: self ref Selection, i: int); isempty: fn(sel: self ref Selection): int; isset: fn(sel: self ref Selection, index: int): int; transfer: fn(sel: self ref Selection, dst: ref Object, index: int); owner: fn(sel: self ref Selection): ref Cmember; }; .EE .SH DESCRIPTION .I Cardlib provides facilities to help in the implementation of .IR spree (2) engines that implement the .IR spree-cards (4) interface. Facilities include the layout of clients' cards, support for card selections, and card manipulation. .PP .B Init must be called first to initialise the .I Cardlib module, giving it the .I spree module and the current clique. .I Archived should be non-zero if the card game is being restored from an archive. .SS Cards The value of a playing card is represented by the .B Card adt, having attributes .IR suit , .IR number , and .IR face . .I Suit ranges from 0 to 3 inclusive, representing clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades respectively; .I number ranges from 0 to 12 inclusive for the standard cards, with ace low and king high - a joker is represented by a number greater than 12; .I face represents whether the card is face up or face down (0 is face down). .PP A actual card is represented by an object in the object hierarchy of type .BR card , with attributes .BR number , .BR face , and .BR rear . .B Number is the suit/number of the card (held as .IR n , where .IR n %4 gives the suit, and .IR n /4 the rank). .B Face is as held in the .B Card adt, and .B rear is a number that represents the pattern on the back of the card (numbered from 0 upwards). Conventionally the .B number attribute is made invisible to all players when the .B face attribute is set to zero. .PP .B Makecard creates a new card of value .IR c , placing the new card object at the end of .IR deck , and setting the .B rear attribute to .I rear if it is non-nil. .B Makecards makes a set of cards, all face down, in all four suits, having numbers within the range .IR r . .PP .B Getcard gets the value representation of a card from object .IR card ; .B getcards gets the values of all the card objects within .IR stack . .B Setface sets of .I card to .IR face ; the visibility of the card's number is changed appropriately. .PP The following few routines operate on stacks of cards: objects which contain only card objects: .B flip reverses a stack of cards, reversing their faces as it does so; .B shuffle shuffles a stack of cards, and .B sort sorts a stack of cards by suit and then number, according to .I rank and .IR suitrank . .I Rank and .I suitrank are permutations mapping number/suit to sort precedence (0 low). If either of these are nil, then a default ranking scheme is chosen (two low, ace high for number). .B Discard moves all the cards in .I stk onto .IR pile , turning them face down if .I facedown is non-zero. .B Deal deals out all the cards in .I stack as evenly as possible amongst .IR stacks , dealing to .IB stacks [ first ] first. .SS Members and card selection .I Cardlib keeps a record of the current players of the game; a player is represented by a .B Cmember adt; the players are assumed to sit in a circle, numbered from 0 updwards; .B nmembers gives the number of current players. Each player has a unique integer id, and an associated selection and card layout. .TP 10 .IB m .join(\fIm\fP,\ \fIord\fP) Join a new player to the game; .I m is the clique member that's joining, and .I ord is where to slot the player in the circle of existing players. If .I ord is -1, the player will be added at the end. .TP .IB m .leave() Remove .I m from the list of current players. .TP .IB m .index(\fIord\fP) .B Index returns the .IR ord th player around the table. .TP .IB m .find(\fIm\fP) Find the .B Cmember corresponding to member .IR m . .TP .IB m .findid(\fIid\fP) Find the .B Cmember with identifier .IR id , and return it. .IB m .next(\fIfwd\fP) .B Next returns the next player around the table from .IR m . If .I fwd is non-zero, it counts upwards, otherwise it counts downwards. .IB m .prev(\fIfwd\fP) .B Prev is the opposite of .BR next . If .I fwd is non-zero, it counts downwards, otherwise it counts upwards. .SS Selection Each .B Cmember .I m has an associated selection, .IB m .sel\fR, which consists of a selection of some cards from a single stack of cards. A selection can consist of either a range of cards within a stack, or an arbitrary set of cards within a stack. A stack can only be the subject of one selection; the member that has that selection is known as its owner. .TP 10 .IB sel .set(\fIstack\fP) .B Set makes .I stack (an object containing only card objects) the subject of .IR sel 's selection. If .I stack is nil, the selection is cleared. .TP .IB sel .setexcl(\fIstack\fP) .B Setexcl is the same as .B set except that it will fail if the stack is owned by a different player. It returns 0 if it fails, otherwise non-zero. .TP .IB sel .setrange(\fIr\fP) .B Setrange sets the selection .I sel to be a range of cards within its stack. If the selection had been of distinct cards (set using .BR addindex ), it is first cleared. .TP .IB sel .addindex(\fIi\fP) .B Addindex adds the card at index .I i to the selection .IR sel . If a range had previously been selected, it is first cleared. .TP .IB sel .delindex(\fIi\fP) .B Delindex deletes the card at index .I i from the selection. If the selection was previously a range, this is a no-op. .TP .IB sel .isempty() .B Isempty returns non-zero if .I sel holds an empty selection. .TP .IB sel .isset(\fIindex\fP) .B Isset returns non-zero if the card at index .I index is contained within the selection .IR sel . .TP .IB sel .transfer(\fIdst\fP,\ \fIindex\fP) .B Transfer moves all the cards in the selection .I sel to just before .I index within the stack .IR dst . .IB sel .owner() .B Owner returns the .B Cmember that owns the selection .IR sel . .SS Layout Creating a stack of cards does not specify how it is to be displayed to members of the game. Each member has a .I layout object which defines which objects are to be displayed to that member, and how they are to be laid out. Any member must see at most one layout object (it is conventional to make a layout object visible only to its owner). Objects are laid out using tk-like .IR pack (9) semantics: .I frames pack together display objects or other frames. A display object can lay out anything the card client knows how to display (see ``Display Objects'', below). .PP .B Addlayframe adds a new frame named .I name within a layout frame named .IR parent , specific to .IR layout . If .I parent is nil, the frame is added to the root of the hierarchy. If .I layout is nil, a frame is added to .I parent for each member that has a layout frame of that name. .I Packopts specifies how the frame is to be packed within its parent: it is a bitmask, specifying the side of the cavity against which it is to be packed, the place it is to be anchored should the cavity be bigger than its requested size, how to fill its cavity, whether to expand its requested size to fill extra available space. See .IR pack (9) for details of the packing algorithm. The packing direction is specified with one of .BR dTOP , .BR dLEFT , .BR dBOTTOM or .BR dRIGHT . The anchor direction is specified with one of .BR aCENTRE , .BR aUPPERCENTRE , .BR aUPPERLEFT , .BR aCENTRELEFT , .BR aLOWERLEFT , .BR aLOWERCENTRE , .BR aLOWERRIGHT , .BR aCENTRERIGHT , or .BR aUPPERRIGHT . .B FILLX and .B FILLY specify how to fill unused space in its cavity (not mutually exclusive), and .B EXPAND requests unused space. .I Facing influences direction that objects are packed in underneath the frame. It should be one of the pack direction constants specified above (e.g. .BR dTOP ). For instance, if .B dRIGHT is specified, then all objects packed underneath have their attributes modified 90° clockwise, as if the player in question was sitting on the left of the table, looking right. This feature means that it is possible to set up a ``table'' in which layout objects can be added to all players at the same time, but which nonetheless looks different to each player around the table. .PP .B Maketable creates such a ``table'' for between 0 and 4 players. It creates a frame for each player, named .BI p n\fR, where .I n is the ordinal number of the player around the table; and an inner space, named .BR public . The .I parent argument to .B maketable gives the frame within which the table is to be created. .PP .B Addlayobj adds a new display object .I obj to the layout hierarchy. .IR Name , .IR parent , .IR layout , and .I packopts are the same as for .B addlayframe except that if it is a stack object, then .I packopts also specifies the orientation of the stack, with one of the constants .BR oRIGHT , .BR oUP , .BR oLEFT , or .BR oDOWN , giving the direction in which cards are laid out within the stack. .PP .B Dellay deletes the object named .I name from the layout hierarchy. If .I layout is nil, it is deleted from all layouts, otherwise from .I layout only. .SS "Display Objects" Currently, two kinds of objects can be displayed: stacks and widgets. A stack has object type .BR stack , and contains only cards objects. Attributes on the stack object define its appearance: .B maxcards gives the default size of the stack; .B style gives the style of stack layout, currently one of .B pile (all the cards piled directly on top of one another), or .B display (cards are spread out in the direction specified by the orientation given in the packing options, see Layout, above); .B title gives a title to display with the stack. .PP .B Newstack creates a new stack according to the specifications in .IR spec , where .I spec is an adt that holds .BR style , .BR maxcards , and .BR title , as described above. If .IB spec .conceal is non-zero, the contents of the new stack will be made invisible to all (except .IR owner , if .I owner is non-nil). .PP Widgets are created by making an object of type .RB `` widget .IR type '', where .I type is one of .BR button , .BR entry , or .BR menu . The .B text attribute controls the text that is displayed in the widget; .B command gives the text that will be sent to the engine when the widget is activated, and .B width specifies the widget of the widget, in multiples of the width of the ``0'' character. .PP Entries can be made in a menu widget by creating new objects of type .B menuentry inside a menu object. The .B text and .B command attributes have the usual meaning here. .SS Archival Engines that use .I cardlib should not use .IR spree-objstore (2) to archive their objects: .I cardlib provides an interface to do this, and also knows how to archive and unarchive its own internal state. .PP .B Archive commits all the internal state of .I cardlib to the object hierarchy, prior to archival. It returns an ``archive'' object that can be used as a convenient place to put attributes that need archiving but are not associated with any particular object. .B Setarchivename associates .I name with the object .I o such that it can be retrieved when unarchiving by calling .B getarchiveobj with the same name. Similarly .B Archivearray associates a name with each object in the array .I a such that the array can be retrieved when unarchiving by calling .B getarchivearray with the same name. .I Name should not end in a decimal digit. .B Unarchive unarchives .IR cardlib 's internal state. It returns the same archive object that was returned by .BR archive . .SH SOURCE .B /appl/spree/lib/cardlib.b .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR spree (2), .IR spree-allow (2), .IR spree-objstore (2) .SH BUGS This interface is not complete and is liable to change.