ref: 7a29422cfefaf76315eafa82ca606f9ded9517b3
dir: /appl/wm/brutus/mod.b/
implement Brutusext; # <Extension mod file> # For module descriptions (in book) Name: con "Brutus mod"; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Context, Font: import draw; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "tkclient.m"; tkclient: Tkclient; include "string.m"; S : String; include "brutus.m"; Size8, Index, Roman, Italic, Bold, Type, NFONT, NSIZE: import Brutus; include "brutusext.m"; Mstring: adt { s: string; style: int; indexed: int; width: int; next: cyclic ref Mstring; }; fontname := array[NFONT] of { "/fonts/lucidasans/unicode.7.font", "/fonts/lucidasans/italiclatin1.7.font", "/fonts/lucidasans/boldlatin1.7.font", "/fonts/lucidasans/typelatin1.7.font", }; fontswitch := array[NFONT] of { "\\fontseries{m}\\rmfamily ", "\\itshape ", "\\fontseries{b}\\rmfamily ", "\\fontseries{mc}\\ttfamily ", }; fontref := array[NFONT] of ref Font; LEFTCHARS: con 45; LEFTPIX: con LEFTCHARS*7; # 7 is width of lucidasans/typelatin1.7 chars init(s: Sys, d: Draw, b: Bufio, t: Tk, w: Tkclient) { sys = s; draw = d; bufio = b; tk = t; tkclient = w; S = load String String->PATH; } create(parent: string, t: ref Tk->Toplevel, name, args: string): string { (spec, err) := getspec(parent, args); if(err != nil) return err; n := len spec; if(n == 0) return "empty spec"; d := t.image.display; for(i:=0; i < NFONT; i++) { if(i == Bold || fontref[i] != nil) continue; fontref[i] =, fontname[i]); if(fontref[i] == nil) return sys->sprint("can't open font %s: %r\n", fontname[i]); } (nil, nil, rw, nil) := measure(spec, 1); lw := LEFTPIX; wd := lw + rw; fnt := fontref[Roman]; ht := n * fnt.height; err = tk->cmd(t, "canvas " + name + " -width " + string wd + " -height " + string ht + " -font " + fontname[Type]); if(len err > 0 && err[0] == '!') return "problem creating canvas"; y := 0; xl := 0; xr := lw; for(l := spec; l != nil; l = tl l) { (lm, rm) := hd l; canvmstring(t, name, lm, xl, y); canvmstring(t, name, rm, xr, y); y += fnt.height; } tk->cmd(t, "update"); return ""; } canvmstring(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, canv: string, m: ref Mstring, x, y: int) { # assume fonts all have same ascent while(m != nil) { pos := string x + " " + string y; font := ""; if( != Type) font = " -font " + fontname[]; e := tk->cmd(t, canv + " create text " + pos + " -anchor nw " + font + " -text '" + m.s); x += m.width; m =; } } getspec(parent, args: string) : (list of (ref Mstring, ref Mstring), string) { (n, argl) := sys->tokenize(args, " "); if(n != 1) return (nil, "usage: " + Name + " file"); b := bufio->open(fullname(parent, hd argl), Sys->OREAD); if(b == nil) return (nil, sys->sprint("can't open %s, the error was: %r", hd argl)); mm : list of (ref Mstring, ref Mstring) = nil; for(;;) { s := b.gets('\n'); if(s == "") break; (nf, fl) := sys->tokenize(s, " "); if(nf == 0) mm = (nil, nil) :: mm; else { sleft := ""; sright := ""; if(nf == 1) { f := hd fl; if(s[0] == '\t') sright = f; else sleft = f; } else { sleft = hd fl; sright = hd tl fl; } mm = (tom(sleft, Type, Roman, 1), tom(sright, Italic, Type, 0)) :: mm; } } ans : list of (ref Mstring, ref Mstring) = nil; while(mm != nil) { ans = hd mm :: ans; mm = tl mm; } return (ans, ""); } tom(str: string, defstyle, altstyle, doindex: int) : ref Mstring { if(str == "") return nil; if(str[len str - 1] == '\n') str = str[0: len str - 1]; if(str == "") return nil; style := defstyle; if(str[0] == '|') style = altstyle; (nil, l) := sys->tokenize(str, "|"); dummy := ref Mstring; last := dummy; if(doindex && l != nil && S->prefix(" ", hd l)) doindex = 0; # continuation line while(l != nil) { s := hd l; m : ref Mstring; if(doindex && style == defstyle) { # index 'words' in defstyle, but not past : or ( (sl,sr) := S->splitl(s, ":("); while(sl != nil) { a : string; (a,sl) = S->splitl(sl, "a-zA-Z"); if(a != "") { m = ref Mstring(a, style, 0, 0, nil); = m; last = m; } if(sl != "") { b : string; (b,sl) = S->splitl(sl, "^a-zA-Z0-9_"); if(b != "") { m = ref Mstring(b, style, 1, 0, nil); = m; last = m; } } } if(sr != "") { m = ref Mstring(sr, style, 0, 0, nil); = m; last = m; doindex = 0; } } else { m = ref Mstring(s, style, 0, 0, nil); = m; last = m; } l = tl l; if(style == defstyle) style = altstyle; else style = defstyle; } return; } measure(spec: list of (ref Mstring, ref Mstring), pixels: int) : (int, ref Mstring, int, ref Mstring) { maxl := 0; maxr := 0; maxlm : ref Mstring = nil; maxrm : ref Mstring = nil; while(spec != nil) { (lm, rm) := hd spec; spec = tl spec; (maxl, maxlm) = measuremax(lm, maxl, maxlm, pixels); (maxr, maxrm) = measuremax(rm, maxr, maxrm, pixels); } return (maxl, maxlm, maxr, maxrm); } measuremax(m: ref Mstring, maxw: int, maxm: ref Mstring, pixels: int) : (int, ref Mstring) { w := 0; for(mm := m; mm != nil; mm = { if(pixels) mm.width = fontref[].width(mm.s); else mm.width = len mm.s; w += mm.width; } if(w > maxw) { maxw = w; maxm = m; } return (maxw, maxm); } cook(parent: string, nil: int, args: string): (ref Celem, string) { (spec, err) := getspec(parent, args); if(err != nil) return (nil, err); (nil, maxlm, nil, nil) := measure(spec, 0); ans := fontce(Roman); tail := specialce("\\begin{tabbing}\\hspace{3in}\\=\\kill\n"); tail = add(ans, nil, tail); for(l := spec; l != nil; l = tl l) { (lm, rm) := hd l; tail = cookmstring(ans, tail, lm, 1); tail = add(ans, tail, specialce("\\>")); tail = cookmstring(ans, tail, rm, 0); tail = add(ans, tail, specialce("\\\\\n")); } add(ans, tail, specialce("\\end{tabbing}")); return (ans, ""); } cookmstring(par, tail: ref Celem, m: ref Mstring, doindex: int) : ref Celem { s := ""; if(m == nil) return tail; while(m != nil) { e := fontce(; te := textce(m.s); add(e, nil, te); if(doindex && m.indexed) { ie := ref Celem(Index, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); add(ie, nil, e); e = ie; } tail = add(par, tail, e); m =; } return tail; } specialce(s: string) : ref Celem { return ref Celem(Special, s, nil, nil, nil, nil); } textce(s: string) : ref Celem { return ref Celem(Text, s, nil, nil, nil, nil); } fontce(sty: int) : ref Celem { return ref Celem(sty*NSIZE+Size8, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); } add(par, tail: ref Celem, e: ref Celem) : ref Celem { if(tail == nil) { par.contents = e; e.parent = par; } else = e; e.prev = tail; return e; } fullname(parent, file: string): string { if(len parent==0 || (len file>0 && (file[0]=='/' || file[0]=='#'))) return file; for(i:=len parent-1; i>=0; i--) if(parent[i] == '/') return parent[0:i+1] + file; return file; }