ref: a39ae178fcc4387fe63efea4d15b34d52f4a13de
dir: /appl/cmd/auth/passwd.b/
implement Passwd; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "keyring.m"; kr: Keyring; include "dial.m"; dial: Dial; include "security.m"; auth: Auth; include "arg.m"; Passwd: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; stderr, stdin, stdout: ref Sys->FD; keysrv := "/mnt/keysrv"; signer := "$SIGNER"; usage() { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "usage: passwd [-u user] [-s signer] [keyfile]\n"); raise "fail:usage"; } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stdin = sys->fildes(0); stdout = sys->fildes(1); stderr = sys->fildes(2); kr = load Keyring Keyring->PATH; if(kr == nil) noload(Keyring->PATH); dial = load Dial Dial->PATH; if(dial == nil) noload(Dial->PATH); auth = load Auth Auth->PATH; if(auth == nil) noload(Auth->PATH); auth->init(); keyfile, id: string; arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; if(arg == nil) noload(Arg->PATH); arg->init(args); while((o := arg->opt()) != 0) case o { 's' => signer = arg->arg(); 'u' => id = arg->arg(); * => usage(); } args = arg->argv(); arg = nil; if(args == nil) args = "default" :: nil; if(id == nil) id= user(); if(args != nil) keyfile = hd args; else keyfile = "default"; if(len keyfile > 0 && keyfile[0] != '/') keyfile = "/usr/" + id + "/keyring/" + keyfile; ai := kr->readauthinfo(keyfile); if(ai == nil) err(sys->sprint("can't read certificate from %s: %r", keyfile)); sys->print("key owner: %s\n", ai.mypk.owner); sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS|Sys->FORKFD, nil); mountsrv(ai); # get password ok: int; secret: array of byte; oldhash: array of byte; word: string; for(;;){ sys->print("Inferno secret: "); (ok, word) = readline(stdin, "rawon"); if(!ok || word == nil) exit; secret = array of byte word; (nil, s) := hashkey(secret); for(i := 0; i < len word; i++) word[i] = ' '; oldhash = array of byte s; e := putsecret(oldhash, nil); if(e != "wrong secret"){ if(e == nil) break; err(e); } sys->fprint(stderr, "!wrong secret\n"); } newsecret: array of byte; for(;;){ for(;;){ sys->print("new secret [default = don't change]: "); (ok, word) = readline(stdin, "rawon"); if(!ok) exit; if(word == "" && secret != nil) break; if(len word >= 8) break; sys->print("!secret must be at least 8 characters\n"); } if(word != ""){ # confirm password change word1 := word; sys->print("confirm: "); (ok, word) = readline(stdin, "rawon"); if(!ok || word != word1){ sys->fprint(stderr, "!entries didn't match\n"); continue; } # TO DO... #pwbuf := array of byte word; #newsecret = array[Keyring->SHA1dlen] of byte; #kr->sha1(pwbuf, len pwbuf, newsecret, nil); newsecret = array of byte word; } if(!eq(newsecret, secret)){ if((e := putsecret(oldhash, newsecret)) != nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "passwd: can't update secret for %s: %s\n", id, e); continue; } } break; } } noload(s: string) { err(sys->sprint("can't load %s: %r", s)); } err(s: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "passwd: %s\n", s); raise "fail:error"; } mountsrv(ai: ref Keyring->Authinfo): string { c := dial->dial(dial->netmkaddr(signer, "net", "infkey"), nil); if(c == nil) err(sys->sprint("can't dial %s: %r", signer)); (fd, id_or_err) := auth->client("sha1/rc4_256", ai, c.dfd); if(fd == nil) err(sys->sprint("can't authenticate with %s: %r", signer)); if(sys->mount(fd, nil, keysrv, Sys->MREPL, nil) < 0) err(sys->sprint("can't mount %s on %s: %r", signer, keysrv)); return id_or_err; } user(): string { fd := sys->open("/dev/user", Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) err(sys->sprint("can't open /dev/user: %r")); buf := array[Sys->NAMEMAX] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) err(sys->sprint("error reading /dev/user: %r")); return string buf[0:n]; } eq(a, b: array of byte): int { if(len a != len b) return 0; for(i := 0; i < len a; i++) if(a[i] != b[i]) return 0; return 1; } hashkey(a: array of byte): (array of byte, string) { hash := array[Keyring->SHA1dlen] of byte; kr->sha1(a, len a, hash, nil); s := ""; for(i := 0; i < len hash; i++) s += sys->sprint("%2.2ux", int hash[i]); return (hash, s); } putsecret(oldhash: array of byte, secret: array of byte): string { fd := sys->create(keysrv+"/secret", Sys->OWRITE, 8r600); if(fd == nil) return sys->sprint("%r"); n := len oldhash; if(secret != nil) n += 1 + len secret; buf := array[n] of byte; buf[0:] = oldhash; if(secret != nil){ buf[len oldhash] = byte ' '; buf[len oldhash+1:] = secret; } if(sys->write(fd, buf, len buf) < 0) return sys->sprint("%r"); return nil; } readline(io: ref Sys->FD, mode: string): (int, string) { r : int; line : string; buf := array[8192] of byte; fdctl : ref Sys->FD; rawoff := array of byte "rawoff"; if(mode == "rawon"){ fdctl = sys->open("/dev/consctl", sys->OWRITE); if(fdctl == nil || sys->write(fdctl,array of byte mode,len mode) != len mode){ sys->fprint(stderr, "unable to change console mode"); return (0,nil); } } line = ""; for(;;) { r = sys->read(io, buf, len buf); if(r <= 0){ sys->fprint(stderr, "error read from console mode"); if(mode == "rawon") sys->write(fdctl,rawoff,6); return (0, nil); } line += string buf[0:r]; if ((len line >= 1) && (line[(len line)-1] == '\n')){ if(mode == "rawon"){ r = sys->write(stdout,array of byte "\n",1); if(r <= 0) { sys->write(fdctl,rawoff,6); return (0, nil); } } break; } else { if(mode == "rawon"){ #r = sys->write(stdout, array of byte "*",1); if(r <= 0) { sys->write(fdctl,rawoff,6); return (0, nil); } } } } if(mode == "rawon") sys->write(fdctl,rawoff,6); return (1, line[0:len line - 1]); }