ref: 866d74c0c4bb50e85e9e8bb95140c10d409e53be
dir: /emu/OpenBSD/audio.c/
#include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "error.h" #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/filio.h> #include "audio.h" #include <soundcard.h> #define Audio_Mic_Val SOUND_MIXER_MIC #define Audio_Linein_Val SOUND_MIXER_LINE #define Audio_Speaker_Val SOUND_MIXER_SPEAKER #define Audio_Headphone_Val SOUND_MIXER_PHONEOUT #define Audio_Lineout_Val SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME #define Audio_Pcm_Val AFMT_S16_LE #define Audio_Ulaw_Val AFMT_MU_LAW #define Audio_Alaw_Val AFMT_A_LAW #include "audio-tbls.c" #define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) static int debug; #define AUDIO_FILE_STRING "/dev/dsp" enum { A_Pause, A_UnPause }; enum { A_In, A_Out }; static QLock inlock; static QLock outlock; static int audio_file = -1; /* file in/out */ static int audio_file_in = -1; /* copy of above when opened O_READ/O_RDWR */ static int audio_file_out = -1; /* copy of above when opened O_WRITE/O_RDWR */ static int audio_swap_flag = 0; /* endian swap */ static int audio_in_pause = A_UnPause; static Audio_t av; static int mixerleftvol[32]; static int mixerrightvol[32]; static int audio_enforce(Audio_t*); static int audio_open(void); static int audio_pause_in(int, int); static int audio_flush(int, int); static int audio_pause_out(int); static int audio_set_blocking(int); static int audio_set_info(int, Audio_d*, int); static void audio_swap_endian(char*, int); void audio_file_init(void) { int i; static ushort flag = 1; audio_swap_flag = *((uchar*)&flag) == 0; /* big-endian? */ audio_info_init(&av); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) mixerleftvol[i] = mixerrightvol[i] = 100; } void audio_ctl_init(void) { } void audio_file_open(Chan *c, int omode) { char ebuf[ERRMAX]; if (debug) print("audio_file_open(0x%.8lux, %d)\n", c, omode); switch(omode){ case OREAD: qlock(&inlock); if(waserror()){ qunlock(&inlock); nexterror(); } if(audio_file_in >= 0) error(Einuse); if (audio_file < 0) audio_file = audio_open(); audio_file_in = audio_file; poperror(); qunlock(&inlock); break; case OWRITE: qlock(&outlock); if(waserror()){ qunlock(&outlock); nexterror(); } if(audio_file_out >= 0) error(Einuse); if (audio_file < 0) audio_file = audio_open(); audio_file_out = audio_file; poperror(); qunlock(&outlock); break; case ORDWR: qlock(&inlock); qlock(&outlock); if(waserror()){ qunlock(&outlock); qunlock(&inlock); nexterror(); } if(audio_file_in >= 0 || audio_file_out >= 0) error(Einuse); if (audio_file < 0) audio_file = audio_open(); audio_file_in = audio_file_out = audio_file; poperror(); qunlock(&outlock); qunlock(&inlock); break; } if (debug) print("audio_file_open: success\nin %d out %d both %d\n", audio_file_out, audio_file_in, audio_file); } void audio_ctl_open(Chan *c, int omode) { USED(c); USED(omode); } void audio_file_close(Chan *c) { switch(c->mode){ case OREAD: qlock(&inlock); qlock(&outlock); if (audio_file_out < 0) { close(audio_file); audio_file = -1; } qunlock(&outlock); audio_file_in = -1; qunlock(&inlock); break; case OWRITE: qlock(&inlock); qlock(&outlock); if (audio_file_in < 0) { close(audio_file); audio_file = -1; } audio_file_out = -1; qunlock(&outlock); qunlock(&inlock); break; case ORDWR: qlock(&inlock); qlock(&outlock); close(audio_file); audio_file_in = audio_file_out = audio_file = -1; qunlock(&outlock); qunlock(&inlock); break; } } void audio_ctl_close(Chan *c) { } long audio_file_read(Chan *c, void *va, long count, vlong offset) { struct timespec time; long ba, status, chunk, total; char *pva = (char *) va; qlock(&inlock); if(waserror()){ qunlock(&inlock); nexterror(); } if(audio_file_in < 0) error(Eperm); /* check block alignment */ ba = * / Bits_Per_Byte; if(count % ba) error(Ebadarg); if(! audio_pause_in(audio_file_in, A_UnPause)) error(Eio); total = 0; while(total < count) { chunk = count - total; osenter(); status = read(audio_file_in, pva + total, chunk); osleave(); if(status < 0) error(Eio); total += status; } if(total != count) error(Eio); if(audio_swap_flag && av.out.bits == 16) audio_swap_endian(pva, count); poperror(); qunlock(&inlock); return count; } long audio_file_write(Chan *c, void *va, long count, vlong offset) { struct timespec time; long status = -1; long ba, total, chunk, bufsz; if (debug > 1) print("audio_file_write(0x%.8lux, 0x%.8lux, %ld, %uld)\n", c, va, count, offset); qlock(&outlock); if(waserror()){ qunlock(&outlock); nexterror(); } if(audio_file_out < 0) error(Eperm); /* check block alignment */ ba = av.out.bits * av.out.chan / Bits_Per_Byte; if(count % ba) error(Ebadarg); if(audio_swap_flag && av.out.bits == 16) audio_swap_endian(va, count); total = 0; bufsz = av.out.buf * Audio_Max_Buf / Audio_Max_Val; if(bufsz == 0) error(Ebadarg); while(total < count) { chunk = min(bufsz, count - total); osenter(); status = write(audio_file_out, va, chunk); osleave(); if(status <= 0) error(Eio); total += status; } poperror(); qunlock(&outlock); return count; } static int audio_open(void) { int fd; /* open non-blocking in case someone already has it open */ /* otherwise we would block until they close! */ fd = open(AUDIO_FILE_STRING, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK); if(fd < 0) oserror(); /* change device to be blocking */ if(!audio_set_blocking(fd)) { if (debug) print("audio_open: failed to set blocking\n"); close(fd); error("cannot set blocking mode"); } if (debug) print("audio_open: blocking set\n"); /* set audio info */ = ~0; av.out.flags = 0; if(! audio_set_info(fd, &, A_In)) { close(fd); error(Ebadarg); } = 0; /* tada, we're open, blocking, paused and flushed */ return fd; } long audio_ctl_write(Chan *c, void *va, long count, vlong offset) { int fd; int ff; Audio_t tmpav = av; = 0; tmpav.out.flags = 0; if (!audioparse(va, count, &tmpav)) error(Ebadarg); if (!audio_enforce(&tmpav)) error(Ebadarg); qlock(&inlock); if (waserror()) { qunlock(&inlock); nexterror(); } if (audio_file_in >= 0 && ( & AUDIO_MOD_FLAG)) { if (!audio_pause_in(audio_file_in, A_Pause)) error(Ebadarg); if (!audio_flush(audio_file_in, A_In)) error(Ebadarg); if (!audio_set_info(audio_file_in, &, A_In)) error(Ebadarg); } poperror(); qunlock(&inlock); qlock(&outlock); if (waserror()) { qunlock(&outlock); nexterror(); } if (audio_file_out >= 0 && (tmpav.out.flags & AUDIO_MOD_FLAG)){ if (!audio_pause_out(audio_file_out)) error(Ebadarg); if (!audio_set_info(audio_file_out, &tmpav.out, A_Out)) error(Ebadarg); } poperror(); qunlock(&outlock); = 0; tmpav.out.flags = 0; av = tmpav; return count; } static int audio_set_blocking(int fd) { int val; if((val = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1) return 0; val &= ~O_NONBLOCK; if(fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, val) < 0) return 0; return 1; } static int doioctl(int fd, int ctl, int *info) { int status; osenter(); status = ioctl(fd, ctl, info); /* qlock and load general stuff */ osleave(); if (status < 0) print("doioctl(0x%.8lux, 0x%.8lux) failed %d\n", ctl, *info, errno); return status; } static int choosefmt(Audio_d *i) { int newbits, newenc; newbits = i->bits; newenc = i->enc; switch (newenc) { case Audio_Alaw_Val: if (newbits == 8) return AFMT_A_LAW; break; case Audio_Ulaw_Val: if (newbits == 8) return AFMT_MU_LAW; break; case Audio_Pcm_Val: if (newbits == 8) return AFMT_U8; else if (newbits == 16) return AFMT_S16_LE; break; } return -1; } static int audio_set_info(int fd, Audio_d *i, int d) { int status; int unequal_stereo = 0; if(fd < 0) return 0; /* fmt */ if(i->flags & (AUDIO_BITS_FLAG || AUDIO_ENC_FLAG)) { int oldfmt, newfmt; oldfmt = AFMT_QUERY; if (doioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &oldfmt) < 0) return 0; if (debug) print("audio_set_info: current format 0x%.8lux\n", oldfmt); newfmt = choosefmt(i); if (debug) print("audio_set_info: new format 0x%.8lux\n", newfmt); if (newfmt == -1 || newfmt != oldfmt && doioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &newfmt) < 0) return 0; } /* channels */ if(i->flags & AUDIO_CHAN_FLAG) { int channels = i->chan; if (debug) print("audio_set_info: new channels %d\n", channels); if (doioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS, &channels) < 0 || channels != i->chan) return 0; } /* sample rate */ if(i->flags & AUDIO_RATE_FLAG) { int speed = i->rate; if (debug) print("audio_set_info: new speed %d\n", speed); if (doioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &speed) < 0 || speed != i->rate) return 0; } /* dev volume */ if(i->flags & (AUDIO_LEFT_FLAG | AUDIO_VOL_FLAG | AUDIO_RIGHT_FLAG)) { int val; if (i->flags & (AUDIO_LEFT_FLAG | AUDIO_VOL_FLAG)) mixerleftvol[i->dev] = (i->left * 100) / Audio_Max_Val; if (i->flags & (AUDIO_RIGHT_FLAG | AUDIO_VOL_FLAG)) mixerrightvol[i->dev] = (i->right * 100) / Audio_Max_Val; val = mixerleftvol[i->dev] | (mixerrightvol[i->dev] << 8); doioctl(fd, MIXER_WRITE(i->dev), &val); } if (i->flags & AUDIO_DEV_FLAG) { } return 1; } void audio_swap_endian(char *p, int n) { int b; while (n > 1) { b = p[0]; p[0] = p[1]; p[1] = b; p += 2; n -= 2; } } static int audio_pause_out(int fd) { USED(fd); return 1; } static int audio_pause_in(int fd, int f) { USED(fd); USED(f); return 1; } static int audio_flush(int fd, int d) { int x; return doioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC, &x) >= 0; } static int audio_enforce(Audio_t *t) { if((t->in.enc == Audio_Ulaw_Val || t->in.enc == Audio_Alaw_Val) && (t->in.rate != 8000 || t->in.chan != 1)) return 0; if((t->out.enc == Audio_Ulaw_Val || t->out.enc == Audio_Alaw_Val) && (t->out.rate != 8000 || t->out.chan != 1)) return 0; return 1; } Audio_t* getaudiodev(void) { return &av; }