ref: a39ae178fcc4387fe63efea4d15b34d52f4a13de
dir: /appl/lib/nametree.b/
implement Nametree; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "styx.m"; include "styxservers.m"; Navop: import Styxservers; Enotfound, Eexists: import Styxservers; Fholder: adt { parentqid: big; d: Sys->Dir; child: cyclic ref Fholder; sibling: cyclic ref Fholder; hash: cyclic ref Fholder; }; init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; } start(): (ref Tree, chan of ref Styxservers->Navop) { fs := ref Tree(chan of ref Treeop, chan of string); c := chan of ref Styxservers->Navop; spawn fsproc(c, fs.c); return (fs, c); } Tree.quit(t: self ref Tree) { t.c <-= nil; } Tree.create(t: self ref Tree, parentq: big, d: Sys->Dir): string { t.c <-= ref Treeop.Create(t.reply, parentq, d); return <-t.reply; } Tree.remove(t: self ref Tree, q: big): string { t.c <-= ref Treeop.Remove(t.reply, q); return <-t.reply; } Tree.wstat(t: self ref Tree, q: big, d: Sys->Dir): string { t.c <-= ref Treeop.Wstat(t.reply, q, d); return <-t.reply; } Tree.getpath(t: self ref Tree, q: big): string { t. c <-= ref Treeop.Getpath(t.reply, q); return <-t.reply; } fsproc(c: chan of ref Styxservers->Navop, fsc: chan of ref Treeop) { tab := array[23] of ref Fholder; for (;;) alt { grq := <-c => if (grq == nil) exit; (q, reply) := (grq.path, grq.reply); fh := findfile(tab, q); if (fh == nil) { reply <-= (nil, Enotfound); continue; } pick rq := grq { Stat => reply <-= (ref fh.d, nil); Walk => d := fswalk(tab, fh,; if (d == nil) reply <-= (nil, Enotfound); else reply <-= (d, nil); Readdir => (start, end) := (rq.offset, rq.offset + rq.count); fh = fh.child; for (i := 0; i < end && fh != nil; i++) { if (i >= start) reply <-= (ref fh.d, nil); fh = fh.sibling; } reply <-= (nil, nil); * => panic(sys->sprint("unknown op %d\n", tagof(grq))); } grq := <-fsc => if (grq == nil) exit; (q, reply) := (grq.q, grq.reply); pick rq := grq { Create => reply <-= fscreate(tab, q, rq.d); Remove => reply <-= fsremove(tab, q); Wstat => reply <-= fswstat(tab, q, rq.d); Getpath => reply <-= fsgetpath(tab, q); * => panic(sys->sprint("unknown fs op %d\n", tagof(grq))); } } } hashfn(q: big, n: int): int { h := int (q % big n); if (h < 0) h += n; return h; } findfile(tab: array of ref Fholder, q: big): ref Fholder { for (fh := tab[hashfn(q, len tab)]; fh != nil; fh = fh.hash) if (fh.d.qid.path == q) return fh; return nil; } fsgetpath(tab: array of ref Fholder, q: big): string { fh := findfile(tab, q); if (fh == nil) return nil; s :=; while (fh.parentqid != fh.d.qid.path) { fh = findfile(tab, fh.parentqid); if (fh == nil) return nil; s = + "/" + s; } return s; } fswalk(tab: array of ref Fholder, fh: ref Fholder, name: string): ref Sys->Dir { if (name == "..") return ref findfile(tab, fh.parentqid).d; for (fh = fh.child; fh != nil; fh = fh.sibling) if ( == name) return ref fh.d; return nil; } fsremove(tab: array of ref Fholder, q: big): string { prev: ref Fholder; # remove from hash table slot := hashfn(q, len tab); for (fh := tab[slot]; fh != nil; fh = fh.hash) { if (fh.d.qid.path == q) break; prev = fh; } if (fh == nil) return Enotfound; if (prev == nil) tab[slot] = fh.hash; else prev.hash = fh.hash; fh.hash = nil; # remove from parent's children parent := findfile(tab, fh.parentqid); if (parent != nil) { prev = nil; for (sfh := parent.child; sfh != nil; sfh = sfh.sibling) { if (sfh == fh) break; prev = sfh; } if (sfh == nil) panic("child not found in parent"); if (prev == nil) parent.child = fh.sibling; else prev.sibling = fh.sibling; } fh.sibling = nil; # now remove any descendents sibling: ref Fholder; for (sfh := fh.child; sfh != nil; sfh = sibling) { sibling = sfh.sibling; sfh.parentqid = sfh.d.qid.path; # make sure it doesn't disrupt things. fsremove(tab, sfh.d.qid.path); } return nil; } fscreate(tab: array of ref Fholder, q: big, d: Sys->Dir): string { parent := findfile(tab, q); if (findfile(tab, d.qid.path) != nil) return Eexists; # allow creation of a root directory only if its parent is itself if (parent == nil && d.qid.path != q) return Enotfound; fh: ref Fholder; if (parent == nil) fh = ref Fholder(q, d, nil, nil, nil); else { if (fswalk(tab, parent, != nil) return Eexists; fh = ref Fholder(parent.d.qid.path, d, nil, nil, nil); fh.sibling = parent.child; parent.child = fh; } slot := hashfn(d.qid.path, len tab); fh.hash = tab[slot]; tab[slot] = fh; return nil; } fswstat(tab: array of ref Fholder, q: big, d: Sys->Dir): string { fh := findfile(tab, q); if (fh == nil) return Enotfound; d = applydir(d, fh.d); # if renaming a file, check for duplicates if ( != { parent := findfile(tab, fh.parentqid); if (parent != nil && parent != fh && fswalk(tab, parent, != nil) return Eexists; } fh.d = d; fh.d.qid.path = q; # ensure the qid can't be changed return nil; } applydir(d: Sys->Dir, onto: Sys->Dir): Sys->Dir { if ( != nil) =; if (d.uid != nil) onto.uid = d.uid; if (d.gid != nil) onto.gid = d.gid; if (d.muid != nil) onto.muid = d.muid; if (d.qid.vers != ~0) onto.qid.vers = d.qid.vers; if (d.qid.qtype != ~0) onto.qid.qtype = d.qid.qtype; if (d.mode != ~0) onto.mode = d.mode; if (d.atime != ~0) onto.atime = d.atime; if (d.mtime != ~0) onto.mtime = d.mtime; if (d.length != ~big 0) onto.length = d.length; if (d.dtype != ~0) onto.dtype = d.dtype; if ( != ~0) =; return onto; } panic(s: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "panic: %s\n", s); raise "panic"; }