ref: 7a29422cfefaf76315eafa82ca606f9ded9517b3
dir: /appl/wm/drawmux/dmview.b/
implement DMView; include "sys.m"; include "draw.m"; include "tk.m"; include "tkclient.m"; DMView : module { init : fn (ctxt : ref Draw->Context, args : list of string); }; DMPORT : con 9998; sys : Sys; draw : Draw; tk : Tk; tkclient : Tkclient; Display, Image, Screen, Point, Rect, Chans : import draw; display : ref Display; screen : ref Screen; init(ctxt : ref Draw->Context, args : list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; if (tk == nil) fail(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Tk->PATH), "init"); tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH; if (tkclient == nil) fail(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Tkclient->PATH), "init"); args = tl args; if (args == nil) fail("usage: dmview netaddr", "usage"); addr := hd args; args = tl args; display = ctxt.display; screen = ctxt.screen; tkclient ->init(); (ok, nc) := sys->dial("tcp!"+addr+"!" + string DMPORT, nil); if (ok < 0) fail(sys->sprint("could not connect: %r"), "init"); info := array [2 * 12] of byte; if (sys->read(nc.dfd, info, len info) != len info) { sys->print("protocol error\n"); return; } dispw := int string info[0:12]; disph := int string info[12:24]; info = nil; (tktop, wmctl) := tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, "", "dmview: "+addr, Tkclient->Hide); if (tktop == nil) fail("cannot create window", "init"); cpos := mkframe(tktop, dispw, disph); winr := Rect((0, 0), (dispw, disph)); newwin := display.newimage(winr, display.image.chans, 0, Draw->White); # newwin := screen.newwindow(winr, Draw->Refbackup, Draw->White); if (newwin == nil) { sys->print("failed to create window: %r\n"); return; } tk->putimage(tktop, ".c", newwin, nil); tk->cmd(tktop, ".c dirty"); tk->cmd(tktop, "update"); winr = winr.addpt(cpos); newwin.origin(Point(0,0), winr.min); pubscr := Screen.allocate(newwin,, 1); if (pubscr == nil) { sys->print("failed to create public screen: %r\n"); return; } msg := array of byte sys->sprint("%11d %11s ",, newwin.chans.text()); sys->write(nc.dfd, msg, len msg); msg = nil; pidc := chan of int; spawn srv(nc.dfd, wmctl, pidc); srvpid := <- pidc; tkclient->onscreen(tktop, nil); tkclient->startinput(tktop, nil); for (;;) { cmd := <- wmctl; case cmd { "srvexit" => sys->print("srv exit: %r\n"); srvpid = -1; "exit" => if (srvpid != -1) kill(srvpid); return; "move" => newwin.origin(Point(0,0), display.image.r.max); tkclient->wmctl(tktop, cmd); x := int tk->cmd(tktop, ".c cget -actx"); y := int tk->cmd(tktop, ".c cget -acty"); newwin.origin(Point(0,0), Point(x, y)); "task" => newwin.origin(Point(0,0), display.image.r.max); tkclient->wmctl(tktop, cmd); x := int tk->cmd(tktop, ".c cget -actx"); y := int tk->cmd(tktop, ".c cget -acty"); newwin.origin(Point(0,0), Point(x, y)); * => tkclient->wmctl(tktop, cmd); } } } srv(fd : ref Sys->FD, done : chan of string, pidc : chan of int) { pidc <-= sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS, nil); sys->bind("/dev/draw", "/", Sys->MREPL); sys->export(fd, "/", Sys->EXPWAIT); done <-= "srvexit"; } fail(msg, exc : string) { sys->print("%s\n", msg); raise "fail:"+exc; } mkframe(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, w, h : int) : Point { tk->cmd(t, "panel .c -width " + string w + " -height " + string h); tk->cmd(t, "frame .f -borderwidth 3 -relief groove"); tk->cmd(t, "pack .c -in .f"); tk->cmd(t, "pack .f"); tk->cmd(t, "update"); x := int tk->cmd(t, ".c cget -actx"); y := int tk->cmd(t, ".c cget -acty"); return Point(x, y); } kill(pid: int) { if ((pctl := sys->open("/prog/" + string pid + "/ctl", Sys->OWRITE)) != nil) sys->fprint(pctl, "kill"); } tkcmd(t : ref Tk->Toplevel, c : string) { s := tk->cmd(t, c); if (s != nil) sys->print("%s ERROR: %s\n", c, s); }