ref: 866d74c0c4bb50e85e9e8bb95140c10d409e53be
dir: /utils/kl/obj.c/
#define EXTERN #include "l.h" #include <ar.h> #ifndef DEFAULT #define DEFAULT '9' #endif char *noname = "<none>"; char symname[] = SYMDEF; char thechar = 'k'; char *thestring = "sparc"; /* * -H0 -T0x200000 -R0 is boot * -H2 -T4128 -R4096 is plan9 format * -H3 -T0xE0004000 -R4 is javastation boot format */ void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; char *a; Binit(&bso, 1, OWRITE); cout = -1; listinit(); outfile = 0; nerrors = 0; curtext = P; HEADTYPE = -1; INITTEXT = -1; INITDAT = -1; INITRND = -1; INITENTRY = 0; ARGBEGIN { default: c = ARGC(); if(c >= 0 && c < sizeof(debug)) debug[c]++; break; case 'o': outfile = ARGF(); break; case 'E': a = ARGF(); if(a) INITENTRY = a; break; case 'T': a = ARGF(); if(a) INITTEXT = atolwhex(a); break; case 'D': a = ARGF(); if(a) INITDAT = atolwhex(a); break; case 'R': a = ARGF(); if(a) INITRND = atolwhex(a); break; case 'H': a = ARGF(); if(a) HEADTYPE = atolwhex(a); break; } ARGEND USED(argc); if(*argv == 0) { diag("usage: vl [-options] objects"); errorexit(); } if(!debug['9'] && !debug['U'] && !debug['B']) debug[DEFAULT] = 1; if(HEADTYPE == -1) { if(debug['U']) HEADTYPE = 0; if(debug['B']) HEADTYPE = 1; if(debug['9']) HEADTYPE = 2; } switch(HEADTYPE) { default: diag("unknown -H option"); errorexit(); case 0: /* boot */ HEADR = 32L; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 0x200000L; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 4096L; break; case 1: /* garbage */ HEADR = 20L+60L; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 0x80020000L; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 4; break; case 2: /* plan 9 */ HEADR = 32L; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 4128; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 4096; break; case 3: /* javastation boot */ HEADR = 32L; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 0xE0004020L; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 4; break; } if(INITDAT != 0 && INITRND != 0) print("warning: -D0x%lux is ignored because of -R0x%lux\n", INITDAT, INITRND); if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "HEADER = -H0x%d -T0x%lux -D0x%lux -R0x%lux\n", HEADTYPE, INITTEXT, INITDAT, INITRND); Bflush(&bso); = AGOK; zprg.reg = NREG; = D_NONE; zprg.from.type = D_NONE; zprg.from.reg = NREG; = zprg.from; buildop(); histgen = 0; textp = P; datap = P; pc = 0; dtype = 4; if(outfile == 0) outfile = "k.out"; cout = create(outfile, 1, 0775); if(cout < 0) { diag("%s: cannot create", outfile); errorexit(); } nuxiinit(); version = 0; cbp = buf.cbuf; cbc = sizeof(buf.cbuf); firstp = prg(); lastp = firstp; if(INITENTRY == 0) { INITENTRY = "_main"; if(debug['p']) INITENTRY = "_mainp"; if(!debug['l']) lookup(INITENTRY, 0)->type = SXREF; } else lookup(INITENTRY, 0)->type = SXREF; while(*argv) objfile(*argv++); if(!debug['l']) loadlib(); firstp = firstp->link; if(firstp == P) goto out; patch(); if(debug['p']) if(debug['1']) doprof1(); else doprof2(); dodata(); follow(); if(firstp == P) goto out; noops(); span(); asmb(); undef(); out: if(debug['v']) { Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f cpu time\n", cputime()); Bprint(&bso, "%ld memory used\n", tothunk); Bprint(&bso, "%d sizeof adr\n", sizeof(Adr)); Bprint(&bso, "%d sizeof prog\n", sizeof(Prog)); } errorexit(); } void loadlib(void) { int i; long h; Sym *s; loop: xrefresolv = 0; for(i=0; i<libraryp; i++) { if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f autolib: %s (from %s)\n", cputime(), library[i], libraryobj[i]); objfile(library[i]); } if(xrefresolv) for(h=0; h<nelem(hash); h++) for(s = hash[h]; s != S; s = s->link) if(s->type == SXREF) goto loop; } void errorexit(void) { Bflush(&bso); if(nerrors) { if(cout >= 0) remove(outfile); exits("error"); } exits(0); } void objfile(char *file) { long off, esym, cnt, l; int f, work; Sym *s; char magbuf[SARMAG]; char name[100], pname[150]; struct ar_hdr arhdr; char *e, *start, *stop; if(file[0] == '-' && file[1] == 'l') { if(debug['9']) sprint(name, "/%s/lib/lib", thestring); else sprint(name, "/usr/%clib/lib", thechar); strcat(name, file+2); strcat(name, ".a"); file = name; } if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f ldobj: %s\n", cputime(), file); Bflush(&bso); f = open(file, 0); if(f < 0) { diag("cannot open file: %s", file); errorexit(); } l = read(f, magbuf, SARMAG); if(l != SARMAG || strncmp(magbuf, ARMAG, SARMAG)){ /* load it as a regular file */ l = seek(f, 0L, 2); seek(f, 0L, 0); ldobj(f, l, file); close(f); return; } l = read(f, &arhdr, SAR_HDR); if(l != SAR_HDR) { diag("%s: short read on archive file symbol header", file); goto out; } if(strncmp(, symname, strlen(symname))) { diag("%s: first entry not symbol header", file); goto out; } esym = SARMAG + SAR_HDR + atolwhex(arhdr.size); off = SARMAG + SAR_HDR; /* * just bang the whole symbol file into memory */ seek(f, off, 0); cnt = esym - off; start = malloc(cnt + 10); cnt = read(f, start, cnt); if(cnt <= 0){ close(f); return; } stop = &start[cnt]; memset(stop, 0, 10); work = 1; while(work){ if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f library pass: %s\n", cputime(), file); Bflush(&bso); work = 0; for(e = start; e < stop; e = strchr(e+5, 0) + 1) { s = lookup(e+5, 0); if(s->type != SXREF) continue; sprint(pname, "%s(%s)", file, s->name); if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f library: %s\n", cputime(), pname); Bflush(&bso); l = e[1] & 0xff; l |= (e[2] & 0xff) << 8; l |= (e[3] & 0xff) << 16; l |= (e[4] & 0xff) << 24; seek(f, l, 0); l = read(f, &arhdr, SAR_HDR); if(l != SAR_HDR) goto bad; if(strncmp(arhdr.fmag, ARFMAG, sizeof(arhdr.fmag))) goto bad; l = atolwhex(arhdr.size); ldobj(f, l, pname); if(s->type == SXREF) { diag("%s: failed to load: %s", file, s->name); errorexit(); } work = 1; xrefresolv = 1; } } return; bad: diag("%s: bad or out of date archive", file); out: close(f); } int zaddr(uchar *p, Adr *a, Sym *h[]) { int i, c; long l; Sym *s; Auto *u; c = p[2]; if(c < 0 || c > NSYM){ print("sym out of range: %d\n", c); p[0] = AEND+1; return 0; } a->type = p[0]; a->reg = p[1]; a->sym = h[c]; a->name = p[3]; c = 4; if(a->reg < 0 || a->reg > NREG) { print("register out of range %d\n", a->reg); p[0] = AEND+1; return 0; /* force real diagnostic */ } switch(a->type) { default: print("unknown type %d\n", a->type); p[0] = AEND+1; return 0; /* force real diagnostic */ case D_NONE: case D_REG: case D_FREG: case D_CREG: case D_PREG: break; case D_BRANCH: case D_OREG: case D_ASI: case D_CONST: a->offset = p[4] | (p[5]<<8) | (p[6]<<16) | (p[7]<<24); c += 4; break; case D_SCONST: memmove(a->sval, p+4, NSNAME); c += NSNAME; break; case D_FCONST: a->ieee.l = p[4] | (p[5]<<8) | (p[6]<<16) | (p[7]<<24); a->ieee.h = p[8] | (p[9]<<8) | (p[10]<<16) | (p[11]<<24); c += 8; break; } s = a->sym; if(s == S) goto out; i = a->name; if(i != D_AUTO && i != D_PARAM) goto out; l = a->offset; for(u=curauto; u; u=u->link) if(u->asym == s) if(u->type == i) { if(u->aoffset > l) u->aoffset = l; goto out; } u = malloc(sizeof(Auto)); u->link = curauto; curauto = u; u->asym = s; u->aoffset = l; u->type = i; out: return c; } void addlib(char *obj) { char name[1024], comp[256], *p; int i; if(histfrogp <= 0) return; if(histfrog[0]->name[1] == '/') { sprint(name, ""); i = 1; } else if(histfrog[0]->name[1] == '.') { sprint(name, "."); i = 0; } else { if(debug['9']) sprint(name, "/%s/lib", thestring); else sprint(name, "/usr/%clib", thechar); i = 0; } for(; i<histfrogp; i++) { snprint(comp, sizeof comp, histfrog[i]->name+1); for(;;) { p = strstr(comp, "$O"); if(p == 0) break; memmove(p+1, p+2, strlen(p+2)+1); p[0] = thechar; } for(;;) { p = strstr(comp, "$M"); if(p == 0) break; if(strlen(comp)+strlen(thestring)-2+1 >= sizeof comp) { diag("library component too long"); return; } memmove(p+strlen(thestring), p+2, strlen(p+2)+1); memmove(p, thestring, strlen(thestring)); } if(strlen(name) + strlen(comp) + 3 >= sizeof(name)) { diag("library component too long"); return; } strcat(name, "/"); strcat(name, comp); } for(i=0; i<libraryp; i++) if(strcmp(name, library[i]) == 0) return; if(libraryp == nelem(library)){ diag("too many autolibs; skipping %s", name); return; } p = malloc(strlen(name) + 1); strcpy(p, name); library[libraryp] = p; p = malloc(strlen(obj) + 1); strcpy(p, obj); libraryobj[libraryp] = p; libraryp++; } void addhist(long line, int type) { Auto *u; Sym *s; int i, j, k; u = malloc(sizeof(Auto)); s = malloc(sizeof(Sym)); s->name = malloc(2*(histfrogp+1) + 1); u->asym = s; u->type = type; u->aoffset = line; u->link = curhist; curhist = u; j = 1; for(i=0; i<histfrogp; i++) { k = histfrog[i]->value; s->name[j+0] = k>>8; s->name[j+1] = k; j += 2; } } void histtoauto(void) { Auto *l; while(l = curhist) { curhist = l->link; l->link = curauto; curauto = l; } } void collapsefrog(Sym *s) { int i; /* * bad encoding of path components only allows * MAXHIST components. if there is an overflow, * first try to collapse xxx/.. */ for(i=1; i<histfrogp; i++) if(strcmp(histfrog[i]->name+1, "..") == 0) { memmove(histfrog+i-1, histfrog+i+1, (histfrogp-i-1)*sizeof(histfrog[0])); histfrogp--; goto out; } /* * next try to collapse . */ for(i=0; i<histfrogp; i++) if(strcmp(histfrog[i]->name+1, ".") == 0) { memmove(histfrog+i, histfrog+i+1, (histfrogp-i-1)*sizeof(histfrog[0])); goto out; } /* * last chance, just truncate from front */ memmove(histfrog+0, histfrog+1, (histfrogp-1)*sizeof(histfrog[0])); out: histfrog[histfrogp-1] = s; } void nopout(Prog *p) { p->as = ANOP; p->from.type = D_NONE; p->to.type = D_NONE; } uchar* readsome(int f, uchar *buf, uchar *good, uchar *stop, int max) { int n; n = stop - good; memmove(buf, good, stop - good); stop = buf + n; n = MAXIO - n; if(n > max) n = max; n = read(f, stop, n); if(n <= 0) return 0; return stop + n; } void ldobj(int f, long c, char *pn) { Prog *p, *t; Sym *h[NSYM], *s, *di; int v, o, r, skip; long ipc; uchar *bloc, *bsize, *stop; bsize = buf.xbuf; bloc = buf.xbuf; di = S; newloop: memset(h, 0, sizeof(h)); histfrogp = 0; version++; ipc = pc; skip = 0; loop: if(c <= 0) goto eof; r = bsize - bloc; if(r < 100 && r < c) { /* enough for largest prog */ bsize = readsome(f, buf.xbuf, bloc, bsize, c); if(bsize == 0) goto eof; bloc = buf.xbuf; goto loop; } o = bloc[0]; /* as */ if(o <= 0 || o >= ALAST) { diag("%s: opcode out of range %d", pn, o); print(" probably not a .k file\n"); errorexit(); } if(o == ANAME || o == ASIGNAME) { if(o == ASIGNAME) { bloc += 4; c -= 4; } stop = memchr(&bloc[3], 0, bsize-&bloc[3]); if(stop == 0){ bsize = readsome(f, buf.xbuf, bloc, bsize, c); if(bsize == 0) goto eof; bloc = buf.xbuf; stop = memchr(&bloc[3], 0, bsize-&bloc[3]); if(stop == 0){ fprint(2, "%s: name too long\n", pn); errorexit(); } } v = bloc[1]; /* type */ o = bloc[2]; /* sym */ bloc += 3; c -= 3; r = 0; if(v == D_STATIC) r = version; s = lookup((char*)bloc, r); c -= &stop[1] - bloc; bloc = stop + 1; if(debug['W']) print(" ANAME %s\n", s->name); h[o] = s; if((v == D_EXTERN || v == D_STATIC) && s->type == 0) s->type = SXREF; if(v == D_FILE) { if(s->type != SFILE) { histgen++; s->type = SFILE; s->value = histgen; } if(histfrogp < MAXHIST) { histfrog[histfrogp] = s; histfrogp++; } else collapsefrog(s); } goto loop; } if(nhunk < sizeof(Prog)) gethunk(); p = (Prog*)hunk; nhunk -= sizeof(Prog); hunk += sizeof(Prog); p->as = o; p->reg = bloc[1] & 0x7f; if(bloc[1] & 0x80) p->mark = NOSCHED; p->line = bloc[2] | (bloc[3]<<8) | (bloc[4]<<16) | (bloc[5]<<24); r = zaddr(bloc+6, &p->from, h) + 6; r += zaddr(bloc+r, &p->to, h); bloc += r; c -= r; if(p->reg < 0 || p->reg > NREG) diag("register out of range %d", p->reg); p->link = P; p->cond = P; if(debug['W']) print("%P\n", p); switch(o) { case AHISTORY: if(p->to.offset == -1) { addlib(pn); histfrogp = 0; goto loop; } addhist(p->line, D_FILE); /* 'z' */ if(p->to.offset) addhist(p->to.offset, D_FILE1); /* 'Z' */ histfrogp = 0; goto loop; case AEND: histtoauto(); if(curtext != P) curtext->to.autom = curauto; curauto = 0; curtext = P; if(c) goto newloop; return; case AGLOBL: s = p->from.sym; if(s == S) { diag("GLOBL must have a name\n%P", p); errorexit(); } if(s->type == 0 || s->type == SXREF) { s->type = SBSS; s->value = 0; } if(s->type != SBSS) { diag("redefinition: %s\n%P", s->name, p); s->type = SBSS; s->value = 0; } if(p->to.offset > s->value) s->value = p->to.offset; break; case ADYNT: if(p->to.sym == S) { diag("DYNT without a sym\n%P", p); break; } di = p->to.sym; p->reg = 4; if(di->type == SXREF) { if(debug['z']) Bprint(&bso, "%P set to %d\n", p, dtype); di->type = SCONST; di->value = dtype; dtype += 4; } if(p->from.sym == S) break; p->from.offset = di->value; p->from.sym->type = SDATA; if(curtext == P) { diag("DYNT not in text: %P", p); break; } p->to.sym = curtext->from.sym; p->to.type = D_CONST; p->link = datap; datap = p; break; case AINIT: if(p->from.sym == S) { diag("INIT without a sym\n%P", p); break; } if(di == S) { diag("INIT without previous DYNT\n%P", p); break; } p->from.offset = di->value; p->from.sym->type = SDATA; p->link = datap; datap = p; break; case ADATA: p->link = datap; datap = p; break; case AGOK: diag("unknown opcode\n%P", p); p->pc = pc; pc++; break; case ATEXT: if(curtext != P) { histtoauto(); curtext->to.autom = curauto; curauto = 0; } curtext = p; autosize = (p->to.offset+3L) & ~3L; p->to.offset = autosize; autosize += 4; s = p->from.sym; if(s == S) { diag("TEXT must have a name\n%P", p); errorexit(); } if(s->type != 0 && s->type != SXREF) { if(p->reg & DUPOK) { skip = 1; goto casedef; } diag("redefinition: %s\n%P", s->name, p); } s->type = STEXT; s->value = pc; if(textp != P) { for(t = textp; t->cond != P; t = t->cond) ; t->cond = p; } else textp = p; lastp->link = p; lastp = p; p->pc = pc; pc++; break; case AFMOVF: if(skip) goto casedef; if(p->from.type == D_FCONST) { /* size sb 9 max */ sprint(literal, "$%lux", ieeedtof(&p->; s = lookup(literal, 0); if(s->type == 0) { s->type = SBSS; s->value = 4; t = prg(); t->as = ADATA; t->line = p->line; t->from.type = D_OREG; t->from.sym = s; t-> = D_EXTERN; t->reg = 4; t->to = p->from; t->link = datap; datap = t; } p->from.type = D_OREG; p->from.sym = s; p-> = D_EXTERN; p->from.offset = 0; } goto casedef; case AFMOVD: if(skip) goto casedef; if(p->from.type == D_FCONST) { /* size sb 18 max */ sprint(literal, "$%lux.%lux", p->, p->; s = lookup(literal, 0); if(s->type == 0) { s->type = SBSS; s->value = 8; t = prg(); t->as = ADATA; t->line = p->line; t->from.type = D_OREG; t->from.sym = s; t-> = D_EXTERN; t->reg = 8; t->to = p->from; t->link = datap; datap = t; } p->from.type = D_OREG; p->from.sym = s; p-> = D_EXTERN; p->from.offset = 0; } goto casedef; default: casedef: if(skip) nopout(p); if(p->to.type == D_BRANCH) p->to.offset += ipc; lastp->link = p; lastp = p; p->pc = pc; pc++; break; } goto loop; eof: diag("truncated object file: %s", pn); } Sym* lookup(char *symb, int v) { Sym *s; char *p; long h; int c, l; h = v; for(p=symb; c = *p; p++) h = h+h+h + c; l = (p - symb) + 1; if(h < 0) h = ~h; h %= NHASH; for(s = hash[h]; s != S; s = s->link) if(s->version == v) if(memcmp(s->name, symb, l) == 0) return s; while(nhunk < sizeof(Sym)) gethunk(); s = (Sym*)hunk; nhunk -= sizeof(Sym); hunk += sizeof(Sym); s->name = malloc(l + 1); memmove(s->name, symb, l); s->link = hash[h]; s->type = 0; s->version = v; s->value = 0; hash[h] = s; return s; } Prog* prg(void) { Prog *p; int n; n = (sizeof(Prog) + 3) & ~3; while(nhunk < n) gethunk(); p = (Prog*)hunk; nhunk -= n; hunk += n; *p = zprg; return p; } void gethunk(void) { char *h; long nh; nh = NHUNK; if(tothunk >= 5L*NHUNK) { nh = 5L*NHUNK; if(tothunk >= 25L*NHUNK) nh = 25L*NHUNK; } h = mysbrk(nh); if(h == (char *)-1) { diag("out of memory"); errorexit(); } hunk = h; nhunk = nh; tothunk += nh; } void doprof1(void) { Sym *s; long n; Prog *p, *q; if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f profile 1\n", cputime()); Bflush(&bso); s = lookup("__mcount", 0); n = 1; for(p = firstp->link; p != P; p = p->link) { if(p->as == ATEXT) { q = prg(); q->line = p->line; q->link = datap; datap = q; q->as = ADATA; q->from.type = D_OREG; q-> = D_EXTERN; q->from.offset = n*4; q->from.sym = s; q->reg = 4; q->to = p->from; q->to.type = D_CONST; q = prg(); q->line = p->line; q->pc = p->pc; q->link = p->link; p->link = q; p = q; p->as = AMOVW; p->from.type = D_OREG; p-> = D_EXTERN; p->from.sym = s; p->from.offset = n*4 + 4; p->to.type = D_REG; p->to.reg = REGTMP; q = prg(); q->line = p->line; q->pc = p->pc; q->link = p->link; p->link = q; p = q; p->as = AADD; p->from.type = D_CONST; p->from.offset = 1; p->to.type = D_REG; p->to.reg = REGTMP; q = prg(); q->line = p->line; q->pc = p->pc; q->link = p->link; p->link = q; p = q; p->as = AMOVW; p->from.type = D_REG; p->from.reg = REGTMP; p->to.type = D_OREG; p-> = D_EXTERN; p->to.sym = s; p->to.offset = n*4 + 4; n += 2; continue; } } q = prg(); q->line = 0; q->link = datap; datap = q; q->as = ADATA; q->from.type = D_OREG; q-> = D_EXTERN; q->from.sym = s; q->reg = 4; q->to.type = D_CONST; q->to.offset = n; s->type = SBSS; s->value = n*4; } void doprof2(void) { Sym *s2, *s4; Prog *p, *q, *ps2, *ps4; if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f profile 2\n", cputime()); Bflush(&bso); s2 = lookup("_profin", 0); s4 = lookup("_profout", 0); if(s2->type != STEXT || s4->type != STEXT) { diag("_profin/_profout not defined"); return; } ps2 = P; ps4 = P; for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) { if(p->as == ATEXT) { if(p->from.sym == s2) { p->reg = 1; ps2 = p; } if(p->from.sym == s4) { p->reg = 1; ps4 = p; } } } for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) { if(p->as == ATEXT) { curtext = p; if(p->reg & NOPROF) { /* dont profile */ for(;;) { q = p->link; if(q == P) break; if(q->as == ATEXT) break; p = q; } continue; } /* * JMPL profin */ q = prg(); q->line = p->line; q->pc = p->pc; q->link = p->link; p->link = q; p = q; p->as = AJMPL; p->to.type = D_BRANCH; p->cond = ps2; p->to.sym = s2; continue; } if(p->as == ARETURN) { /* * RETURN */ q = prg(); q->as = ARETURN; q->from = p->from; q->to = p->to; q->link = p->link; p->link = q; /* * JMPL profout */ p->as = AJMPL; p->from = zprg.from; p->to =; p->to.type = D_BRANCH; p->cond = ps4; p->to.sym = s4; p = q; continue; } } } void nuxiinit(void) { int i, c; for(i=0; i<4; i++) { c = find1(0x01020304L, i+1); if(i >= 2) inuxi2[i-2] = c; if(i >= 3) inuxi1[i-3] = c; inuxi4[i] = c; fnuxi8[i] = c+4; fnuxi8[i+4] = c; } if(debug['v']) { Bprint(&bso, "inuxi = "); for(i=0; i<1; i++) Bprint(&bso, "%d", inuxi1[i]); Bprint(&bso, " "); for(i=0; i<2; i++) Bprint(&bso, "%d", inuxi2[i]); Bprint(&bso, " "); for(i=0; i<4; i++) Bprint(&bso, "%d", inuxi4[i]); Bprint(&bso, "\nfnuxi = "); for(i=0; i<8; i++) Bprint(&bso, "%d", fnuxi8[i]); Bprint(&bso, "\n"); } Bflush(&bso); } int find1(long l, int c) { char *p; int i; p = (char*)&l; for(i=0; i<4; i++) if(*p++ == c) return i; return 0; } long ieeedtof(Ieee *ieeep) { int exp; long v; if(ieeep->h == 0) return 0; exp = (ieeep->h>>20) & ((1L<<11)-1L); exp -= (1L<<10) - 2L; v = (ieeep->h & 0xfffffL) << 3; v |= (ieeep->l >> 29) & 0x7L; if((ieeep->l >> 28) & 1) { v++; if(v & 0x800000L) { v = (v & 0x7fffffL) >> 1; exp++; } } if(exp <= -126 || exp >= 130) diag("double fp to single fp overflow"); v |= ((exp + 126) & 0xffL) << 23; v |= ieeep->h & 0x80000000L; return v; } double ieeedtod(Ieee *ieeep) { Ieee e; double fr; int exp; if(ieeep->h & (1L<<31)) { e.h = ieeep->h & ~(1L<<31); e.l = ieeep->l; return -ieeedtod(&e); } if(ieeep->l == 0 && ieeep->h == 0) return 0; fr = ieeep->l & ((1L<<16)-1L); fr /= 1L<<16; fr += (ieeep->l>>16) & ((1L<<16)-1L); fr /= 1L<<16; fr += (ieeep->h & (1L<<20)-1L) | (1L<<20); fr /= 1L<<21; exp = (ieeep->h>>20) & ((1L<<11)-1L); exp -= (1L<<10) - 2L; return ldexp(fr, exp); }