ref: 7a29422cfefaf76315eafa82ca606f9ded9517b3
dir: /libinterp/das-mips.c/
#include <lib9.h> /* mips native disassembler */ typedef struct { long addr; /* pc of instr */ uchar op; /* bits 31-26 */ uchar rs; /* bits 25-21 */ uchar rt; /* bits 20-16 */ uchar rd; /* bits 15-11 */ uchar sa; /* bits 10-6 */ uchar function; /* bits 5-0 */ long immediate; /* bits 15-0 */ ulong cofun; /* bits 24-0 */ ulong target; /* bits 25-0 */ long w0; char *curr; /* current fill point */ char *end; /* end of buffer */ char *err; } Instr; typedef struct { char *mnemonic; char *mipsco; } Opcode; static char mipscoload[] = "r%t,%l"; static char mipscoalui[] = "r%t,r%s,%i"; static char mipscoalu3op[] = "r%d,r%s,r%t"; static char mipscoboc[] = "r%s,r%t,%b"; static char mipscoboc0[] = "r%s,%b"; static char mipscorsrt[] = "r%s,r%t"; static char mipscorsi[] = "r%s,%i"; static char mipscoxxx[] = "%w"; static char mipscofp3[] = "f%a,f%d,f%t"; /* fd,fs,ft */ static char mipscofp2[] = "f%a,f%d"; /* fd,fs */ static char mipscofpc[] = "f%d,f%t"; /* fs,ft */ static Opcode opcodes[64] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, "j", "%j", "jal", "%j", "beq", mipscoboc, "bne", mipscoboc, "blez", mipscoboc0, "bgtz", mipscoboc0, "addi", mipscoalui, "addiu", mipscoalui, "slti", mipscoalui, "sltiu", mipscoalui, "andi", mipscoalui, "ori", mipscoalui, "xori", mipscoalui, "lui", "r%t,%u", "cop0", 0, "cop1", 0, "cop2", 0, "cop3", 0, "beql", mipscoboc, "bnel", mipscoboc, "blezl", mipscoboc0, "bgtzl", mipscoboc0, "instr18", mipscoxxx, "instr19", mipscoxxx, "instr1A", mipscoxxx, "instr1B", mipscoxxx, "instr1C", mipscoxxx, "instr1D", mipscoxxx, "instr1E", mipscoxxx, "instr1F", mipscoxxx, "lb", mipscoload, "lh", mipscoload, "lwl", mipscoload, "lw", mipscoload, "lbu", mipscoload, "lhu", mipscoload, "lwr", mipscoload, "instr27", mipscoxxx, "sb", mipscoload, "sh", mipscoload, "swl", mipscoload, "sw", mipscoload, "instr2C", mipscoxxx, "instr2D", mipscoxxx, "swr", mipscoload, "cache", "", "ll", mipscoload, "lwc1", mipscoload, "lwc2", mipscoload, "lwc3", mipscoload, "instr34", mipscoxxx, "ld", mipscoload, "ld", mipscoload, "ld", mipscoload, "sc", mipscoload, "swc1", mipscoload, "swc2", mipscoload, "swc3", mipscoload, "instr3C", mipscoxxx, "sd", mipscoload, "sd", mipscoload, "sd", mipscoload, }; static Opcode sopcodes[64] = { "sll", "r%d,r%t,$%a", "special01", mipscoxxx, "srl", "r%d,r%t,$%a", "sra", "r%d,r%t,$%a", "sllv", "r%d,r%t,R%s", "special05", mipscoxxx, "srlv", "r%d,r%t,r%s", "srav", "r%d,r%t,r%s", "jr", "r%s", "jalr", "r%d,r%s", "special0A", mipscoxxx, "special0B", mipscoxxx, "syscall", "", "break", "", "special0E", mipscoxxx, "sync", "", "mfhi", "r%d", "mthi", "r%s", "mflo", "r%d", "mtlo", "r%s", "special14", mipscoxxx, "special15", mipscoxxx, "special16", mipscoxxx, "special17", mipscoxxx, "mult", mipscorsrt, "multu", mipscorsrt, "div", mipscorsrt, "divu", mipscorsrt, "special1C", mipscoxxx, "special1D", mipscoxxx, "special1E", mipscoxxx, "special1F", mipscoxxx, "add", mipscoalu3op, "addu", mipscoalu3op, "sub", mipscoalu3op, "subu", mipscoalu3op, "and", mipscoalu3op, "or", mipscoalu3op, "xor", mipscoalu3op, "nor", mipscoalu3op, "special28", mipscoxxx, "special29", mipscoxxx, "slt", mipscoalu3op, "sltu", mipscoalu3op, "special2C", mipscoxxx, "special2D", mipscoxxx, "special2E", mipscoxxx, "special2F", mipscoxxx, "tge", mipscorsrt, "tgeu", mipscorsrt, "tlt", mipscorsrt, "tltu", mipscorsrt, "teq", mipscorsrt, "special35", mipscoxxx, "tne", mipscorsrt, "special37", mipscoxxx, "special38", mipscoxxx, "special39", mipscoxxx, "special3A", mipscoxxx, "special3B", mipscoxxx, "special3C", mipscoxxx, "special3D", mipscoxxx, "special3E", mipscoxxx, "special3F", mipscoxxx, }; static Opcode ropcodes[32] = { "bltz", mipscoboc0, "bgez", mipscoboc0, "bltzl", mipscoboc0, "bgezl", mipscoboc0, "regimm04", mipscoxxx, "regimm05", mipscoxxx, "regimm06", mipscoxxx, "regimm07", mipscoxxx, "tgei", mipscorsi, "tgeiu", mipscorsi, "tlti", mipscorsi, "tltiu", mipscorsi, "teqi", mipscorsi, "regimm0D", mipscoxxx, "tnei", mipscorsi, "regimm0F", mipscoxxx, "bltzal", mipscoboc0, "bgezal", mipscoboc0, "bltzall", mipscoboc0, "bgezall", mipscoboc0, "regimm14", mipscoxxx, "regimm15", mipscoxxx, "regimm16", mipscoxxx, "regimm17", mipscoxxx, "regimm18", mipscoxxx, "regimm19", mipscoxxx, "regimm1A", mipscoxxx, "regimm1B", mipscoxxx, "regimm1C", mipscoxxx, "regimm1D", mipscoxxx, "regimm1E", mipscoxxx, "regimm1F", mipscoxxx, }; static Opcode fopcodes[64] = { "add.%f", mipscofp3, "sub.%f", mipscofp3, "mul.%f", mipscofp3, "div.%f", mipscofp3, "sqrt.%f", mipscofp2, "abs.%f", mipscofp2, "mov.%f", mipscofp2, "neg.%f", mipscofp2, "finstr08", mipscoxxx, "finstr09", mipscoxxx, "finstr0A", mipscoxxx, "finstr0B", mipscoxxx, "round.w.%f", mipscofp2, "trunc.w%f", mipscofp2, "ceil.w%f", mipscofp2, "floor.w%f", mipscofp2, "finstr10", mipscoxxx, "finstr11", mipscoxxx, "finstr12", mipscoxxx, "finstr13", mipscoxxx, "finstr14", mipscoxxx, "finstr15", mipscoxxx, "finstr16", mipscoxxx, "finstr17", mipscoxxx, "finstr18", mipscoxxx, "finstr19", mipscoxxx, "finstr1A", mipscoxxx, "finstr1B", mipscoxxx, "finstr1C", mipscoxxx, "finstr1D", mipscoxxx, "finstr1E", mipscoxxx, "finstr1F", mipscoxxx, "cvt.s.%f", mipscofp2, "cvt.d.%f", mipscofp2, "cvt.e.%f", mipscofp2, "cvt.q.%f", mipscofp2, "cvt.w.%f", mipscofp2, "finstr25", mipscoxxx, "finstr26", mipscoxxx, "finstr27", mipscoxxx, "finstr28", mipscoxxx, "finstr29", mipscoxxx, "finstr2A", mipscoxxx, "finstr2B", mipscoxxx, "finstr2C", mipscoxxx, "finstr2D", mipscoxxx, "finstr2E", mipscoxxx, "finstr2F", mipscoxxx, "c.f.%f", mipscofpc, "c.un.%f", mipscofpc, "c.eq.%f", mipscofpc, "c.ueq.%f", mipscofpc, "c.olt.%f", mipscofpc, "c.ult.%f", mipscofpc, "c.ole.%f", mipscofpc, "c.ule.%f", mipscofpc, "c.sf.%f", mipscofpc, "c.ngle.%f", mipscofpc, "c.seq.%f", mipscofpc, "c.ngl.%f", mipscofpc, "", mipscofpc, "c.nge.%f", mipscofpc, "c.le.%f", mipscofpc, "c.ngt.%f", mipscofpc, }; static char fsub[16] = { 's', 'd', 'e', 'q', 'w', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?' }; static void bprint(Instr *i, char *fmt, ...) { va_list arg; va_start(arg, fmt); i->curr = vseprint(i->curr, i->end, fmt, arg); va_end(arg); } static void format(char *mnemonic, Instr *i, char *f) { if (mnemonic) format(0, i, mnemonic); if (f == 0) return; if (i->curr < i->end) *i->curr++ = '\t'; for ( ; *f && i->curr < i->end; f++) { if (*f != '%') { *i->curr++ = *f; continue; } switch (*++f) { case 's': bprint(i, "%d", i->rs); break; case 't': bprint(i, "%d", i->rt); break; case 'd': bprint(i, "%d", i->rd); break; case 'a': bprint(i, "%d", i->sa); break; case 'l': bprint(i, "%d(r%d)", i->immediate, i->rs); break; case 'u': case 'i': bprint(i, "$%d", i->immediate); break; case 'j': bprint(i, "0x%lux", (i->target<<2)|(i->addr & 0xF0000000)); break; case 'b': bprint(i, "0x%lux", (i->immediate<<2)+i->addr+4); break; case 'c': bprint(i, "0x%lux", i->cofun); break; case 'w': bprint(i, "[0x%lux]", i->w0); break; case 'f': *i->curr++ = fsub[i->rs & 0x0F]; break; case '\0': *i->curr++ = '%'; return; default: bprint(i, "%%%c", *f); break; } } } static void copz(int cop, Instr *i) { char *f, *m, buf[16]; m = buf; f = "%t,%d"; switch (i->rs) { case 0: sprint(buf, "mfc%d", cop); break; case 2: sprint(buf, "cfc%d", cop); break; case 4: sprint(buf, "mtc%d", cop); break; case 6: sprint(buf, "ctc%d", cop); break; case 8: f = "%b"; switch (i->rt) { case 0: sprint(buf, "bc%df", cop); break; case 1: sprint(buf, "bc%dt", cop); break; case 2: sprint(buf, "bc%dfl", cop); break; case 3: sprint(buf, "bc%dtl", cop); break; default: sprint(buf, "cop%d", cop); f = mipscoxxx; break; } break; default: sprint(buf, "cop%d", cop); if (i->rs & 0x10) f = "function %c"; else f = mipscoxxx; break; } format(m, i, f); } static void cop0(Instr *i) { char *m = 0; if (i->rs >= 0x10) { switch (i->cofun) { case 1: m = "tlbr"; break; case 2: m = "tlbwi"; break; case 6: m = "tlbwr"; break; case 8: m = "tlbp"; break; case 16: m = "rfe"; break; case 32: m = "eret"; break; } if (m) { format(m, i, 0); if (i->curr < i->end) *i->curr++ = 0; return; } } copz(0, i); } void das(ulong *pc) { Instr i; char buf[100]; Opcode *o; uchar op; ulong w; w = *pc; i.addr = (ulong)pc; i.op = (w >> 26) & 0x3F; = (w >> 21) & 0x1F; i.rt = (w >> 16) & 0x1F; i.rd = (w >> 11) & 0x1F; = (w >> 6) & 0x1F; i.function = w & 0x3F; i.immediate = w & 0x0000FFFF; if(i.immediate & 0x8000) i.immediate |= ~0x0000FFFF; i.cofun = w & 0x01FFFFFF; = w & 0x03FFFFFF; i.w0 = w; i.curr = buf; i.end = buf+sizeof(buf)-1; i.curr += sprint(i.curr, " %.8p %.8lux", pc, w); o = opcodes; op = i.op; switch (i.op) { case 0x00: /* SPECIAL */ o = sopcodes; op = i.function; break; case 0x01: /* REGIMM */ o = ropcodes; op = i.rt; break; case 0x10: /* COP0 */ cop0(&i); break; case 0x11: /* COP1 */ if ( & 0x10) { o = fopcodes; op = i.function; break; } /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case 0x12: /* COP2 */ case 0x13: /* COP3 */ copz(i.op-0x10, &i); break; } format(o[op].mnemonic, &i, o[op].mipsco); *i.curr++ = '\n'; *i.curr = 0; print("%s", buf); }