ref: 7975eec3e602fd5bc3e93c78f4166259190f2fe9
dir: /appl/wm/samstub.m/
Samstub: module { PATH: con "/dis/wm/samstub.dis"; SAM: con "sam -R"; VERSION: con 0; UTFmax: con 3; TBLOCKSIZE: con 512; # largest piece of text sent to terminal ... DATASIZE: con (UTFmax*TBLOCKSIZE+30); # ... including protocol header stuff SNARFSIZE: con 4096; # maximum length of exchanged snarf buffer # Message types Error, Status, Debug: con iota; Sammsg: adt { mtype: int; mcount: int; mdata: array of byte; inshort: fn(h: self ref Sammsg, n: int): int; inlong: fn(h: self ref Sammsg, n: int): int; invlong: fn(h: self ref Sammsg, n: int): big; outcopy: fn(h: self ref Sammsg, pos: int, data: array of byte); outshort: fn(h: self ref Sammsg, pos: int, s: int); outlong: fn(h: self ref Sammsg, pos: int, s: int); outvlong: fn(h: self ref Sammsg, pos: int, s: big); }; Samio: adt { ctl: ref Sys->FD; # /cmd/nnn/ctl data: ref Sys->FD; # /cmd/nnn/data buffer: array of byte; # buffered data read from sam index: int; count: int; # pointers into buffer }; init: fn(ctxt: ref Context); start: fn(): (ref Samio, chan of ref Sammsg); sender: fn(s: ref Samio, c: chan of ref Sammsg); receiver: fn(s: ref Samio, c: chan of ref Sammsg); outTs: fn(t, s: int); outTv: fn(t: int, i: big); outT0: fn(t: int); outTsl: fn(t, m, l: int); outTslS: fn(t, s1, l1: int, s: string); outTsll: fn(t, m, l1, l2: int); cleanout: fn(); close: fn(win, tag: int); cut: fn(t: ref Text, fl: ref Flayer); findhole: fn(t: ref Text): (int, int); grow: fn(t: ref Text, l1, l2: int); horigin: fn(m, l: int); inmesg: fn(h: ref Sammsg): int; keypress: fn(key: string); look: fn(t: ref Text, fl: ref Flayer); menuins: fn(p: int, s: string, t: ref Text, tg: int); newtext: fn(tag, tp: int): int; paste: fn(t: ref Text, fl: ref Flayer); scrollto: fn(fl: ref Flayer, where: int); sctget: fn(scts: list of ref Section, p1, p2: int): string; sctgetlines: fn(scts: list of ref Section, p, n: int): (int, string); scthole: fn(t: ref Text, f: int): (int, int); sctput: fn(scts: list of ref Section, pos: int, s: string): list of ref Section; search: fn(t: ref Text, fl: ref Flayer); send: fn(t: ref Text, fl: ref Flayer); setlock: fn(); snarf: fn(t: ref Text, fl: ref Flayer); startcmdfile: fn(); startfile: fn(tag: int): int; startnewfile: fn(); updatefls: fn(t: ref Text, l: int, s: string); zerox: fn(t: ref Text); Tversion, # version Tstartcmdfile, # terminal just opened command frame Tcheck, # ask host to poke with Hcheck Trequest, # request data to fill a hole Torigin, # gimme an Horigin near here Tstartfile, # terminal just opened a file's frame Tworkfile, # set file to which commands apply Ttype, # add some characters, but terminal already knows Tcut, Tpaste, Tsnarf, Tstartnewfile, # terminal just opened a new frame Twrite, # write file Tclose, # terminal requests file close; check mod. status Tlook, # search for literal current text Tsearch, # search for last regular expression Tsend, # pretend he typed stuff Tdclick, # double click Tstartsnarf, # initiate snarf buffer exchange Tsetsnarf, # remember string in snarf buffer Tack, # acknowledge Hack Texit, # exit TMAX: con iota; Hversion, # version Hbindname, # attach name[0] to text in terminal Hcurrent, # make named file the typing file Hnewname, # create "" name in menu Hmovname, # move file name in menu Hgrow, # insert space in rasp Hcheck0, # see below Hcheck, # ask terminal to check whether it needs more data Hunlock, # command is finished; user can do things Hdata, # store this data in previously allocated space Horigin, # set origin of file/frame in terminal Hunlockfile, # unlock file in terminal Hsetdot, # set dot in terminal Hgrowdata, # Hgrow + Hdata folded together Hmoveto, # scrolling, context search, etc. Hclean, # named file is now 'clean' Hdirty, # named file is now 'dirty' Hcut, # remove space from rasp Hsetpat, # set remembered regular expression Hdelname, # delete file name from menu Hclose, # close file and remove from menu Hsetsnarf, # remember string in snarf buffer Hsnarflen, # report length of implicit snarf Hack, # request acknowledgement Hexit, HMAX: con iota; };