ref: a39ae178fcc4387fe63efea4d15b34d52f4a13de
dir: /appl/wm/reversi.b/
implement Reversi; # # Copyright © 2000 Vita Nuova Limited. All rights reserved. # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Point, Rect, Image, Font, Context, Screen, Display: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; Toplevel: import tk; include "tkclient.m"; tkclient: Tkclient; include "daytime.m"; daytime: Daytime; include "rand.m"; rand: Rand; # adtize and modularize stderr: ref Sys->FD; Reversi: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; nosleep, printout, auto: int; display: ref Draw->Display; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH; tkclient->init(); daytime = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; rand = load Rand Rand->PATH; argv = tl argv; while(argv != nil){ s := hd argv; if(s != nil && s[0] == '-'){ for(i := 1; i < len s; i++){ case s[i]{ 'a' => auto = 1; 'p' => printout = 1; 's' => nosleep = 1; } } } argv = tl argv; } stderr = sys->fildes(2); rand->init(daytime->now()); daytime = nil; if(ctxt == nil) ctxt = tkclient->makedrawcontext(); display = ctxt.display; (win, wmctl) := tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, "", "Reversi", Tkclient->Resize | Tkclient->Hide); mainwin = win; sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); cmdch := chan of string; tk->namechan(win, cmdch, "cmd"); for(i := 0; i < len win_config; i++) cmd(win, win_config[i]); fittoscreen(win); pid := -1; sync := chan of int; mvch := chan of (int, int, int); initboard(); setimage(); spawn game(sync, mvch, 0); pid = <- sync; tkclient->onscreen(win, nil); tkclient->startinput(win, "kbd"::"ptr"::nil); lasts := 1; for(;;){ alt{ s := <-win.ctxt.kbd => tk->keyboard(win, s); s := <-win.ctxt.ptr => tk->pointer(win, *s); s := <-win.ctxt.ctl or s = <-win.wreq => tkclient->wmctl(win, s); c := <- wmctl => case c{ "exit" => if(pid != -1) kill(pid); exit; * => e := tkclient->wmctl(win, c); if(e == nil && c[0] == '!'){ setimage(); drawboard(); } } c := <- cmdch => (nil, toks) := sys->tokenize(c, " "); case hd toks{ "b1" or "b2" or "b3" => alt{ mvch <-= (SQUARE, int hd tl toks, int hd tl tl toks) => lasts = 1; * => ; } "bh" or "bm" or "wh" or "wm" => col := BLACK; knd := HUMAN; if((hd toks)[0] == 'w') col = WHITE; if((hd toks)[1] == 'm') knd = MACHINE; kind[col] = knd; "blev" or "wlev" => col := BLACK; e := "be"; if((hd toks)[0] == 'w'){ col = WHITE; e = "we"; } sk := int cmd(win, ".f0." + e + " get"); if(sk > MAXPLIES) sk = MAXPLIES; if(sk >= 0) skill[col] = sk; "last" => alt{ mvch <-= (REPLAY, lasts, 0) => lasts++; * => ; } * => ; } <- sync => pid = -1; # exit; spawn game(sync, mvch, 0); pid = <- sync; } } } SQUARE, REPLAY: con iota; WIDTH: con 400; HEIGHT: con 400; SZB: con 8; # must be even SZF: con SZB+2; MC1: con SZB/2; MC2: con MC1+1; PIECES: con SZB*SZB; SQUARES: con PIECES-4; MAXMOVES: con 3*PIECES/2; NOMOVE: con SZF*SZF - 1; BLACK, WHITE, EMPTY, BORDER: con iota; MACHINE, HUMAN: con iota; SKILLB : con 6; SKILLW : con 0; MAXPLIES: con 6; moves: array of int; board: array of array of int; # for display brd: array of array of int; # for calculations val: array of array of int; order: array of (int, int); pieces: array of int; value: array of int; kind: array of int; skill: array of int; name: array of string; mainwin: ref Toplevel; brdimg: ref Image; brdr: Rect; brdx, brdy: int; black, white, green: ref Image; movech: chan of (int, int, int); setimage() { brdw := int tk->cmd(mainwin, ".p cget -actwidth"); brdh := int tk->cmd(mainwin, ".p cget -actheight"); # if (brdw > display.image.r.dx()) # brdw = display.image.r.dx() - 4; # if (brdh > display.image.r.dy()) # brdh = display.image.r.dy() - 40; brdr = Rect((0,0), (brdw, brdh)); brdimg = display.newimage(brdr, display.image.chans, 0, Draw->White); if(brdimg == nil) fatal("not enough image memory"); tk->putimage(mainwin, ".p", brdimg, nil); } game(sync: chan of int, mvch: chan of (int, int, int), again: int) { sync <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); movech = mvch; initbrd(); drawboard(); if(again) replay(moves); else play(); sync <-= 0; } ordrect() { i, j : int; n := 0; for(i = 1; i <= SZB; i++){ for(j = 1; j <= SZB; j++){ if(i < SZB/2 || j < SZB/2 || i > SZB/2+1 || j > SZB/2+1) order[n++] = (i, j); } } for(k := 0; k < SQUARES-1; k++){ for(l := k+1; l < SQUARES; l++){ (i, j) = order[k]; (a, b) := order[l]; if(val[i][j] > val[a][b]) (order[k], order[l]) = (order[l], order[k]); } } } initboard() { i, j, k: int; moves = array[MAXMOVES+1] of int; board = array[SZF] of array of int; brd = array[SZF] of array of int; for(i = 0; i < SZF; i++){ board[i] = array[SZF] of int; brd[i] = array[SZF] of int; } val = array[SZF] of array of int; s := -pow(-1, SZB/2); for(i = 0; i < SZF; i++){ val[i] = array[SZF] of int; val[i][0] = val[i][SZF-1] = 0; for(j = 1; j <= SZB; j++){ for(k = SZB/2; k > 0; k--){ if(i == k || i == SZB+1-k || j == k || j == SZB+1-k){ val[i][j] = s*pow(-7, SZB/2-k); break; } } } } order = array[SQUARES] of (int, int); ordrect(); pieces = array[2] of int; value = array[2] of int; kind = array[2] of int; kind[BLACK] = MACHINE; if(auto) kind[WHITE] = MACHINE; else kind[WHITE] = HUMAN; skill = array[2] of int; skill[BLACK] = SKILLB; skill[WHITE] = SKILLW; name = array[2] of string; name[BLACK] = "black"; name[WHITE] = "white"; black = display.color(Draw->Black); white = display.color(Draw->White); green = display.color(Draw->Green); } initbrd() { i, j: int; for(i = 0; i < SZF; i++) for(j = 0; j < SZF; j++) brd[i][j] = EMPTY; for(i = 0; i < SZF; i++) brd[i][0] = brd[i][SZF-1] = BORDER; for(j = 0; j< SZF; j++) brd[0][j] = brd[SZF-1][j] = BORDER; brd[MC1][MC1] = brd[MC2][MC2] = BLACK; brd[MC1][MC2] = brd[MC2][MC1] = WHITE; for(i = 0; i < SZF; i++) for(j = 0; j < SZF; j++) board[i][j] = brd[i][j]; pieces[BLACK] = pieces[WHITE] = 2; value[BLACK] = value[WHITE] = -2; } plays := 0; bscore := 0; wscore := 0; bwins := 0; wwins := 0; play() { n := 0; for(i := 0; i <= MAXMOVES; i++) moves[i] = NOMOVE; if(plays&1) (first, second) := (WHITE, BLACK); else (first, second) = (BLACK, WHITE); if(printout) sys->print("%d\n", first); moves[n++] = first; m1 := m2 := 1; for(;;){ if(pieces[BLACK]+pieces[WHITE] == PIECES) break; m2 = m1; m1 = move(first, second); if(printout) sys->print("%d\n", m1); moves[n++] = m1; if(!m1 && !m2) break; (first, second) = (second, first); } if(auto) sys->print("score: %d-%d\n", pieces[BLACK], pieces[WHITE]); bscore += pieces[BLACK]; wscore += pieces[WHITE]; if(pieces[BLACK] > pieces[WHITE]) bwins++; else if(pieces[BLACK] < pieces[WHITE]) wwins++; plays++; if(auto) sys->print(" black: %d white: %d draw: %d total: (%d-%d)\n", bwins, wwins, plays-bwins-wwins, bscore, wscore); puts(sys->sprint("black %d:%d white", pieces[BLACK], pieces[WHITE])); sleep(2000); puts(sys->sprint("black %d:%d white", bwins, wwins)); sleep(2000); } replay(moves: array of int) { n := 0; first := moves[n++]; second := BLACK+WHITE-first; m1 := m2 := 1; while (pieces[BLACK]+pieces[WHITE] < PIECES){ m2 = m1; m1 = moves[n++]; if(m1 == NOMOVE) break; if(m1 != 0) makemove(m1/SZF, m1%SZF, first, second, 1, 0); if(!m1 && !m2) break; (first, second) = (second, first); } # sys->print("score: %d-%d\n", pieces[BLACK], pieces[WHITE]); } lastmoves(p: int, moves: array of int) { initbrd(); k := MAXMOVES+1; for(i := 0; i <= MAXMOVES; i++){ if(moves[i] == NOMOVE){ k = i; break; } } if(k-p < 1) p = k-1; for(i = k-p; i < k; i++) if(moves[i] == 0) p++; if(k-p < 1) p = k-1; n := 0; me := moves[n++]; you := BLACK+WHITE-me; while(n < k-p){ m := moves[n++]; if(m != 0) makemove(m/SZF, m%SZF, me, you, 1, 1); (me, you) = (you, me); } for(i = 0; i < SZF; i++) for(j := 0; j < SZF; j++) board[i][j] = brd[i][j]; drawboard(); sleep(1000); while(n < k){ m := moves[n++]; if(m != 0) makemove(m/SZF, m%SZF, me, you, 1, 0); if(n < k) sleep(500); (me, you) = (you, me); } } move(me: int, you: int): int { if(kind[me] == MACHINE){ puts("machine " + name[me] + " move"); m := genmove(me, you); if(!m){ puts("machine " + name[me] + " cannot go"); sleep(2000); } return m; } else{ m, n: int; mvs := findmoves(me, you); if(mvs == nil){ puts("human " + name[me] + " cannot go"); sleep(2000); return 0; } for(;;){ puts("human " + name[me] + " move"); (m, n) = getmove(); if(m < 1 || n < 1 || m > SZB || n > SZB) continue; if(brd[m][n] == EMPTY) (valid, nil) := makemove(m, n, me, you, 0, 0); else valid = 0; if(valid) break; puts("illegal move"); sleep(2000); } makemove(m, n, me, you, 1, 0); return m*SZF+n; } } fullsrch: int; genmove(me: int, you: int): int { m, n, v: int; mvs := findmoves(me, you); if(mvs == nil) return 0; if(skill[me] == 0){ l := len mvs; r := rand->rand(l); # r = 0; while(--r >= 0) mvs = tl mvs; (m, n) = hd mvs; } else{ plies := skill[me]; left := PIECES-(pieces[BLACK]+pieces[WHITE]); if(left < plies) # limit search plies = left; else if(left < 2*plies) # expand search to end plies = left; else{ # expand search nearer end of game k := left/plies; if(k < 3) plies = ((k+2)*plies)/(k+1); } fullsrch = plies == left; visits = leaves = 0; (v, (m, n)) = minimax(me, you, plies, ∞, 1); if(0){ # if((m==2&&n==2&&brd[1][1]!=BLACK) || # (m==2&&n==7&&brd[1][8]!=BLACK) || # (m==7&&n==2&&brd[8][1]!=BLACK) || # (m==7&&n==7&&brd[8][8]!=BLACK)){ while(mvs != nil){ (a, b) := hd mvs; (nil, sqs) := makemove(a, b, me, you, 1, 1); (v0, nil) := minimax(you, me, plies-1, ∞, 1); sys->print(" (%d, %d): %d\n", a, b, v0); undomove(a, b, me, you, sqs); mvs = tl mvs; } if(!fullsrch){ sys->print("best move is %d, %d\n", m, n); kind[WHITE] = HUMAN; } } if(auto) sys->print("eval = %d plies=%d goes=%d visits=%d\n", v, plies, len mvs, leaves); } makemove(m, n, me, you, 1, 0); return m*SZF+n; } findmoves(me: int, you: int): list of (int, int) { mvs: list of (int, int); for(k := 0; k < SQUARES; k++){ (i, j) := order[k]; if(brd[i][j] == EMPTY){ (valid, nil) := makemove(i, j, me, you, 0, 0); if(valid) mvs = (i, j) :: mvs; } } return mvs; } makemove(m: int, n: int, me: int, you: int, move: int, gen: int): (int, list of (int, int)) { sqs: list of (int, int); if(move){ pieces[me]++; value[me] += val[m][n]; brd[m][n] = me; if(!gen){ board[m][n] = me; drawpiece(m, n, me, 1); panelupdate(); sleep(1000); } } valid := 0; for(i := -1; i < 2; i++){ for(j := -1; j < 2; j++){ if(i != 0 || j != 0){ v: int; (v, sqs) = dirmove(m, n, i, j, me, you, move, gen, sqs); valid |= v; if (valid && !move) return (1, sqs); } } } if(!valid && move) fatal(sys->sprint("bad makemove call (%d, %d)", m, n)); return (valid, sqs); } dirmove(m: int, n: int, dx: int, dy: int, me: int, you: int, move: int, gen: int, sqs: list of (int, int)): (int, list of (int, int)) { p := 0; m += dx; n += dy; while(brd[m][n] == you){ m += dx; n += dy; p++; } if(p > 0 && brd[m][n] == me){ if(move){ pieces[me] += p; pieces[you] -= p; m -= p*dx; n -= p*dy; while(--p >= 0){ brd[m][n] = me; value[me] += val[m][n]; value[you] -= val[m][n]; if(gen) sqs = (m, n) :: sqs; else{ board[m][n] = me; drawpiece(m, n, me, 0); # sleep(500); panelupdate(); } m += dx; n += dy; } } return (1, sqs); } return (0, sqs); } undomove(m: int, n: int, me: int, you: int, sqs: list of (int, int)) { brd[m][n] = EMPTY; pieces[me]--; value[me] -= val[m][n]; for(; sqs != nil; sqs = tl sqs){ (x, y) := hd sqs; brd[x][y] = you; pieces[me]--; pieces[you]++; value[me] -= val[x][y]; value[you] += val[x][y]; } } getmove(): (int, int) { k, x, y: int; (k, x, y) = <- movech; if(k == REPLAY){ lastmoves(x, moves); return getmove(); } return (x/brdx+1, y/brdy+1); } drawboard() { brdx = brdr.dx()/SZB; brdy = brdr.dy()/SZB; brdimg.draw(brdr, green, nil, (0, 0)); for(i := 1; i < SZB; i++) drawline(lmap(i, 0), lmap(i, SZB)); for(j := 1; j < SZB; j++) drawline(lmap(0, j), lmap(SZB, j)); for(i = 1; i <= SZB; i++){ for(j = 1; j <= SZB; j++){ if (board[i][j] == BLACK || board[i][j] == WHITE) drawpiece(i, j, board[i][j], 0); } } panelupdate(); } drawpiece(m, n, p, flash: int) { if(p == BLACK) src := black; else src = white; if(0 && flash && kind[p] == MACHINE){ for(i := 0; i < 4; i++){ brdimg.fillellipse(cmap(m, n), 3*brdx/8, 3*brdy/8, src, (0, 0)); panelupdate(); sys->sleep(250); brdimg.fillellipse(cmap(m, n), 3*brdx/8, 3*brdy/8, green, (0, 0)); panelupdate(); sys->sleep(250); } } brdimg.fillellipse(cmap(m, n), 3*brdx/8, 3*brdy/8, src, (0, 0)); } panelupdate() { tk->cmd(mainwin, sys->sprint(".p dirty %d %d %d %d", brdr.min.x, brdr.min.y, brdr.max.x, brdr.max.y)); tk->cmd(mainwin, "update"); } drawline(p0, p1: Point) { brdimg.line(p0, p1, Draw->Endsquare, Draw->Endsquare, 0,, (0, 0)); } cmap(m, n: int): Point { return brdr.min.add((m*brdx-brdx/2, n*brdy-brdy/2)); } lmap(m, n: int): Point { return brdr.min.add((m*brdx, n*brdy)); } ∞: con (1<<30); MAXVISITS: con 1024; visits, leaves : int; minimax(me: int, you: int, plies: int, αβ: int, mv: int): (int, (int, int)) { if(plies == 0){ visits++; leaves++; if(visits == MAXVISITS){ visits = 0; sys->sleep(0); } return (eval(me, you), (0, 0)); } mvs := findmoves(me, you); if(mvs == nil){ if(mv) (v, nil) := minimax(you, me, plies, ∞, 0); else (v, nil) = minimax(you, me, plies-1, ∞, 0); return (-v, (0, 0)); } bestv := -∞; bestm := (0, 0); e := 0; for(; mvs != nil; mvs = tl mvs){ (m, n) := hd mvs; (nil, sqs) := makemove(m, n, me, you, 1, 1); (v, nil) := minimax(you, me, plies-1, -bestv, 1); v = -v; undomove(m, n, me, you, sqs); if(v > bestv || (v == bestv && rand->rand(++e) == 0)){ if(v > bestv) e = 1; bestv = v; bestm = (m, n); if(bestv >= αβ) return (∞, (0, 0)); } } return (bestv, bestm); } eval(me: int, you: int): int { d := pieces[me]-pieces[you]; if(fullsrch) return d; n := pieces[me]+pieces[you]; v := 0; for(i := 1; i <= SZB; i += SZB-1) for(j := 1; j <= SZB; j += SZB-1) v += line(i, j, me, you); return (PIECES-n)*(value[me]-value[you]+v) + n*d; } line(m: int, n: int, me: int, you: int): int { if(brd[m][n] == EMPTY) return 0; dx := dy := -1; if(m == 1) dx = 1; if(n == 1) dy = 1; return line0(m, n, 0, dy, me, you) + line0(m, n, dx, 0, me, you) + line0(m, n, dx, dy, me, you); } line0(m: int, n: int, dx: int, dy: int, me: int, you: int): int { v := 0; p := brd[m][n]; i := val[1][1]; while(brd[m][n] == p){ v += i; m += dx; n += dy; } if(p == you) return -v; if(p == me) return v; return v; } pow(n: int, m: int): int { p := 1; while(--m >= 0) p *= n; return p; } fatal(s: string) { sys->fprint(stderr, "%s\n", s); exit; } sleep(t: int) { if(nosleep) sys->sleep(0); else sys->sleep(t); } kill(pid: int): int { fd := sys->open("#p/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE); if(fd == nil) return -1; if(sys->write(fd, array of byte "kill", 4) != 4) return -1; return 0; } cmd(top: ref Toplevel, s: string): string { e := tk->cmd(top, s); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') sys->fprint(stderr, "reversi: tk error on '%s': %s\n", s, e); return e; } # swidth: int; # sfont: ref Font; # gettxtattrs() # { # swidth = int cmd(mainwin, ".f1.txt cget -width"); # always initial value ? # f := cmd(mainwin, ".f1.txt cget -font"); # sfont =, f); # } puts(s: string) { # while(sfont.width(s) > swidth) # s = s[0: len s -1]; cmd(mainwin, ".f1.txt configure -text {" + s + "}"); cmd(mainwin, "update"); } fittoscreen(win: ref Tk->Toplevel) { Point: import draw; if (display.image == nil) return; r := display.image.r; scrsize := Point(r.dx(), r.dy()); bd := int cmd(win, ". cget -bd"); winsize := Point(int cmd(win, ". cget -actwidth") + bd * 2, int cmd(win, ". cget -actheight") + bd * 2); if (winsize.x > scrsize.x) cmd(win, ". configure -width " + string (scrsize.x - bd * 2)); if (winsize.y > scrsize.y) cmd(win, ". configure -height " + string (scrsize.y - bd * 2)); actr: Rect; actr.min = Point(int cmd(win, ". cget -actx"), int cmd(win, ". cget -acty")); actr.max = actr.min.add((int cmd(win, ". cget -actwidth") + bd*2, int cmd(win, ". cget -actheight") + bd*2)); (dx, dy) := (actr.dx(), actr.dy()); if (actr.max.x > r.max.x) (actr.min.x, actr.max.x) = (r.max.x - dx, r.max.x); if (actr.max.y > r.max.y) (actr.min.y, actr.max.y) = (r.max.y - dy, r.max.y); if (actr.min.x < r.min.x) (actr.min.x, actr.max.x) = (r.min.x, r.min.x + dx); if (actr.min.y < r.min.y) (actr.min.y, actr.max.y) = (r.min.y, r.min.y + dy); cmd(win, ". configure -x " + string actr.min.x + " -y " + string actr.min.y); cmd(win, "update"); } win_config := array[] of { "frame .f", "button .f.last -text {last move} -command {send cmd last}", "menubutton .f.bk -text Black -menu", "menubutton .f.wk -text White -menu .f.wk.wm", "menu", " add command -label Human -command { send cmd bh }", " add command -label Machine -command { send cmd bm }", "menu .f.wk.wm", ".f.wk.wm add command -label Human -command { send cmd wh }", ".f.wk.wm add command -label Machine -command { send cmd wm }", "pack .f.bk -side left", "pack .f.wk -side right", "pack .f.last -side top", "frame .f0", "label -text {Black level}", "label .f0.wl -text {White level}", "entry -width 32", "entry .f0.we -width 32", " insert 0 " + string SKILLB, ".f0.we insert 0 " + string SKILLW, "pack -side left", "pack -side left", "pack .f0.wl -side right", "pack .f0.we -side right", "frame .f1", "label .f1.txt -text { } -width " + string WIDTH, "pack .f1.txt -side top -fill x", "panel .p -width " + string WIDTH + " -height " + string HEIGHT, "pack .f -side top -fill x", "pack .f0 -side top -fill x", "pack .f1 -side top -fill x", "pack .p -side bottom -fill both -expand 1", "pack propagate . 0", "bind .p <Button-1> {send cmd b1 %x %y}", "bind .p <Button-2> {send cmd b2 %x %y}", "bind .p <Button-3> {send cmd b3 %x %y}", "bind <Key-\n> {send cmd blev}", "bind .f0.we <Key-\n> {send cmd wlev}", "update", };