ref: 7975eec3e602fd5bc3e93c78f4166259190f2fe9
dir: /appl/math/gr.b/
implement GR; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; print, sprint: import sys; include "math.m"; math: Math; ceil, fabs, floor, Infinity, log10, pow10, sqrt: import math; include "draw.m"; screen: ref Draw->Screen; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; Toplevel: import tk; include "tkclient.m"; tkclient: Tkclient; include "gr.m"; gr_cfg := array[] of { "frame .fc", "frame .fc.b", "label .fc.b.xy -text {0 0} -anchor e", "pack .fc.b.xy -fill x", "pack .fc.b -fill both -expand 1", "canvas .fc.c -relief sunken -bd 2 -width 600 -height 480 -bg white"+ " -font /fonts/lucidasans/unicode.8.font", "pack .fc.c -fill both -expand 1", "pack .Wm_t -fill x", "pack .fc -fill both -expand 1", "pack propagate . 0", "bind .fc.c <ButtonPress-1> {send grcmd down1,%x,%y}", }; TkCmd(t: ref Toplevel, arg: string): string { rv := tk->cmd(t,arg); if(rv!=nil && rv[0]=='!') print("tk->cmd(%s): %s\n",arg,rv); return rv; } open(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, title: string): ref Plot { if(sys==nil){ sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; math = load Math Math->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH; tkclient->init(); } textsize := 8.; # textsize is in points, if no user transform (t, tb) := tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, "", title, Tkclient->Appl); cc := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, cc, "grcmd"); p := ref Plot(nil, Infinity,-Infinity,Infinity,-Infinity, textsize, t, tb, cc); for (i:=0; i<len gr_cfg; i++) tk->cmd(p.t,gr_cfg[i]); tkclient->onscreen(p.t, nil); tkclient->startinput(p.t, "kbd"::"ptr"::nil); return p; } Plot.bye(p: self ref Plot) { cmdloop: for(;;) alt { s := <-p.t.ctxt.kbd => tk->keyboard(p.t, s); s := <-p.t.ctxt.ptr => tk->pointer(p.t, *s); s := <-p.t.ctxt.ctl or s = <-p.t.wreq or s = <-p.titlechan => if(s == "exit") break cmdloop; tkclient->wmctl(p.t, s); case s{ "size" => canvw := int TkCmd(p.t, ".fc.c cget -width"); canvh := int TkCmd(p.t, ".fc.c cget -height"); TkCmd(p.t,".fc.b.xy configure -text {"+sprint("%d %d",canvw,canvh)+"}"); } press := <-p.canvaschan => (nil,cmds) := sys->tokenize(press,","); if(cmds==nil) continue; case hd cmds { "down1" => xpos := real(hd tl cmds); ypos := real(hd tl tl cmds); x := (xpos-bx)/ax; y := -(ypos-tky+by)/ay; TkCmd(p.t,".fc.b.xy configure -text {"+sprint("%.3g %.3g",x,y)+"}"); } } TkCmd(p.t,"destroy .;update"); p.t = nil; } Plot.equalxy(p: self ref Plot) { r := 0.; if( r < p.xmax - p.xmin ) r = p.xmax - p.xmin; if( r < p.ymax - p.ymin ) r = p.ymax - p.ymin; m := (p.xmax + p.xmin)/2.; p.xmax = m + r/2.; p.xmin = m - r/2.; m = (p.ymax + p.ymin)/2.; p.ymax = m + r/2.; p.ymin = m - r/2.; } Plot.graph(p: self ref Plot, x, y: array of real) { n := len x; op := OP(GR->GRAPH, n, array[n] of real, array[n] of real, nil); while(n--){ t := x[n]; op.x[n] = t; if(t < p.xmin) p.xmin = t; if(t > p.xmax) p.xmax = t; t = y[n]; op.y[n] = t; if(t < p.ymin) p.ymin = t; if(t > p.ymax) p.ymax = t; } p.op = op :: p.op; } Plot.text(p: self ref Plot, justify: int, s: string, x, y: real) { op := OP(GR->TEXT, justify, array[1] of real, array[1] of real, s); op.x[0] = x; op.y[0] = y; p.op = op :: p.op; } Plot.pen(p: self ref Plot, nib: int) { p.op = OP(GR->PEN, nib, nil, nil, nil) :: p.op; } #--------------------------------------------------------- # The rest of this file is concerned with sending the "display list" # to Tk. The only interesting parts of the problem are picking axes # and drawing dashed lines properly. ax, bx, ay, by: real; # transform user to pixels tky: con 630.; # Tk_y = tky - y nseg: int; # how many segments in current stroke path pendown: int; # is pen currently drawing? xoff := array[] of{"w","","e"}; # LJUST, CENTER, RJUST yoff := array[] of{"n","","s","s"}; # HIGH, MED, BASE, LOW linewidth: real; toplevel: ref Toplevel; # p.t tkcmd: string; mv(x, y: real) { tkcmd = sprint(".fc.c create line %.1f %.1f", ax*x+bx, tky-(ay*y+by)); } stroke() { if(pendown){ tkcmd += " -width 3"; # -capstyle round -joinstyle round TkCmd(toplevel,tkcmd); tkcmd = nil; pendown = 0; nseg = 0; } } vec(x, y: real) { tkcmd += sprint(" %.1f %.1f", ax*x+bx, tky-(ay*y+by)); pendown = 1; nseg++; if(nseg>1000){ stroke(); mv(x,y); } } circle(u, v, radius: real) { x := ax*u+bx; y := tky-(ay*v+by); r := radius*(ax+ay)/2.; tkcmd = sprint(".fc.c create oval %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f -width 3", x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r); TkCmd(toplevel,tkcmd); tkcmd = nil; } text(s: string, x, y: real, xoff, yoff: string) { # rot = rotation in degrees. 90 is used for y-axis # x,y are in PostScript coordinate system, not user anchor := yoff + xoff; if(anchor!="") anchor = "-anchor " + anchor + " "; tkcmd = sprint(".fc.c create text %.1f %.1f %s-text '%s", ax*x+bx, tky-(ay*y+by), anchor, s); TkCmd(toplevel,tkcmd); tkcmd = nil; } datarange(xmin, xmax, margin: real): (real,real) { r := 1.e-30; if( r < 0.001*fabs(xmin) ) r = 0.001*fabs(xmin); if( r < 0.001*fabs(xmax) ) r = 0.001*fabs(xmax); if( r < xmax-xmin ) r = xmax-xmin; r *= 1.+2.*margin; x0 :=(xmin+xmax)/2. - r/2.; return ( x0, x0 + r); } dashed(ndash: int, x, y: array of real) { cx, cy: real; # current position d: real; # length undone in p[i],p[i+1] t: real; # length undone in current dash n := len x; if(n!=len y || n<=0) return; # choose precise dashlen s := 0.; for(i := 0; i < n - 1; i += 1){ u := x[i+1] - x[i]; v := y[i+1] - y[i]; s += sqrt(u*u + v*v); } i = int floor(real ndash * s); if(i < 2) i = 2; dashlen := s / real(2 * i - 1); t = dashlen; ink := 1; mv(x[0], y[0]); cx = x[0]; cy = y[0]; for(i = 0; i < n - 1; i += 1){ u := x[i+1] - x[i]; v := y[i+1] - y[i]; d = sqrt(u * u + v * v); if(d > 0.){ u /= d; v /= d; while(t <= d){ cx += t * u; cy += t * v; if(ink){ vec(cx, cy); stroke(); }else{ mv(cx, cy); } d -= t; t = dashlen; ink = 1 - ink; } cx = x[i+1]; cy = y[i+1]; if(ink){ vec(cx, cy); }else{ mv(cx, cy); } t -= d; } } stroke(); } labfmt(x:real): string { lab := sprint("%.6g",x); if(len lab>2){ if(lab[0]=='0' && lab[1]=='.') lab = lab[1:]; else if(lab[0]=='-' && len lab>3 && lab[1]=='0' && lab[2]=='.') lab = "-"+lab[2:]; } return lab; } Plot.paint(p: self ref Plot, xlabel, xunit, ylabel, yunit: string) { oplist: list of OP; # tunable parameters for dimensions of graph (fraction of box side) margin: con 0.075; # separation of data from box boundary ticksize := 0.02; sep := ticksize; # separation of text from box boundary # derived coordinates of various feature points... x0, x1, y0, y1: real; # box corners, in original coord # radius := 0.2*p.textsize; # radius for circle marker radius := 0.8*p.textsize; # radius for circle marker Pen := SOLID; width := SOLID; linewidth = 2.; nseg = 0; pendown = 0; if(xunit=="") xunit = nil; if(yunit=="") yunit = nil; (x0,x1) = datarange(p.xmin,p.xmax,margin); ax = (400.-2.*p.textsize)/((x1-x0)*(1.+2.*sep)); bx = 506.-ax*x1; (y0,y1) = datarange(p.ymin,p.ymax,margin); ay = (400.-2.*p.textsize)/((y1-y0)*(1.+2.*sep)); by = 596.-ay*y1; # PostScript version # magic numbers here come from BoundingBox: 106 196 506 596 # (x0,x1) = datarange(p.xmin,p.xmax,margin); # ax = (400.-2.*p.textsize)/((x1-x0)*(1.+2.*sep)); # bx = 506.-ax*x1; # (y0,y1) = datarange(p.ymin,p.ymax,margin); # ay = (400.-2.*p.textsize)/((y1-y0)*(1.+2.*sep)); # by = 596.-ay*y1; # convert from fraction of box to PostScript units ticksize *= ax*(x1-x0); sep *= ax*(x1-x0); # revert to original drawing order log := p.op; oplist = nil; while(log!=nil){ oplist = hd log :: oplist; log = tl log; } p.op = oplist; toplevel = p.t; #------------send display list to Tk----------------- while(oplist!=nil){ op := hd oplist; n := op.n; case op.code{ GRAPH => if(Pen == DASHED){ dashed(17, op.x, op.y); }else if(Pen == DOTTED){ dashed(85, op.x, op.y); }else{ for(i:=0; i<n; i++){ xx := op.x[i]; yy := op.y[i]; if(Pen == CIRCLE){ circle(xx, yy, radius/(ax+ay)); }else if(Pen == CROSS){ mv(xx-radius/ax, yy); vec(xx+radius/ax, yy); stroke(); mv(xx, yy-radius/ay); vec(xx, yy+radius/ay); stroke(); }else if(Pen == INVIS){ }else{ if(i==0){ mv(xx, yy); }else{ vec(xx, yy); } } } stroke(); } TEXT => angle := 0.; if(op.n&UP) angle = 90.; text(op.t,op.x[0],op.y[0],xoff[n&7],yoff[(n>>3)&7]); PEN => Pen = n; if( Pen==SOLID && width!=SOLID ){ linewidth = 2.; width=SOLID; }else if( Pen==REFERENCE && width!=REFERENCE ){ linewidth = 0.8; width=REFERENCE; } } oplist = tl oplist; } #--------------------now add axes----------------------- mv(x0,y0); vec(x1,y0); vec(x1,y1); vec(x0,y1); vec(x0,y0); stroke(); # x ticks (lab1,labn,labinc,k,u,s) := mytic(x0,x1); for (i := lab1; i <= labn; i += labinc){ r := real i*s*u; mv(r,y0); vec(r,y0+ticksize/ay); stroke(); mv(r,y1); vec(r,y1-ticksize/ay); stroke(); text(labfmt(real i*s),r,y0-sep/ay,"","n"); } yy := y0-(2.*sep+p.textsize)/ay; labelstr := ""; if(xlabel!=nil) labelstr = xlabel; if(k!=0||xunit!=nil) labelstr += " /"; if(k!=0) labelstr += " ₁₀"+ string k; if(xunit!=nil) labelstr += " " + xunit; text(labelstr,(x0+x1)/2.,yy,"","n"); # y ticks (lab1,labn,labinc,k,u,s) = mytic(y0,y1); for (i = lab1; i <= labn; i += labinc){ r := real i*s*u; mv(x0,r); vec(x0+ticksize/ax,r); stroke(); mv(x1,r); vec(x1-ticksize/ax,r); stroke(); text(labfmt(real i*s),x0-sep/ax,r,"e",""); } xx := x0-(4.*sep+p.textsize)/ax; labelstr = ""; if(ylabel!=nil) labelstr = ylabel; if(k!=0||yunit!=nil) labelstr += " /"; if(k!=0) labelstr += " ₁₀"+ string k; if(yunit!=nil) labelstr += " " + yunit; text(labelstr,xx,(y0+y1)/2.,"e",""); TkCmd(p.t, "update"); } # automatic tic choice Eric Grosse 9 Dec 84 # Input: low and high endpoints of expanded data range # Output: lab1, labn, labinc, k, u, s where the tics are # (lab1*s, (lab1+labinc)*s, ..., labn*s) * 10^k # and u = 10^k. k is metric, i.e. k=0 mod 3. max3(a, b, c: real): real { if(a<b) a=b; if(a<c) a=c; return(a); } my_mod(i, n: int): int { while(i< 0) i+=n; while(i>=n) i-=n; return(i); } mytic(l, h: real): (int,int,int,int,real,real) { lab1, labn, labinc, k, nlab, j, ndig, t1, tn: int; u, s: real; eps := .0001; k = int floor( log10((h-l)/(3.+eps)) ); u = pow10(k); t1 = int ceil(l/u-eps); tn = int floor(h/u+eps); lab1 = t1; labn = tn; labinc = 1; nlab = labn - lab1 + 1; if( nlab>5 ){ lab1 = t1 + my_mod(-t1,2); labn = tn - my_mod( tn,2); labinc = 2; nlab = (labn-lab1)/labinc + 1; if( nlab>5 ){ lab1 = t1 + my_mod(-t1,5); labn = tn - my_mod( tn,5); labinc = 5; nlab = (labn-lab1)/labinc + 1; if( nlab>5 ){ u *= 10.; k++; lab1 = int ceil(l/u-eps); labn = int floor(h/u+eps); nlab = labn - lab1 + 1; labinc = 1; } else if( nlab<3 ){ lab1 = t1 + my_mod(-t1,4); labn = tn - my_mod( tn,4); labinc = 4; nlab = (labn-lab1)/labinc + 1; } } } ndig = int(1.+floor(log10(max3(fabs(real lab1),fabs(real labn),1.e-30)))); if( ((k<=0)&&(k>=-ndig)) # no zeros have to be added || ((k<0)&&(k>=-3)) || ((k>0)&&(ndig+k<=4)) ){ # even with zeros, label is small s = u; k = 0; u = 1.; }else if(k>0){ s = 1.; j = ndig; while(k%3!=0){ k--; u/=10.; s*=10.; j++; } if(j-3>0){ k+=3; u*=1000.; s/=1000.; } }else{ # k<0 s = 1.; j = ndig; while(k%3!=0){ k++; u*=10.; s/=10.; j--; } if(j<0){ k-=3; u/=1000.; s*=1000.; } } return (lab1, labn, labinc, k, u, s); }